Seriously, how it was even physically possible to care and want to save that bitch?

Seriously, how it was even physically possible to care and want to save that bitch?

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I'm sure its hard to tell with you suffer with the 'tism but the point the narrative makes is that Chloe is broken. We don't like her. We're shown a Chloe that has given up on herself. But we're also shown that she gets better with Max. And Max, likewise, is pushed to do more and be better by the things Chloe prompts her into.

They are incomplete halves of a whole. Two broken people. One boring and stable, one lively but erratic. And together they function and find happiness. Together they are both greater than the sum of their parts alone.

Saving the town is purchasing misery for the self to grant the possibility of joy for others. Its a valid ending and ultimately one that embraces true altruism.

But fuck that. Max deserves happiness and Chloe deserves to have a life unbroken. Fuck the other no name assholes in that anomalous Oregon town. Full of tweakers probably anyway. (Its all we have on the Oregon coast besides cheap salmon)

Have heterosexual sex.

What kind of fucking bumper is this that ricochets at all, let alone a fucking 180° angle? I don't care that that's probably just a .38

>(Its all we have on the Oregon coast besides cheap salmon)
You also have Rogue Brewery tours, the candy shops in Newport, and I think the Tillamook Creamery is technically on the coast, isn't it? I'd never live in any of those cities, but when I used to live in Portland, it was nice to go for a day.

uhm she's cute??

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>gaz tank

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>besides cheap salmon
The Arcadia Bay fisherman next to the diner complains that even the fishing industry is in the toilet. There is nothing left there. Just let it die and let the blue haired qt dyke live.

*meant for

Play the prequel. She becomes hella likeable.

stop promoting lesbianism



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You realize it's possible to understand that a character was made to be a shitty person for narrative reasons and still dislike them as a character right?
>Its a valid ending and ultimately one that embraces true altruism.
Suck a fat one, faggot user

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Grew up in Waldport, Newport, and Yachats (and I swear to God Yachats is half the inspiration for LiS) and the best I can say to that is the coast is a fantastic place to visit. Abysmal to live.

Honest to fucking God if any of Yea Forums lived here with me the choice to go with the broken anger dyke would be so fucking easy. She's shit but you all have no idea how bad Oregon rural town living is.

Everyone in Yachats would fucking THANK a natural disaster for releasing them from this life.

Well, you care about her because Max cares about her. Chloe, taken by herself, is not very easy to like.

On my knees begging you to have sex

The fishing industry is in the toilet because Chloe is alive. Every time you save her, shit gets worse. Fish are dying, birds are dying, whales are dying, then eventually a whole fucking town. The universe wants this bitch dead, and she's an insufferable twat with the voice of Ashley Burch so I sacrificed her without even the slightest hint of hesitation. I would have killed her even if it didn't save the town.

>when you're revolver ocelot but you roll a 1 every time

She's gay dude. Even this fake video game girl wouldn't wanna fuck you

>Goodbye, cruel bumper
how long do you think the writer spent on this?

she's also not real so fuck everything

You say this but here you are how many years after the game has been released, whining about it on a Malaysian shirt knitting board while that writer got paid and moved on with their life years ago.

Max's literal subconscious in the final chapter tells you how much of abusive and controlling bitch Chole has been towards Max. Anyone who hadn't picked up on that fact by then was completely whipped and there is no turning back. Sacrifice a entire town for a girl that the entire universe wants dead.

I haven't played the game, and after seeing OP I don't know why anyone would

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>and Chloe deserves to have a life unbroken
fuck no
>does everything wrong a human can do wrong
>never ever learns from her mistakes and continues to do everything wrong
>continues to wonder and bitch why her life is miserable
even literal retards learn that the plate is hot when they touch them 3 times

I love the logic behind that statement

That only works if you believe that the universe is concerned about the death of a single human being. Even within the context of a piece of fiction it's retarded.