AVGN slips

>fat fuck wears a mr metokur t-shirt on the latest AVGN video

is this guy trying to get james fucking banned from youtube or what? why in the fuck would he do this

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james is redpilled, he doesn't mind

mr who? why the fuck are we supposed to know every faggot with a channel now

>wearing shirts of youtubers
That's not going to end well. The worst part is that he would have had to make it himself.

Literally who?

what will their advertisers think of this?

You're confusing James with Mike.

>some fat fuck no one knows wears a shirt of someone no one knows
Got it, thanks for letting us know

a guy from /po/ and one of the most prominent alt-right voices on youtube, he did the 'we wuz kangs video' and other shit on jews, blacks and muslims


>a guy from /po/
who knew that papercraft and origami makers were such racists right wing nazis

Whatever happened to that fat fuck Ryan, I thought he like bought the cinemassacre channel so they had to feature him

>fat fuck

which one?

Just how redpilled is Mike? Does he hate gays and niggers?

>a guy from /po/
I fucking knew they were up to something. There is no way a slow board like that can get away with so much without someone spilling the beans on them.
Fuck /po/ always invading my threads

didn't mike fuck a gay guy once, but he was on top so it wasn't gay, is that how the story goes?

look what happend last time trannies and their ilk tried to take down james when he posted the ghostbusters reboot vid

avgn is too much of a youtube icon to get in trouble outside of him openly making hitlerian salutes on video

Jim may be obnoxious, but his heart is in the right place.
I don't give a shit about sand/niggers and jews.

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The background needs a little more purple


You don't have to enter every thread, you know.

Knew i couldn't trust those faggots in /po/.

absolutely BASED

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speaking of /po/ time to derail the thread with those evangelion sex dolls

Don't forget to subscribe to my Patreon guys!

I'll support your patreon. What do you do, user?

Did Mike actually draw that comic?

Do either of these 2. have their own channels?

/po/ always has been a haven for nazis.

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>literal neckbeard incel walking stereotype
Yikes, have sex.

make fun of trannies


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Who's this cutie?

big jike, hit the gym.

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Did the writing get way worse when the screenwave fags took over? I watched an episode from 2016 and even then it was way better than the last one we got.

how much did you cry on election night?


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Jim's gotten more and more apolitical as of late, especially after the Sargon election debacle. The dude just wants to shitpost. Metokur is rarely serious about anything.

Being fat is honestly far less shameful than being a tranny gremlin.

I just laughed my ass off since i'm not Amerilard. Who else would get some orange orangutan elected? lmao.

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why are the majority of the racist guys fat ugly fucks?

yeah you cried like a little bitch

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how about instead of doing that we forget about those and never ever think about or mention them ever again

who cares what the fuck those fat cunts have to say l;mao

Still, why so many incel fat neckbeard types become Trump supporters? At least trannys have an actual logical reason to support democrats.

>Why are the majority of XYZ thing fat, ugly fucks?
People are getting fatter, I'm not sure why this surprises you. Social Justice has tumblr landwhales and hamplanets. Trannies have 7 ft lanklets with voices deeper than the Mariana trench trying to pass themselves off as female.
Everyone is ugly, user. That's just how life is and always has been.

why are feminist fat neonhair types democrats?

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Where the fuck are her ankles?

You can really tell Metokur fell for the Trump meme, but in one of his most recent videos he was shittalking the guy and sounded so jaded in regards to him. It was obvious he's lost his faith in the guy by now

Is this too big?

Because it's the democrats who always pander to them and their rights? When did Trump did anything to convince suburban neckbeard ugly fat asses?

because they are lazy underachievers who have to blame all their problems on other races.

trump convinced anyone who's not a tranny, feminist, cuckold, or kang

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Those Papercrafting FUCKS have gone on too long!

the leader of gamergate

ooo, that has to be embarrassing in hindsight

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>leader of gamergate
Excuse me but that's reknown MP Carl Benjamin also known as Sargon of Akkad. I'd rather you not take that away from him #gamergate2.0

my favorite part of this picture

is the kid in the background wearing the exact same clothing

This is my problem with Jim. He's too smart to be a dumb reactionary but knows that laughing at literal whos on tumblr is the best way to make his audience laugh.
Then again, maybe he never expected gg funposters to actually try to move on to big boy politics and has to just roll with it.

I think you mean the leader of UKIP; Carl Benjamin aka Sargon of Akkad.

It all makes sense now. The old hidden in plain sight.

>Cuck this, cuck that

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these people all look far more normal than you trannies

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>furry tries to infect another crowd
What a shocker.

Kys commie fuck.
Besides, Jim has stated multiple times that he thinks that the only solution at this point is violence.

I'm no tranny and you missing the point, why do lazy beta Nerds support Trump? lmao. It's like they blindly support someone who never did anything for them just because they are mad they got turned off by Stacy who would rather have Tyrone. They should probably stop being lazy, hit the gym and get a job instead of hoping orange clown will fix all of their problems.

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You cannot take mr metokurs name out of the absolute cringefest tgat was gamergame.
Sargon was also in the forefront of the "movement" but mr metokur was right there too along with other clowns like mundane mat and thunderfoot etc. He made a whole series of videos on it, the Quinspiracy Theory i think it was called, still under the name of Internet Aristocrat.

More like Winnipig

No-one is denying that he was involved, just that he was the leader when his entire stance was "There should be no leaders" and then when it got co-opted four months in he immediately left because he saw the shit hole it was going down.

i dont know man id rather take this than get stabbed by the million junkies in winnipeg those things are feral

Why would they support a party that is full of people like you and people who cheer for the extinction of their race?

what race is getting extinct?

it's simple, no one sane would support leftists

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that is a blatant mischaracterization and dishonest strawman

>/po/ is slow because they're all too busy shitting up other boards
Called it

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>watch that vid earlier
>didn't even pay attention to shirt
>check again
>it's real
Haha, holy shit.

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>thought the sign website said "uwinpigg.org"

>people who cheer for the extinction of their race?
Imagine paranoia and internet conspiracies being the deciding factor when voting, i guess it's easy to fool nerds who never rarely leave home and watch nothing but internet infographics and memes.

Why they always ugly fucks

He also exposed Mundane Matt

t. Lives in a 99% huwyte gated community

Goddamn it /po/, not again!

>Fat retarded neck beard is a Metokur fan
Did you know that most fans of Linken Park are edgy 15 year olds?

Because both groups are weak faggots who want to blame other people for tueor own neurosis and personal problems: Alt-right stormniggers on jews and SJW söyboys on the white patriarchy.

>man say word that triggers me
>he must be a commie!
Take your head out of your ass you retarded faggot.

Yeah ok, supreme gentleman.

>it's on their reddit page

is shit brewing bros, is James fucking done? he's gonna lose his ads now isn't he

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Who actually uses the term reactionary apart from Communist/Socialist types upset that the revolution hasn't happened yet and Victoria II players

>paranoia and internet conspiracies
we are living under fascism!

yeah ok tranny pedophile

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Why is jim so scared shitless of having his identity revealed? He flipped like a bitch at the mere suggestion of him being doxed by the sargoy dude and never even proved such thing even happened.

he would probably lose his job and his black friends

Yeah, it's not like there hasn't been constant pushing for mass immigration into white nations, boasting about how "your grandchildren will be brown" and cheering about the end of white people coming from the left.

i dont see the issue what the worst you can say about metokur? hes a racist? hes banging a asian girl. hes anti degeneracy? thanks to him animal abusers have been outed and reported to the police.