I did a thing.
I did a thing
post it on reddit
>reddit buzzword
post it on reddit
I got nothing to add, fits perfectly?
>No S&S
>Randomly adding in Websites and a fucking game engine
You gotta try harder OP.
if I just added ''amazon'' some autist would bring up their mobile apps? 'spose I could put Gearbox in Torgue because Randy Bitchford?
it doesnt make any sense
>Maliwan as Sony
>When it's the most fucking obvious Apple reference in the world
Holy shit what fucking retard made this shit?
You needn't have bothered. This is seriously embarrassing.
Where is S and S II munitions?
but Maliwan has quality.
Eat shit and die you retarded redditor.
>using ''reddit''
concession accepted.
>memelands image
>OP acts like he isn't a subhuman tard that eats up a game made for reddit
>cares about anything but gameplay
I'm not the tard here, user...
>gameplay being anything other than absolute trash
Kill yourself, redditor
let me guess, you play empty husks of ''games'' such as BioShit?
In what sense?
Atlas was a guns goliath but got wiped out before B2. Telltale only fits the latter. Sega would be a better fit.
Flip Nintendo and MS. Dahl was indicated to be the biggest manufacturer back in the day but now their guns are average. Thats Nintendo through and through. And Tediore explodes just like 360s.
EA is literally Maliwan. Sony can be Vladof and Epic is literally bandit now.
I never played a lumberyard game. The only other company I can suggest for Eridian is Blizzard.
And drop Yea Forums, it doesnt make sense.
Suck the sweat from my asshole, Randy. Your games fucking suck and only two digit iq redditors that want to fit in play them.
you forgot scav
>I did a thing
Fuck off you mentally ill tranny. Go back to plebbit for karma whoring.
I bet you post pics of thirsty desperate guys, who gave up their dignity and self respect, sleeping beside you on r/traps with the same title
>finally get around to playing tps
>the characters for the most part are fun
>the moon bounce meteor shit is different, and entertaining
>lasers exist, not much to say there
>the over arcing story is interesting
>but the writing is absolute dogshit
>shrimp on the barbie everywhere
>kid npcs left and right
>most zones are boring since they're so similar
>i cant remember a single boss iv fought
what the fuck did they think they were writing
that basicly is Bandit but australian?
How can EA be Maliwan if Maliwan is quality? Didn't caustic crater say Dahl pretty much is the largest company still?
>uses meaningless buzzword
>''reddit xd xDDD''
>calls me mentally ill
you forgot other meaningless words such as ''autistic''
>Gets better over time
>Disposable garbage but does the job
>General purpose workhorse
>Epic Games
>Spray and pray
>Shitty version of every other studio
>Yea Forums
>LOLSORANDUM and explosions
>Few shots, but every shot hurts
>Fuckin' MAGIC
eh, some work but others i dont get
>kid npcs
what's the problem here? I think it's a good thing, Pickle had to grow up rapidly while that racing kid is a daddy's boy with ego issues. Sure, you get stalled everywhere and that's my biggest problem. why not more areas and not having everything fail? like bridge retracts, bridge goes boom, flood lava, no stuff, gotta get stuff, flood. I'd rather cross it instantly but have more areas.
the problem is that the npcs have less than 0 charisma. pickle is the only new one worth note, and jack himself carries the entire game on his shoulders
but isn't less than zero chartisma the point on lunestalker junior? he's made to be hated it seems?
Most of them don't make much sense
>Atlas has the best guns overall, even though they're a bit boring. Eventually got replaced by another company.
>Hyperion weapons are strange and do the opposite of what you might expect of them
>Tediore weapons are disposable cheap and low quality
>Dahl weapons are super serious military tacticool shit
>Eridian weapons are alien in function and design
>Vladof weapons are slavshit with high rates of fire
>Bandit weapons are borderline nonfunctional with fire rates that change every second and having stupid high magazines so grug doesn't have to think too hard when he's using it
>Torgue weapons all fire over the top exploding bullets
>Jakobs weapons are wild west themed semiauto hand cannons
>Maliwan weapons are high tech and don't make normal weapons
Bandit shock miniguns are pretty good because of Grug (Gunzerker) though?
grognozzle just makes gunzerker itself good. he reloads fast enough bandit shit wouldnt be worthwhile
how about bandit shotgun rocket launchers and regular shotguns? I loved these, reloading when in shotgun range is just a really bad thing.
if you want to not reload with a rocket launcher, get a vladof, if you want to not reload with a shotgun, get a hyperion. their clips approach the 30s