I love how CDPR failed so much at making this game look like cyberpunk, that the Omega city in Mass Effect...


I love how CDPR failed so much at making this game look like cyberpunk, that the Omega city in Mass Effect, a sci fi game, looks far more cyberpunk than this shit city does.


Shame Bioware couldn't make a cyberpunk game instead of CDPR doing it.

Attached: cyberjank 2077.jpg (1280x719, 183K)

Other urls found in this thread:


must have been the gay shit

the gameplay is better too, say what you want about mass effect but the gameplay was top fucking notch, and better than some shitty generic cod style fps like cyberpunk 2077 is

>I love how CDPR failed so much at making this game look like cyberpunk
based retard

Attached: 1550885366668.png (1178x628, 625K)

>EA trying to shill their me3 game after a shitty e3 presentation
That's a YIKES for me

Thanks for making a CP autismppsting container. Stay here until the end of the E3.

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I'm not really surprsied a scifi game looks more cyberpunk since cyberpunk is scifi.
You dumbass.

nice try cdpr shill, Omega looks better than cyberprank 2077

Attached: Omega_-_aria's_bunker_under_siege.jpg (3840x2160, 3.39M)

Then maybe the game called cyberpunk should look the most cyberpunk then?

Woah, so dark...
Truly my Cyberpunk!

Attached: 1556990940350.gif (948x704, 1.71M)

>it's night so it's cyberpunk!!!!!!
based retard again

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>generic and bland world

that shit looks like it was made by a HIRE THIS MAN

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>cyberpunk should be small as sparse buildings in a sunny california area


the expanse was more cyberpunk than this shit game you shill for

Attached: the expanse concept art.jpg (1920x1080, 933K)

you're right, no sunlight so it's cyberpunk

>generic and bland

Let me guess, still bitching about ME 3? Fucking faggot, get over it.

How many times are you going to post this

CP2077 is going to bomb. Fuck CP shills

I guess GitS isn't cyberpunk anymore then, since it often features scenes in sunny cityscapes or even countryside

b-b-but YongYea will see the new demo and tell us how amazing and revolutionary it is!

>pushing female v
>pushing gay shit
>straight male v lowest priority
fucking woke sjw bitch cdpr deserves it

It's still cyberpunk because the city looks oppressive as shit, the city cdpr made looks like the gta equivalent of a fucking unmodded skyrim city

Is going to bomb my dick, literally.

based straightfag

Stop answering yourself op, it's so obvious

You know thats was a tiny portion of one of the districts, right?

Meanwhile ALL of the city in Altered Carbon looked amazing.

Attached: 1531146872110.jpg (1920x1080, 273K)

>the sun doesn't count in other things and also, uh, GTA!
Get new material, faggot

Attached: ReactionImage_048.png (544x566, 394K)

>say what you want about mass effect

Combat sucks ass

I'll make sure to link your reaction video ok Yongyea?

>what's the best course of action: make a good game ourselves or shit on the competition on the internet
Seriously, fuck off.

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>'no true cyberpunk' fallacy

The gunplay and movement in ME are amazing, also the biotics. Quit being a crybaby because you hate EA, games are still fun to play.

This is embarrassing for you...

Attached: cp shills get rekt.jpg (376x163, 21K)

REAL Cyberpunk

Attached: city.png (1920x1080, 2.35M)

>The gunplay and movement in ME are amazing
chesthigh wall simulator

Yeah, at night. Because cgi looks better at night.
Thats why they used it to save budget.
Im sure you cant enter in the buildings of Boring Carbon.

Cybershit 2077 is a CoD game with wallhacks, now what?

Woah!! Damn look at all those covers to crouch behind. And I love the few "TUHI DISTRICT STORAGE" textures. You are right, this is undoubtedly peak Cyberpunk

>it's FPS therefore it's a cawadoody clone!
lol cope

>you cant use a Pc and a mobile


Attached: maxresdefault[1].jpg (1280x720, 82K)

Looks great in day too, unlike cybershit 2077. Also

>he thinks he'll be able to enter buildings in cdpr's janky gta ripoff

You'll be entering the few designated buildings they allowed, period. Also I can't enter any buildings in Altered Carbon, because it's a tv show, you fucking imbecile.

Attached: 1531146942881.jpg (1920x1080, 273K)

I'm sorry bro, but that show featured scenes in sunny, healthy forests, as we all learned that officially disqualifies it as cyberpunk

Attached: altered-1-4.jpg (1920x1080, 320K)

Expanse looked like shit though. Also, how much of a brainlet must you be to post concept art?

Meanwhile in cyberpunk
yeah you are full of shit.

Attached: 3402571-0539057649-33987[1].jpg (1280x720, 171K)

Yeah the dark hallway and walks with graffiti in cyberjank sure are creative and nothing seen before in countless fps games?

Watch the gameplay video, it's basically CoD but worse somehow, which is amazing. It sure as fuck aint Doom 4.

SEETHE harder cp shill

>looked like shit

Hi Stevie Wonder!

Nice try cdpr shill

SEETHE harder gamer girl

>six years after announcement
>retards still using the night strawman to avoid admitting why it's not cyberpunk
Based retards.

Attached: Ghost-in-the-Shell-Anime.jpg (970x545, 108K)

It looked like a low budget British sci fi comedy show from the 80s...

You're getting desperate. Reminder The Expanse had a powerful female character done right, unlike cyberprank 2077 with its shitty female ceo that curses nonstop like some whiny brat.

>six years after announcement
>cdpr still hasn't shown straight male v
lmao fucking cdpr


Find an argument, nigger

You first, cave beast.

I find it unrealistic that we haven't seen any loli yet. If you could customize your body however you want, some women would obviously wish to be lolis again. And some men too.

Attached: grayons.png (558x614, 45K)

Gits is nothing like CP you retard.


Damn so you're the only one who's posting this shit? Haha I thought there would at least be 3 or 4 people here considering the amount of SEETHING but it's all just you that's fucking hilarious.

>Reminder The Expanse had a powerful female character done right

Go fucking watch that sci fi garbage for braindead boomers. CDPR already proved they can write the best female characters in the industry with Thronebreaker and they'll prove it again. Keep seething


The manga literally starts in a normal traditional Japanese garden. SAC had entire episodes showing the city still had "normal" parts in the outskirts with good weather and plenty of grass. Iconic scenes like feature both normal weather and city landscapes that simply already exist that way.

I'm not full of shit, you're the one in denial arbitrarily deciding when these things "ruin cyberpunk" and when they don't

Attached: holy shit is that the fucking sun, why aren't those trees poisoned too.jpg (424x318, 20K)

>every FPS is a cawadaddy clone!!!!


You're the one making the accusations. It's insane that you "people" can't find a single decent argument against CP2077

Dude, I'm attacking cyberpunk, not using GITS to defend it. You can have all the sun you want in cyberpunk if you show dull muted dour depressing color tones and life being slowly sucked away by the technology that it's ironically supposed to make life better.
It's literally as in literally what happened to modern architecture, if it wasn't for older buildings telling you the history of the place all towns would look the fucking same.

Attached: trelick tower london 1972.jpg (870x1390, 243K)

So, what's the correct side to pick in this particular battle of the culture war? Should we show our support for CD Projekt's cyberpunk vision of globalized racial and cultural diversity in humanity's future? Or should we aim to hurt them because as good californian progressives we hate white people, and CD Projekt being a polish company makes them an acceptable target?

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what best female characters? that backstabber whore trish and that useless old hag yennefer?

>I love how

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Take your pills schizo

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You should buy Astral Chain for the Switch instead, it's the superior cyberpunk game.

You do nothing and wait for the game to be out to have an actual opinion about it, like any other mature person.

Don't reply to him, now he's gonna say that "they say that but they don't show it because gay male v is their priority" or some shit like that

>culture war
this is not culture war was you autistic piece of weeb faggot shit
this is discord trannies hating on cyberpunk 2077

How are you not tired of making the exact same bait every single fucking day for months on end?

how many options compare to gay shit lmao so fucking what it's not the priority they haven't even fucking shown straight male v gay shit and female v are priority they should fucking prioritize straight male v have straight male v content

>3 neon signs and light on the floor
I think we've attained peak cyberpunk aesthetic there

Mass Effect had really mediocre gameplay. 2 onward it didn’t know if it wanted to be a third person cover shooter or an RPG, while failing at both.

Bioware shills have stockholm syndrome and dont realize that the end is nigh.

>Omega is cyberpunk
Is fucking Star Wars cyberpunk as well?

Pick sun if you want more GTA clones but with LOL SO WHACKY TECH elements in
Pick night if you want atmospheric environment to lose yourself to

Fucking called it

No, like not at all, not even 1%.

he is mentally ill that's how

>Should we show our support for CD Projekt's cyberpunk vision of globalized racial and cultural diversity in humanity's future?
The game is set in fucking America, it's not a fantasy or a prediction, it's your current reality señor John Rodriguez

Remove the sasuke dude and that looks like where I live pretty much.
Not cyberpunk

this nigga called GiTS not cyberpunk

Newsflash, and I'm gonna spoiler because it could shock some people
we live in the early stages of a cyberpunk dystopia
And it's a wymin.

nah you can kys right now.

They nailed what a cyberpunk california would look like. Plus, given how its gonna be divided into districts I wouldn't be surprised if the market districts are filled with all the neon and smoke you vaporwave niggers love

Attached: images (1) (17).jpg (450x575, 22K)

>Is fucking Star Wars cyberpunk as well?
Ya, it has big skyscrapers.

Attached: 1544740942779.jpg (2400x1200, 413K)

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>Shame Bioware couldn't make a cyberpunk game instead of CDPR doing it.

user think about what youre saying, have you forgotten about ME:A and Anthem

Star Wars is cyberpunk?

They also made KOTOR and Jade Empire, so they've got the cyberpunk genre well covered.

It's ayylium sci fi

Both Mass Effect and Star Wars are space fantasy. They aren't even real sci-fi let alone cyberpunk.

>a cyberpunk city should be a shithole filled with shitty neon lights and always at night juste because blade runner was like that

Fuck right off faggot.

Even if you put aside how the game clearly isn't cyberpunk, the gameplay is going to be complete cookie cutter dogshit. It literally looks like borderlands done by EA.

My dude, you have a fucking pea brain. If we were to morph into a real cyberpunk dystopia, it would look more like CDPR's rendition than classic cyberpunk. The sun doesn't go away, and is probably even brighter because of what might be a thinning ozone layer.

Fucking garbage lmao

Don't out yourself like this nigger. You don't even know what im talking about

well fucking duh. Lucas literally ripped-off Bladerunner

Attached: ss_8a473861062a4f2091745e91dbdfc732c79e41f4.1920x1080[1].jpg (1920x1080, 235K)

>years worth of game work was scrapped and they have been in development he’ll for months
>months of work on third person poured down the drain
>game forces you to be gay
This game is the next fucking tortanic

Mass Effect 2 and 3 had great gameplay. They were basically Gears of War if Gears wasn't shit with a nonshit setting.

i mean wtf cdpr just focus on straight male audience like the witcher man holy fuck lmao how are those thronebreaker sales lol

I hate that hairstyle on the left. I really, really do. Fuck those bangs holy shit. Just make them longer/hang lower and they'd immediately be better.

dumb xbox nogger

How the fuck is Mass Effect space fantasy? It's one of the more realistic and feasible sci fi settings. Moreso than shit like Star Trek desu.

Is Arkham Knight cyberpunk?

>For the life of me, I don't understand what cyberpunk is
>Am desperate for attention and am le epic contraian troll
>God, my autism just refuses to let other people enjoy things
which one could Op be Yea Forums?

Attached: images (16).jpg (554x554, 27K)

Is VTMB cyberpunk?

Nar Shadda and Coruscant are cyberpunk, yes. Ever see Nar Shadda in Kotor or Tor? Especially ToR.

No it's Art Deco

No, it's art deco punk

>Reminder The Expanse had a powerful female character done right
I can't tell who you're referring to but the show ruined pretty much everyone.

Combat looks extremely basic. Hell, Black Ops III's nanomachine abilities were more advanced than this.


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Friendly reminder

Attached: qkPNoU3.png (630x685, 679K)

wtf cdpr supports bnwo

Fuck it. I'm unreasonably hyped for Cyberpunk 2077. I like style, the world, the characters, pretty much everything (except maybe the guns, which look pretty bland) they've shown so far. Yes, I'm fine with the sun too.

But I'm afraid I'm going to be disappointed in the end product, bros.

thx for proofing that you have no idea what you are talking about

are you straight male tho

>But I'm afraid I'm going to be disappointed in the end product, bros.
They've already massively downgraded it from what it was going to be in 2013. I can guarantee you will be disappointed.

not him but
>Maguffin element Zero that lets them do ez space magic and FTL stuff
>All the council races being humanoids with similair senses and psychology. Able to communicate easily.
>The council existing at all in a public manner, with all sorts of aliens capable of living on a space station/city together with little to no disputes beyond normal crime.
>The Reapers, The Protheans.
>The entire situation with the geth, and no Ai anywhere else
>A united Earth government thats a version of the UN
its science fantasy user.

>game is named cyberpunk 2077
>looks almost indistinguishable from real life LA 2019

imagine how fragile someone must be to have to ask that question lmao

Attached: kek.jpg (201x192, 9K)

*citation needed

>How the fuck is Mass Effect space fantasy? It's one of the more realistic and feasible sci fi settings. Moreso than shit like Star Trek desu.
LMAO Mass Effect is space fantasy through and through.

Attached: space magic.jpg (561x392, 80K)


But Yongyea said it was amazing, and the combat was thrilling?

Kaku Michio, an esteemed japanese scientist, said Mass Effect's biotic powers were realistic and feasible

Are you retarded? Watch the fucking youtube videos and shit where they say you can only be a couple classes

>fighting in a building = cyberpunk
holy shit most wars from ww2 onwards were cyberpunk

I hate jewtubers as much as the next user but i liked everything i saw in the gameplay reveal. So nice try trying to link my hate of jewtubers to something else.

I'd wear that jacket if I could pull it off.

It LOOKS cyberpunk, retard

I know. But I still want to believe.

Based on the earlier gameplay demo, it still looks like the most interesting game coming out in the near-ish future. Nothing else has really caught my interesting. Well, maybe except Tsushima, but that's I'm a total weebfag when it comes to samurai games.

It's the 2077 equivalent of the scorpion jacket.

what did he mean by this.
if i walk into some afghan's house and stick up some neon lights and make the goatherder say SCHWAY, does it become cyberpunk?

>Every Sci-Fi movie and game is cyberpunk

user there a huge difference between concept stuff and alpha build stuff to full release.

Did you honestly expect them to able to 1-1 translate the vastness of a tabletop rpg into a video game?

Attached: images (2) (8).jpg (640x360, 27K)

Wow, I guess Ghost in the Shell and 5th element were not Cyberpunk

its dark and neon, so i guess so

yes, forget about the dystopia, fi it looks futuristic it's cyberpunk

What's the difference between sci-fi and cyberpunk?

Can i pick "A massive newfag" or is that already included in the other options?

No but I did expect to actually get to choose between more than just 2-3 classes with the same story between them all.

5th element is Space Fantasy. Ghost in the Shell is cyberpunk.


How do you know it's the same story between them all?
Also a lot of other classes won't translate well into a video game.


cdpr needs to hire this woman to narrate the game, her voice is amazing

fucking no true Scotsman shit.

Why? They work fine on the tabletop.


I don't want to say you're retarded, but, you're retarded

Shit show.

But the whole reason they chose to make V a solo is because they have arguably the most versitility in playstyles and narratives, especially for a video game.

From what we know theres at least 3 skilltrees to invest in, and a few others that are unlocked through the game. Ultimately your still gonna be playing YOUR character.

Go play in traffic, retard.

nice bait, pretending to be a mouth breather and all.

It is not that simple, not all dystopian sci-fi is cyberpunk even if all cyberpunk has dystopian themes incorporated into it.

I've played in a few combat heavy campaigns with a Media and a Fixer and it turned out just fine.


As he said, you're retarded.

god the mexican cop was so hot in this show

Most sci-fi is dystopia though because most sci-fi is anti science

Does anyone really like the "cyberpunk" of the game even if it's the "original" concept?
Is the same as gta with just some robotic shit here and there.

that woman's voice is sex

And Blade Runner wasn't even categorized as cyberpunk by anyone involved. It was future noir.

>god the mexican cop was so hot in this show

Still not seeing how when in traditional terms something like a Media would mean a focus on speechcraft.
Wow, an RPG where you can solve problems by talking. How novel!

so was the half asian sister

Except it has cyberpunk elements in first 3rd part of the movie

Attached: 728_fifth-element.jpg (750x312, 82K)

>game forces you to be gay

Attached: tumblr_pa8lplGprz1w9o8mto1_640.png (635x438, 58K)

Every time I hear that voice I always visualize it as Shala'Ran from Mass Effect, even when it's entirely different characters

So? It's still not cyberpunk.

Is the game going to ask your characters sexual preference or what? how will they know who you want to sleep with?

Having cyberpunk elements don't make it cyberpunk as a whole.

>why wouldn't corporate stooge and newsmen classes work in a video game.
Because they are't playstyles that at this time can translate well into a vidya, they rely entirely one improvisation and roleplaying with a DM who can react.

>will it include options?



he is either a sub-90 IQ mouth breather or baiting.

It's gonna answer some questions and determine based on their mentally deranged narrative
>would you mind if I offered you a drink?
>I would hospitalize you
>full blown gay route because you're obviously in denial

I'm assuming it's like Mass Effect. You can hit on both genders. But depending on their own orientation, they go for it or not.

Watch the gameplay reveal. You can literally choose whether to get a joygirl or a joyboy from the vendor machine. So the choice is yours.

Attached: room service hookers.jpg (877x457, 96K)

lmao how much content straight male compare to female and gay shit tho lol they haven't even fucking shown straight male v it's lowest priority

Not answer

We already know charisma checks will be a thing and there's nothing stopping them from picking up a gun and shooting faggots.
You don't actually think playing a Media means going around and doing real reporting while holding down a day job, do you?

Attached: v discusses cyberpunk.jpg (1242x1683, 85K)

I know they went with the gutterpunk approach as it encompasses most of the elements and character types from the pen and paper game. That's fine by me.

But I wouldn't mind seeing a Blood & Wine scale DLC focusing on playing a corporate somewhere down the line.


Fuck off, if we are getting an expansion with a separate location it will be cyberpunk Europe.

Attached: cyberpunk.jpg (445x577, 118K)

>We already know charisma checks will be a thing
Do we? There wasn't a single one in demo.

what if you want to be celibate cyber christian waiting for marriage

the melee combat is confirmed to be shit, it's just deus ex HR style cutscenes with no actual gameplay mechanics. EA showed how to do melee combat right for a setting like this with Jedi Fallen Order:



Attached: 1560075652472.jpg (1226x861, 298K)

How about a DLC where you play as an eurotrash corporate scheming and climbing the corporate ladder of some eurocorp?

>what if you want to be celibate cyber christian waiting for marriage
Than you should stop posting on Yea Forums cus this is not the place for you.

You would get beaten up and raped in a dark alley because dystopia baby

>EA showed how to do melee combat right for a setting like this with Jedi Fallen Order:

Attached: 1560075724538.jpg (1000x894, 231K)

iirc every chat with the corpo and the augs could have been a shootout from the beginning if the player wanted it to be.

>how much content straight male compare to female and gay shit tho
>Regardless of gender?
Going by that it depends entirely on how many female romance options there are, since judging by the tweet it's like dragon age 2 where every romance is bi so you can fuck all of them. If theres less female options then men then you'd be right and getting cucked alongside the dykes and /u/fags.
>If you don't show X then it means the devs dont care about it
>Despite the gay V being shown behind closed doors and mentioned by one game "journalist", while they showed a straight female V to the public
By your logic Gay Male V and Gay Female V are also low priority, since only a straight women was shown off.

Can't wait for you contrarian faggots to get BTFO when this game turns out to be good and sells like crazy.

Attached: jahy smug 3.jpg (540x343, 27K)

How are those charisma checks?

>EA showed how to do melee combat right for a setting like this with Jedi Fallen Order:

Attached: xY5yHKq.png (500x500, 135K)


Attached: 2204269-Max-Paynes-face.jpg (431x557, 38K)

>can't be Dredd


misread the question soz

>EA showed how to do melee combat right for a setting like this with Jedi Fallen Order
I'd fucking rather a neat looking cut scene kill to
>Press X once
>MC does generic swing of lightsaber
>Enemy dies in one hit

Or we simply get this..

Attached: eurotour.jpg (483x629, 110K)

Looks damn good and you know it. I dare you to find a melee combat system that fits this game better than that.

They will focus on some dialog where a cyberpunk woman says she was born a man and they will focus on that for a while and then forget the game when their ADHD addled brains focus on something more shiny.

>not purple

Funny how blade runner helped define cyperpunk

>showed female v 1st
>gay v 2nd
>still haven't shown straight male v

She was hot dude

you probably could, he or she wouldn't be a judge but you'd get to dispense law from the barrel of a gun like he does.

It looks like a mix of God of war and sekiros combat, so it doesn't. Then again the whole game looks like that with a dash of uncharted thrown into the mix.

You can't expect the average 22 year old on this site to be intelligent and act like a reasonable adult.

>people forgetting that we already live in a cyberpunk world and the sun exists
Yea Forums btfo

approaching a problem via diplomacy=charisma check

I'm not convinced anything we saw in the first demo are necessarily in the final game. The stats, the skill check approach might change a lot.

The hacking part definitely looked like a placeholder system.

Straight men aren't pathetic enough to participate in video game romance, only gay guys or women need to know what 3d pixels they could sleep with.

That’s a woman

GiTs is cyberpunk because it's a high tech, low quality of life series wherein one rebels against the system around them

Attached: mehkoto.jpg (172x242, 24K)

>>The hacking part definitely looked like a placeholder system.
I mean to be fair they did call it that.

I mean yeah for your average Yea Forums user just talking to a human being is probably a charisma check

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>Sun Bad
Have faggots who spout this actually seen anything Cyberpunk related except blade runner?

So what this forced gay playable character meme from. Does the game really force you to be gay?

And gay male V wasn't shown to the public at all. Also a dyke V wasn't shown either, so
>Straight female V is shown first to journos and then to the public
>Gay Male V is shown to journos but not to the public
>Straight Male V isn't shown at all
>Gay female V isn't shown at all
So by your logic a straight MC was given more priority over a fag, since they showed off a women fucking a man instead of two gay guys fucking.

Look at all the gay looking sun and you tell me?

They also didn't even show the actual Netrunning stuff. Just the combat related quick hacking thing.

I recall seeing a Netrunning terminal in the demo they didn't interact with, though.

That's not what charisma check means you donkey.

Maybe, maybe not. But that doesn't mean that "we know" anything. Besides, there isn't even charisma stat.
And no, cool is not charisma.

motherfucker, I almost spilled my coffe

>straight mc
>it's a woman
lmao fuck off

>a women and guy fucking isn't straight
Alright, I'm giving up explaining this to you, since it's obvious you're just baiting.

>Maybe, maybe not. But that doesn't mean that "we know" anything.
I really hope if or when they show the game today, they'd go more for the nitty gritty game systems stuff.

Yeah well what combat fits better for cyberpunk? DMC?


lmao straight male v is straight male dumbass lol straight female v gtfo there's a new black mirror episode for you man lmao

>also gits

Attached: 2 серия Призрак в доспехах_ Синдром одиночки _ Koukaku Kidoutai_ (1280x692, 1.01M)

>people ranting about whether you can fuck chicks as a guy or not despite the devs saying you can fuck anyone regardless of gender
>Not being more concerned with WHO you're going to be fucking
Look at this screenshot and tell me you'd want to fuck that goblino in the back Yea Forums. Fucking female V looks better then that shit.

Attached: screen-its-a-deal-en.jpg (1920x1080, 207K)

>Mike Fitzpatrick
Oh, it's you again.

I-I mean they made Yennefer, Triss and Ciri. There will be hot females in the game r-right?!

This is what no one noticed. This game's women are gonna be fucking DOGS. I'm talking so bad you'll start thinking Sera from Inquisition was hot.

>>people ranting about whether you can fuck chicks as a guy or not despite the devs saying you can fuck anyone regardless of gender
NPCs are supposed to have a sexual preference, so not everyone will fuck a female or male V.

Obviously there will be options for fucking women as a straight male V. It's just the one idiot user who keeps insisting otherwise.

i want to fuck a robot
i want to BE a robot

Attached: 1542017356312.png (1600x1100, 106K)

>he thinks cdpr isn't pozzed

Attached: 220px-Dichen_Lachman_T1.jpg (220x293, 16K)

kino cyberpunk aesthetics, fuck you horny faggots

You can always fuck the dancer in the aquarium in the back. She seems hot even if you can't see the face. It looks like an aquarium but could be some light cage.

Gotcha, so women and men fucking is gay now, I'll remember that.

Please no

thats a dude with a bad haircut though

That chick looks about as bad as that mutt in the other anons screenshot you stupid fuck. Go back to Yea Forums.

Who do you think plays the straight female?

Hint: Women don't play these types of games

wow... so this is the power... of dark and neon cyberpunk..... woah...

Ah its the seething Altered Carbonfag and his horseface waifu again

Lmao enjoy your "female" romance fuccboi She(?) has the exact same haircut as femV.

Fuck you're right

My little sister exclusively plays RPGs user.

there are dudes who get dyke cuts and chicks that get mullets user. Bad haircuts are a staple of low income and gangs/punks.

1 outlier doesn't make a significant impact. Has she even fully completed any?

>he thinks trannies and women don't play RPGs

You're fucking retarded.

this ''bright'' shit on Yea Forums

just don't buy the game ffs. we get it you don't like THE FUCKING LIGHTS, leave the fucking thread

Attached: 1551537105976.jpg (492x448, 48K)

No but I'd fuck this one desu

Attached: Cyberpunk-2077-Gamescom-Impressions-03-The-Face-of-Violence-2060x1159.jpg (2060x1159, 248K)

Outside of shit like sims it's properly the thing they play the most.

God I hate the sun so much

Might as well play GTA5 tbqhwyf

Nobody care about your shitty definition of "cyberpunk" faggots..
People wanted flying cars , amazing lighing, noire/opressive vibe, megastructures ...
No one asked for a watch dog 3. CDPR showed a great promising teaser and even the fucking board game creator said in an interview that we make cyberpunk special is the blade runner like atmosphere.
Now after they realized how hard it was to make , they changed their promise while you retarded faggot defend them for free like real corporate boot licker.

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Oh yeah

Keep hating faggots

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>you're forced to hate the attractive white woman
>you're forced to respect the fat limo black man


Trannies don't count and women in general don't actually play games much besides phone shit.

>It has to be exactly like X or it's not cyberpunk at all!

now cdpr's prioritizing gay shit too lmao

>forced to hate
Theres a dialogue option of agreeing with her when she says about working together again.

It's funny because years back when that trailer got shown Yea Forums wouldn't stfu about wanting blade runner the video game, and anyone who said otherwise got told to fuck off. Then this trailer got shown and the demo and these fags did a 180 and decided blade runner's visuals were boring and overused

these people literally will eat shit if cdpr served it to them

>the city looks like commieblocks on steroids
i can see where the PUNK would be. the CYBER is shown in other moments of the show. thus, it's CyberPunk
>meanwhile in CP2077: a simple modern city that looks like with a bit more tech
where's the CYBER? where's the PUNK? i can not call cyberpunk2077 cyberpunk because of this lack of both cyber and punk.

Actually you have the option to tell her that you are looking forward to working together with her again at the end of the mission. Go and re-watch the gameplay reveal. So i am assuming that there is a more corporate focused path trough the game.

Newfag to these threads, is any if that shit in the tabletop 2020?

yes user but you can't seriously expect me to list off every game she beat. i don't even know how many I've played myself.

but mike pondsmith said cdpr "totally nailed it", and if w disagree it means we are racist because he is black

based cdpr

>Source: My ass

In the demo, there was also supposedly an option to outplay her by finding out the virus in the chip beforehand with that special inspection vision.

What's funny is that there was this autist who spammed threads about not wanting "edgy rain" and that CDPR should make the game bright and sunny. Everybody laughed at him but he got his wish. I've brought this up before but nobody else but me seems to remember this.

The game isn't going to be bad because there's sunlight, it's going to be bad because of the dumb down gameplay, the forced SJW agenda, and the shitty as fuck story.

Is she planning on playiing cp2077 as a straight woman?

>prioritizing gay shit
Yes. That's why they showed a straight female V in the first gameplay demo.

You're a moron.

You know we only saw 1(industrial) district out of 6?

i guess cyberpunk is just nighttime and tall buildings according to dipshits here.

>Be literal who
>Bigshot calls you up after doing a couple of jobs and asks you to do one for him
>Decide to talk shit to him like a retard instead of being respectful for a guy who likely could easily get you killed or cuck you in countless ways out of ever moving up into the big leagues
Great idea there retard. That's ignoring the fact you can be polite to the corp chick who outright set you up and had you pinned to the side of a car with a gun to your head when you first meet

you misunderstand me. i still have hopes for 2077. it's just that so far all we've seen is some people shooting eachother, some cyber upgrades being installed, and Trauma Team trauma teaming. i hope there's more to the game that CDPR is still yet to show us, but from what we know right now, it is not cyber punk. at best it's just really meh cyber sci-fi.

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Fuck the sun
Daylight sucks

There is a quote directly from the creator saying something about how neon rainy nights is cyberpunk.


Don't bother he'll just say only homos play female characters.

2077 looks like it's trying to do cyberpunk in the vein of Transmetropolitan. The only thing that throws it off is the lack of foot traffic but that's limited by hardware rather than artstyle.

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Then maybe the dumb nigger shouldn't have let CDPR set it in the daytime.

It is funny how everyone just completely ignored source material and they made up their perfect game based on nothing but wishful thinking and then treating it as confirmed blade runner the game.


It's still amazingly crazy to me how many people were triggered by the sun existing at all.

yes. i hope the corp center in 2077 looks like it does on 2020's covers, even if it's not exact 1 to 1 recreation

Attached: 2020.jpg (562x333, 92K)

The game looks like shit at night, the game looks like shit during daylight. The colors are all too squeaky. This game looks like early 90s, not mid 80s like it should. Yellow, green, pink and red are dominating and they really shouldn't.

GitS daylight scenes were desaturated and washed out looking, so they had a much better mood. This game just looks like a Kotaku article, like a clown puked all over GTA. This shit is disgusting.

The hilarious part is the people laughing said cyberpunk is supposed to be dark "edgy" and full of rain and neon signs. Now they did a 180 and defend this shitshow lmao

also they'd post tons of cyberpunk art and game screens from other games that all looked like classic cyberpunk, now they pretend they dislike it

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And Saints Row has more car theft than modern Grand Theft Auto. what's your point?

Defend your shitty not gta now, you shills

You make it sound like night time isn't a thing in cyberpunk

It wouldn't surprise me if there ends up being some reference to Transmetropolitian. Maybe you can buy the glasses and it increases some press related stat.

I won't once the retard explains why he let them make it in the sun after saying all this.

It will be there for sure, but your pic is just small part of the city.

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I like bladerunner's style, but cyberpunk 2077 is still cyberpunk

Whats with all the anti CP threads the last week?

It's fucking weird how cyberpunk aesthetic had a boner for Neon Lights. I haven't seen one outside of a tiny restaurant window in years.

must be all the gay shit

It doesn't have NEARLY as much cyber body horror or freaky degenerate shit in general as Transmetropolitan. It's not as dense or claustrophobic enough. It's not detailed or grimy enough. The colors are not contrasted enough etc. You're not doing it any favor by bringing up Transmetropolitan.

And why even go for an artstyle that's impossible to recreate? It just screams incompetence and guarantees you to end in middle where all you get is a bland GTA setting with few robot limbs here and there.

Probably going to be some more info during E3, unless you're referring to the anti part in which case those have been around since last years e3 trailer.

>lack of foot traffic

Not wall to wall crowds, but it seemed to me there were plenty of people walking around.

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thats because cyberpunk started in the 80s (?) right?

>it could have looked like this bros...

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oh so you've played Cyberpunk already? Kill yourself you seething faggot.

cyberpunk or not, the game looks like dogshit

Never ever compare CDPR with Bioshit again.

I find this really hard to belive, the idea of being able to just shoot into the crowd and then have the crowd react realistically in an open world enviorment on todays console's.

>The gunplay and movement in ME are amazing
you can't be fucking serious. I mean this is a joke right?

>it is 2077 episode of people forgetting cyberpunk 2020 and treating cp2077 as it is game based on loose concept of the genre

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It's not fair

yes, why?

I'd enjoy the more expected cyberpunk setting in a AAA game but anyone who thinks cyberpunk is just neon lights at night is a retard. Blade Runner was a great movie, but it's like thinking that all medieval fantasy has to look like Lord of the Rings. All it does it make what should be an interesting setting into a formula. Blade Runner and Cyberpunk 2020 got it's imagery because of what was happening in the 80's, with the whole Japan getting a tech boom and all. It makes sense for 2077 be more of a reflection of what's happening in 2020.

Yeah. Not in the game.

Not overpopulated and claustrophobic enough.

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the idea of people playing as a straight women doesn't fit in his agenda

There's a game being made like that, where you actually play as the cat. Here's a screenshot.

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That's my concern as well. I'm not sure you can even pull out your gun in non-combat scenes, or run over pedestrians with the car.

I'd love to be wrong, but they didn't allow you to chop up villagers in Witcher either.

Agreed. Bioware has actually made some good games unlike CDPR.

Omega was like 3 tiny fucking areas and a cgi cut scene

obligatory question: is she hot?

Looks like a shity part of a city.

I think that i can pretty sure confirm that they are either paid shills or just witcher 3 die hard fans. The way they dodge the video that was shared and continue parroting their arguments to attack anyone criticizing cdpr

E3 around the corner and the two or three autists that have been shitting on it since its announcement are going into overdrive, desperate to convince Yea Forums its bad.

>good games
Summer is that way.

you realize the game becomes dark at night time right darkfaggot

Don't the Hitman games already do something like that? It's not open world but their maps are rather big.

>where's the CYBER?
In all the neon lights on your gear and the cyberware in your face.

>where's the PUNK?
Did you watch the trailer in the OP? It literally starts with a door that has "NO FUTURE" scratched into it.

Add in things like V's jacket with is VERY punk-inspired, and also very futuristic, and you should be able to tell where the CYBER and PUNK come together.

Where's the Cyberpunk? Just take a look at V's jacket.

>looks far more cyberpunk than this shit city does
It really doesn't

She's an outlier. You don't cater to the minority that might play your game.

Literally just go onto YouTube and go to "Mass Effect Garrus romance" or "Thane Romance" or "Dragon Age Cullen Romance" or "Solas Romance" and take a fucking look at the comments

idk, i don't think it will be a design decision, as they will probably do as gta when it comes to this? as i belive its suppose to be more open then the witcher games as an rpg

but idk how an unscripted scene would work with that many npc's interacting with eachother.

looks to be the most generic cyberpunk aestestic ive seen.

>he thinks this is impressive
>he thinks this is even remotely comparable to Transmetropolitan
If you're making a game in the [current year] and your crowds aren't as big and impressive as in Hitman Absolution or Assassin's Creed Unity then fuck off the edge of my dick.

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Kyss nigger.

I guess maybe, but aren't those maps already preloaded when you start the mission? idk if that would help. lets hope that cdpr made some magic happen with updates to their engine

>there is no massive pollution that would block the sunlight

how can someone think that the future is bright and sunny?

Just because you're too young to remember doesn't change reality.

fuckers nuts
im not as bad a brother as to sell her off to Yea Forums
im sorry what is that you think CD is trying to push?

I have actually, the combat is trash compared to Mass Effect, sorry.

but its an rpg, so ofcourse there should be the opportunity to do so. Do you say the same thing to mass effect or skyrim?

Sure does

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just answer yes or no nigger

The one thing people praised Andromeda for was the gameplay. That was despite the game being loathed so much. People would always say how at least the gameplay was good, but the rest sucked.

>100 straight women played these games
>better cater to them
>surely we will make a huge profit

Cyberpunk is not far future it is near future. Cyberpunk is mostly about universal/modern day human problems not about technology or future technology. Everybody is more connected than ever but also more isolated than ever. Cyberpunk is a subset of sci-fi but sci-fi is not cyberpunk.

there should be fucking opportunity for straight male v

ehh i think it will be fun/fine. But Yea Forums is just hating for no real reason, luckily you have to be retarded to care about Yea Forums opinion and i am not :) It's an INSTA buy my dear anons

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>anti sun seething intensifies

holy shit looks like rage 2 wtf

I hope we can pay premium v-bucks for fresh air™

Actually pollution would cause the ozon layer to thin and thus make it more sunny rather than blocking the sun.

Altered Carbon is cyberpunk and took place hundreds of years in the future.

>big flat room with few clutter here and there
It's like some amateur modded FPS level or something

take your meds, there will be straight fanservice

I'm not arguing with you about that, you're literally trying to say "durr women don't play RPGs durr" when it's been well known that they make up a significant section of story-based RPG playerbases for a decade now

I don't know if it was people praising the gameplay as much as saying that it was the only serviceable part of the game.

prove it


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Except they don't. Stop getting your statistics from kotaku.

fine fag
I think she'd be a 7-8/10 if she changed her hairstyle from a ponytale to litteraly anything else.
happy now?

Altered Carbon is not cyberpunk but it has cyberpunk elements. It's also garbage.
>inb4 you turn out to be that fucking autist who posts his mongoloid waifu everywhere on Yea Forums

Nu-Yea Forums faggots want a new Tortanic, so they desperately hate on any popular game they can get.
OP seems like a complete basket case, as I've seen an identical or at least very similar threads before, sometimes with the same links and/or images.
The definition of OBSESSED.

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>cyberpunk is near future
You're retarded.

as they have said that we will be able to have straight relationships as males with women, Im sorry but please stop. I can't handle this shit every thread

yes user hundreds of years
thats near future.

Yeah, that will do

If they're going to copy GTA, that's the one aspect I hope they do take. It doesn't fit in Witcher, but in Cyberpunk, the freedom of being able to pull out your gun and shoot anyone is a must. Sure, it might result in a cybered up SWAT team dropping in and gunning you down in seconds, but I'd like the option. It also brings a lot of weird, fun emergent moments when you can just fuck with the open game world.

If the crowds are just scenery, then that would be a massive disappointment. I'm hoping they're not.

I'm getting my stats from fat girls wearing Garrus shirts when I went to high school in 2014 and talking about Until Dawn with multiple girls in my college

>altered carbon isn't cyberpunk
Based retard

Most people agree that CP2077 will sell tens of millions and will not flop. It's just that it'll be mediocre like TW3 was.

>I can't handle this shit every thread
then stop replying to him

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literally why wouldn't there be

they should fucking show it will they fucking show straight male v at e3 ffs

Yikes! Sounds like someone is seething and needs to cope

A solid oof, you dilator

having the posibility to just go on police chases would bring some replayability™ aswell.

wtf is that solar panel on his jacket
god damn i hate this games aesthetics its like they only watch bladerunner, gits, akira, and just look up those stupid tumblr aesthetic blogs and called it a day

what im saying is, everything in this game looks uninspired

lmao it has to be one single autist like barry or some shit at this point

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i'm not posting fucking quote bitches get asspained but cdpr only showed female v and gay shit they haven't fucking shown straight male v

I hope they only show a full-on a gay gangbang, just to spite you.

It'd be cool if more high class areas, the civilians just run but in the more rundown parts of the city, everyone has some sort of gun or weapon to gun you down.

They're just trying to make a point after they spent a decade making 3 games that were literally just "Chad fucks bitches" by advertising other options available to the player

Im not smart enough, i have real life things that I have to do, its much easier to not do them when I justify it by talking to you guys

Sure thing retards. The technology in Cyberpunk is specifically within bounds of current technology taken to their logical extents ie there is no faster than light travel and civilizations spanning universes in cyberpunk. Technology in cyberpunk is not magic.

>"CyberPunk 2077 is going to be a bad game" is more meme than an opinion now

Sometimes I wonder why I even come here anymore, besides video game related news.

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why the fuck can't there be straight male v chad fucking bitches they should fucking have that option ffs


holy shit, he's fucking real

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There has been an extremely low amount of demo released and CDPR doesn't seem to want to release any previews they don't want to

there will be you fucking idiot, reread my post

don't you have something better to do with your time?

It needs to be more dirty with a bunch of trash around and more people, then I'd be good with it.

Im taking the bait again. There fucking will be

take your fucking meds jesus christ

does he get cold hes got a jacket on?

It's not. While I don't totally agree with the altered carbon fag, he is mostly right.

The gameplay was shit, nice bait

cdpr should fucking show it then ffs

That's likely the more standard part of the city, the one where there's actual maintenance. I'm sure there will be sections much more littered.

when its that open around the neck, you probably would (and yes its for aesthetics)

Just make a cyberpunk game set in the star wars universe for fucks sake

>most of the people in the thread have had a chance to play the game enough to call it shit
It's not fair.

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are you litteraly 12

I'm here for the few really good threads that turn up from time to time.


Im starting to wish i where gay because of the likes of you. holy fucking shit, I don't know if you represent the average straight gamer here on v but holy fucking shit, you got me

I will fucking smash you.

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>a cyberpunk game set in the star wars universe
You fucking underage cocktwats have no idea what you're talking about.

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why do the people who hate the game always get to play it before us? never fucking lucky

>too retarded to watch a 48 MINUTE GAMEPLAY video

Haven't yet, faggot

AAAAAAAAAA just stop replying to him, he is derailing every fucking thread and you retards are arguing with him every thread

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And a varied police presence would be great too. In rich areas, cops would watch you like a hawk. But in a broken down sprawl, the cops don't even come there. But booster gangs there carry heavy hardware.

Things like that make the world believable. And if the game is good, it's just fun to try out and do stupid shit outside of missions.

What the fuck are you on about.

he's the new Barry/Michael


then get a better jacket tf?
nier automata made sure all of there characters where aesthetics, but what made sense of it all is that they mimic human life and did anything remotely human

ToR was cyberpunk as fuck, but Yea Forums shat on it years ago.

>wishing you were gay because of 1 autist
Sounds like you're a closet faggot.

>watch 48 minute gameplay = play the full game
How many times your parents dropped you in attempt to kill you when you were a baby?

Just wait for the new game play trailer to come out then we'll have something to talk about.


>blade runner was dark and rainy
>therefore dark and rainy defines cyberpunk
>blade runner had Harrison ford
>therefore Harrison ford defines cyberpunk

I can't believe CDPR didn't make /ourguy/ the voice of the main character. #notmycyberpunk

Probably soon? I don't fucking have their release schedule you mong

I'll make you a bet:

If there isn't an option in the game for a straight male V, I'll kill myself and stream it on Youtube.

But if there is, you do the same. Deal?

God already did it for me, pussy.

Just join us, the awakened lurkers.
Give up the coils that force you to reason with others


>mediocre like TW3
confirmed to be one of those colosal contraian fags that could'nt move past a tutorial and deemed it bad.


hmm I wonder what the actual fuck this means

>48 minutes isn't enough to get a good feel for how the game plays
What's it like being a sub 80 IQ retard?

witcher 3 combat was garbage and took no skill

That's what I'm hoping. Starting area from the gameplay video would be the sort of easy area, standard police presence, maybe the occasional civilian with a weapon, much like GTA. Then you get to the bad part of town where nothing you do gets the police, maybe only the Medical Force team if there's casualties, and the nice parts have near instant wanted level, or whatever they end up calling it.

I hope this game bombs

i don't fucking want anyone to fucking die that's you fucks doin that shit telling me kill myself for saying cdpr should fucking show straight male v i'm not fucked up same as you fucking asseaters CDPR SHOULD JUST FUCKING SHOW STRAIGHT MALE V THAT'S ALL I'M FUCKING SAYIN

I want to fuck that robot
Also Dum Dum

>probably soon
lmao they fucking better wake up with this shit man compares the fucking witcher 3 sales to fucking thronebreaker shit lmao how those thronebreaker sales cdpr get woke go broke lmao

get one of the girls in whatever school you go to to give you a handie so you'll leave us the fuck alone


Dum Dum was a total bro.



ea shills going hard i wonder why

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Thronebreaker is a literal card game and sold fine

I'm going to fuck the chrome lady if it, and it might, kill me.

>the autists ITT literally defending mass effect gameplay and visuals
Kek. i played the trilogy and they're abysmal in every regard.

what did he mean by this?

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epic style


where did you get the beta game of cp77? link to installer download please

Neither does new vegas, baldurs gate or deus ex but they are all still great rpgs you fucking dunce

>sold fine
lmao it fucking bombed man lol look it up ffs it fucking rekt cdpr lmao they're fucking woke sjws now lol


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Tell me, user. Where does it hurt the most?

>posting this unironically


i'm not fucking posting fucking quote you cocknugget

Do you have the attention span of a fish? Who plays a beta for only 48 minutes?

That shit happened years before Thronebreaker, kys

TW3 sucked ass

Hes a chad in the culture war. The hero we gamers need

geralt was fucking based straight male protagonist man thronebreaker was full yaaasss kween shit man

>why is there roleplaying in a roleplaying game?

lmao haha yeah dude roflcopter ikr shiggy diggy based cuck and redpilled

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Waifu talk is 90% of every Bitcher thread.

he's an autistic shitposter sperging on Yea Forums Yea Forums and no developer gives a shit what he thinks, rightfully so.

So it's accurate to the novels, then

Why does it look so cartoony?

>anons I'm responding to unironically can't understand the idea of a concept
Alright, I'm done. You niggers are literally too stupid.

holy fuck

why do people fixate on shit like this?
like isnt it obvious that there'd be gay and straight stuff in a modern game?
who fucking cares?

>plays an entire trilogy of games he finds abyssmal

holy shit you're either lying or retarded as fuck

cdpr fucking prioritizing gay shit tho

they were passable. it's called boredom. the first one was somehow the worst one.
U triggered?

Reminder that Anthem sucked ass in every area but the gameplay. Anthem has better combat than Cyberjunk 2077

Not him but the core of Mass Effect is the writing, most fans will agree that the gameplay and visuals were lacking


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Pandering to zoom zooms

>I was bored so I played these three shit games that take multiple days in terms of sheer hours to complete

human parasite

what the fuck it matters to you i call out cdpr why the fuck you don't want them to show straight male v what in it for you man lmao

yes, this was about 10 years ago. it's almost like tastes evolve as we grow. they weren't good.

its free good press from less than 10 seconds in a public showcase user

have sex

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they should fucking show straight male v then man they showed female v and gay shit when the fuck are they showing straight male v that should've been fucking first man ffs



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It's been 7 years since 3 came out

based retard