Attached: switch.png (601x564, 172K)
Hunter Morris
Anthony Lee
I have a properly functioning brain and regular testosterone levels
Josiah Young
Evan Campbell
Let's talk about Rin instead
Jaxson Morris
im 6’ but nice cope
Sebastian Garcia
I just finished Mario Odyssey actually. This is one of the rare times when I can say a game is really, truly overrated. So many better platformers than this don't even reach a quarter of the sales.
Dylan Sanchez
I do, waiting for Bloodstained and Silksong
Jason Wilson
too expensive
no games/most gates cater to children and underages in addition to being rehashes of games circulating since the 80's
high-maintenance (requires charging)
low resolution
low graphics
Gabriel Jones
300 bucks for hardware already 5 years out of date on launch
software pricing is silly too
Jaxson Powell
i have one and i havent touched it in 6 months
Leo Evans
I do though
Can we skip to the sex
Parker Adams
Cameron Gonzalez
No F-Zero, no buy.
Wyatt Hall
>bought it last year
>got early model
>hack it
Too many games to play.
Grayson Williams
I'm not really interested in Zelda,Splatoon,mario,smash or xenoblade
What does that leave?
Nathan Green
I want her to step on me.
Carson Adams
You're no longer my waifu, Rin.
Fuck off.
Camden Williams
Levi Robinson
I do have one. BoTW, Mario Odyssey, Smash, Pokemon, and Minecraft make it peak comfy. I also have an XboneX and PS4 Pro. It's nice to sit down and play some Destiny or Halo or Spiderman, but when i go out with friends its also nice to be able to play Smash together or collect some more Moon's in Odyssey. I don't get why people hate on it. It's almost like people only choose to get one console because they're poorfags or elitists.
William Cook
Wait, the switch hacks hold up? Where are you getting the games from?
Isaiah Rodriguez
I have one. If not for pokemon coming out this year I would've already sold it.
Leo Hernandez
Can it be with you?
Logan Ross
mostly waiting for SMT 5 to release, by then the price should have gone down
Ayden Torres
Zachary Torres
>Telling incels tohave sex...
Personally, only if it is with Arisu.
Kayden Mitchell
Ok. How much is your normal rate, 300?
James Morris
>I'm 6
Colton Carter
500 for you
Aiden Young
WiiU burned me too much.
No more buying consoles on their generation.
Wait a couple years and buy them then.
Jack Russell
haven't got the money
can i come round and play smash with you
Isaac Garcia
There are paid hack and fee hack. Supposedly paid hack is better because it can emulate actual switch cartridge or some shit. Free hack (atmosphere) operate like running eshop titile.
There's a discord group called /hbg/ where they have most if not all the title.
Go to /vg/.
Gavin Nguyen
the switch is gay.
Nathaniel Cook
because I put garbage in the garbage can, not on my shelf.
Bentley Baker
Grayson Ortiz
Too expensive.
Not enough games that cater to my preferences.
Any other reason is invalid.
Exact same situation. WiiU was such a bad purchase.
Nathan Williams
Poor and not enough games.
Might get it if SMTV is good.
Jose Martin
i just bought an rtx 2070 you fuck
that and bingbing station has like 3 games tops tnat are worth it
i can't justify purchasing a dedicsted smash bros machine
Adam Collins
i already completed BotW with better features and mods via emulation and i hated it.
Aaron Walker
I don't feel like paying money for Nintendo games.
Luis Martin
I will if you be my gf
Ryder Stewart
Here's 600, now spread your butthole because we're doing anal all night
Mason Kelly
My main platform is PC and own a PS4 for Bloodborne and SRW so I don't need anything else.
Carson Johnson
Waiting on a MM2 bundle
Still deciding if I want a switch just for MM2 aswell.
Jaxson Gomez
cause your games arent on there
Jace Murphy
I'll buy the eventual 3rd revision for the tales of vesperia and valkyria chronicles port.
Both should have been on vita but whatever
Gavin Hughes
I do, but I'm probably selling it at the end of summer unless nintendo announces something really tight at E3.
BOTW and odeyssy are good but honestly they're not worth buying the console, especially since you can emulate BOTW.
Alexander Nguyen
Mine felt into the water and its busted, so i wont spend my money again for another switch unless the revised switch and future games make it worth picking up.
I miss playing Smash tho
Ryder Reed
because I'm not balding, nor am I under 6 feet, nor do I have bad eye sight and need glasses, nor do I consume soi products on the regular. That's why I don't own a switch. Now the reason I don't own a PS4 is because I'm not addicted to slurping semen, getting dicked, nor am I on HRT.
Eli Reed
What for?
Matthew Russell
I fell for the switch meme and now it has 5cm layer of dust on it.
Jackson Green
i have one. its basically smash machine 2.0. maybe mario maker can change that.
Benjamin Nelson
I see, so your the fat, balding cuck-life kind of anger junkie
Caleb Adams
No, it was a shit post. Check my 5. Fuck you
Brody Richardson
Because I have a PC and don't give money to these people.
Matthew Diaz
user you have to buy the games it doesn't come with any games
Parker Phillips
>Requires charging
The horror!
Cameron Cook
You come off as very insecure.
Parker Walker
bing bing braphoo
Parker Roberts
But you are 400 pounds with a neckbeard and play on pc right?
Cooper Watson
Funny because you sure do act like a faggot
Anthony Long
Gave to my sister. I have a PS4 and PC. Switch barely has any exclusives worth playing that I haven't beaten and can't stand the controls. I'll take it back when bayo and smtv drops
Easton Long
Why would I buy a system I could emulate for free on my PC?
Jace Hughes
>"im 6’"
William Roberts
John Edwards
You can't emulate friends tho.
Brody Lewis
You wouldn't, only retards buy consoles when they can play on PC.
Dominic Brown
No job.
Brody Gomez
Under 6’4 is manlet status, nice cope.
Brandon Turner
Because i play games more often than once every 3 months
Evan Lewis
>Mario Maker 2
He won't need them
Aiden Reed
I could destroy you hand-to-hand, lanklet.
Evan Hall
I do
And I play it way more then my ps4 or vita
I don't really understand why people are still THIS salty about the switch, is it because its overtaken the ps4 in japan already?
Michael Thompson
Sorry? Couldn’t hear you down there
Ian Ramirez
I did have one. It had so few interesting games it got stuck collecting dust in my closet for months, thankfully I managed to sell it for 90% of what I paid for it, once the mandatory revision comes out it won't be worth shit
Joshua Ward
Yes. Nyggs are coping with the fact that they aren't edgy anymore.
Oliver Lewis
*charges you 120mph straight into the shins*
>gwuooohhhh? oh no!!!!!!
*legs snap off body due to zero muscle mass*
How sad. I thought he would have a little fight in him.
Luis Green
Eastern European detected
Christopher Gray
high IQ
Lucas Myers
Le ebin centrist
Jacob Diaz
>high-maintenance (requires charging)