


Attached: control-art.jpg (1280x800, 136K)

el goblino

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top-tier brutalist aesthetics tbph

Am I the only one who hates these ultra realistic games? All the people in them are deep in the uncanny valley and I also don't want to have video game characters look like actors.

They look weird af, but I thinks devs are not aiming at "normal" with Control

why's everyone is so fucking ugly in videogames nowadays

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Where's the gameplay?

Will the PS4 exclusive content come to PC?

Depends on the setting
It looked like absolute garbage in DMC5 because it didn't fit at all. Dante looked like somebody's uncle cosplaying an anime character

In shit like RDR and Military Shooter #2391 it looks alright

Another Remedy third person shooter that won't even be 1/10th as good as Max Payne

The various editions and planned DLC are annoying but I'm excited to play this game, hopefully the metroidvania structure is actually interesting

gotta agree. the environment looks great but the characters not so much

the lead chars look like they might be scans or derived from scans and then stylised a little to make them look more planar.

i think if they had gone a bit further with that (similar to dishonoured 2) they might have hit a nice balance.

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after quantum break I'm done with them.
enough sequel bait shit
where is Alan wake?
sure, let's start a third IP that goes no ware, who gives a shit

Sorry Remedy, this will be the first time I pirate your game.
Epic Games is shit and I am disappointed.

QB was good you mouth fed retard

Finnish develper and Italian publisher, Mämmipizza confirmed for best thing ever.

Attached: Mämmipizza.jpg (275x183, 11K)

>apologizing to literal whos

nah, Sam Lake already lost my trust

>Relatively tight pants
Hopefully there's booty. I only buy games if they make my peepee hard, and my quality of life has improved significantly since then.

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In modern Remedy games? Nope.

>yet another tech demo

Remedy hasn't made a good game since Max Payne 2