Where is our realistic Pokémon game?
Where is our realistic Pokémon game?
Why the fuck do you want a realistic Pokemon game, did you just turn 14?
I-its okay if they're lazy as fuck, it's just the artstyle!
What's wrong with you, you can have a good-looking cartoonish game. Good graphics doesn't mean you need some realistic artstyle.
Not even a pokefag but... Please stop with this shit, it's embarassing. Pokemon is another one of those "muh traditional" japanese jrpgs where innovation or improvements are not allowed. Another prime example of this kind of shit is Dragon Quest which has the same story, setting, combat, and gameplay from the NES games today.
DQ has improved the graphics but not improved anything else, pokemon has tweaked the gameplay and added features but not improved anything else. DQ always gets a free pass for having literal NES gameplay for 30 years straight.
Last Pkmn game I played was Blue on the original gameboy, and I traded pkmn at school. Now I'm a wageslave and I own a switch, my hope is that it will be possible to exchange pkmn from hacked switches to unhacked ones, because my switchfag colleagues are buyfags. It'd be pretty neat to exchange pkmn with colleagues in the (((current year))) while at work.
Being developed by the name of YoKai Watch for NSW.
Because a game can look cartoonish and not look like shit
Damn, this is some next level retard shit.
Yes, indeed
>Everything has to be hyper realistic otherwise it's lazy!
Here's your (you)
I'm fine with cartoony, but damn Shiel/Sword looks bland and uninspired.
Literally the worst thing to happen to videogames.
Why did you compare a city to an outdoors area? FF12 isn't wanting for comparable examples to the bottom pic. It seems like you just quickly grabbed the first screenshot you found to shitpost.
Just like SnS.
Here's something I created in a few hours in my spare time...
What Pokémon could be.
>It seems like you just quickly grabbed the first screenshot you found to shitpost.
Theres a 100% possibility that this is the case with a 0.00000000% margin of error.
if you wanted to air your vag about DQ you could have made your own thread
Wild Area is probably the least laziest Game Freak have been in fucking years.
Realism is the killer of fun
>could be
>but only retards want
I can only imagine.
>real large open fields with Pokemon being the correct size in relation to the player
>town, cities and other man made objects that are actually huge and correctly sized
>every pokemon has a unique animation
Why gamefreak? Why? DQ managed it with DQ 11. You have the pokemon anime to get the sizes of pokemon. Why can't you just make a graphically good game?
I just want them to make 3D models that don’t look like untextured messes aren’t incredibly flat. I think that’s the biggest problem with the starter’s in 3D they look like their fucking eyes and mouths are just stickers on some balloon animals. And fucking Dynamaxing just highlights this shit even more.
>muh graphix
smooth brains
It’s the only thing we can complain about since we know they’re never going to fix the actual problems that the games have.
Nintendo and gamefreak has had the technology and resources to make a god tier pokemon game for almost a decade, they just choose not to because they know they can cut production costs and get away with it because people will still buy their games every single time based on brand name alone.
Sword and shield can't even be called ps2 graphics. More like ps1 graphics.
Scratch that, I meant to say more than a decade. I wish a pokemon colosseum like game would be made in modern graphics but it will never happen and I'm still salty.
don't you have homework to do kid?
Am I allowed to point out that Sword and Shield look like ass without being called a graphics fag?
I don't care about ultra modern or realistic graphics. I just want the game to look "nice" and this looks really fucking bad.
>Am I allowed to point out that Sword and Shield look like ass without being called a graphics fag?
fuck off graphicsfag
top looks more realistic and gritty but bottom has a more inviting and vibrant art style
Top game shit
Bottom game good
of course a sony retard wouldnt understand that.
Can you next time post the ps2 version instead of the hd remaster
Nice picture.
Colorful artistic style > Brown shit reality
I don't get it. They look fucking perfect.
>some barren wasteland with nothing in it
>literally 3 models
>96% gpu at 47fps
Do people just seriously not get that there are over 800 pokemon, soon to probably be 900+, as well as characters that all need to be uniquely rigged, textured and animated, and that, y'know, this costs resources?
I want Pokemon's overworld to look more refined and detailed just like everyone else (not realistic, because that's fucking retarded), but I can't think of any other game that comes close to the amount of bespoke modelling and animation work that Pokemon have to allocate probably a huge portion of there budget to.
Gamefreak haven't made a good game in over a decade, and this lazy shit won't be any different.
Meanwhile actual graphic designers and experts think the game looks pretty good for what is being shown, and just could use a few small improvements here and there to make it really nice looking. Even your image looks decent, and you took it from a stream with shit resolution.
Actual graphic designer and expert here, this game looks like shit.
It looks like a GameCube game.
>Do people just seriously not get that there are over 800 pokemon
Pokemon is the highest grossing franchise in the world, even bigger than star wars.
They use the same engine, pretty much unchanged, for an entire console gen, during which time they develop ~6 games, each selling many millions of copies
They have re-used assets throughout the entire 3DS gen, they should make new models and use them for the entirety of this gen.
Instead, they have re-used everything that was made for a 2010 console that was already dated for its time, and will continue to do as little effort as possible because retards like you enable them.
And even putting graphics aside, their games are still managing to get worse in each iteration, to the point where even remakes of their previous (good) games are now shit.
what about pokemon XD?
>Meanwhile actual graphic designers and experts
fucking lol
Yea Forumsintendogaf will defend this to death. Do not even bother
What does actual graphic designers think about this?
That's why there's also a large group shitting on Nintendo here right? Because Yea Forums is a Nintendo board?
You got your dose of realism with Detective Pikachu. Movie graphics > game graphics no matter what, so giving into what you want will just have people say it looks like a worse Detective Pikachu. Plus then the style is different than the anime and that is bad for the brand
You should tell Call of Duty that
it looks worse than a gamecube game. it just straight up looks like a 3DS game
>every pokemon has a unique animation
There's simply too many pokemon at this point
Here (you) go.
Engines get constantly updated and worked on, especially if it's an in-house engine, and for a stylized game they wouldn't even need to update or overhaul huge features in the same way a lot of companies had to incorporate global illumination a few years ago and more recently real time ray tracing. Everyone who doesn't work in games seems to think that you just get a new engine and you're good to go when the reality is way less leaps and bounds and much more incremental.
People pulled the 3D models from X and Y and found they were way more high-poly than the in-game reduced versions, so they were smart enough to futureproof their models - why the fuck would you remake 800+ assets when you can reuse what already looks good for a stylized game and instead focus on improving the rendering techniques used to portray these pokemon?
Also, I never fucking said anything about supporting them or being a retard for enabling them - USUM were the first games in the mainline series I didn't buy because of how lazy they were in what was meant to be a 2.0 of Sun and Moon, and I've been pretty sick of how empty and linear the overworlds have been since X and Y and how easy the game has been since then too.
I fucking hate certain things GameFreak are doing just as much as the rest of you but at least criticize the things that are worth criticizing rather than slating the entire fucking thing.
Why people obsess over graphics and not actually want GF to evolve the formula? Not adding stupid shit like giant mons.
Evolve the formula how? There's only so much shit you can tack on. I think you want them to rework it, not evolve. Evolving the current gameplay gave us mega evolutions and Z-moves in the past (I do actually like mega evolutions, not the way they were handled)
>some barren wasteland with nothing in it
So exactly like pokemon?
Well for starters, they can keep overworld Pokemon for every encounter instead of just some. And they can keep Pokemon following the player. Or how about keeping the VS Seeker to allow rematches and bringing back the PWT or Battle Frontier? And implementing double/triple/rotation battles without killing the framerate? Or giving the player more freedom throughout the whole game instead of just the "Wild Area"? etc....
That's not even evolving, that's not devolving.
Why are Game freak so fucking retarded.
Fuck off back to your containment board.
Sword and Shield honestly looks barely better than the 3DS games upscaled for fuck sake.
it's not the artstyle's fault nigger, that's not WHY it looks bad, and realistic graphics would manage to be even worse
it looks like the the emulated ps2 version but it's a stupid comparison regardless, it's irrelevant
Skyward Sword came out 8 years ago.
why does Sword and Shield look worse than a wii title.
Hey, that's unfair. FFXII is a masterpiece the likes of which will never be seen again. It's the last great grand RPG of the PS2 era, an expansive and thoughtful masterpiece with a rock-solid cast of characters.
What I wouldn't give to go back to Ivalice one more time.
The music is better too.
>, did you just turn 14?
Are you a pedophile? Creepy q
You can have a good looking cartoonish game, but SWSH is not an example of one.
Pokemon will NEVER look better than gen 5 did.
Gen 4 looked better than Gen 5.
Gen 5 had ugly pixelated pokemon that "Moved".
>Skyward Sword came out 8 years ago.
>Pokemon is another one of those "muh traditional" japanese jrpgs where innovation or improvements are not allowed.
>Last Pkmn game I played was Blue on the original gameboy
Make less obvious bait.
Don't worry I'm only about the cute and funny girls, I'm no homo
But that's exactly my point
>they just choose not to because they know they can cut production costs and get away with it because people will still buy their games every single time based on brand name alone.
pretty much this, this is the sole reason pokemon games look like ass, because nintendo makes them for the bare minimum and get a 1500% return on investment
>subtle implication you won’t buy it anyway you fucking faggot
Funny how Nintenfaggots will relentlessly scrutinize some college kid's unreal engine mario fangame shit but will turn a blind eye to their multi billion dollar corporation's incompetence.
no-one but the most blind fanboys are defending gamefreak's incompetence
>OP is an autistic 12 year old that googled PS2 games and is incapable of realizing that graphical quality is a conscious choice
>because nintendo makes them
>nintendo makes them
I just hate how all the new starters have big round bobbleheads
No Pokemon generation has ever had six games, retard
the are designed with the toy market in mind. need to optimize profit
Do you think it pisses off toy designers whenever they need to go back and design toys for overly complicated older Pokemon like Nidoking or Rhyhorn?
didn't prevent gen 5 to 7 starters from having varied head shapes
Ages 1-13: This cartoony aesthetic is fun and great!
Ages 14-16: WTF! This isn't Call of Dude: Edgy Ops! Give me fucking realistic gore, why is this children's RPG so childish!? Nintendo should include me in their focus group for testing! This is shit! Grow up! OMG!
Ages 17-??: This cartoony aesthetic is fun and great!
They are designed with Pokémon fans in mind. No one gives a shit about that one edgelord manga.
It's the first time GameFreak have attempted any sort of reflections, give them a break
i doubt it. the complicated pokemon usually just look like shit as toys, or are some 20-30 dollar figure with moving parts from what I have seen.
I am just saying what it looks like. Seems way easier to mass produce toys when the three starters can use simple and similar injection molds. big heads are probably more popular with kids
Individual save slots on the same cartridge when?
Gamefreak is fucking inexcusably awful. Moneygrubbing greedy little shitsticks who demand that you buy a second copy of the same game for a second playthrough. Literally releases their new games in slightly altered pairs for twice the sales.
looks like shit lmao
this looks like shit tho
Cool 3 official models dropped into an Unreal test map, now make a game out of it. Even a 1:1 remake of RBY will do.
Have you ever considered that, perhaps, Pokemon is a kids' game and that kids are really drawn to bright pastel color on simplistic geometry? If not, may I suggest you go out and observe real kids?
Everything in this image looks like shit.
- Absurdly flat terrain and low res texture.
- Awful tree looks like a billboard.
- Awful leaves.
- Awful water.
- Awful background.
- Awful sky.
- The player model doesn't fit in with the rest of the game.
How can the original Red/Green look unironically better than this shit?
I would change into:
Ages 1-11 : playing Nintendo because parents bought it
Ages 12-23 : asking parents to buy Sony because "I'm not a kid anymore"
Ages 24- : Who fucking cares about console war, I just want to have fun
Sadly some people might be blocked in the second age category until 30.
He said console generation, bigger retard
Peak Pokémon graphics.
What matters with a video game is how it PLAYS. You Sony fans have been warped by all the movies on the Playstations.
>Yea Forums screams nonstop about Detective Pikachu looking so horrible for being realism
>Yea Forums then orgasms over a Gmod game with Pokemon in realsim
It's because of people like you that Pokémon looks like shit.
It's because of people like you that most games now have 50 hours of cutscenes and 20 minutes of gameplay.
Nah, at like.. 6-12 I was genuinely invested in Pokémon. It then had its nostalgia renaissance in my early 20's with the release of X/Y because of a close friend being an enthusiast and the novelty of them being 3D on handheld.
But between that age, like 13 to 23, I definitely cared a lot more about being challenged in games than I did before or after. Now, like when I was a kid, I mostly play for fun.
Nintendo just caters with this childish cartoon artstyle to their fanbase - weeb trannies
I don't know man the city areas we've seen look pretty good. I agree wild area textures look like shit. Considering botw and odyssey look good there isn't much of an excuse for the open area to
look like that.
Nobody thinks this is good, everyone saying NINTENDO HIRE THIS MAN on Yea Forums is being ironic.