e3 food thread
imma get one of these with cheese and a large fry for the microsoft conference, how about you bros?
e3 food thread
imma get one of these with cheese and a large fry for the microsoft conference, how about you bros?
in n out for microsoft, homemade big breakfast with mimosas for nintendo, whatever snacks are around the house for the bits of other conferences i tune into
operator, give me a double braaper
check this 5
what is your homemade big breakfast, user?
1pm so probably a george foreman chicken, rice, and peas. and some ice cold water.
I'm extremely poor until Tuesday so probably spaghettios
hot cheese fix munchies and probably some noodles
buy lentils, beans, and rice you fat poorfag.
fuck you i want my alphabet spageddis and meatballs
I have a cal 2 exam on monday.
I'm fucked.
>50% of you daily calories
>if you make it yourself its like 400 Cal
Why do people do this?
>not bulking year round
Fucking pleb
its the only meal im gonna eat you piece of shit
>900 cal is 50% of your daily calories
Maybe if you're a hungry skeleton or a womanlet, or both
I live 55 miles from civilization so I'm stuck eating chef boyardee unless I wanna drive 110 miles for the round trip to McDonald's or Denny's.
Riight around the corner of my house, theres this taco shop that sells this ''Big Mama'' burrito, and I always get one of those before the MS conference starts. Its basically one of those gigantic burritos that youre supposed to eat with your friend for $17.99, loaded with fries, meat and cheese. I pretty much eat it all throughout the day of watching the conferences.
And btw, im a 6'2 220 something pound mf, so its no big deal eating the whole burrito by myself. I've been doing it for years.
>not having it delivered
Or has your house been blacklisted?
None of the places are willing to deliver 55miles away user.
Ding ding, spic detected
celery and water
There's usually a distance limit for delivery, you'll realize when you order your own food and your parents stop paying for it.
Just water for me, thanks.
Check this 2
back to /ck/
dirty bulking all day every day
This, I can't fathom how people are so retarded as to eat those pieces of shit food with more poison than nutrients in them.
How do you handle your stuff then? Do you only venture out like once a month to replenish your stock pile of stuff? Living away from cities sounds like its the shit, but not this aspect.
>american """cuisine"""
900 cal isn't much. if you eat one of these a day and nothing else you will lose weight.
why are third worlders always so jealous of us?
Loli olev burg
Yea Forums will I lose weight if I eat nothing but 1000 calories of candy bars every day
yes, but you will probably feel like shit
Why should I be jealous, when you are the one having to eat literal garbage, while I can cook something nice out of fresh, healthy ingredients every single day?
sweet. I found the diet for me
this shit is so fucking good, it's the only sandwich I get at bk now
It's 900 kCal (900.000 cal). 900 Cal is like 1/3 of a grape. Why does everyone always fuck this up?
Wtf is that? 3 regular snickers bars? Thats not going to work user.
Burger King's onion rings are one of my guilty pleasures
Don't eat anything, just fast
5 hershey bars
or like 12 reese's cups
I did the snake juice shit for a while but I am literally addicted to sugar or something
rather eat 1000 calories warm, hearty meal a day. a burger is actually perfect.
The trick to losing weight is taking breaks inbetween ingesting food, you fat fuck.
You should never eat anything between 8pm-12am, also no sugary drinks.
Then you'll lose weight.
Why are american so obsessed with burgers
That is still nothing. Eating 1000 calories worth of real food would be more filling. If youre going to just do candy bars like a retard, then I suggest you look into appetite suppresants, and up the intake by 500 calories of real food.
>You should never eat anything between 8pm-12am
B-but then how am I supposed to keep my gaming energy for my gaming sessions that last until 4AM?
I'm losing weight so no snacks for me
but I will get hungry
Not even vegetables?
/fit/ told me vegetables are bad for you
something about anti-nutrients
Yep, you will. I am.
How about some nice activated almonds then?
fuck you user, now i'm activated
It's not that bad. Within a matter of days your body will adjust to it, and you won't feel hungry anymore.
Also you can eat anything you like throughout the day, the important part is not eating at night, because that's the time when your body will burn the most fat, but will only do so if you have an empty stomach.
Dr Pepper + Pizza Hollandaise with calf meat
E3 is 2 hours before midnight here though.
>You should never eat anything between 8pm-12am, also no sugary drinks.
But I lost 6 kilos while doing this. Why are you lying to us?
Because I do a yearly diet every spring, after gaining some kilograms in winter, and this method has always worked for me.
Drink black coffee or just get used to it.
So what?
>263g sugar
that's bullshit, right?
i get shakes everyday with my fastfood meals and i noticed i've gotten really fat lately
>tfw sometimes get so hungry I can't sleep
>Pizza Hollandaise
Is that a fancy word for Turkish pizza?
remember when Subway had a fat Jew pedophile for their spokesperson?
I'm probably gonna bake some salmon with rice and some veggies, probably fennel and leek. Shit's delicious
This is the most American sentence I've read.
Fuck carbs
No. It's sauce from netherlands.
today or ever? you make it sound weird that someone may just want to get some fast food after a hard days work and maybe just wants to treat themselves
Some good beer and snacks like peanuts,
almonds, etc...
2x45cm pizzas
why are americans so obsessed with eating greasy, disgusting "food"
yeah vegetables have stressors in them, but that stress improves cell health
Actually BK is good, at least my nearest one. My limit is 1 per week at most. But everytime i see cooking gore from USA i feel sick.
>someone may just want to get some fast food after a hard days work and maybe just wants to treat themselves
every day?
You mean there is more to life than eating, shitting, and sleeping?
Im from /fit and im a doctor. I can tell you breathing air like you are doing is harmful, you should tie a plastic bag around your head and breathe trough that. Tie the knot really strong.
I'm a skelly who works out, so I eat McDonald's food pretty often to bulk. Nothing wrong with McDonalds if you are watching your weight, calories and get enough protein.
why are you so obsessed with make sure your kids are muslim?
i work everyday and no one to cook for me
why is this weird? i jsut want to feel happy for a few minutes between all sadness
Spics inferiority complex, your food is garbage tho.
But I guess I'll stick with homemade food this time
you're sad because you're fat from eating all that junk food
2 fucking people named Jared and were notable turned out to be pedophiles. Fuck me, I wish I had the weird spelling of Jarod right about now.
>having to "season" their inedible, low quality food to the point it becomes edible
This is you, bitch.
Personally, I think it should be illegal to advertise a product differently on the picture than how it comes. I'm also jealous that Americans get to enjoy big burgs for dirty cheap while I have to pay £5 for a meal that doesn't even fill me
>you're sad because you're fat from eating all that junk food
ok but it also makes me feel happy? this is bullshit arguing point you are making and i only feel sort of fat now not really fat
t. person whose daughter if he would ever be normal enough to find a woman who wants his child would get boned by big black negroid milkmen only to leave him with a set of little baby dookie terrorists
Why do I read that with a cliché middle easter accent from some shithole country?
Every company is ran by a jewish pedophile lmao
it only matters what the media tells you though I guess
you'll eat muscle mass instead of fat
you'll feel like absolute shit for eating too little calories and of the worst quality
you'll probably get some illness or die
Low iq.