11 hours left

What will Microsoft announce?

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Other urls found in this thread:


mechassault reboot

screencap these dubs

Ninja Theory's Bleeding Edge
Fable reboot
Elden Ring
New Capcom stuff
And some more stuff

Banjo Three-ie
Halo MCC on all consoles + release date
New Forza shit
New NFS game
New console maybe (wish they would abandon the console market and just make cross platform games)
New Fromsoft game

Too soon after Capcom just hit a bunch of big games earlier this year, the only thing Capcom is cooking is a Versus fighting game and I feel like its not out of the question to be announced before EVO.
The new marketing and hype strat is to just remake the games visually while keeping the physics, which is what they will do for only the original BK not Tooie.

Need for Speed is on the backburner hard, I don't think we see it until next year when they go back to Underground style games.

Crimson Skies 3

>Need for Speed is on the backburner

So whos gonna stay up for 10 more hours till it starts? If you take a nap you're gay

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>Too soon after Capcom just hit a bunch of big games earlier this year

Capcom has new stuff for every fiscal year. Resident Evil 2 and Devil May Cry 5 is technically 2018 games. The only thing for this fiscal year so far is Iceborne.

They'll have more stuff at E3, possibly DMC5 DLC.

Interesting way to pre-announce it, didn't see anyone talking about it.
>Will we be doing anything in June? No. It’s as simple as that, but we wanted to give you a heads up before you started asking “where are you?”
That is probably why. Not at E3.

However it now reminds me Suda51 is probably announcing something for Microsoft
Not sure who owns the NMH IP but that is from No More Heroes

What’s been announced at e3 so far?

does anybody have the theater and van pics?

Anyone got that E3 schedule some user made? I forgot to save it.

You mean Ubisoft, they're probably publishing NMH again.

>Gears 5
>Crackdown 4
>Dead Rising 5
>Sea of Thieves update
>Cyberpunk 2077
reminder Phil about to dab on Sony

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>11 hours left
What about for the West Coast?

Microsoft sponsored the construction of 50 toilets in New Dehli.

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we are getting more info on AoE2 DE, will it be any good? HD civs were pretty fun, but holy fuck does the online run like shit sometimes. Also apparently we are getting new civs if some of the images they posted aren't just for looks
guess that at worst I'll just stick to Voobly

They confirmed 4 new civs, can't remember where but trust me.
What civs could they still add?
>More African civs?

Deez nuts


They need to fire their social media team, nobody knew about this



Midtown Madness 4

Xbox two

dunno, they might go for more asian/african civs, but if it's the same team that came up with HD's civs they might stick to one continent. I'm honestly more excited about a more polished netcode and modding capacities this time, I have yet to master all the HD civs
if the small amount of info that has leaked is anything to go by, they don't have much to show yet. it's going to take about 2 years, maybe 1.5 until it's finished

More Xbox One backwards titles.

Forza Horizon Lego expansion. And I will laugh my ass off.

I want to see what they're doing with Game pass for PC

Hopefully they announce porting all their Winstore exclusives to Steam, I want to play AOE

I unironically think Microsoft will be strong this year

The new Konami title

ps4 games

I saw it

It will be MGS:HD

God Hand 2

Can anyone post the full schedule?

New jet set radio

Just gonna say what Brad Sams said (he leaked stuff last year which was true).
there will be 3 new IPs (Xbox + Steam "exclusive"), one of which is webm related, another one is from a new MS studio they bought and the other is from a 3rd party.
Gameplay trailer for Halo Infinite and gameplay demonstration for Gears 5.
A teaser for the Playground Fable game and he said there will be more studio acquisitions as well.

Attached: 371271.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

MS is the superior PC Gaming Show, sorry Snoyboy.

Next-Gen and Halo Infinite, probably other things too.

Hoping there's going to be something to do with Banjo, like a HD remaster or something but I'm not holding my breath.

>the only thing Capcom is cooking is a Versus fighting game and I feel like its not out of the question to be announced before EVO
I want to believe but after MVCI it feels like we won't see another Versus game for a while, especially not with Marvel again at least.

>more studio acquisitions as well.
is this microsofts plan? just buy out everyone and then ruin them?

I'm mainly looking forward to third party announcements that'll feature in their conference. Maybe some more info on their steam partnership would be nice.

He said there will be a studio acquisition so it may just be one studio, but I'm expecting at least two.
And it's not like they're buying studios who make big budget must-haves. Rumored studios are Relic and Turtle Rock.

bleeding edge
large gears 5 focus, plus other gears games
another halo cgi trailer
nothing related to Banjo Kazooie
new studio acquisition
New consoles + Fable teaser
Loads of multiplatform games, including From Soft and perhaps a new trailer for iceborne by capcom, with glavenus, if the Sony marketing contracts have expired. (That's more wishful thinking though, as I desperately want Capcom to release more trailers, because more trailers means more monster teases at the end).
Xcloud available on every platform except for the PS4, but not due to MS's unwillingness to do so. No direct port of xbox games to switch, only streaming.
Two large scale new IP's, cross gen

>large gears 5 focus
snoozefest incoming

for you

banjo dlc

I actually expect the opposite. I think they'll open with gears, and put more of a focus on Halo Infinite since it seems to be less of a standard sequel. Maybe they'll go into the open world aspects or explain the mechanical differences. Gears 5 is just more Gears. Phil could give a paragraph or two after the opening trailer and drop a release window but I'm not sure we'll get much more than that.

The wait is killing me

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Same as last year: nothing.


But they announced everything last year.

Rare Replay on PC hopefully

That'd be neat.

Midtown Madness 3 Xbox One X Enhanced

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rare replay on switch

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God of War 5

I wish, but they'd never pay the license to use old cars.


They will announce that they are fully woke. Next game will introduce a trannie MC.

secretly hoping for Elex 2 even though it's highly unlikely to be announced at E3

>it's highly unlikely to be announced at E3
I don't think pc gayming show has much more to show than b-tier list games like Elex

>Microsoft conference
>70% of the games shown are multiplatform
>the rest are shit tier exclusive
every year


>New Capcom stuff
Any hopes this year for a Dragon's Dogma 2 announcement?

>Any hopes this year for a Dragon's Dogma 2 announcement?

No, DMC5 literally came out this year. DD2 is like...4 years away.

Dragons Dogma 2 even being in development is pure speculation. There is that one statement about the developers having the option between DMC5 and DD2, but that doesn't confirm DD2's gone straight into production after it. For we all know, Capcom could take DMC5's relatively decent sales as a sign to make DMC6 instead. In whatever form it should take.

It would be great for Capcom to develop it though, but if were the development team, I'd go for a new title, I honestly believe the first games relatively lukewarm sales can be attributed to the name alone. "Dragon's Dogma", it fits the games narrative brilliantly, but in practical use, it sounds very portentous.

Usual bullshit

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These plus Tales of Arise

Lithuanian and Cuman/Khazar

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>Capcom could take DMC5's relatively decent sales as a sign to make DMC6 instead
If they pull this shit and make another DMC rehash before releasing a new DD they should commit sudoku.

Hololens for Minecraft

No, even if Itsuno is indeed working on DD2 they started development for it less than 6 months ago, do not expect to hear about it until 2021 at the earliest

>For we all know, Capcom could take DMC5's relatively decent sales as a sign to make DMC6 instead
The DMC5 team is already working on DLC/DMC6, it's Itsuno that joined another team to start development on his next project, which is what people are expecting to be DD2

So could this mean this other team has been working on DD2 for a while now?

that looks like shit

The only thing that could get me exited would be a way to play gears 2 on pc.

Who's hyped for a codename and half the specs for the next console like they did in 2016? I am!

only 20 games will come for now, hopefully one of those is Rare Replay


In 2099, when the world is little more smouldering cinders and cockroach mutants, Mojang will still be at E3 to demonstrate Minecraft Hololens

Don't think so, from the Itsuno tweet when he changed teams it seemed like it was still early production, do not expect anything DD2 related this year, you'll only set yourself for disapointment

>Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course will release directly after the conference for all platforms
>Rare Replay on PC and Switch
>MCC: Reach beta starts and release date

Basically all I know besides the obvious Gears, Halo Infinite, etc.

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>Rare Replay on PC and Switch

I'd believe you if there had been any rumours supporting this

>Too soon after Capcom just hit a bunch of big games earlier this year, the only thing Capcom is cooking is a Versus fighting game and I feel like its not out of the question to be announced before EVO.
REMAKE 3 is scheduled for early 2020, though. Capcom want RE to be as close to an annual series as possible. That's why REMAKE 3 was outsourced to another company.

Remember when everyone was hyped for jump force

This is how rumours start, boyo.

Rare Replay on Switch has been rumoured for a while. Jeuxvideo reported that MS and Nintendo discussed bringing Rare's older titles to Switch in the same meeting where they agreed to stuff like Cuphead and Ori on Switch, and also the Xbox Live stuff.

Anyone with a brain could smell the bullshit from miles away

Capcom literally announced they're releasing nothing except Iceborne until next March.

Halo Infinite is the only thing at E3 that I care about. Should be good.

Actually I would definitely be interested in details of NextBox too, if they show it. And Microsoft have dropped a massive hint that they will indeed talk about NextBox. Basically they included the RGB values for the colour scarlet (Scarlet is the codename for the NextBox project) in some of their promo images. Some guy on Twitter picked up on it and he was given free Xbox Game Pass by Microsoft. So yeah, it's basically confirmed that they will at least mention NextBox (that's not an official name by the way, I just like calling it NextBox).


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7 hours now