Why does the esteemed career of game journalism lure so many human monsters into it?
Yet another gaming journo caught
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it seems to be that the louder someone sceeches SJW nonsense, the more likely they have some disgusting shit to hide...
Bad people exist.
Who knew.
he looks like a pedo
And it's yet another pedo scumbag who hate anime and claim anime is for pedo.
Remember to always assume anyone saying "anime is for pedos" is a pedo himself
kek. isnt this the guy who shoehorns "fuck drumpf" into completly unrelated articles? good riddance
Happens to be the case more often than not. To think swjism started as a joke.
The problem is that in the present, when a Conservative gets outed as a Pedo it's by another Conservative and with a bunch of Christfags rallying to fling shit at him and regulate him asap.
When a Leftist however gets outed, either the narrative gets shifted to "Conservatives do it too" to wash the hands clean from regulating, or it is defended by Leftists as is the case of the prepubescent drag kid stripping in a gay bar.
>peter bright
Is dumb
Any games with this irony?
He's never wrong
golden rule, every time someone is viciously advocating to ban lolicon, he's doing it to divert attention from real CP
>Dr Pizza
>Dr. Pizza
>Overwatch fan doing OK sign is not OK, but touching children in places is A-OK!
extreme virtue signalists seem to have some nasty shit in their backpacks more often than not.
reminder that these are the people who call us nazis on twitter.
What the fuck is wrong with people man?
You shouldn't be into kids, like what the fuck happened in your childhood that makes you attracted to a minor?
Most of the time you'd expect old balding fucks like OP's pic to go buy an escort for a couple hundred without risk of going to jail but this shit is wack.
Prime Resetera material
Thanks, doc
How do people not feel discomfort or cringe doing that onions smile? Even attempting it feels damaging to my pride.
lol I wonder how he'll fair in prison seeing as chomos are the bottom of the food chain there.
Add that to the endless list of reasons for ww3 to happen. The world needs to be cleansed of this fag as well as you and me.
Hey little girl, wanna learn some new Pokémon leaks? First let's start by Dynamaxing my penis. Next, My three friends and I are going to do a four-man-raid on your anus. We'll film it because the Galar region loves watching Dynamax battles on their TVs!
Moralfaggotry is always a cover for deviance.
There's no escaping it.
The most staunch anti-racists for instance are all racist dumbshits.
The most staunch anti-sexists are the biggest sexists themselves.
It's always like that every fucking time.
anti-gamergators will defend this
Lots of rich and old assholes are into kids. I think its mainly because they know they shouldnt but they can get away with it which excites those pigs.
>Ugh, stupid AMBER alert. Shut the hell up and go away
Funny how no games media outlets are reporting on this, yet you'll here endless cry posting about youtube misogyny.
Not defending an actual pedophile but I think racist shit all the time and that only makes me hope there are people not like me out there
Being part of the problem helps you recognize the problem
I honestly have no idea what he's talking about
Anti ggers are degenerate
forbidden fruit and shieeet
An amber alert is when you get a notification on your phone that an elderly rich man has found a mosquito with dinosaur DNA.
Do you not know what an amber alert is? Or had a phone in the past decade?
Sargon's Law.
>When you want the amber alert to go away but you ARE the amber alert
Here's your games journalist bro
I dont use smartphones, no. Neither should you zoomer
Longtime reader of Ars Technica. Peter Bright was the resident Microsoft/Windows shill. Not sorry to see him go. Looking forward to Eric Berger (the token Trumptard) going down next.
I have literally never received one of these. Is it an american thing?
Definitely not an expert on the subject but it seems these fuckers were sexually abused at some point in their lives and have warped views of sexuality.
Using Dr Pizza as an example he claimed he was teaching an 11 year old about sex. Utterly vile creature.
What kind of fucking asshole is against an amber alerts? Not even mad, this is hilarious. Never knew people got upset over such a thing.
It's an alert when a child is kidnapped or missing. It goes out to every cell phone in the region and describes the kid / vehicle / kidnapper. Obviously a pedophile would hate this thing.
you amerilards straight up never consider that other people exist, do you?
its not even america time, faggot.
Real talk children are sexy as hell.
The problem is these liberals have replaced God/The Good with "whatever makes pp hard" even if they dont outright say it.
Is that some american thing I'm too european to understand?
Lol can you actually provide one good reason for why not? You know, besides being poor or afraid of change?
>An amber alert (also AMBER alert) or a child abduction emergency alert (SAME code: CAE) is a message distributed by a child abduction alert system to ask the public for help in finding abducted children.
Pedos have genuinely weird sense of "humor"
>It originated in the United States in 1996.
Peter Bright has written literally zero about culture war stuff as far as I know. He role was to shill for Microsoft, Windows and Xbox (together with Kyle Orland). Climb out of your ideological hugbox /pol/ every once in awhile and maybe you wont need to filter exactly everything that happens through your political obsession..
>Dr. Pizza
It's like they want to be caught
>asstechnica's windowfag is a pedo
That's great
They weren't sent out to mobile phones until relatively recently, though. AMBER alerts used to just show up on electronic highway signs.
Let’s not act like the rampant racism and hitler is good meme isn’t real on here tho
They’re still pedos though
Yes. Possibly other countries. When a kid gets kidnapped or possibly kidnapped the authorities can send out a text to anyone with a cell phone with details about it so people cn call in if they see anything and can possibly track down the culprit.
Americans literally got mad that a fucking TORNADO WARNING are blocking their ball throwing show
>Sorry children, but that kind of intrusion just will not do
Oh I bet you had your own kind of intrusion lined up for them
I can see that this kind of people don't think about the consequences when they do something. Like their desires, their need for stimulant really just overpower any logical processes that's happening in the brain. Even so, why are these kind of people be stupid enough to get caught.
those bigots at /pol/ had it right all along.
yeah it's about exerting power, imposing your will and the destruction of innocence, fucked up shit
What a sicko. Maybe these journalists are against big anime tiddies because they prefer prepubescent children?
>everyone itt reveling in the fact that someone who advocates against something usually has shit in the closet relating to it
Is it really that shocking?
I'm assuming everyone in this thread, myself included, is racist as fuck for example; I personally do my best to support anti-racist stuff, isnt understanding the problem better than anyone a logical step towards trying to stop it?
On that note.
>Head Of Charity Against Sexual Violence Charged For Attempting To Arrange Rape Of Children
>literally outs himself as a phoneless shutin loser
stay obsessed you fat underage faggot
>literally going after girls so young that it gives Polanski the dry heaves.
not everything is about YOU, kid
I am openly racist though
>isnt understanding the problem better than anyone a logical step towards trying to stop it?
Considering the man in question was literally trying to have sex with children, I would answer that with a no
>dr pizza
Really makes you think
That shit is 1000 miles away it shouldn't be on my TV it's irrelevant to my day
God damn, the face is spot on on the last panel. Is it edited?
I doubt you have any bill beyond rent
Its a local child abduction warning. Your phone has a specific alarm that plays for it only. Could be a little unnerving if youve never heard it.
Don't forget NeoGAF.
Also there's a big pedo problem in the Transgender community where an obsession over discussing that children can understand sexual consent and sexuality, and an obsession over transitioning them as soon as possible, combined with the porn always ALWAYS being jailbait shit and evaluated by how externally youthful the object of the porn is, leads to systematic proliferation of pedoism in the Trans community.
>I'm assuming everyone in this thread, myself included, is racist as fuck
This isn't /pol/. user is not a collective entity that all thinks the same way.
I bet as a child he had head trauma
>tfw madly in love with a woman 13 years older than me
>tfw strong, amazing relationship but roadblocks at every corner.
>tfw my mother was a drunk waste of space
At least my parents fucked me up towards an easier road. Kojima knew.
Being imperfect is ok, but shitting on the imperfections of others to give yourself a moral high ground and using that to hide and continue to perpetuate harmful behaviors is disgusting.
Go back to facebook
No you aren't. On an anonymous imageboard maybe, but you are not "openly racist" anywhere your comments can be tied to you.
It's always SJW's/leftists.
Every single time.
Well, we either don't get those in australia or no kid has ever been abducted in my area.
Everything outside of America is irrelevant
Get off our internet please you filthy third worlder
the end goal of LGBT has always been about the legalization of sex with minors
holy shit, I hope he gets shanked in prison.
The tip is all he can manage.
thats an entirely different thing and doesnt send phone messages to anybody you clueless spastic
Why are men so disgusting?
It's now proof that if you say anything negative about Trump, there's an 80% you're some form of creep. Demonizing loners (Incels) is just now the new mustache for social pariahs like pedophiles.
>UK, Netherlands, France, Belgium
American education
>anime is for pedos
>real 3D children porn is "art"
SJW are fucking weird
This fag's gonna have a rough time in the pokey.
Culture war threads are mostly meetups for /pol/ crossboarders
I wish that I could solicit child sex online. These journalists get all the fun. Maybe I should become a journalist.
>comparing racism with pedophilia
why is the modern left so terminally retarded
Makes you think.
Jesus fucking Christ. Did you guys read the log? Don't trust anyone who uses those gender studies buzzwords.
Adopting Liberal politics does that to men. Gotta be liberal with children to be liberal right?
no I'm pretty openly racist everywhere, but I don't use social media because that shit is for suckers
What is the world coming to?
I thought you "people" had another website for this shit? Did it die again?
>be burger
>be born
>have to leave a tip
Is it still a crime to purge and eviscerate SJWs? Is it illegal to ask North Korea to nuke them?
>muh white peoples
mutts are obsessed
Maybe you shouldn't make houses out of papers so that there'll be less tornado warning
There are too many gullible regular people that got completely brainfucked by the media to think that trump is literally hitler up to the point where they suffer proper mental illnesses from it.
Journos will never pay for their crimes though.
Cucktholic Church has gone long ways to identify, punish, and regulate pedos.
Now call me when Pedowood starts getting the same treatment and self-regulation by Liberals. Ain't gonna happen.
Good damage control post, can I use it?
How is he a game journalist again?
I find it humorous that he, as a tech "reporter", did not know that you can easily shut off amber alerts on your phone.
fuck off pedo
UN should mention that statistic to bring americans together with muslims.they share a mutilated bond.
that's just called being a hypocrite, user
there's also these things called actions and intentions
having racist thought processes and going out to driveby some spooks are two wildly seperate things
a pedophile that knows he's a pedophile should seek help, not virtue signal on social media and continue his degenerative horseshit
It feels really good to be a blatantly bad person. Very liberating. I don't know why so many stupid faggots are obsessed with having a good guy facade that'll inevitably blow up in their face. Just be yourself man.
nope not edited
Stonetoss is never wrong with this shit
He's being dumb expecting you to know. An amber alert is a message sent out by phone service providers to all customers on the network whenever a child gets abducted in the hopes someone who hears it will recognize the description and help track down the abductor.