They took this from you

They took this from you.

Attached: file.png (1100x696, 1.58M)

What are they playing

Who did?

They didn't take this at all. You are free to do it. Nothing is stopping you.

Except you probably not really wanting it.

looks like Unreal T 2004
Pretty fun game desu

2000s are so cringe, lmao, I'm glad I didn't live through those times

looks like unreal tournament

Good. Anyone who actually went to lan parties know how horrible they were.

Attached: daycare.png (1280x720, 1.1M)

I honestly feel sorry for zoomers who never got to experience a childhood/adolescence without smartphones/social media/streaming, etc.

true. but today is even more cringe with kids thinking that video games and esports are cool and not actually for autistic virgins

Unreal Tournament 2004 for sure

>tfw 1998 PC in 2004
>tfw barely ran demo of UT2k4
I was just as alone as I'm now but at least I was happy

exactly, playing online with friends is far better and more convenient
nice trips btw

Playing online is always was far more convenient even in the days of morbid obese man's clogged artery speeds of internet. Setting this shit up took way too fucking long. And half the issue was someone always had broken ass computer we'd have to fix before we could even get in a game. Honestly I don't miss it that much.

Yeah people used to play good games.

>And half the issue was someone always had broken ass computer we'd have to fix before we could even get in a game.
it was me

Attached: 1552641767413.jpg (680x680, 72K)

what a cringey post

All these streamers thinking they are not cringe. Yeah bro, you are really cool playing video games, its what well adjusted people do and not awkward as fuck at all.

speak for yourself incel, I know a lot of gamer girls and had sex with some of them, gaming is a normal activity now, it doesn't belong to nerds anymore

Who? The advent of online gaming becoming the norm?

>that muzzle
Nice BB gun.

Thats exactly where zoomers are wrong. Of course you can still have sex, despite being handicapped with playing video games.

But video games are not a "normal activity" "now". They have never been. Marketing feeds you this and you eat it up.

its a drawing.

You can still go and do it right now OP.
You just need some friends.

of a BB gun

racial minorities and women

The only thing that went wrong with everything we hold dear in life is the magical portal that opened up between normalfags and the internet.

>the magical portal that opened up between normalfags and the internet
That's called smartphones.

what do they have to do with organising lan parties?
also, there's barely any minorities in my country

I would like to move to your country.

fuck off zoomer trash

How many modern games support LAN?

nothing dries my pussy faster than a guy telling me he's a gamer. Being shorter than me is pretty gross too

You wouldn't, it's a post-communist shithole otherwise.

So what you're saying is you're literally 11 or younger?

Nothing makes my dick go soft faster than a post like this.

Trips of truth.

Took what? 4:3 resolution?

Who even classifies themselves as a "gamer" anymore? Everybody plays games these days. That's like walking around telling everyone I'm a shitter because I take a fat shit every day. Whenever a female states that she's a "gamer", I instantly assume she's unemployed (or working part time minimum wage), not feminine, and probably smells similar to a male "gamer", which is basically like a fart factory.

So yeah, I don't blame you.

And CRT monitors

>all the virgin kids using LED monitors
>Chad Dad BTFOing them all with his glorious CRT

Attached: Chief-Keef-Mug-Shot.jpg (960x1200, 86K)

the fat fuck using the CRT.
thinfags using lcd.

sometimes things in life just match up.

>that mustache boomer with the huge ass CRT

If you're not baiting, I'll let you know that LAN parties were the most based thing ever. Playing Total Annihilation, original DOTA, Quake, Half-Life etc with your friends, endless banters and exchanging porn, it was the epitome of juvenile masculinity.
I'd be salty if I were a zoomer too, because you'll never get to experience it.

Attached: s-l1000.jpg (1000x703, 140K)


>hanging out with a girl that's my type
>at some point the hobbies talk gets to video games and tv shows
>"seems like we're a couple of gamers huh" "ahah I feel like such a nerd sometimes"
I never knew I could be so turned off by simple words. Didn't help that she considered herself an epic gamer for playing League of Legends and free MMOs. Usually anyone who carries their hobbies on full display like this as a replacement to a personality is just not worth talking to

>DoD lan party will never happen again
hold me Yea Forumsros

You've given me much to think about user.

No we just don’t need it anymore. We can have lab parties with randos on a public discord or your friends in different states/countries

Can someone photoshop shades onto the boomer, and a can of monster by his side on the desk?

>he must be 40 in that picture.
>He must be around 50 now.

>that one summer when me and the bros got all our xboxes hooked up together in a garage and played halo CE multiplayer over the local network.