Baldur's Gate 3 new interview
Some important points
>No save import, sequel to Descent to Avernus
>About 100 hours completionist run, similar to Original Sin games
>Uses new version of Original Sin Engine, supposedly taken a completely new shift
>You'll see some characters from previous games
>The game is very party focused, but no information about how many party members you have yet
>BG3 is one of the games Swen wanted to make the most. When asked about what other game he wants to make, he doesn't answer. So might be a hint on they're working on another game

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Other urls found in this thread:

>sequel to Descent to Avernus
Which nobody never cared or read
>About 100 hours completionist run, similar to Original Sin games
Which original sin games requires 100h? its a 40 maximum if you slack a lot
>You'll see some characters from previous games
I bet all the gay shit from dragonspear and minsc.

>No save import, sequel to Descent to Avernus
>You'll see some characters from previous games
Aaaaaaaaand it’s going to be shit.
Not that an actual BG would have been good with Larian, but this will literally just be another zany Larian game, but taking place in BG and with HEY REMEMBER THIS CHARACTER FROM THAT POPULAR SERIES moments.

>most likely turn based
>very party focused
It’s like they don’t understand what made IE games and community so enduring in the first place.

That faggot said 1 + 2 were based on 3.5
He doesn't know what he's on about

who you gonna play Yea Forums? for me its ranger/cleric multiclass

Imagine Edwina in 2019
>so powerful
>so brave

>No real RPGs for 4e and barely any RPGs for 3e.
>Finally get a new turn based D&D.
>It's based on the streamlined action-rpg in tabletop format 5e.

Oh no

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>Which original sin games requires 100h? its a 40 maximum if you slack a lot
I've got 30 hours in the first DOS and I still haven't left the first map. What the fuck is wrong with you zoomers? You're supposed to talk to NPCs, read the lore, complete quests, explore areas and look for hidden secrets. You don't speedrun RPGs. Jesus Christ.

It’s 5e, it doesn’t matter what you play.

>>No real RPGs for 4e
And praise the gods for that 4e is utterly garbage. 5 is too but less.

please dont have the shitty randomized loot from Divinity...

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>in DnD5e
Never worth it unless you're doing some broken Hexblade sorlock or lockadin or sorlockadin build, and even then it's only good at higher levels.

Also, Ranger is literally the weakest class in the game.

I never played 5e so I wouldnt know

>Already making rpg codex niggers chimp out because no dice-roll combat

based Larian

Sorcerer obviously

Are you fucking mentally retarded
>Not dice rolls
You spastic children should be drowned at birth

>translating 5E into videogame
It's not happening retards.

Wait, is this guy retarded or do you actually not roll in 5e?

You roll in 5e ovs, but Larian does not do "to hit rolls" in bg3 apparently. Retard

I've been gaining interest in BG1+2 again after last looking at it half a year ago but I'm still not sure what alignment/class combo I want to go with. I made a half orc warrior but stopped after character creation last time. I gravitate towards being a moralfag normally which can get boring so I was thinking of going lawful evil, but I'm still not sure on the class.

Tiha is what happens when retards demand to play games but are to stupid to actually play Theo.

Imagine another NWN game where you create thousands of modules, campaigns and mods.
But no, another divinity original sin, but this time with a DnD skin, turn based combat and fanservice

>sequel to Descent into Avernus
Welcome to Baldur's Gate, a city of ambition and corruption. You’ve just started your adventuring career, but already find yourself embroiled in a plot that sprawls from the shadows of Baldur's Gate to the front lines of the planes-spanning Blood War! Do you have what it takes to turn infernal war machines and nefarious contracts against the archdevil Zariel and her diabolical hordes? And can you ever hope to find your way home safely when pitted against the infinite evils of the Nine Hells?

This heroic Dungeons & Dragons adventure book takes players from levels 1 to 13 as they journey through Baldur's Gate and into Avernus, the first layer of the Nine Hells.
Baldur's Gate is among the most iconic locations in fantasy culture. A mist-cloaked metropolis on the Sword Coast, it’s a place of history and a home to heroes.
The book introduces the infernal war machines to fifth edition D&D—battle-ready vehicles, which you can customize as you blast off into the Blood War.
Dungeon Masters will entice their heroes with devils' deals, designed to lure adventurers with the ultimate temptations of power and treasure.


Show proofs or paint the walls with your brains you retarded fuckhead

It doesn’t matter unless you’re a paladin or a ranger, and even then it’s all about reputation and your party’s alignment.
Paladin kits are really solid.
Fighters and monks have the lamest stronghold and are glorified tax collectors.

Just what I always wanted, Baldurs Gate cram full of randumb Larian humor.
Just make a new IP for fucks sake.

Google it niggerfaggot, it was in one of the interviews sven did where he talked about translating 5e to a videogame, you fucking nigger. suck my whole cock you braindead son of a goat.

I am not convinced a new NWN would spawn the community the first one had, or even the second one.
RPGs are not what they once were.

Would you rather have bioware or obsidian make BG3? No? Then sit the fuck down.

You made the fucking claim, either show the proof or fuck the fuck off you retarded cunt

So it will be divOS3 but in forgotten realms?

I'm not a TB fan but can someone tell me why WOTC did not push to make the first game and the whole series turn based (and doesn't seem to be pushing it for BG3), as tabletop is played in tb?

And also after larian made two rather successful turn based games?

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3 level dip into Fighter for Battle Master Maneuvers and Action Surge is worth it for pretty much all non-casters.

Stfu you fucking kike. Im not going to read all the fucking interviews again to spoonfeed your mongoloid ass.

What is all this name calling

I'd rather have nobody make it you retard, that's why I said they should just make a new IP.

>why didn’t they push to make the game shit?
Gee, I wonder

I could argue DOS was not shit for using tb (but i think it was shit for other reasons)

Welcome to 4channel, elephant scrotum wart

Where do you think you are nigger ?

Why not just use BG2s combat, it worked perfectly fine.

>I'm not going to give any evidence for my claims
>Do it for me
I'm not going to spoon-feed your arguments for you, jizz gargling mother fucker, that cum is rotting your brain so out the fucking cock down, and shut the fuck up

You're a dumbass. Would you also say that BG2 is shit because it has characters from 1?

I have no fucking preferences about gameplay whatsoever as long as they don't do something retarted as fuck like deciding to make it turn based for some fucking reason.

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>You'll see some characters from previous games


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Are you fucking retarded you human shitstain. Literally just fucking google it holy fuck and go suck my cum out of your mom's asshole you fucking fag.

>gameplay info
no gameplay shown

just fuck off

Not him but BG1 + 2 + ToB is the complete and full story of the main character and his companions and enemies, all wrapped up nicely

I might be talking out of my ass, but I remember Icewind dale being marketed as an alternative to Diablo 2 (same year of release, 2000), BG and IWD's combat system might have been influenced to cater to DnD fans and at the same time offer the kind of dynamic combat that wasnt diametrically opposed to real time hack'n'slash

It's not up to me to prove your argument right
You have provided no evidence, and so you are wrong
It's not my fault you're mentally retarded

>ranger weakest class
Was so weak they gave it absurd level 1 buffs in later releases.
>buff level 1 of ranger
>just means everyone who wants to play a ranger takes 1 level of ranger then multiclasses

actually just so you stfu here is the fucking post you dumb monkey

>There are some things on the chopping block, however. It's an interpretation of D&D, specifically 5th Edition, because porting the core rules, which Larian tried to do, >doesn't work. Or it works, Vincke clarifies, but it's no fun at all. One of the culprits is missing when you're trying to hit an enemy, and while the combat system has yet to be revealed, you can at least look forward to being able to smack people more consistently.

>"You miss a lot in D&D—if the dice are bad, you miss," he says. "That doesn't work well in a videogame. If I do that, you're going to review it and say it's shit. Our >approach has been implementing it as pure as we can, and then just seeing what works and what doesn't. Stuff that doesn't work, we start adapting until it does."
you fucking nigger kys.

That could easily mean instead of misses there are grazes, not that they removed dice rolls completely


can't really play evil in bg 2. you can make a good evil party but you hve to pick 'good' options in questlines for max loot/xp, always.

I think this could be a cool way to integrate spells like Fly.

That doesn't say they removed dice roll combat

Sure it could mean that. But do you honestly think that they are going to implement a graze system instead of just having guaranteed hits ? I really dont think so nigger.

>No save import

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Why wouldn't you see previous characters in a sequel
Some are canonically alive like Coran, who is a politician now IIRC. I doubt any of them will be available as companions though

Would that interrupt spellcasting for mages?
What about on-hit effects?
Mechanically speaking there can be a lot of differences between a hit that never misses but sometimes does 2 damage and a hit that sometimes misses.

Hmm. Lawful neutral it may be then.

Oh I see, that would make sense thanks

Poe did that in turn based combat

4e would be ideal for CRPG with its focus on tactical combat and a shitton of feats and abilities.

Because the setting has changed a fucking shit load?
Because BG3 has fuck all to do with BG1+2?
Because we don't even know where it's actually set do we?

Nobody cares larianiggershills

FInally improving DnD combat!

It's set 100 years after BGs. Takes place after Murder in Baldurs gate and Descent to Avernus and is related to originals. Just listen to interview you dumb zoomer

Will it have the disgusting AP and armour system from divinity 2? I seriously hope not.

You can still miss in Pillars tho, a roll below 25 is a miss, 26-50 is a graze, 51- 75 is hit and 76-100 is a crit.

>Descent to Avernus
The what? The book nobody read or gives two shits? I hope they will do some sort of tldr in the beginning of the game.

2 is a sequel to 1, not a completely unrelated story with a different player character with old characters shoehorned in to bait nostalgiafags.

i wanna know what you look like

So with no external bonuses someone would "miss" half the time and crit 1/4th of the time? What?

I imagine most conversations around here with the voice of Joe Pesci.

>To hit + to crit tied together

Yes I would rather have obsidian do it, what kind of question is that

For me it's Joe Pesci and George Costanza.

actually I fucked up, my numbers are not correct. the wiki says:
01-15 = Miss
16-50 = Graze
51-100 = Hit
100+ = Critical Hit

thanks josh.

>Why wouldn't you see previous characters in a sequel
Because just became a character is still alive does not mean he/she should or would be around where the new game happens to take place? Because that is a completely stupid coincidence and makes the world feel like it's so small you can't help but to bump in to every important character in the universe if you take ten steps?

Because it's pointless and reflects a total lack of creativity?

>Which original sin games requires 100h? its a 40 maximum if you slack a lot
Took me over 90 hours for enhanced edition for the 1st, 2nd is longer so you're very wrong

Keep your knickers on, you desperate whore.

>would be around where the new game happens to take place?
> Baldur’s Gate 3 will take place after these events “[meaning] you are going to see plenty of references to things that happened in city in the past
After hearing this sentence in the interview, where do you think you're going to meet old companions? And in BGs you have loads of characters who can live longer than a hundred years, wouldn't it be even stupider coincidence if all of them left somehow?

>Because it's pointless and reflects a total lack of creativity?
Yeah man BG3 having anything related to BG2 shows lack of creativity

I've got a question about the EE, are the new lines to original character all in Siege of Trannyspear, or did they get lines in the base game too?

I would love to see them animate all the stupid shit the attacks had as description. It's worse than reading a pokedex

>Beamsog does stupid shit with bg NPCs for no reason other than “look, it Baldur’s Gate”
>ohnonono time to post the pasta
>Larian does stupid shit with bg NPCs for no reason other than “look, it Baldur’s Gate”
>bravo, I wonder if they’ll let me play rock-paper-scissors with them

just in the DLC, no dialogue edits in main game, unless you count the new party members existing

What stupid shit did Larian do with bg npcs?

Play a good or neutral character. Evil is kind of an afterthought and you can't really be a villain. Being good makes sense but sometimes to get the best result you have to kill innocents. For example there's some fag in BG1 who gives you a quest to get back his enchanted belt. Magic belts are pretty valuable because there aren't many in the game. And the reward for the quest is a really small amount of money. So if you want the quest xp and the belt, you have to return it then kill him.

RTS was huge back then, audiences didn't want turn based.

>Not having attack rolls

Calling bullshit on this. This single change would fuck up the entire combat and change it to the point that it's not even D&D anymore. It would render the Dex stat totally useless as well as attack and AC and by extension every single spell, feat and ability in the game that effects these 3 stats, of which there are many.

I don't get it why people are pissed if it's going to be turn-based. Especially since the best D&D video game adaptation is already turn-based. Can I hear some honest con's against turn-based combat?

old good

The stupid shit Larian did with literally every npc in the last 10 years.

idk, i love turn based, it gives you time to consider your actions which is very important for tactical games. real time with pause lets you time to think but it's still a bit frantic, endgame bg2 fights is a lot of spamming spacebar every time you give orders, it gets kind of tedious after a while

And delay a second attack until level 8, at minimum? Not worth it until high levels.

nothing, he's assuming they'll fuck it up, which is dumb, they are obviously the best choice of studio in the world to make the game right now

As characters attack one at a time, large battles take a very long time. The game has to either have few party members and enemies, or have few mook battles

What is autopause nig nog?

i think the fastest one is auto pause on round end right? which is not fast enough, sometimes i want to pause 0.1 seconds after i've started a cast

Would be cute, but Infinity games don't actually maintain a round/turn order. I only use auto pause when my party detects either enemies or traps.

i should say sometimes i NEED* to pause 0.1 seconds after i've started a cast, or i get my shit pushed in. insane difficulty w/ scs mod, you can't just casually let the game pause whenever it feels right, you'll fucking die

Surely it's not going to be 5th ed, that edition is all about complete simplicity at the table, with a video game you dont have to do the maths manually so that dumbing-down isn't needed

Turn based tends to be slow, especially if you are playing multiplayer and in larger battles.

To be fair though, the real time with pause is also abysmal for multiplayer and barely functional for single player.

It's 5th edition but with changes so it's better suited to a video game. They haven't said what these changes will be though.

Turn based is older than rtwp, retard.

It’s boring, unnecessarily slow, completely mechanical, and makes the game a chore with anything that’s not an actually challenging encounter.
Custom programming the companions and even BG scripts are better, more organic, faster, more immersive and doesn’t make me wait for each of the 30 gibberlings’ turn to pass while they accomplish nothing and manually attack each of the 30 gibberlings instead of just letting my party mow through them in 1/5 the time.
TB was great when I was a kid playing shattered lands, but there’s a reason it got replaced in games that don’t focus on large, strategic battles and not cutting down the local wildlife and petty thugs every time you need to go somewhere.

>It's 5th edition but with changes so it's streamlined

Not all multiclass work in 5E but you have plenty to do. lot of optimized builds will use smart spreads. The main difference from 5e is that in a lot of cases, having only one class can still make you optimal.
That said ranger/cleric is really funny, good thing i play Paladin and can carry the fucking party.

>abysmal for multiplayer
i didn't even think about this, you're right it's fucking terrible. in bg you could give the other players permissions to do stuff, or you could assume all control yourself. i don't remember if other party members could pause if you played online. that sounds so fucking aids

>change settings/mod the game to be super hard
>complain the game is bad because of it
Every. Single. Time.
Why do so many people do this. Do they need to feel like they're hardcore or something? Just play it normally and have fun goddamn

Actually, the one example they give is that it wouldn't be streamlined but would add things to the game that aren't part of the rules but can be done in a game of D&D anyway.
The example was allowing characters to pick up things like tables and chairs and throw them. Which is not explicitly part of the D&D rules but something most DMs will probably allow you to do.

In BG 1/2 you had to give other people permission to perform certain actions at the start of a session, pausing was one of those. It didn't work well though and if everyone could pause/unpause, you'd get people constantly interrupting the flow of the game and if only one person could pause (not you), it was infuriating to have someone just pause suddenly but also made the game hard as fuck to play since you wouldn't pause to issue commands.
Real time with pause just didn't work well in multiplayer.

i have played it normally, then i got bored because it's too easy, so i made it harder. bitch more faggot

Sorry, grandpa, the first thing you do is find a guide so you have the most min-maxxed build and play with a step-by-step guide to every encounter open.

dnt get baited. took me 27 hours to get off fort joy island first time

It works if the roll is a curve bell - 3d6, 5d10 and so on. Basically multiple dice being rolled. Because you are much more likely to get average results than extremes. You can make it work even with a flat roll but than numbers needed to achieve each result must scale non-linearly - not 5-10-15-20 but 5-10-20-40. Or something like this.

so what you're saying is that instead of having a thousand thrash mobs you can blindly fight your way through instead the game will have to make sure each of it's encounters is memorable enough to make up for the longer time?

Sounds like a win-win

If they went turn based they could basically do a turn order like this

>Party turn
>Enemy turn

Aka the whole party moves at the same time after their actions have been decided in the planning phase, and the enemies all move at the same time

That fixes the problem of combat being long and it retains a lot of the feel of rtwp

battles in original sin do take a while but at least it lets you quicksave/load any time during battle, and i like it feeling like an epic battle anyways

you'd need a good way of communicating to other players for combining spells, like a ping on screen which original sin 2 does have. i can see a lot of miscommunication fucking up combos or everyone just doing their own thing

it's a fantastic decision and one of the best PoE ever made

TOEE had this I think. It has been a while though so I don't really remember how it worked exactly.

i think xcom 2 defaults to that and it's shit cause you can get crit quite often even standing behind full cover which is totally bullshit. there's a mod to separate the rolls so that even if you get unlucky and get hit while behind full cover, you're very very unlikely to get crit, which is how it should be imo

>Why wouldn't you see previous characters in a sequel
It's not a real sequel.
It's a cashgrab and uses a finished series of games to market itself.

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Is this going to be the FF15 of Baldur's Gate?

There was a time when I wanted a new Baldur's Gate. That was in 2002.

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PoE does not have cover mechanics so it doesn't matter and crits are not nearly as devastating in the game as in XCOM
it's a much better mechanic than the typical D&D d20 rolls

Crits with a second threat roll like in D&D 3E is the best system.
If you can hit the enemy easily, your crits will have a high chance for the roll. If you can only hit the enemy on a 18+, you have little chance of your hits being crits.

Just have a summary window before you execute so you can see what everyone does and then you can click on an individual character to change its action.

Install Immoen Romance Mod for BG2

Yeah, Bethcasuals sure are the intended demographic for BG3.


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Save import of a what, 20 year old series?!

Respect for anyone who still has a Throne of Bhaal save file lying around.

Does that mean that zoomers these days consider anything real-time where you control more than one character too icky?

except course, how this only applies to melee hits and everything else has a 1 in 20 chance of auto-win

Do classes really only have 5-10 spells per level? Are their really only like 10-15 monsters per CR?

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Ranged weapons like bows too.
And spells can't crit.

is bg2 also as&d?

nwn1 is good for 3e, and pathfinder is basically 3.5e+

>And spells can't crit.
they can just have their effects auto-apply on a nat 20 which is better than a crit

yes, bg 2 is based on 2ed d&d

>Divinity is in some way a spiritual successor to Baldur's Gate, you know, it has that same - thing - I don't even know how do you call it - about it
So, Divinity is a successful videogame, which means they're going to make BG3 a good video game and a good game in the context of the series?
They just show that they have no idea what the fuck are they talking about
>BG series was based on 3.5e

That's more than enough reason not to go near this one.

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What do you mean? Spells don't roll for hit (unless they are touch attacks) and even then a natural 20 on that still allows a save, doesn't it?

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How the fuck do you finish either original sin game in even close to 40 hours you absolute madman

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>Original Sin Engine

dropped, that engine looks like shit

enemy rolling a 1 on their save does bypass the save system which is just a single d20 roll
and a failed save against pretty much every spell worth casting is an auto-lose

For the player, yeah. Literally every enemy that poses some kind of threat in crpgs is immune to everything.

>BG series was based on 3.5e
where are you getting this shit from? there was one interview with a guy who said the previous bg game was 3e which is technically true (dark alliance), without expanding on that there's nothing to talk about

which again made PoE much better in that regard
spell effects were scaled down because they were more likely to actually hit, and in return bosses were not given blanket immunities to everything

>as long as they don't do something retarted as fuck like deciding to make it turn based for some fucking reason
Their two last successful games in their series were turn based, so it's A-OK to sell the same game under guise of an established classic series.

1's are only an auto failure for to-hit rolls. It's possible for your bonuses to saving throws or skills to be high enough that you auto succeed even if you roll a 1. At least in 3e, I don't know about 5e.

rolling a 1 auto-fails your save against spell effects in 2e at the very least

If you are fighting appropriate challenge rating enemies, rolling less than about 10 on a save will fail the save anyway.
This is only ever an issue if you're trying to death spell a dragon or something similarly way more powerful than you, and those enemies can have immunities and protective spells for this very reason.
And it's still only a 1 in 20 chance. Spells are limited, you don't have 20 spells to burn for this lottery. It's not like a physical attack which happens several times in a round.

Are bows still stupidly powerful until you start hitting +3 weapon resistance?

>Icewind Dale
>go into a new room
>8 archers in the room
>tank dies in 2 seconds
>reload, cast all protection spells available
>die in 4 seconds

All your spells being shit in general is in no way better than spells being great in general but useless against “bosses”

>no save import


>Uses new version of Original Sin Engine, supposedly taken a completely new shift

fuck. I like divinity but i don't want another divinity.

I hope that they meant to say that better armor = better chance to completely avoid a blow, as if better armor did the same as greater agility (dodging), maybe armor would just reduce/absorb damage. Even in DivOS2 there was a chance to miss a strike.

She's in

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spells were powerful in PoE, just not bullshit win an encounter in a single spell, powerful

In the interview he says Original Sin used the improved engine from Dragon Commander, which play nothing alike so it doesn't mean DoS2 and BG3 will play similar

There’s nothing to import.

i hope they change the combat completely. divinity original sin combat would not work for baldurs gate


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I just want BG2 with higher visual fidelity and some fancy new loot.

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I'm unironically going to put her into my party on my next BG2 run. You guys posted her so many times that I have to see this cutie.

why would there be a save import you arent playing the bhaalspawn

The best thing out of this announcement is the mad levels from real time faggots and Obsidian shitters

>tiefling and dragonborn are common races


Faggot that never played the game still pretend it was balanced when you had shit like storm spells, charm or petrification

>tiefling and dragonborn are standard races
>we want the female streamer audience

Can't wait to make a Dovahkiin in 5E!

wtf is a dragonborn

the fuck is this shit

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>Yea Forums trying to kill another Game before the release

All is shit for you gyus, why do you care in first place

Are Dragonborn barred from being Paladins? Because they look like they make insane Paladins.

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If all the shit studios die I can finally play my games from 1999 in peace without them getting my hopes up with horrible sequels.

so what is it, are the spells crap or not?

If WotC were fine with letting Beamdog anywhere near Baldur's Gate in the first place, Larian isn't going to be constrained by any standards either (save for selling copies, which they will going by popularity of their games, hype and brand name).

It’s been a long time since I played them but I believe archer was overpowered in BG1 and that katana specialization class was overpowered in BG2

>age quickly
If they are half blood shouldn't they inherit long life and super slow aging of dragons?

Some are some aren't but I don't remember completely useless one like goodberry or shillelagh

Yes, you can but...

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Because mutts deserve nothing but suffering

>since the best D&D video game adaptation is already turn-based
Could've sworn BG vidya wasn't turn based, boyo

oh look its another generic "better than humans in every way" race with a mythical past
and they're common enough to be a standard race

whoever came up with that should be shot

How do Warlocks differ from Sorcerers?

They've been around since 3e. Basically they provide way for people to play half-dragons without needing to deal with the ECL the half-dragon gets saddled with.

pretty sure those aint PoE spells

can I romance Edwina? She looks hot.

warlocks have a demonic cock up their asses 24/7

Hence why I don't remember them being in the game

None of that matters at the table, human bonus feat and skill point trumps everything else.

human outlander monk sounds fun. my first playthrough of neverwinter nights was a monk and i destroyed everything with my fists while facetanking every trap and poison while taking no dmg it was awesome

Some different spells
Art of learning magic (see pact magic)

Sorcerers are born with magical ability
Warlocks make pacts IIRC

Or just aggro all mobs in the general area, then gas as many of them as possible with spells.
Then there's the matter of
>Vancian casting

it's when you mom gets fucked by a dragon

I know, but you can clearly see how in lore they are super better than humans
"They are dragons but walk like humans but still get dragon breath, and they grow up faster than humans but still live just as long and they have a massive bonus to being good guys, unless they want to be bad guys then they get a massive bonus to that to so they're always heroes or villains"
BUUUUUT they're also super common

Pretty sure Larian is going to do away with vancian casting, aka the worst gameplay element D&D has

Does your girlfriend play kinky D&D adventures with you, Yea Forums?

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But is it turn+based?

>None of that matters at the table

have sex

Doesn't mention the dragonborn's damage resistance. Is it shit?

yeah monk can be pretty strong. What way will you go?

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>tfw you’re a brainlet but want to play a wizard
t. (You)

god I hope they change spellcasting, 5e is really fucking garbage for spells, even sorcerers get less than half of the spells per day they used to have

Vancian casting is literally the most brainlet form of casting
Every spell is so overpowered there's no tactical choices involved what so ever

They literally won't get a licence from Wizards if they try to pull something like that. The game should be reasonably faithful or you won't get to call it a D&D game.

who are these people who talk about "vancian magic"? fans of other competing fantasy worlds or something? who cares to complain about the way magic has been for fucking decades in forgotten realms

>there was no 4e video game and there never will be
Having a laugh here mates

They sure managed to have the most boring fucking races possible.

I'm trying to wrap my head around why this thread is so negative. Why exactly should I not be looking forward to this? Any half-decent game out of the west is 110% welcome right now.

>This is Yea Forums!

And you wonder why devs aren't taking direction from you. I've been saying for years that when it comes to steering the industry, it's important to be as positive as you can without permitting abusive practices and low quality material. I'm not saying to ban criticism or mockery (EA deserves everything that it gets and more, for example), but you shouldn't aim to accentuate the negative. You don't have to choose between sucking dick and being determined to hate something.

The tactics lies in choosing the correct spell for the situation, since you can only memorize a handful of them. And then knowing when to use it, since you don't have enough to spam them in every battle.

Spamming fireball from regenerating mana that deals 10% of the enemy's hp in damage is what takes zero tactics.

You’re making yourself look either uninformed or retarded, user.

It worked in Vance's actual stories where it functioned as an explanation for why wizards weren't using spells for every problem, and even without magic his protagonist wizards were still pulp action heroes who could handle themselves. In D&D thanks to the combination of level advancement, and attempts at class balance a high level wizard will never run out of spell slots and a low level wizard will be an anemic peasant after he blows his load for the day.

>Which original sin games requires 100h? its a 40 maximum if you slack a lot
Lies and slander

Brainlets who want to spam magic without thinking. You’d think that’s what sorcs and bards are for, but no, that’s too involved for some people.

hmm, stealth sounds shit, elemental sounds most useful for the whole game, the open hand one seems stronger lategame. i'll prob go open hand since i'll definitely have mages to cover my elemental casting

that's funny because OS2's gameplay is vastly more tactical than BG2's
Vancian casting makes it so that every spell is powerful enough that they are the correct spell for EVERY ENCOUNTER
and memorizing just a handful of them is a literal non issue: every single D&D game allows an easy way to regenerate all spell slots out of combat

What is the game coming out on?

-5E is trash
-It's not a sequel to the Baldur's Gate games, but sequel to an unrelated P&P story about the city of Baldur's Gate that literally no one on Yea Forums will play.
-Larian isn't known for good writing, especially when it comes to writing an epic story. Most of their games fall apart halfway.
-The guy in the interview it not even familiar with D&D or the BG games (he didn't know BG 1-2 is 2E and not 3E)
-Turn based borefest instead of RTwP

This is why.

cool kids think everything sucks maaaan

Swen makes it sound the it's not close to ready yet so most likely not this year

PC (Steam, GOG but not Epic Store) and Stadia

>The guy in the interview it not even familiar with D&D or the BG games (he didn't know BG 1-2 is 2E and not 3E)
cool lie bro, keep posting it maybe it'll come true in your dreams tonight

I'd honestly prefer to see 3.5's psionic system, but a lot of fantasy fans are autistic purists who can't handle a whiff of sci-fi in their magical realms.

That is exactly how it should be. High level wizards/priests are a force of nature.
If having limited casts is a problem for you at low levels, you should stop being a retard with one dimensional characters who acts like he’s playing a fighter when you chose a class that should work around combat at those levels because you are playing a fantasy nerd that needs a diary to be of any use.

That's not even true. Different enemies have different saving throws, no point attacking a warrior with a fortitude save spell. Monsters have immunities and vulnerabilities too. Damage spells were also toned down in 3E (or rather, HP pools went up) so you can't just throw a fireball into the enemy group and expect the battle to end.

it was both more interesting and better balanced
allowing you to dynamically enhance powers was a damn good mechanic

He also knew the exact gold amount you needed to collect to progress in chapter 2 of BG2. Everyone has brain farts

>make it turn based for some fucking reason
Don't you scare me like that user

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>Damage spells were also toned down in 3E (or rather, HP pools went up) so you can't just throw a fireball into the enemy group and expect the battle to end.
damage spells were always utter crap and there's no point in bringing them up in any way
fireball is a lv 3 spell that's worse than several lv 1 spells like say grease

is there a good campaign of 5e on youtube with

-no girls
-no sjws
-focus on combat more than shitty conversations

If classic DnD spells would interact with the world, it might be really cool. Just no more burning ground everywhere please.

>A dnd game has turn combat

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Why do you think having low level play be unfun is good design?

I wish they made a sequel to BG2 ToB.
We've never had a crazy high level D&D game.

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They'll make it turn based because it's plain better than RTWP and it'll be hilarious seeing you guys seethe over it.

Does this shit matter in tabletop? It must limit use of spells like fireball a lot
I read Haste spell for another example causes your character to age. I guess spells like that would get a lot less use too

yeah all d&d(instead of some) settings have, like WoW turned into comic book cesspools.

if you think you need more than 1 spell slot until level 4 in bg you're mistaken

Low level D&D has always been sort of boring, and high level is stupid. It's stupid in an entertaining way, but at that point I'd usually rather just drop the facade and play a super hero rpg.

on the other hand, burning ground made for some cool fights like say, the oil rig that turned into an inferno throughout the battle

>Half elf
>Folk Hero
>True Neutral

How gay am I?

>"That doesn't work well in a videogame. If I do that, you're going to review it and say it's shit."
If you cater to people who don't like RPGs, I imagine they would say it's shit.

You really just need archers and one guy to spam summons with a wand.

remember for the tabletop that you have a DM, so the rules become mere guidelines not absolute commandments
as such if the rules do supremely stupid things the DM can nudge them
or if someone starts abusing the rules to hard there's always the solution of "hit'm with the player manual"

>yfw no beamdog

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Have they said what the level range will be?

Casters have more tools at their disposal than spell slots, use them.
You’re probably one of those people who horde wands, potions and limited ability trinkets.

No, but it's a sequel to Descent into Avernus which is a level 1-13 module.

>I know, but you can clearly see how in lore they are super better than humans
Not him, but there is nothing wrong with this whatsoever. Elves should be magical übermenschen and not just silly treehuggers too.

There is NOTHING wrong with a setting having races that are objectively superior to humans in close to every way imaginable if not every.

Except there is literally no reason to play a human, then. Classes should be balanced with pro and cons.

>You'll see some characters from previous games
I hope that beamdog characters are complete ignored. Not even a pass mention of how they tortured to death by illithids or anything. Inexistence.

Which is all shit you won't have access to at early levels unless your DM is extremely generous.


10-20 most likely, given its a sequel to an adventure that goes to 13, and I doubt they’ll take into epic levels.

d&d elves were never better in every way possible though
dragonborn feel like bad fanfiction, the mary sue central kind

>don't give 2 shits about dexterity
>elf is suddenly garbage

If you were talking about TT, you’re even more of a brainlet than I thought, I was replying assuming the context is the limited scope of a video game.

Yeah I'm sure you drones are going to gobble anything Larian shits out

I love DOS 1&2, but Larian's humor & charm definitely won't fit in with Baldur's gate. I'm not sure they're capable of serious writing & atmosphere.

Other developers who could do it? Obsidian is probably one. InXile would probably be better.

No, fuck off. Balance is what ruins RPGs.

>d&d elves were never better in every way possible though
They should have been.

RTWP is a literal shit tier system

I didn't say balancing out all the fun, but there should be a reason to play humans.

>serious writing & atmosphere
argh did you even play the games ffs there's more comic 'relief' than serious dialogue, not even counting minsc

negative balance is what ruins rpg's
positive balance is what makes them great

if you ensure everyone is awesome in their own way the gameplay is fantastic

dual class. or is that not a thing in 5e

Man it sure was fun being a 3e monk in a party with a druid, wizard, and cleric, which are all classes that can summon a disposable monster that can outfight you at level one.

Why? I never felt the tiniest desire or interest in playing gnomes, I don’t give a shit about how good they are. If you play anything for stats and the concept, you are a fucking faggot, and if you get butthurt about another character having bigger numbers than yours, you are an insecure fucking faggot.

>beamdog set up purely to make BG3
>make the enhanced editions to show off their ability
>get NTRd by Larian the second they make something remotely original

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yes, 3e monk was fun

>Evil not allowed
Nice roleplaying you got there, DnDfags.

>If you play anything for stats
>in fucking dnd
what is actually wrong with you

Can you use mods and shit now NWN EE? What does it even add compared to DE?

Can I play Divinity 2 without playing 1? Has anyone played the PS4 version?

people thought siege of dragonspear was a bad thing. in reality it turns out that dlc existing ensured bg3 fell into the right hands. what a timeline

I’ll be honest, Dragonspear sounds better than this.
Maybe not if considered on its own, but definitely in the context of being a BG game.
At least people wanted to know about the intermission between 1 and 2, literally nobody asked for this.

How about being able to play the race that you like without having to feel like you made a nonoptimal choice? Also fuck you.

The stories between the games aren't really connected at all so you're fine starting at 2.

console controls are great, and no you don't need to play 1, 2 is set 1000 years ahead, and there are only some minor references, it's a totally different story.

What DnD edition will this thing use?

>Will use 5th edition, game was made based on a P&P version developed by WoTC first
>D:OS story progression was inspired by BG, linear/railroaded but with different approaches
>Some kind of co-op multiplayer, with a focus on the party mechanic
>Uses next gen of in-house engine, 4.0 with new tech
>100 hour campaign, estimate
>"no comment" response to easter eggs
>"no comment" on DM mode
>"no comment" on modding tools
>Will release on PC and Stadia, no confirmation on other platforms
>"no comment" on early access

who asked for sod. show me literally one post from anywhere on the internet. there's a fucking prologue to 2 for a reason.

>optimal choice

>I like this race
>except I want it to be different because I think it sucks

Nobody asked for SoD. Nobody asked for a game that barely fucking works, either.

Temple of Elemental Evil is a faithful representation of turn based D&D combat. And you know what? Even with the Co8 patch, it's still boring as shit.

Give me the RTwP of the Infinity Engine, KotOR, or DA:O.

>Guild Artisan
>Chaotic Neutral

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At the time BG was released the most sucessful and famous turn-based game was Civilization. I think they just didn't have an exact idea how to make the game turn-based and thought it was more appropriate for it to be dynamic.

>Even with the Co8 patch, it's still boring as shit.
Because D&D is inherently boring as shit.

This hurts me.

being contrarians again are we

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>its a 40 maximum if you slack a lot
Ok zoom zoom

I found it strange when I tried out baldur's gate for the first time, but after an hour or two i got used to it. The game eases u into getting used to it with the party party size in the beginning and their limited options. I reckon many other people who find the idea of RTwP gross could learn to like it if they are eased into it.

It was an easy choice for WotC. You have a studio that sounds excited when talking in their devs diary, good patch cycle, non confrontational in their PR, with a story of making games and two recent success in the genre. On the other hand... you have Beamdog. Easy choice.

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Any idea if Avellone is doing anything for this?

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I hope not.

IM worried about ruining the characters from previous game. I really don't want Edwina to teach me about her transexual ascendancy

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RTwP combat has always just felt like a frustrating cluster fuck to me. I could never find a sweet spot for the auto pause. To much and it looks herky jerky and takes longer than a game designed around actual turns would have. To little and it's just the AI doing its thing while I watch it happen.

Keldorn is a literal cúck.
BG2 was so progressive.

What're the chances this will be casualized to sell?

He is doing Fallen Order, new System Shock and new Vampires Bloodlines

What's with the Edwina thing? Did beamdog make him a tranny in their dlc?

I think a lot of the backlash related to this kind of dumb shit could be avoided if devs just kept their mouths shut instead of patting themselves on the back whenever given the chance. Then again it's the journalists that ask these kind of questions.

No, but Edwin is a returning character in BG3 and considering that he turned into a woman at some point, they can do all kind of fucked up virtue signaling with it.

>About 100 hours completionist run
90% of which you're going to spend reading shitty backstories of cliche characters with daddy issues you're supposed to resolve to get their precious magic sword. Fuck this elfshit. Icewind Dale and OG Fallouts are the only good classic CRPGs.

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He doesnt need to be a cuck if you sway him to kill everyone

True but there should have been a way for make pc to seduce Edwina, convince her to stay female and then mating press her.

During this time Edwin sought out one of the lost Nether Scrolls, an ancient artifact of immense arcane power, which he believed to rest in the dungeons deep beneath a tomb in the city's graveyard district.[3] In his attempts to gain their power, Edwin predictably fumbled something and was for a time turned into an amply-endowed woman.

happens in bg2, it's a memorable quest moment

>Icewind Dale
i just think you don't like reading, period

larian had none of this shit in divinity, I dont know why you are worried.

If it was Obsidian then you'd be fucked

best part is some companion reactions

Other thread died, so I'm continuing the discussion here

>Who the fuck else is going to make it?
Why would anyone make it? Why do we even need it? Why do we need more licensed shit? There wasn't even a cliffhanger at the end of BG 2. The series was done. And clearly Larian agrees, because they're not picking up on the plot from the previous game and are just taking the setting whole-cloth. Why are you okay with more endless sequels to more licenses that aren't originally vidya?

>It's not like we can do anything about it, it's going to happen regardless, and boycotting a game that might actually turn out to be a great CRPG is stupid.
I'm not saying that you can do anything about it or that you should boycott the game. You're right, it's entirely possible that this game ends up being good and worth the time. But if that's the case, then it only makes it even more annoying that Larian cucked out to Baldur's Gate, spent their resources working on someone else's property and left their own setting in a ditch somewhere because it wouldn't provide as many bucks.

Inb4 4 party slow as fuck turn based combat and multiplayer focused 'balance' which means no more demi god high level mages one shotting legions of enemies with a double length time stop and comets and horrid wiltings

Are you the faggot that made this shitpost?

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Found the illiterate retard

I like reading books. I hate reading fucking exposition and lore dumps in video games. Especially in a game by Larian considering how their "le funny" Terry Pratchett tier """writing""" butchered Original Sin.

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I am. Can you dispute those facts?

its DnD fag they can't just change the rules without triggering legions of spergs

I can, but I shall not waste my time with a /pol/tard

the cheese jokes were good, eat a dick

>Put an avariel in the game
>Don't want to bother with animating wings so just cut them off
Do you think Larian will do something similar

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original sin was a great game, get over it.

>PoE were great
Opinion discarded.

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they had a ton of gay shit like literally everyone is a bisexual faggot

planetars? armour of faith?

hi retard the story of baldurs gate didnt end with bg2 and there have been multiple DnD campaigns featuring the world and characters of BG.
Larian is continuing the plot AFTER the latest BG-based campaign. they're working with WOTC to decide the plot, they aren't just asspulling shit.
fucking retard.

This is a BG thread, so might as well ask here.
Going to give Siege of Dragonspear a shot since I played the shit out of BG1 and BG2 already.
I played BG1 modded with some extra quest mods and now my party is around level 10 on the final save. SoD premade party is level 7.
Is it going to be too easy? I don't feel like deleveling my characters.
If I play on insane without the damage modifiers for extra spawns, will it give a decent challenge?

>-Larian fans have no reason whatsoever to feel happy for the fact that Larian is making Baldur's Gate 3. They spent all of their time building their own setting with its own lore and universe, and the second they got the chance to go get some higher name notoriety for more Jew bucks, they took it. The average Baldur's Gate boomer grognard is gonna hate this shit due to lack of RTwP, a shittier D&D system, not a true sequel to the previous two games, and many other reasons. Meanwhile, the more entrenched Larian fans are staring at their masters working on the shackles of someone else's license, just like how Obsidian had to do back in the day ("No, no, no, you can't have an ending where you kill this character, that wouldn't fit with our tabletop books"). Larian has been cucked into wasting their development resources for someone else's property and they gladly do this just so they can get more shekels, whereas Obsidian ran away from that shit because it took away their creative liberty
This part is true

>Opinion (also cringe)
>Action asterisks were present in BG2's dialogue as well except they were action parenthesises instead. Ironically the implied actions allow for a wider array of RPing in your mind, but I imagine that's a lost lesson on an actual NPC
>Normal people don't care about franchises and just want to play games
>You're welcome :^)

I dont remember any of this, what are you on about?

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not unless you choose those dialogue options

It would've been fucking amazing turn-based tactics game but it's unplayable because of horrible writing and retarded implied but horribly communicated order in which you're supposed to do quests.

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Its """"based"""" on 5e, they said a lot of the shit that works for table top doesn't work in video games so they're adding onto it.

I'm getting less and less hyped as time goes...

>>Normal people don't care about franchises and just want to play games
If that were true, Larian wouldn't cuck out and make a new Baldur's Gate. They're doing that because they want more money with the higher name notoriety.

>reeee its just for the shekels
yes its completely impossible that they love dnd and bg and have genuinely desired to work on this for their entire careers

quit being such a jaded bitch faggot not 100% of people are jews.

It's referring to how the player characters can romance any of the other origin characters, AKA a feature that only is of interest to neckbeards that want to play house with their pixel waifu

If the games has
1. 6 party members
2. Real Time with Pause combat
It can't fail
If it has a shity 4 member party, I won't give a fuck about this game.

IIRC they also said they want players to just look at player's handbook or whatever they're called, and cast the exact same spells

Nah. There's a lesbian couple of warriors in the last town of Original Sin 2. There's gays in a fair amount of the game. I don't know why Larianiggers try to deny this.

I haven't played any game based on DnD worlds where should I start?

it's kinda like souls, you go somewhere, get destroyed, think ok maybe i'll come back later wgen i'm stronger. you know what other rpg did that? baldur's gate. you can go in to a random tavern, find a secret wall, enter it and get your face melted by a fucking lich

well 5e D&D is already that
5e is much easier to get into than older editions which is why it's far more popular than any previous edition

It's already confirmed it won't be Real Time with Pause combat. Larian is cucking out for the Baldur's Gate name but they aren't minimally interested in pleasing the original Baldur's Gate fans. They just want the series notoriety. Sorry, mate.

You can play as any of the main characters in Original Sin 2 and you could romance any of the other characters no matter if they are a woman or man. So basically there is no character with straight identity in Larian game. Even Beamdog made some characters who are either 100% straight or 100% gay. But Larian thinks that majority of population is bi

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They didn't confirm anything
Stop lying faggot

Being for shekels is the best excuse I can come up with for this. Why else would they be giving their creative liberty away? Why else would they be working on someone else's property rather than their own? Why else would they not go make their own setting or continue working on Divinity games?

If they truly are just fans of the series, like you claim, then it sure seems weird that they aren't even implementing RTwP, a staple of the series until they grabbed it.

there's also a based trad chad+thot white pairing relaxing by the river in the sun having a picnic, larian must be nazis

>A lesbian couple is present at the end of the game
>One of which is about to be executed
>Claims they're also elsewhere but doesn't provide any examples
Merely being present does not mean it's placed with an agenda in mind. Nearly all RPGs have a typical clown, jester or otherwise mentally deranged character but that doesn't mean the developers were trying to put you in their game.

I just hope it isnt as boring as Pillars of Eternity (lot of filler fights) and Torment Numenera (lot of boring wall texts and boring companions)

because the divinity setting is shit compared to the legendary forgotten realms and they know it


>muh agenda meme
cringe do you think that when a game offers you the choice to save a child, or let them die, that your character is like some autistic bipolar multipersonality type?

theres nothing wrong with trying to appeal to virgins of all kinds

Found what I was talking about:
> If you make a Mage, you'll be able to look at the last pages of your Players Handbook and find, for the most, exactly same spells. You'll have all the pieces you need to make a D&D adventurer.

>Even Larianiggers are willing to discard the Divinity setting that Larian has been working on for over a decade
Holy shit. Did you even play the Divinity games, other than 2?

start with BG 1 & 2

if you want to build your own party from scratch and basically just go on a big ass dungeon crawl
Icewind Dale 1 & 2

NWN 1 is D&D lite, you dont build up a party, your basically solo most of the game unless your opting to use a single companion to join you, usually a thief to pick locks for you if you aint playing one
NWN2 is more traditional, the original storyline is garbage with exception of the last boss itself, but the ending does tie into MotB it's first expansion which has an amazing story
Storm of Zehir is either love or hate it, it's similar to Icewind Dale in that you build a party from scratch and go wandering this giant ass jungle, very sandbox compared to all the previous entries

Icewind Dale 2 and later NWN 1 & 2 do a jump to the newer edition of D&D at the time and you'll see many gameplay changes between the two, mostly with the introduction of feats

Of course it is. Divninity setting is just a shitty copy of Forgotten Realms with additional Lizardmen royalty

i haven't played any of them at all and i don't give a shit about larian

I just hope they add in skills for melee classes to use. Playing a melee class in a CRPG based on DnD is so boring you have literally zero engagement.

its stupid if every romance is written as non gender specific and generic as fuck. they should have straight and gay characters so that the dialogue feels specific to that pairing

Oh, ok. That makes more sense. So you're just a /tg/ D&D fag that got attracted to this game because of its name? Well, you're the audience Larian is banking on.

If it's turnbased they'll have to I guess

i'll engage my 2h sword with your face, over and over

>still no gameplay
>still no screenshot
>still literally fucking nothing

did they even start developing the game

they can just write a specific romance for every pairing.. it's literally the same thing just more work for the writers

You are a dumb as fuck. All characters gives you an opportunity to fuck them. Even if you refuse, you already are aware that they are bisexual. Even Dragon Age was redpilled anough to have a straight Dwarf who would never flirt with a male protagonist. It made sense with the characters. Allistar made sense as bisexual as he was a twink boy. Sexuality is an impoprtant aspect of a personality. I don't want a fucking game where entire Dwarven or Orcish town is full of faggots who consider fucking men as possibility.

You're thinking too hard about this. That's the problem. Larianiggers don't think.

no im just an old rpg player who can recognize a better setting when he sees it and doesn't have any pointless attachment to any of them


It's not releasing this year so probably not.

You forgot the Arthouse Visual Novel.

Attached: wink.png (225x225, 4K)

Development had begun before OS2 released in 2017
If anything you should blame the modern trend of releasing teasers/trailers for the 'real' trailers

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There's no reason to keep making games for tabletop settings. It restricts creativity. More developers need to get some balls and establish their own settings.

To their credit, Larian did that, but I guess the lust for the shekels was too much, so now they just threw it in a ditch.

>muh redpill and agendas

fucking kill yourself retard the game mechanics are more important than your bullshit.

i'd rather have their be like 2 or 3 straight options 1 for fags and 1 for bi fags. then they can focus on other things like getting the story right. i dont want them wasting time making 6 different bi romances that path leads you to the darkside (see bioware)

>You'll see some characters from previous games

So stupid. At least it doesn't look like they'll go for the Bhaalspawn story (that story reached its conclusion and I hope they don't bring it back just to fuck it up). Also hope they don't make it turn-based. Pause-and-play is where it's at for these games.

It'll have to be since its going to be multiplayer. Real time with pause doesn't work with multiplayer and just sucks in general.

>Why yes, I play video games for their story. How could you tell?

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I never played it but BGs also had multiplayers though

>establish their own setting
retard, its painfully obvious that they wish they could have been making DnD games the entire time. their entire setting is basically a copy paste with some added witch-hunting and aesthetic changes. fuck off.

The beginning of this sounds like that story of Darth what'shisname

Nice collection of xbone exclusives.

>All characters gives you an opportunity to fuck them
the game gives you options to initiate flirting with them, which you can not click and then voila they aren't gay, it's the magic of roleplaying. like i said, the game offering the choice to decapitate a child doesn't mean your character is evil, unless you actually pick that option. pretty basic shit.

I'm so glad I was never a big fan of Larian and never built any investment or love in their garbage setting, then. Laughing my ass off at real hardcore Divinity fans. They got cucked HARD.

Edwina looks like that?!

Didn't Elminster turned Edwin back into a woman when he got too uppity?

a good writer can shit out a romance scene in an hour with a cup of coffee, they didn't waste time, os2 has fuckloads of content

would get magically dominated and snuffed by

>which you can not click and then voila they aren't gay
I don't think you understand how roleplaying works. If you ask them to date you and they agree, then that means that's what their character is defined to do, which means they're homosexual. You're only defining your character, their personality and actions when you're playing a game, not everyone else's.

No. The problem is that it should be normal for most characters in that world to be straight by default. Making everyone bisexual by default to appease virgins is still giving a message that the world of D&D somehow survived without the evolutionary mechanism that discourage its populace to fuck with the same sex. Its the similar mechanism as the one that make us not fuck our mothers and sisters so making every character incestual by default is as much retarded.

i dont think larian has that many good writers. they arent black isle studios or old school bioware

Yeah, it and icewind had pause with its multiplayer too. I found it kind of annoying where people could just lock up the game and only they could unlock it. Turn based works better because even if they get up to go get a drink or whatever then people can still play the game until its their turn.

yeah it sucked unfortunately, i tried it in the day, i tried it with the ee, it was never very good imo. orig sin co-op is excellent in comparisin

in the BG2 epilogue Edwin attempts to 1 up Elminster in a duel and loses and Elminster turns him back into a woman, and he ends up working in a tavern.

there's a reference to it in DAO

>No save import
Cool. Now I don't need to buy it.
when it was announced my first post was basically "no save import no buy". So I'm not buying it.

I mean if you play crpgs just for the gameplay or just the story you are definitely a retard

>Ever actually giving a shit about your actions and having consequences for them
Pfhahahaha, good one. These are the developers that let you kill someone and eat their entrails and then just have them show up later and say they were fine and using some magic mumbo jumbo that made them immortal.

BGs did this too, even having a canon party

NIce to know that Larianniggers are okay with SJW shit as long as theres content. GO back to playing Siege of Dragonspear, nigger. After all nobody forces you to talk with the tranny NPC

that's true in real life, but in video games you have more control over how the world plays out. these aren't real people, they are programs, and if you check the "not a fag" flag in the game code, then that character isn't a fag

they're not gay until you click the button that makes them gay

Basically, it's not SJW if Larian does it. That's the Larianigger excuse.

Can't wait for a Hexxat DLC in BG3.

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Utterly delusional.

did you honestly expect to be able to plug in your ratty old save from 3 dnd editions ago? what would carry over, your bhaalspawn?

There just should be romancable straight characters, romancable gay cahracters and NON romancable characters. Just like in fucking BG2, Dragon Age, Mass Effect and other games. This isn't a waifu simulator for weeabos. Like in normal life you will meet people who are either gay or straight and you wont be able to fuck everyone.

>its a 40 maximum if you slack a lot

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>Baldur's Gate game that isn't about the Bhaalspawn
Literally who cares

Think we'll get a romancable half sister this time

Tavern part sounds stupid, but give us a way to romance bored Edwina and bring her and her powers on an adventure.

you seem to have some sort of inability to discern reality from fiction, i bet you play dress up

I want to be her slave

Larianiggers don't want realism, immersion or coherency. They just want waifus and barrels of fire to shoot. That's "roleplaying" to them.

Attached: larian.png (1071x682, 712K)

Sup Josh

It gets a bit difficult near the end, and SoD feels different from 1 and 2 with how many enemies you fight at a time in encounters

If you want me to be Josh, I'm Josh. If you don't, I'm not. That's how roleplaying works to Larianiggers, after all.

>made a wannabe tranny character in SoD
>edwin appears as male in SoD instead of wearing the belt and using the chance to make a romance
SoD was such a waste...

>tfw BG3 will be turn based and Yea Forumseddit and dilating codex can't do absolutely nothing about it

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BG3 needs modding tools so people can make modules like NWN. It'd have tons of sales and long term players.

game is real time. check it on your gog launcher or the website

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I agree. I want realistic and serious characters like in BG2!

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Why would there be a save import you retard? This story no longer follow the same Bhaalspawn, and possibly not a bhaalspawn at all.

Good. That's what true grognards deserve for ever being apologetic towards Larian.

but bg2 had save imports

Not true. Skeleton man flirt with you before you react with gay intentions and then you need to play it straight in order for him to fuck off

You niggers need to quit pretending BG wasn't full of stupid shit and silly humor like

don't expect logic without any kind of sense or measure

I know it's using a new engine, but is it going to play like Original Sin? I only played the first OS and I just couldn't like it, characters walked too slow, battles took forever and it just felt aimless without a proper sense of where to go, didn't even finish the first town before uninstalling and never looking back. And in case it needs clarification, I haven't played Baldur's Gate 1 or 2 either, just Divnity Original Sin, but people says it's some good shit so I'm interested in this one.

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Well it won't be turn based for starters

You shouldnt be able to influence established characters to be either straight or bi. Just like you shoudn''t be able to influence a companion to become a pedo or a furry just like you.

I will never fucking buy the story that a Palladin or old Dwarf Warrior who both were rised in some conservative society, would suddenly become bi just because your faggot protag is flirting with them.

it's not using a new engine, they've been upgrading the same one over time, like bethesda only this engine works and runs well. nobody knows how fast the movement will be lol


Sorry, that's what I meant, it's using a new version of the same engine, which has me worried it would just be OS with a new coat of paint, but I had a brainfart while writting and fucked it up. Not that I have anything agaisnt OS is it's just OS again, it's just it's not my thing.

Why would you be in this thread then? You obviously don't like CRPGs. D:OS has hands down the best combat out of any CRPG so if you don't like it then you'll hate the others.
Also, you're a mouth breathing zoomer whose only trying to play story driven games for their combat. Go back to Fallout 4, maybe Todd will announce a Fallout 3 remaster for you today.

that's cool, you don't have to buy it, just don't click that conversation tree and it's not a part of your story. how did you guys manage to play mass effect? did you just break down mentally every time a paragon/renegade choice appeared?


Real D&D experience should be turn based and with dice throws. The only difference is that fights will become longer in turn base game

You're retarded and making a false equivalence. Of course you get to decide how YOU act. But you don't get to decide how other people act. If your companions are always willing to fuck you regardless of what gender you are, then that means they are, by definition, bisexual.

is there a transcript of the interview anywhere? i hate these videos that are 90% joking or sucking the devs cock

NwN2 or Pathfinder. Everything else is bad.

>I don't like Original Sin
>Therefore I like Fallout 4

That's a big leap buddy, just because I don't like [insert game you like here] doesn't mean I like [insert game you dislike here]. And games are made to be played, if the only thing your game has going for it is story, then just write a fantasy book. Also I don't like Fallout 4 either, just to make it clear.

Yes lariannigger, comic reliefs like Minsc or Morte in PS:T suppose to be funny. We dont need literally everyone and each NPC making Terry Pratchett joke

idk i can't wait to see, spell effects particularly, baldur's gate had some amazing looking spells for the time

but bg2 was rtwp

crit confirmation and thac0 were the most retarded shit ever, and you idiots know it.

Im having a blast playing 5e and bg3 is gona be awesome

Or pick pocket it off him

Maybe they will make save imports to BG3 when they also make BG4

Zoomers like you should just zoom zoom out of here and play Fortnite. Return here when you at least beat Planescape Torment

why do people hate thac0? is it just because it goes down instead of up? it's so easy to get and it works great, it's just an accuracy stat what's the big deal

Bows are going to be op in bg3 if they're like 5e. No longer need to dump feats to make them usable (precise shot etc) and you add your dex mod to bow dmg for some weird reason.

minsc is actually funny though. larian humor is cringe

Yeah, as much as I love the series, its writing wasn't anything beyond Salvatore's Forgotten Realms novels. That being said, I'm fairly confident Larian will come up with something decent. And if it's not, I'll still play it for the sake of the setting. I'm pretty sure that I've red/seen/played worse.

>Minsc is actually funny
Make sure to eat your vegetables and not your crayons, retard

Boomers are just the fucking worst. Your shitty games aren't any less shitty just because they were released 20 years ago, get with the program grandpas this what a modern WRPG should be like.

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idk dude i just can't see it like that, i dont view my party members as people, i've played too many games for that shit, they are meat sacks for armour and extra bag slots, their story is defined by what i do, they don't exist when i'm not playing. but hey you're talking to someone who plays bg with a custom 6 man party from candlekeep so maybe it's a personal thing

Oh yes

Mass Effect actually made sense and didn't try to appeal to LGBT trannies like you. Wrex was only into Krogan females and he didn't care that the player was a fat faggot in fedora who wanted his anime husbando.

>"I need aid soon, lest my hamster become an orphan."
>"Make way evil! I'm armed to the teeth and packing a hamster!"
Sure, Minsc made us all laugh back when we were virgins, reading Salvatore in bed before Mom came in to give us a kiss for goodnight and jerked our cummies out.

try original sin 2, the pacing is massively improved, they took the criticism of cyseal town start to heart, it's much more balanced between combat and talking. if you're worried you won't like it, pirate it.

also, i play with a sprint mod which boosts out of combat move speed a bit for running around. doesn't affect combat

off yourself

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i'm probably the most ardent anti sjw in here but ok i'm a tranny you got me

>Vincke: You’ve seen the teaser trailer? That sets the tone.

stop arguing the game is gonna be grimdark enough

>Unironic zoomer poster implying other posters are stupid due to their [supposedly] young age

Its literally holds up spork humor.

Imagine hating self this much

thanks dude, they fucking avoided asking if its gonna be TBS or RTwP

They're even willing to ditch their original setting in favor of post spellplague bullshit Forgotten Realms.
They're willing to make a sequel to series that won't and can't have anything in common to the originals lore-wise.
At this point we can start discussing whether Pillars' underdeveloped setting or half-assed ripoff Pathfinder is better than the one to be used in BG3.

>Pillars' underdeveloped setting
Wouldn't work, would be too far from what BG fans want with all its changes
>or half-assed ripoff Pathfinder
Would be a million times better

then don't ruin what isn't broken. If you let them all to be bisexual by default, then SJW will win because they will start to think that bisexuality isn't only refering to 0.05% population of this planet.

Also bisexuality as a default is just a lazy writing because there almost no difference in dialog whether you play as male or female. If none of them have sexual preference and there is also no gender norms set for females and men they you may as well have no choice in choosing your sex at all and just play as a genderless smoke ghost.

Yes. Rtwp was developed to attract the diablo crowd who lacked patience and just wanted to click click click not improve gameplay or make things more difficult. Even developers hated it and tried to resist it.

Pathfinder is a different setting than Forgoten Realms? I could have sworn that Pathfinder Kingmaker had same races and spells from Baldur series

again, i don't view all the characters as bisexual, in my game sex doesn't exist, idk what red prince was doing in that caravan with that girl, maybe playing uno?

>start adapting until it does."
Yeah, that doesn't mean rolls are going anywhere. Shit like streakbreaker has been in games for decades.

Yeah, that's why I am saying it would be far superior than the garbage we're actually getting as a successor to Baldur's Gate.

How is the world even going to work?
There was some catacylsm and world reset somewhere around D&D 4E or 5E, wasn't there? Is the sequel going to be in a completely different world?

He was obviously written as straight lizard man who was meant to fuck the other Lizardwoman. Him suddenly having the option to romance Ifan Ben-Mezd and me (playing as Ifan) even having the option to be jealous and having a gay talk with him was fucking cringe. No gay or straight person would buy that from these character archetypes. They just left it in in case the protag was a female OC or female lizard but didn't care to change it or remove if in case the protag was something else.

enjoy talking to random squirrels larianiggers

Pathfinder is better because Chris Avellone worked on it. Larian doesnt use comedy and drama in balanced way like Avellone did in Planescape Torment or KOTOR 2. They just want Pratchett memes and funny evil snowman. You can bet they will make references to Trump somehow.

Fuck no. Tons more.
Warlocks are a sort of edge case and function differently than druids, wizards, etc.

>playing BG1
>find a little boy who lost his puppy
>asks me to go find it
>oh hey it's a good old "find the lost puppy" quest
>complete it, though it's a cliche it's all in good fun
>bring the dog back to the boy
>mfw he morphs into a demon and absconds with the dog back to the comforting warmth of the Nine Hells

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>being a contrarian

Couldn't have said it better
Really the only way for me to feel excitement about this is to completely ignore the name of the game. Nothing to do with Baldurs Gate, ultimately. That story was already wrapped up

mm alright i can see why you might be annoyed, it just didn't really register for me at all. in a more linear game i would care more about sjw agenda but for crpgs in my mind they've always been about providing the ultimate level of absolute freedom to the player to carve any kind of story they want, so having choice to romance whoever you want just feels natural in that context. something like last of us 2 or the jk rowling "dumbledore is gay btw" makes me cringe

Haste only does that in ye olde 2nd edition. It was removed in 3E where it became a must have spell, since it was a massive party buff with no drawbacks at 3rd level. It's still good in later editions though now when the spell ends its target is unable to take action until its next turn. It also only works on one creature instead of like a dozen.

The huge blanket immunities is not really a thing in 5e (and I think most competitors have or are moving away from "nuh uh it doesn't work")

not every character should be gay/bi or even romanceable. that shit is cringe

No, it's more like turn based is the natural way to play these games and the success of Divinity has made developers comfortable with returning to normalcy. RTwP was only popular among neo-cRPGs because they were copying old successful cRPGs like Baldur's Gate, who in turn were creating games for an older market that wanted different things.

The thing about warlocks is that they do have a lot of spells, but they're split up into different patrons. What subtype of class you choose is much more important than for most other casters. Not to mention that they're generally more melee focused than other casters

damn my bhaalspawn must be old af, i think once you get haste unlocked i literally never have it off, as soon as i run out of casts i would rest and refresh, moving that fast is just too convenient, and seeing melee guys hasted in combat is too awesome and strong

summer's here

It's only your opinion, man.
Some people like their playersexual characters.

That is also the reason why that sculptor dude dies btw if you didn't know

I vastly prefer turn based, but it is true that turn based battles can be slower. This is part of why I like them, because it gives you time to strategize and think, though I admit that trash encounters need to be minimal in a turn based game. No more respawning groups of gibberlings, otherwise it turns into a shitty JPRG where you spend hours mashing one button to get past slimes and bats that pose no threat. As long as they design the game properly the speed shouldn't be a problem, expect for autistic zoomers who need cool stuff to happen every 3 seconds and don't want to think.