>"Yeah, I haven't played Pokemon since Gold and Silver, all the new designs are crap, you can tell they ran out of ideas. I mean, a fucking ice cream cone, really?"
"Yeah, I haven't played Pokemon since Gold and Silver, all the new designs are crap, you can tell they ran out of ideas...
magnemite is cool and his evolution makes sense
>Insulting my boy magnemite
genwunner here.
Gen 3 is my cutoff point.
My favourite Pokemon are Porygon, Crobat, and Breloom.
Purge all genwunners and unovabortions. Especially those "cry as they strike" bwfags.
The Magnemite line is one of the few good objectmon lines though wtf
Imagine being such a brainlet that you try to talk shit about the magnemite line of all things only to get blown the fuck out by everybody calling you out for being the retarded low IQ brainlet that you are.
The absolute state of OP.
Gen 1 has an excuse because it was the first time that the devs had to create Pokemon, 150 of them, and they had nothing to use as reference except their imaginations. It
s excepted that there were a few duds. Newer generations don't have that excuse. They have decades and generations of previous Pokemon to look at, they have decades of feedback from fans and coworkers on which Pokemon were well-received and which weren't. The fact that they have actually managed to increase their uncreativity despite this is embarrassing.
vanillite doesn't look like a pokemon though, it's too personable. it looks like a sidekick of a bad SoL anime.
>it’s an interesting assembly of magnets, bolts, and metal
>this pokemon has no real-life counterpart, it’s actually an amalgamation of objects
>it’s an ice cream cone
Your shit sucks and there's nothing you can do about it. Sorry you were born in the wrong generation, kid.
>150 of them
opinion discarded
151 if you glitch and catch Mew, which wasn't intended to be caught and was purposely left out of the game. Happy? I bet you count Missingno as a Pokemon too.
>ugh, I simply can't stand new Pokemon...their designs are so shitty, unlike generation one where the true spirit and artistic skill of the devs were shown...
>A fucking garbage bag? Really?
>An ice cream cone? Come on...
I actually liked this design because there are moments in the anime (and I think the game) where they can be mistaken for pokeballs. Thought that was pretty funny as a kid.
I guess ash could try and take out his garbage only to find out it’s a Pokémon but that seems less clever
Swing and a miss again. The Voltorb line are mimics, since there's no chests in Pokemon, they Mimic the Pokeball items you pick up.
OP you could've went with literally the only example you need via voltorb but you chose magnemite
Electrode is the one that sucks not Voltorb, Voltorb was designed to look like a pokeball on purpose.
cmon OP, if you're going to do this, pick a real example
>and his evolution makes sense
No, it doesn't?
>no no no, you simply don't get it....they were MEANT to look like a red and white ball...
>Everything in gen one had a purpose in the game world...sigh....zoomers...
>What do you mean "what purpose does a round rock with arms serve? or a blackface pokemon?" Fuck you zoomer...ugh... These designs had SOUL
This but unironically.
Every Pokemon design is opinions. Basing your argument of whether the older or newer designs are better on specific mons is pure idiocy because they're so vastly different even before factoring in opinions as well. Every gen has simple designs like Voltorb and Cutiefly. Every gen has "realistic" or detailed designs like Rhyhorn and Golisopod. Every gen has objectmons like Magnemite and Klefki. While some gens certainly have thematic consistencies to their designs, those are usually too loose to really be worth saying they're better or worse for it. And beyond that, it's pure fucking opinion.
Pic related is one of my favourite designs in the series because it masterfully weaves both the visual design of the creature and the fruit its based on together, while also theming the design to something that the real life fruit is associated with. I guarantee there are people who write it off solely for being fetish-y though.
to be fair, a blackface pokemon does have a purpose. Remember, before black and white there really was no minority representation in pokemon. Jynx gave them that.
>they were MEANT to look like a red and white ball...
Kill yourself tranny lmao.
it was officially distributed to people even in gen 1 though
I played LeafGreen when I was a young kid, so I had a lot of nostalgia for the orignial 151, but having played all the other games since, and then playing Let's go made me realise how fucking boring they all are.
why are BWfags so obsessed?
ITT: zoomers that can't cope with having shitty and soulless childhoods
>guys its like purple blobs... with faces..... 3 times.....
Who the fuck is seriously debating the Pokémon themselves at this point? The issue everyone should be having is with Game Freak tacking on a new useless gimmick every generation, power creep, and just generally being lazy. Pokémon needs a complete reboot at this point.
>oof....sigh...these new pokemon...overdesigned pieces of excrement....serve no purpose...
>but a cartoon tube thing with dot eyes and a pink nose that we are told resembles a mole...mmm...hmmm....a genius in design...the pinacle of soul...
B..b..but I like mad ball tho :(
"I don't recognize any of these Pokemon, how can they expect me to play this?"
Heh, all of the new Pokemon look like DIGIMON. You know, the franchise that has such a wide design scope that several Gen1 Pokemon look like Digimon.
Nobody is except for casuals and facebook posters, /vp/ drones just want a boogeyman to deflect to so they don't have to acknowledge legitimate criticism of their precious franchise.
Gen One had the best designs, I mean a fucking horse on fire! HOW INTERESTING AND SOULFUL IS THAT?
Imagine being such a drone you can't speak in anything but buzzwords.
>it's like a nigger.... that you capture and command.... yea.....
/thread, I loved the Stadium games, but they provided an incentive for GF to think that they could make always make the same shit for people to eat up
Is Pokemon, dare I say it, /ourfranchise/?
Not only do these /vp/ fags have terribly skewed aesthetic appreciation, they lash out at the first generation because they are infuriated that most people equate pokemon with a handful of the first-gen pokemon and are oblivious to the unecessary continuations.
The fact no one cares about updating their pokemon knowledge beyond the first two gens and that's being generous, hurts them because they have absorbed pokemon into their own identity, which explains this nonsensical backlash at the past, because they have committed to receiving whatever slop GF shits out into their core identity.
>Member Charizard?
I member.
I member every single fucking time since X and Y.
>Pokémon needs a complete reboot at this point.
Ok, here you go.
Isn't based off of a snow spirit, and ganguro fashion?
is that CHARIZARD?!
>dude just put rocks...okay...round rocks.. put them in a row...and like...put a snake head on the end....
>fucking genius....it looks like SOULFUL anal beads...unlike those shitty new age pokeymen
>gen 1 captures the hearts and minds of the entire world with their Pokémon designs
>gen 5 captures the hearts and sweat of a few gay Yea Forumsirgins
Huh yeah let me think about this seriously for a minute
>meanwhile, every soiboi and SJW is fucking obsessed with gen 8
all /vp/ can do is deflect while ignoring reality
Good point, how to completely bankrupt the franchise?
rope yourself
the issue people have is that genwunners are a real thing and lash out themselves whenever pokemon is brought up. if it's not the exact thing they played as a kid they want nothing to do with it, boomer-style. if it was simple silent ignorance, no one would care. it's like jumping into a discussion on a book series that's gone on for a while only to proudly proclaim you could only be assed to leaf through the first one and are a dignified expert on the subject.
haha i remember charizard!
Gen 5 is actually what ruined Pokemon by making it baby mode story shit desu
i like tortilla
>boss, we need to design the final evo of the two humanoid round rocks...
>just take a round rock and put a lizard head on it...these genwunners will eat it up like they eat up the shitty gen one games...lol...
Gen 5 was the beginning of the end.
Am I supposed to disagree with this? Geodude is literally the definition of soul.
>Switch game
>Charizard's eyes are still drawn on
You may be surprised to know that kids tend to prefer the Pokemon, as well as general generation direction, that appeared in the game they played first, and will defend that game to the death once it's solidified itself in the nostalgic realm of their brain. This is why Genwunners, Hoennbabies, et al exist in the first place. Diamond and Pearl have similar fans that have cropped up recently now that enough time's passed, too.
As for Pokemon as a phenomenon, it hit at exactly the right time with the perfect appeal for children of the time period. It still garners plenty of attention today from new audiences since the appeal is fairly universal, but western attention and appeals have shifted. Minecraft is a better autism simulator than Pokemon ever was, and Fortnite is a better communal activity than the trading and battling barely any kids get to accomplish to begin with.
I'll acknowledge that people certainly mock the new pokemon and use the first ones as a reference point, but your whole position falls down when you compare it to a book series or something similar,
Because people are quite rightly justified in seeing a continuation of a series beyond a certain point as unecessary, based upon the strength of the work they ARE familiar with alone. No one is entitled to readers, no one is entitled to gamers.
The point is those that feel some kind of obligation to the pokemon serious like to criticise those who aren't allowing themselves to be exploited by a lazy company that are exploiting fans new and old.
I'm sorry if that is cynical, but that is the reality of the situation. Entire industries, books, film, tv and especially games are losing their credibility more than ever by rebooting, serialising and rehashing exactly what worked once before and would be better left in the past because it's safer for the shareholders than to make the next big thing.
>sigh...we need more soulful designs in our game...how are gonna design the final evo of this pokemon?
>okay...get this...take the previous evo...and make it angry...
>wow....all this soul...and in-game world functionality...shit...damn...
Which is obsolete now. Since Pokeballs are able to fit in a person's hand and not the same size of them.
It's a two-legged tortoise with a boulder shell.
Mmmmmm, an ugly turtle with a tree on its shell, peak soul right there.
>okay...since we are geniuses at designing magnets and mole things...we need to create their evos..
>okay...take one...and add two more
>the retards will think they have soul or some shit...who cares...
The point of that gimmick in particular was that kids who would be fussy with the pokemon they caught would miss out later on with their evolutions. Cute or useless looking pokemon would often evolve into the best looking or toughest.
It's about putting in the work to make that pokemon worth it, or being rewarded for giving a dud a chance.
Think magikarp > gyarados.
How can you /vp/ fags be so oblivious to design and gameplay philosophy of your favourite series?
As someone who has barely played any pokemon, which one should i play first pokemon alpha sapphire or ultra sun?
Did anybody here watch Detective Pikachu? I just watched it yesterday. It was pretty fun. But what bothered me was the fact that there was too many pokemon on the streets. Like you couldn't walk anywhere without bumping into a apalm or squirtle. I thought they'd be as common as dogs and cats but holy shit they were everywhere. Who's cleaning all the shit in the streets?
But this is unironically a great design
>b-b-b-but it was MEANT to be shitty!
lol fucking genwunners are a joke
Stop crying you shiteater
You can tell when you've got a butthurt fanboy on your hands when he's mad about people disliking the ice cream shitmon. And it's even worse when he thinks disliking the ice cream is an attack on objectmons despite the fact that old objectmons like Magnemite or new objectmons like Chandlure being extremely popular amongst the general public.
The Vanillite line sucks, OP. Get over it.
This thread; incredibly salty zoomer tries to justify his shit tier taste.
>Ugh... I can't believe they made a literal ICE CREAM POKEMON... Hoe far Pokemon has fallen.....
Okay I'm fucking irate right now...how DARE the cockmunchers insult the glorious FIRST generation of pocket monsters?
Look at the soul of this vine monster with eyes and red fucking shoes that looks like the designer didn't know what to do with it...
don't you talk shit about the greatest pokemon ever to grace the game you incontinent puddle of bad opinions and buzzwords
Work on your reading comprehension, bud.
Hey user, that grass ball is literally the only grass type in the first game that wasn't also poison.
The actual fuck were they thinking.
>Sigh.. I wish new Pokemon wouldn't look like toys for children....
>sir the nu-pokefags are insulting the first gen pokemon again, they claim our designs are shit and unispired.
>I'll fucking show them...for this evo instead of being 3 pokemon together...
>we are gonna have 2 pokemon together...yes...
>OP thinks he's not making himself look like a butthurt retard
This lack of self-awareness is astounding.
shit taste desu
Poliwrath was pretty mediocre even in Gen1, you don't have a case.
Work on your taste, loser.
What are the odds hes only pretending to be retarded?
>genwunners mysteriously abdicate from addressing the problems with Gen One presented in this very thread
How telling lol
>Ugh... Remember when Pokemon looked threatening like Charizard? Pokemon really has fallen..
OP's point is pretty clearly that if you think Vanillite sucks you should probably think harder about a lot of Gen 1 mons that have just as silly of design origins.
Granted, my own opinion on the icecreammons is that their design is the issue, not the inspiration. And I have a feeling it's like that for most people, but people just scream about "lol ice cream" instead, which is what's being called to attention here.
There are plenty of insane autists that post on this site that spam like this unironically. OP is a sincere retard.
golem is god tier
I legitimately don't get the hate for the Vanillite line. They're living icicles that gain a coat from falling snow, resulting in the ice cream cone look which people find endearing so they embrace it.
I can at least understand the hate for things like Klefki since while Klefkis concept (a fairy that steals keys) is cool, I think its design doesn't communicate that it's a mischievous fairy at all, so I get the hate there. But Vanillites line pretty clearly is a bunch of icicles with fallen snow on top.
it's the other way around dumbass, mew wasn't intended to be in the game but was purposely put in at the very last moment as an easter egg
i want to put my dick in it
>Remember when Pokemon looked like real animals instead of inanimate objects? Siiiigh....
>but people just scream about "lol ice cream" instead
Duh. If you mess up the execution that badly, the concept is going to be mocked.
Was my case to even defend any one pokemon in particular? Was I falling into the false dichotomy of design objectively-good/objectively-bad? No.
Again, work on your reading comprehension. I was making a largely statement about the general design philosophy as a whole, particularly the first gen, but certainly not exclusively.
Well it is a vagina
Those were the good times...
They're poorly designed and terrible to use. What's so hard to get?
i-it's a starfish... am i missing something here
you oughta get out of your cave sometime user, starfish are a real animal
OP's definitely not pretending. He's that crazy.
Maybe if it was a LITERAL ice cream cone with angry eyes drawn in Sugimori's style people would like it. That seemed to work out for Gen 1.
Based Gamefreak
Goddamn gen 1 was so fucking based. OP, in his desperate, ceaseless autism, has only reminded me how much affection i will always feel for these designs.
>Starfish look like stone stars with jewels in them
Stop getting your real-world info from anime
>a starfish isn't a real animal
>it isn't a picture of a starfish from the real world
lmao what is wrong with you
>Sigh...I know bro...every pokemon in gen one had this primal anger in it...unlike today's pokemon who are only designed to sell plush toys...
Yes, aquatic star-shaped creatures exist in real life and look similar to what you posted.
I've engaged with this idiot a few times ITT, and it's quite clear that he's beyond the point of discussion. So instead let's just take a moment to laugh at the fact that he still plays pokemon well beyond there being any reason to:
Get exploited by GF some more, bitch.
OP being worked into a fucking shoot. Based gen 1. And the worst part is everything he's ironically saying is unironically true.
It looks nothing like Staryu...are you retarded or insane?
What's the worse pokemon design of all time and why is it this diapered piece of shit?
Yes, all pokemon based on man-made objects are trash, what's your point?
>mfw no matter how much OP whines on Yea Forums, the ice cream will never be as popular as a run-of-the mill Gen 1 pokemon
get help
Just a reminder that it's not about soul or soullessness. The only bad pokemon designs...
>gen 1 will always be the most popular gen
>gen 1 will always be pandered too in every game
>this sends zoomers into a seething anger fit
>OP being worked into a fucking shoot
I've only posted like 2 times since opening the thread.
No that's without a doubt this diapered piece of shit.
do you guys think he googled starfish after this or what
I’m surprised that this thread could go on so long without Tauros, truly the most generic of all gen 1 designs.
...Are the copypastes, and the ones that look far too similar to each other.
Smallest of brains
>muh starfish
...looks nothing like staryu, or do you have actual arguments this time?
Two pictures in one thread. Tauros has never before, and will never again, be mentioned that much.
It's not to do with the core design concept, it's quite literally how they fucking look. The artists are shit/phoning it in now. That's it. I don't care about them running out of ideas, I just care about them being half decent at fucking drawing.
>3 tails
>Random 3 dots on his head
Why are Gen 1 Pokemon so overdesigned? They literally just take animals and add random shit that makes no sense, so it doesn't look like they just put an animal into a Pokemon game.
>Unova tranny having a meltdown over gen 1 again
Nobody says this.
The new pokemon is different from the old pokemon style, this is very obvious that they've forgone realism for cute.
The reason why pokemon is crap is because they dont give a shit about gameplay
you make me want to kill people did you know that
>OP trying to imply there's a Gen 1 bias despite some of the most popular and most marketed pokemon of all time also come from Gen 3, 4, and even 5
Just admit you made this thread because someone made fun of an ugly pokemon you liked.
How are they poorly designed though? Like I said, I feel like the concept is communicated very clear. When I first saw them, I assumed they were naturally formed icicles with fallen snow on top which is exactly what they are (they even have official art of them with the snow gone). The concept isn't completely out there for Pokemon and the design communicates the concept just fine. What's the issue?
Terrible to use, I'm not sure what you mean. That they're pure Ice types? So hard to find and fragile? I guess so, but that's a different discussion.
>Resetera and Yea Forums are the only places on the internet which worship gen 5
I knew this place was rife with discord trannies. Cringe.
concept doesn't mean shit when the execution is poor.
Gen 5 had a lot of direct Gen 1 references in its designs because part of the idea was for a soft reboot that still had an air of familiarity.
Bouffalant is an objective improvement on Tauros for reasons people already mentioned, Tauros is generic as fuck.
Start with yourself, cunt
>it looks like a star so it is the same lol
>this is very obvious that they've forgone realism for cute.
I'm gen 1 chad and basically stopped giving a shit about Pokemon past season 2
Any of you retards legitimately know the name for all the 1000 or so Pokemon there are currently?
You making my fefes cry
That's a bull. Bouffalant is a buffalo. You're a fucking idiot.
You can’t mention something if you don’t remember that it even exists in the first place.
Kantoboomers live rent free in the heads of Unovabortions
How many aquatic, real life animals do you know that have five protrusions that are similar and have the shape of a star?
Bouffalant is garbage. You can keep your cringy afro nigger bull you pasty unironic cuck. Tauros is leagues better in terms of design.
How is the execution poor though? I've said in both those posts that I don't see what the issue with the execution/communication is. It seems extremely clearly communicated to me.
i refuse to believe anyone is dumb enough to continue replying to this shit for this long
user... it's a water type pokemon that is shaped like a starfish and has the exact same proportions. i'm done pandering to your hopefully fake retardation.
Togepi is the only one who did it right
None that have big round gems in them lmao
What else would it be?
Reminder that disliking Vanilluxe isn't a genwar thing. It was even disliked in it's own generation.
>Remember when Pokemon looked realistic bros? Remember?
>Yea Forums is filled with genwunners
You people are why Leon has a fucking Charizard.
Is this why Unovabortions often get dubbed as trannies?
>t was even disliked in it's own generation
It was a genwar thing back then too.
Dude I remember! I remember!
>Serperior so high
One of my favorate starters, up there with Typlosion and Swampert.
i dont even know who that is
It's not so much as the design, as it is the artstyle.
This. OP just mad he has shit taste.
>Take a seal
>Name it seel and give it a horn
>It's a Pokemon now
Gen 1 was genius
Is bug from another dimension
That's only one of many reasons. gen 5 trannies have consistently polled top for having the largest percentage of its fanbase who identify as LGBT.
Gen 5 fans are literally 40%ers.
I wonder how much Yea Forums would shit itself if they saw Celesteela.
it's a metaphor
>this image kills the icecreamfag
It literally is based on Japanese folklore
My platinum bro
Imagine how much of a perma virgin manchild you'd have to be to like this dex.
Imagine being so mentally stunted that you think toddler tier designs like these match the quality of other gens.
Imagine how these victims look irl lmao
lmao oh my god just stop
Whats exactly the problem here? Thats a completely correct assertion.
Based chandelure's populararity is kryptonite to gen 5 fanboys that defend the ice-cream and trash bag.
cross out the fetus, the ant and the weird alien crap that nobody even likes and then it will be accurate
They could have removed the horn, it doesn't matter whether it's realistic or not, what matters is whether it looks cool/good/intimidating/whatever the purpose behind the design was. Seel is cute. Vanilluxe is... What?
>just chop up some bamboo and call it a pokemon lmao
What's wrong with the Zebstrika, Sewaddle, Eelektross, Stunfisk, Genesect, Cofagrigus, Serperior, Chandelure, Whimsicott and Lilligant lines?
Ice cream cones and garbage bags are literally fine for pokemon designs. Prove me wrong.
>vanilluxe isn't cute
>Lilligant this low
>a fucking lamp at #1
Yep, that's nips having shit taste as usual
>Seel is cute.
He isn't. It's literally just a fucking seal. It's an unoriginal and boring design.
>Vanilluxe is
A unique design that fits into the world of Pokemon.
>crosses out a shit ton of fan favourites like Chandelure, Whimsicott and many others
That's gonna be a yikes for me. You're either being a contrarian or a retard, maybe both.
No it's repulsive, not even cute in the cugly style that was popular in Japan for some time.
>OP stops spamming Gen 1 strawmen as soon as people start posting non Gen 1 pokemon that are popular
>being this contrarian
Cute is cute
Uniqueness for the sake of uniqueness is pointless user. You must have some intention behind the design to make it appealing.
>Gen 1 strawmen
lol genwunners are literally delusional
they also have a tendency to dish out criticism but never being able to receive it
Can you do a sentence without any buzzwords, tho ?
It isn't just unique, it actually fits into the world. It's a good design with a fun background. Seel is just a seal who has a horn for some unexplained reason.
Shouldn't have had those goofy as fuck arms, nor the fins it uses as legs to stand up on.
Looks like some cringy rick and morty dogshit.
Looks like a toy you give to your toddler
Goofy hands ruin it
Straight up looks like shit, it's the weakest snake design in the entire series. Arbok and Seviper crucify it in terms of aesthetics.
irredeemable and shit concept.
Detailless gingerbread man looking shit
>Fan favourites
Nobody gives a fuck what trannies have as their favourites.
Chandelure is a piss poor objectmon and whimsicott looks like shit.
The intention behind Seel's design is that it's unapologetically a literal fucking seal. I mean, yeah, people like seals, so they like Seel, but that's pretty bottom of the fucking barrel as far as designs go.
what pokemon do you like though?
Ahh, I see. You're just baiting.
I couldn't give a shit about how this pokémon has a 100 page lore about how it fits into the world. It's still a worthless design that doesn't achieve anything and is all over the place. Goes from drooling like a retard to looking like he's smoking a joint, wow 10/10.
>talking shit about magnemite
Give me your fucking address, fuck boy.
The "ice-cream cone" is actually icicles with frost on them, brought to life the same exact way as grimer and muk.
It's a fallen icicle with snow on top, AND an ice cream cone
Vanillite is actually just an icicle with snow on it. In-game I’ve cream was inspired by Vanillite, not the opposite, and that makes it much more interesting than a ball with some stuff attached to it
Your personal opinion isn't an argument.
It’s an ice cream cone. However it came to look the way it does doesn’t fucking matter
>people know OP is an ice cream pokemon fan that's mad he was made fun of in some other thread
>OP denies it by deflecting to Gen 1 and claiming only gameboy players dislike it
>people start to point out that plenty of newer pokemon are consistently more popular than lots of Gen 1 pokemon
>OP just comes out and desperately tries to defend the ice cream out of desperation
This is a great lesson in psychology.
autist go and stay go
>It’s an ice cream cone
It literally isn't.
No, it isn't.
How is it OP when 3 posts were made in 40 seconds?
I like Pokemon with simple concepts that actually look intimidating and battle ready since that's what the series is about, battling.
I can't stand toddler tier designs like scrafty and stunfisk which look like they've been pulled right from rick and morty, or mlp garbage like keldeo or straight up toddler tier designs like the ice cream and krookodile.
Whatever helps you keep coping, tranny.
Gen 5's dex is unironically an embarrassment filled with the worst designs the series has ever seen.
Good Pokemon designs:
>Lifted from a zoo's gift shop, a stylized animal plush that has some knicknacks stuck to it. Do not steal
Bad Pokemon designs:
>Anything that requires a thought process to figure out the idea behind
no arguments lol
>okay yeah it looks like an ice cream cone and that’s what it is obviously based on and anyone on earth that sees it will automatically think “ice cream” but let me go ahead and tell you some lore
Who the fuck cares are you guys retarded or what
>OP did this!
>OP did that!
OP has literally barely posted in this thread.
What's the point, a bunch of people are happy to make my arguments for me.
My nigga
Yeak, OK, OP.
Who is this girl?
If Horsey was designed today, it would have these proportions
Lol, seethe, cope, tranny, etc.
Nothing in Pokémon is actually anything in the real world. Let that sink in
I haven't played a Pokemanz game since blue on Game Boy ages ago.
but I love every Gen 5 design
It's pretty mental how there is a Pokémon which is just a set of keys
Wow great self sabotaging thread pokefags.
Amazing points brought up here. All Pokemon look retarded and have since day one.
Mission accomplished bros. You've convinced this outsider that you're all retarded.
t. OP
>wtf do mean it looks that way for a reason and is explained in game, who cares if it's clearly a very well thought out concept, are u retarded???
>Interesting assembly
It’s a sphere of metal with two screws sticking out, and two magnets for arms. Now I like my magnemite as much as the next person, but come on
oysters are spikey though
>"OP has literally barely posted in this thread."
>IP count didn't change with all the anti-gen 1 spamming
OP, you're either a retard, a newfag, or both.
>inb4 actual autistic people explain that it’s a fairy and not a set of keys from real life
Yeah, eggs with eyes, a ball bearing with screws, two magnets, and an eye, and a mass of fucking sludge really look like they came out of a zoo gift shop, retards.
I think what they're getting at is that it's an interesting way to tackle an idea as simple as "it's an ice cream cone". It doesn't land for everyone but it's a much more creative (this does not mean objectively better) take than what Gen 1's more basic designs were willing to do.
>t. OP
Who else would it be fucktard?
It's a gremlin that steals keys, those aren't part of its body.
Exactly. Anyone can make a fanart mon with epic backstory and lore, making an actually endearing core design however is much harder.
It's pretty mental how there is a Pokémon which is just a pile of sludge.
Based. These eggs? Ready to battle. Otherwise they wouldn't have angry DBZ eyes.
>I not post- I mean OP isn't posting anymore! Honest!
If you know you're being willfully stupid why even post?
this but unironically
Which is why Gen 5 designs are better than Gen 1 designs. Look better AND have more lore.
They are, but those two are so bad they manage to stick out like a sore thumb in a roster already full of shitty designs.
If the games themselves had at least been decent, they would just be forgotten in a "yeah, that happened" way, but alas, this is Gen 5 we're talking about.
There are good and bad Pokémon in every generation. But later generations have more trash designs. And they're also bad in different, worse ways. When Gen 1 and 2 Pokémon are bad, it's just because they're too boring or similar to real animals, like Seel or Dugtrio being 3 Digglets.
Whereas when later gen Pokémon are bad, they are over the top in your face terrible, with random greebles and zig zag lines all over them and pieces hanging off supported by nothing. Like the designers forgot they're designing a living creature, not a Digimon.
This is why I think later gen dexes are worse. I can ignore the flaws in Gen 1, 2, and even 3. But by the DS era the resolution of the sprites got high enough that they began jamming superfluous details everywhere, and so the bad ones aren't just bad, they're visibly bad. They're flamboyantly bad. They're like a gay pride parade of badness you don't want to see but can't look away from.
>deflecting with an anime girl and acting as if people can't see the poster id count
You're a unovabortion AND a newfag? What a combo.
I don't see any goofy eyes / face / unneeded appendages slapped onto it to appease ADD ridden trannies who need overly busy designs regardless of their quality.
Magneton executes its design perfectly.
Based gen 1 causing this tranny to have a meltdown.
You can't make this shit up lmao
like fucking pottery
What an absolutely based and accurate post
>goofy eyes
Tranny, it is literally just a ball with a goofy eye.
>let me speak on behalf of OP
>i'm not OP btw
What went so wrong, lads?
Personally, Nidoking is my favorite Digimon.
They stick out for being fucking great in the best generation in the franchise, you casual as fuck genwunner brainlet.
I do like a lot of gen 5 designs personally, but the I scream line is lime.
I forgot all of these
Magnemites eye is anything but goofy, unova tranny.
Mimikyu a cute!
>I don't see any goofy eyes / face / unneeded appendages slapped onto it to appease ADD ridden trannies who need overly busy designs regardless of their quality.
I never understood why people hated the Vanilluxe line. I mean, its obviously not actually ice cream, but icicles with snow on them that resemble ice cream. Which is pretty interesting and less bland than other pokemon.
Apologize to gen 6 for saving us from this disaster.
>brown one on the right cringing at its own design
Keldeo is the only bad design
>waahhh ice cream genwunners a bloo bloo bloo
Exhibit A: Another object mon from the same generation that's loved enough that it takes its entire generation's spot in Pokken.
Face it faggot, the ice cream is just a shitty design, and no amount of deflecting to genwunners and objectmon haters will change that.
Based as fuck.
Digimon has always been the better franchise and has better designs
You could have picked Muk or Voltorb to talk shit of but you picked Magnemite of all things
Also Chandelure is objectively the best objectmon design prove me wrong
>bad design
Shut up and kill yourself if you think you determine what is a bad design
gen 5 is so fucking ugly and unoriginal, it is by far my least favourite gen Pokémon-wise
>"i'm not OP btw"
>"What's the point, a bunch of people are happy to make my arguments for me."
Did you fail English? Do you not know how to understand implications?
Designed from the ground up to be retarded looking to match its slow, retarded mind.
There's no reason for the ice cream to look retarded, nor the trash bag, nor stunfisk, nor scrafty and yet they do.
Have another try, tranny.
Gen 5's gimmick was that the game would only have Pokémon from its own region. So in order to have enough for the whole game they had to make a gigantic dex. This meant they had to pad it with tons of filler. They have literally admitted to doing so, for example Pic related, my mom's fish, only exists because they needed a water pokemon. No one had inspiration to create it, it wasn't out of passion, they just had to meet a quota. Soulless as fuck.
That's what went wrong. It was a dex half made of filler. That's why so many are just ripoffs of older Pokémon, legendaries arr rook same, so many forgettable trash designs, and so on
Can someone just TRY to fucking explain the logic behind these nostalgic retarded niggers? They don't see the hypocrisy in their own dumb arguments. The moment you say Voltorb is just a Pokeball, they start fucking seething and say that "it's based on a mimic". But saying that other stuff like Klefki is a fairy that steals keys just makes them go full retard and "lol no one cares" apparently.
Jesus christ every time I see this gens Pokemon I'm reminded about how much I hate the ever living fuck out of it.
>Sword and shield are gonna be filled with pandering to genwunner cunts who haven't played for years and aren't gonna buy it anyway
Feels bad.
Were you expecting Yea Forums to come to your rescue after getting humiliated in /vp/?
This is sad and pathetic.
More like the only good design
Putrid, soulless designs from a putrid, soulless gen, that's what went wrong.
>/vp/ ever defending KANTOOOOOOOO
O i am laffin
stopping playing and leave faggot
I try to love gen5, but they have like 3 S+ designs and 100 F-'s
Based and /mlp/illed
Thanks for proving me right. Keep coping.
>Likes the rocks and Elgyem family but not the Drilbur, Sandile, Litwick, Scraggy, Venipede, Snivy, Petilil, Ferroseed, Vullaby, Pawniard, and Yamask lines
People in this thread have pointed out several instances of Gen 1's own dex padding issues, including animal rips that are far more blatant than Basculin.
Gen 5 has a major quantity over quality problem.
There's like 10 good designs out of a dex of 150+ Pokemon.
Ratios like that are unforgivable and I don't give a fuck if one of your top 10 comes from gen 5, the gen plagued the series with its filler shit designs forever now.
Not every genwunner likes all 151 pokémon. That said, Voltorb actually has a GAMEPLAY reason to look like that. Electrode still a shit though.
The Gen 6 legendaries are actually based as fuck
It's kinda why I like Gen 6 and 7 having less, I like proportionally way more and only see a few stinkers like
>He doesn't like the Scraggy family
Easy tranny tears. Baw for me some more faggot.
nigger just google "mew distribution gen 1"
Ok so why does Foogus have a pokeball head
Based taste.
if you're going to post shit kanto mons at least post a shit one
>named seel
>literally a fucking seal with a tiny ass horn
>object mon
..but it isnt. Its not an actual ice cream with eyes on it, theyre sentient iciciles with snow on it that resemble ice cream.
>genwunners begin disappearing the moment people admit they like a lot of the later gen pokemon
lol like clockwork
This guy gets it, theres only a couple of good designs after gen 3
Keep projecting.
it grows the cap after a human impregnates it
Because its not a ball with eyes
Gen 1 hyper chad here, the only bad designs from gen 1 are this and Jynx
Everything else is 10/10 kino
>pokemon is super serious edgy businuss guise!!!!!
Unovabortions are a sad bunch. They attack all other gens before and after Gen V and wonder why no one likes them.
>Gen III is the lowest legitimate gen
I knew I had good taste and this just confirms it
Instead it just has a more detailed design of a manmade object on it and its evolution is completely useless as a mimic
>'I want to walk around with silly looking toddler designs haha yeah I drink soilent dilate daily, so what?'
Cringe and tranny pilled.
I cannot even begin to imagine how low test people have to be to not pick actual intimidating Pokemon which look like they can fight.
Imagine having the option to pick a braindead looking tranny monkey like simisear over another, far better looking monkey like Primeape or something
Keep coping unova tranny, hang in there lmao
In terms of new Pokemon:
Gen 3 > Gen 4 >Gen 5 > Gen 7 > Gen 1 > Gen 6 > Gen 2
Why does it resemble an ice cream
>ninten drone
>Yea Forums buzzwords
>ywn have a bonzai garden tortoise
Regardless of generation, your wrong if you think this guy isn't pure kino
>tfw as a kid I wasted my masterball on electrode
I think I was retarded
>I haven't played since red/blue, they didn't innovate at all and the games that come out now are EXACTLY the same as they used to. But I have never played these games.
How can gen 5 ever recover?
I might be the only person on earth that genuinely likes jinx. She’s just so bonkers for the first gen that I really liked her design
It's the opposite, ice creams resemble them because he's a famous pokemon among tourists
Unova pokemon are a fucking parody. What a joke.
Do tamed pokemon shit openly? Aren't most of them supposed to have at least human level IQ?
I used one recently in Crystal since the odd egg was a shiny Smoochum and I've got a new found appreciation for Jynx
That's what happens when you focus on quality over quantity.
Textbook example.
Gen 5 is remarkably disgusting
>unovabortion makes thread
>gets bullied so hard that he leaves
you can't make this up lmao
>Crossing out Conkeldurr and genosect
retard you put ponyta into soulless
their recent op. has been to try and co-opt Gen IV to form a supposed DS family canon
Gen 6 was a fucking enigma. The quality of the Pokemon that came from that gen were so good but the amount of content the games had let them down.
Imagine if X&Y got a third version to fix those issues. It would be so good.
This single pokemon could wipe your entire team and there's nothing you could do about it. seethe harder, Chunibyou
designs? aesthetically?
until this is answered, opinion discarded
>magnets are appendages
>metal orb in the middle with screw coming out the top
At least that’s something unique. The ice cream cone just looks like an ice cream cone.
And then there’s the keys
>"what the hell, man?"
It pisses me off that for all of the pandering, these people don't even play the games, and nobody is pleased.
Of course they had to buy Let's Go though.
We already know nu-Pokemon is powercrept to hell. And you're proud of it.
What's wrong with Reshiram? What's wrong with Zekrom? What's wrong with American Eagle? What's wrong with Chandelure? What's wrong with Escargor? What's wrong with Zoroark, what's wrong with Bisharp? What's wrong with you?
it's powerful but it still looks chibi and uninteresting
Ball. With. Eyes.
mushroom with pokeball hat
When you put it that way, it really can't.
That said, I'll vouch for Frillish and Jellicent as being a cut above the rest.
>No sign of Cofagrigus
>Faggot dragon with cock bulge, retarded clown and generic dragon are up on top
yeah and...?
>What's wrong with Chandelure
lazy objectmon line
Hmmm I wonder if these people have a point, maybe people do like Vani--
Cofagrigus isn't a good design, Hydreigon is decent.
All these people bitching about Gen 5 probably didn't even play it.
Are we in the same thread?
Go play Digimon if you want intimidating mons because Pokemon is few and far between having intimidating designs.
>No one has mentioned the fucking Keyring yet.
>STAB move with 90BP and 100% accuracy
>Steals stat boosts and applies said-boosts BEFORE damage calculation
>Bypasses substitute
There should be a limit to GF's retardation.
>Not a good design
Fuck right off with your shitty King Ghidorah recolour.
Yeah were on Yea Forums. These faggots stopped playing >gen3
Based thread and OP, genwunners are shit.
No, I did, and I saw it as the beginning of the end for pokemon, it's awful
Take away the protrusions from the sides and lose the drooling mouth and you could make a case for it.
>What's wrong with Reshiram? What's wrong with Zekrom?
Reshiram is fur bait, their poses are embarrassing and makes it look like they can barely move their arms. Zekrom is visually uninteresting.
>What's wrong with Zoroark
Fur garbage
>what's wrong with Bisharp
Looks like mega man trash.
All of my favourites are intimidating in one way or another so keep seething unova tranny lmao
As someone with no horse in the race you guys got btfo
t. Autism
This but without any hint of irony.
>all pokemon have to be angry and edgy
I bet charizard is your favorite pokemon, autist
When Gen 5 came out I thought it was shit because I didn't know any of the Pokemon.
But I played it anyway.
Then I played X and Y and realized how much of a fucking fool I was. I take it back. I want Pokemon I've never seen before, or at least more from games that have been lying unused.
I mean, when was the last time we saw the fucking Shinx line?
It was mentioned and it’s a magical goblin fairy that collects keys and it’s incredibly original and has 1000s of pages of lore and it’s arguably the best, most original Pokémon ever designed
>Unovabortions being this assmad
i fucking knew it
How many posts are you responsible for, samefag?
>Looks like mega man trash.
I know, it's pretty great.
I don't mind new pokemon designs. You get sone good and get some bad.
I like Golurk and Hydreigon
I like Dragalge, Aegislash and Tyrantrum
I like Golisopod, Mimikyu and Salazzle
Didn't like Crabominable. Fucking disgrace of a design.
That said.
Fuck mega evolution.
Fuck z-moves.
And FUCK dynamax.
I'm sick of these stupid gimmicks that don't last one generation because of Nintendo's retarded design philosophy.
>looks like Megaman trash
You say that as if it was a bad thing
>reshiram is fur bait
He's visually interesting, he's like a combusting sun, I agree on Zekrom
>fur garbage
Zoroark is overrated but he's far from fur garbage, that would be Lucario
Don't make fun of escargor
>genwunners post their favorite pokemon and defend why they like it
>you spam the majority of the thread with strawmen descriptions of gen 1 designs you don't like
>genwunners are literally delusional
>gym leaders only have 3 pokemon
>exp system that doesn't let you fall behind
>OH but take a free lucky egg too
>also a bunch of audino
>let's litter doctors on every route so you have no need for hold items
>forced story shit
>too many cutscenes
>forced to catch the legendary
Fuck Gen 5.
I don't know gen V has some of the worst designs but also some of the best. I especially love how it handled bug types, making a mono-bug team actually viable.
>Gamefreak's retarded design philosophy.
Because its too out there even by objectmon standards.
I have more issues with Dhelmise and Klefki though.
user... just stop... gen 1 chads win AGAIN
I don't mind the new designs, but I enjoyed the classic art style a bit more. Newer generations drawn with the classic art style look fucking crispy.
Pic related. Comfy as fuck.
>I mean, when was the last time we saw the fucking Shinx line?
Sun and Moon on route 8 via island scan
It's better than a haunted coffin, the kind of design philosophy that led to Pokemon like Dhelmise.
>we lost rotation battles, triple battles, inverted battles, the battle facilities, pokestar and the contests for gimmicks
Why not just make them totem pokemon with the yellow flashy aura, much better than HURR GIANT
>I went though Sun and completely missed Shinx
>crying over baby games
>genwun isn’t a baby game
t. Autism
Pokemon design is the least of Gamefreak's problems.
Ever since Mega Evolutions, the company has been throwing gimmick after gimmick to fundamentally fuck with the battle system, and they do nothing to fix anything. On its own, Mega evolution could have been okay, if they kept to powering up the weakling pokemon, like Beedrill.
But making half of the Mega stones tournament prizes in Sun and Moon was terrible
Z moves were okay, because you didn't know if you were going to get a mega evolution or a z move on the team and would have to account for that. Plus, they had a wide variety of effects.
Despite all that, even the big game gimmicks weren't the main problems in the battle systems.
Gen 7 fights is a miasma of Tapus on teams, and Gamefreak does nothing to fix it.
I don't care what flavor of the gen gimmick they put in or what the pokemon look like. If they treat collectors like trash (no national dex) and they do nothing to satisfy singe players (battlef rontier) and do nothing to fix their competitive battles, then this franchise is dying.
That's Gen 7 you described there m8
Tangela is fantastic though, and so is Tangrowth
That's not Nuzleaf
>there can only be one normal type charging pokemon
It's pretty misleading to have pre-vos on the list since most people care only about the final form or the first form if it's cute
i missed watercolors being used in anime/vidya. unironically added some personality to art
>I know, it's pretty great.
>You say that as if it was a bad thing
Barbaracle is that theme done right, and unlike bisharp which looks like a plastic fucking toy, Barbaracle looks like it could cave some faces in. Its rocks and claws actually look jagged and sharp, Bisharp looks blunt as fuck.
>Zoroark is overrated but he's far from fur garbage, that would be Lucario
They're both just as bad as each other and I don't like any of them.
>Don't make fun of escargor
Do you mean Escavalier because I actually like him, I just can't be arsed editing the picture.
I honestly would not complain if they totally removed Megas.
Fuck Z moves too.
I never played pokemon in the first place, japs suck.
I did.
It was the beginning of my consciousness that it's possible to have bad games in your favorite franchises, which was unheard of to me at the time
Based and digipilled.
No but seriously, this one literally does look like a digimon this time.
Yeah and as I mentioned, it's gen 5's fault for throwing pokemon in this direction
no matter what anyone says gen 5 is the best for making bug types useful again
Well, you're not wrong, the decrease in sales from BW and BW2, despite being great games, was due to the initial impression on the gen's pokemon designs, which Gamefreak took the wrong way and thus Gen 6 was born
>gym leaders only have 3 pokemon
>exp system that doesn't let you fall behind
>let's litter doctors on every route so you have no need for hold items
>too many cutscenes
>forced to catch the legendary
Yeah gen 6 was a mess
The bugs are the regions only saving grace
that is weird how often it happened in one gen
good point
Is it though? I feel like an icicle isn't remotely out there when a ball bearing and a couple of magnets (Magnemite), a pile of slime (Grimer) or just an iceberg with legs (Avalugg) exist.
And what's wrong with Dhelmise? I think it's a really clever bait and switch. It's haunted seaweed, something pretty common in sea stories, that has a really strong affinity with steel because it's collected the wreckage of a ship. The Pokemon itself is just the seaweed, hence the typing (Ghost/Grass), the anchor and wheel are just things its collected. I'd argue it's a similar concept to Klefki but better executed.
Most of those are RU and below.
Gen 7 has more higher tier bugs.
Mega Garchomp is dumber than ice cream Pokemon holy shit
this claim is destroyed by Farfetch'd and Onix
there's no rhyme nor reason to which Pokemon were good
>Yeah gen 6 was a mess
Yeah as are gen 5 and 7
Look, he's crying.
i liked a decent chunk of gen 5's design but i understand not everyone agrees
but fuck anyone who thinks gen 5 didnt have some of the best bug types
Personally I dislike all Legendaries past the Bulbasaur to Celebi era parts sans Arceus' failed clone and Sunlion.
bonzai is the thing they shout when they're suicide bombing your naval fleet
bonsai is what you meant
Yes, we know about powercreep user, thanks for reminding us
Ok I''ll admit I forgot Golurk for a moment, Golurk is great too
Despite gen 5 dumbing down the game, it gave us the best looking legendary dragon. If only it was good enough to use without gimmicks or fusion. This boy needs eviolite. (Wishful thinking)
Gen 6 legendaries are some of the most boring ones. Its not offensive like gen 5 and some of gen 4, but I have a hard time remembering they exist.
But competitive is more diverse than ever.
There were more pokemon being used last competition then previous years.
i think you mean for the first time
How is a pokemon based off of magnetism, a pokemon based off of sewer pollution and a pokemon based off of an iceberg the same as a fucking actual ice cream? the dex entry doesn't matter you absolute retard, i couldn't give a shit what the dex tries to pretend they are, they're clearly designed after an ice cream, it is blatantly obvious.
you wanna know what else those 3 pokemon you mentioned don't have in common with the likes of vanilluxe and garbador? they don't have dumb as fuck faces plastered on them. Muks face looks serious, it looks like a slime you'd see in any other JRPG, the ice cream has a retarded face slapped on it and so does garbador and that is why they're hated so much. their execution is horrendous. if somebody wanted to make a pokemon based off of icicles then they should have done that without turning it into an actual fucking ice cream.
>Shitting on Scrafty
Don't do this.
>starfish aren’t real
So Yea Forums do you think when we get BW remakes and Kyurem finally becomes the original dragon will it be as big of a Powercreep as Ultra Necrozma and Mega Rayquaza?
Ok dragon ball face loving tranny
>if somebody wanted to make a pokemon based off of icicles then they should have done that without turning it into an actual fucking ice cream.
Its a mythical. Fairness matters not
>the same as a fucking actual ice cream?
It's not based off actual ice cream though. Did you seriously look at Vanillish and not think "Oh it's an icicle that has had snow fall on it and looks like ice cream". Did you think it's meant to be a literal ice cream cone?
Someone should photoshop the dbz egg face on every pokemon from gen 5 to make that edgy tranny stop whining
>Ice/Dragon with a shitty movepool
All designs on the right look like absolute trash. Thank god retards like you will never be actual designers.
i also like mienshao, its a cute fighting type
audino, maractus, cofagrigus, solosis, joltik, braviary, bouffalant, and samurott are also some of my favorites.braviary and bouffalant make me laugh so thats why i like those two but the rest have some nice designs
green ones are good
Everybody who looked at it sees an ice cream cone.
Hmm I wonder which games don't fit these bills
I hope not. I'd rather it keep psudo-legendary stats but just get a better move pool.
What typing would it even get?
those two images arent arguing over the same thing
>you can literally beat pokemon Red with just a nidoking
Yeah no just admit you didn't play any pokemon beyond Gen 4
Scrafty is a second or third rate mon just like Krookodile
Hardly any of the darlings are actually standout
Fire electric since he's absorbing Reshiram and Zekrom
that's banzai
It's just shitty cherrypicking with buzzwords. Same shit.
user are you kidding me? If you showed this picture to 100 people and asked what it was, 100 people would say “it’s some gay cartoon ice cream idk.” Nobody would say “it’s an icicle that has had snow fall on it”
I see you are a man of liking jaggedy monsters with sharp edges and monochrome skin being the prime driver of the design
>>exp system that doesn't let you fall behind
It's meant to encourage fighting higher level pokemon you nigger
I love this thing, the roots on the rockets are probably the best part
Magnezone is objectively the coolest Pokemon. In fact, all of the gen 4 evolutions of previous gen Pokemon are great.
It needs to be faster and gain refrigerate.
I like how they took the fusion of the line and made this, and the robotic motif and made it a UFO
that's clever
It also prevented you from overleveling, so the game doesn't become a cakewalk.
It's also good for having new unleveled pokemon you caught brought in line with the rest of your team.
I'm happy they brought it back in SuMo.
you misunderstood the argument it makes
Did you know that as recent as Gen 6, Magnemite was so popular it crushed several legendaries in a voting poll that was made for the sole purpose of determining an event distribution? It's that popular.
COIL was a big part but everyone loves Magnemite.
Specifically, it's meant to encourage using more than one or two pokémon.
>muh blackface
Didn’t realize nu-Pokemon apologists were also tranny SJW’s, makes sense though.
>an iceberg with legs (Avalugg)
Avalugg actually looks like a monster on top of being a huge glacier
The only tranny here is the dbz face retard though
>The Pokemon itself is just the seaweed, hence the typing (Ghost/Grass), the anchor and wheel are just things its collected.
And yet it's not a Rotom and evidently the species only fishes out anchors and ship wheels to use, since ethat's the only form of it we've ever seen.
It's BS.
More so because it reminds me of the gergoth from Castlevania dawn of sorrow.
Gen II sweaty
>inb4 someone responds with the unironic edit
Nobody takes this butthurt one seriously other than the ones who post it
The new designs are crap, pokemon hasn't been as good since gold and silver, rivals aren't rivals anymore, and have been the exact same character for the last 5 generations. Fuck zoomers
Not him but how? Just the general gait it has?
you missed the moron's point
The body shape is similar. Gergoth is just thicc kyurem without ice.
lol you cant be serious
the main reason why this sucks is because it has zero detail drawn into it
the pile of gunk that is its body might as well be dirt with those nice colored stones you can buy at the store embedded into it
and the gas dispenser arms look like cardboard straws
>it's fake
I thought they were cigarettes
i thought you were circling the shit ones. theyre actually all shit except for mienfoo, gothite, darmitan, watchog, ducklett, and yamasks lines.
I think those gas dispenser arms are actually paper towel rolls and toilet paper rolls.
a result of mutation from poisoning
you'd have proved your point better by posting dodrio again, which has no reasoning behind it
Where is the lie
That was the point
This is better than Mandibuzz.
It's a skull as a diaper/leftover eggshell, pretty clever.
Too bad it's still just a vulture chick.
Y'all have weird tastes
The icicle pokemon is said to be two melted into one in the fucking ingame pokedex itelf
I'm also genwunner, I could enjoy Pokemon all the way up the the 6th gen, Mega Evos are unironically a cool idea