Singleplayer FPS games

What are your favorite FPS games that have single player campaigns?

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Duke 3d

Might & Magic count too?

I liked the first call of duty. Even beat it on the highest difficulty(there were no medkits), shit was intense.

Dark Messiah "maybe", but not for the rest

CoD1 still had medkits on veteran though

playing this one but with project brutality mod at almost the hardest difficulty and its fun, enemies are fast and they shoot fast so it really a nice gameplay update, also there are variations of enemies, like cacodemons that shoots fireballs, small cacodemons, a green type of mancumbus, and green pain elementals that shoots green lost souls, several types of humanoid enemies, pistol is actually worth using even after you find other guns and there is the standard one which is a 1911 type of handgun (and with the secondary fire you get a silencer with the special fire you dual wield the pistol) and a revolver, you can also dual wield some other guns, the chainsaw has a secondary fire that will make the doomguy whip out the supershotgun and shoot it, the bfg has 3 different fire modes, the regular green ball that does big aoe, then there is a laser type beam that does single target damage and the third is interesting, its a shield mode that with primary fire you get a moving shield and with secondary fire you deploy a stationary shield with a fixed duration, and i actually had to use it the trips and traps level because since enemies are actually fast and they attack fast as well when you go after the red key you will trigger a lot of enemies and without that shield function i could not go on without being killed almost immediately after this one will play shareware doom, probably gonna try project brutality 3.0, and then gonna try out sigil but with no mods installed because its the first playthrought, after doom i really liked borderlands, and the serious sam 3 campaign, metroid prime (cna you even categorize that game as fps? i mean its first person camera and you shoot quite a lot) and also one unit whole blood, shadow warrior, the mw2 campaign, duke nukem 3d, quake campaign was alright too, unreal gold campaign, halo combat evolved, cant remember anything else really.
some good fps reccomendations?

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No it didn't. Maybe they changed it later? I still remember defending that bridge in British campaign with a pixel of health.
>Call of Duty is possibly the hardest game in the series to complete on Veteran difficulty, due to the lack of health regeneration (or health packs, for that matter) and large number of enemies that can kill the player with two shots (one if it's a tank or armed vehicle). The player needs to take some cover or victory is lost. United Offensive is just as difficult, if not harder due to the greater number of large-scale battles.

with mods, doom 2
without mods, hexen

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>some good fps reccomendations?
try more doom mods


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system shock 2
arx fatalis (you can shoot magic)

Half Life
Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II
Halo CE & 2
System Shock 2
Deus Ex


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been meaning to try these on PC. Do they emulate well? I imagine they'd be awesome with mouse+keyboard

modern warfare 1 and 2
portal 1 and 2
half life 2

Quake 1 ( > Doom )
Metroid Prime Trilogy using a WASD Mouse hack
Painkiller 1
Deus Ex series
Shock series
Any of the Build engine famous 3
Unreal Gold

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Play the gamecube version as it emulates better than pcsx2 and there are no differences between versions. Personally I emulate the ps2 version because I STILL have muscle memory from the games and I can't quite get the analog sticks on Dolphin to behave like a real ps2 controller and its frustrating.

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Also, forgot, Amid Evil
Best modern throwback FPS, the design from levels to weapons to enemies is outstanding

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Duke Nukem 3D
FEAR 1 & 2
Metro 2033
The Darkness 1 & 2
Resident Evil 7

Mah nigga.

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Retail campaigns only:
Shadow Warrior
Hexen II
Blake Stone

Those are my favorites.

So this is how serious sam was born.

have a guess

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You should look up the techno-wizardry the developers did to make the game run on the saturn. Digital Foundry has a great video on it.

Turok: Dinosaur Hunter (play the Steam remaster)
- Fast action, tons of weapons, great level and enemy design
- Lots of secrets and things to explore
- Amazing soundtrack

It's almost like I'm in the game.

Jedi Outcast, Half-Life

This game is dope. I only managed to snag a copy of Future Perfect about half a year ago for the ps2 and gave it a go for the first time.

I think I still prefer Timesplitters 2 though.

i have a serious hankering to play these games again. wish they'd release an hd set. i have my copy of fp still but no ps2.

>I think I still prefer Timesplitters 2 though.
Thats because EA's evil had started to set in. TS2 is the better game.

I really enjoyed the self contained nature of every level, felt like some future perfect levels just stretched on too long whereas TS2 had a better pacing imo. Maybe I'm just biased though since TS2 was my main TS game, TS1 was good fun too back in the day.

TS2 feels a bit different, more old school. future perfect has more of a fleshed out story that compliments the story outline of the previous games perfectly. also plays a bit differently, future perfect plays more like current fps games of that time like ea's big fps series at the time, medal of honor, with some vehicle sections like halo, whereas 2 handles differently, more like perfect dark and goldeneye according to those that played those games. you can tweak the options in future perfect so it handles more like that though, have move around rather than just point as your character moves.

Timesplitters rewind never ever user.

who needs rewind? i'll just get an old ps2 again.

i'd like to play online though. also, wasn't ts2 one of the earliest online console games? it wasn't advertised as such, but it had an online option in the menu. anyone play online?