>puyo puyo is basically jap tetris
>western relevance with tetris/champions
>puzzle game representation that is not dr mario
>potential for puyo color/garbage mechanics
tell me why you don't want arle in smash, Yea Forums
Puyo puyo is basically jap tetris
>>puyo puyo is basically jap tetris
I meant that in terms of popularity. I'm not retarded enough to think they're the same game.
where are the western tetris championships?
ok good thank you user
Funny how your post ended with 2424
I wish I could get into Tetris or Puyo
When will she marry her BF satan?
why would I want a character I like in smash?
so everyone would suddenly unironically play the games you like, just like everyone hopped on the castlevania bandwagon the moment simon and richter were shown
Yes please, but only Compile-era Arle, please.
I want to sniff under that skirt.
why would you want smashfaggots and ironic weeaboos to use your waifu to shitpost?
You're getting your gacha Arle and enjoying it.
I love Arle!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why is she missing a boot?
foot job
Imagine if she goes into berserk mode and starts eating Carbuncle haha
Why though?
Ka-kun ate it.
yea but now we have retarded WHOLESOME UwU comics with richter belmont calling kirby his son
fuck that
>worst pastorale
you deserve prison.
>Not "i only know to cry on the floor and drag my friends into the horrible Idol industry" Canon
They all seem very happy in my deck so they deserve the industry.
Because Puyo Puyo had a lot of charm and personality before Sonic Team decided to make everything super-happy and super-cute.
Sonic Team made it better imo
Original artstyle looks like the same generic 80s/90s otaku anime art you see in everything back than. Its pretty boring.
Well, opinions are like butts, everybody has one.
I guess I'm biased since I love 90's anime style.
Every Compile game had distinct Sprites and Artstyles
Between 2003 and now it only has been "Calarts Pastel Vomit" and "Pastel Vomit but with disgusting shaders" with the only desviation begin a fucking 3DS cover made by the guy who does Pokémon artwork
I can look at sonic team puyo puyo style and recognize where its from instantly. Thats a good thing.
I cant say the same for compile art.