You step outside of the sewer for the first time, ready to begin your new life in Tamriel

>you step outside of the sewer for the first time, ready to begin your new life in Tamriel

What's the plan for the rest of your life, user?

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Kill a mudcrab lol

Sing basketcase by linkin park, and shoot an arrow straight into the air, headshotting the final boss some distance away

same as everyone else

go straight across the water and into the ayleid ruins

Try to take the guards stuff then he wants to fight so you give him a fight only to lose because fuck stamina. Now you’re dead or in jail.

>get high on tree cocaine
>laugh at the absolute state of morrowind

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uninstall and play morrowind

that's a pretty cozy old temple, maybe I'll move in there.
>full of bandits and zombies, maybe a vempire
maybe I'll go live on the waterfront and beg for coins until I can afford a charm enchantment for my loincloth

>admitting you're an autistic faggot

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I'm not even sure that I can survive for more than a couple of days.

Why should I leave? The sewers are my home now

retire in my house in Kvatch. I spend all my savings on that wonderful mansion inside the city gates.

oh no no no
morrowindlets seething

Oblivion music is the comfiest. It bothers me that I will never play this game for the first time and get enthralled in a world so deep ever again.

>uninstall and play morrowind

I would commit suicide if i ever found myself in soulless games like Morrowind/Oblivion. The worlds feel so dead

>The worlds feel so dead
t. zoomer

morrowind's npcs are walking wikipedia articles user, they don't do anything and only exist to serve you a bunch of copy/pasted text

>What's the plan for the rest of your life, user?
sell the amulet and join Dark Brotherhood

I've never been in those ayylmao ruins before now that I think about it
how are they ?

so just like real npcs?? actually nvm at least they can offer you an entire wikipedia article and not just 1 or 2 sentences at best like either in nu-bethesda's games or real life lol

Oblivion had the best (non story) quests out of all TES games. Proof me wrong. You literally cannot.

>calls others autistic faggots
>posts shitty ENB screenshots

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Crouchwalk in the corner of the local tavern for a couple hours, dissappear completely off the face of the earth and steal immense amounts of wealth from the Imperial treasury.

It's true. It's a goddamn shame about that levelling system making every single one of them a massive bitch to play through, though.

I'm going to fuck Elves!

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I get out-scaled by the enemies because I put acrobatics as one of my skills.

The idea behind the levelling system is good imo
Just the attribute bonuses on level up were poorly designed and level scaling completely ruined everything

I return to my cell and serve my time while being berated by my night elf neighbor

Now why would the first actions of a tired, starved, half dead prisoner crawling out of a sewage outlet... be to walk over to and murder some campers, and then burgle a historial site.

That's actually the best part about morrowind besides the visual design, you have to investigate and get info to get anywhere in the game and some questlines straight up give you wrong directions (with justified reason ofc) and you'll have to EXPLORE like it's a real rpg or something

I'm not sure where I said otherwise.
All I said was the NPCs are dead husks that provide you wikipedia articles.
It really detracts from the game

I'll head to Skingrad and work as a farm hand. Save up and buy a little plot of land in Bravil or Leyawiin County (other places are probably too expensive).

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They're neat. Bandits are trying to smuggle ayy stones out of them but keep getting fucked by traps and the whole thing has become a saw-esque nightmare for them.

I remember playing through Oblivion thinking the Thieve's Guild actually was just made up until I stumbled across it one night by accident.

is it me or are the oblivion quests wayyyyyyyyyyyyy more fun than the skyrim quests? IT's still a 7,5/10game though with dull as fuck combat.

Yes and my old ass used to play muds, its really not that unbearable, there's more then enough unique dialogue for important NPCs, if later games could have that NPC system with the voice acting that would be FUCKING impressive

>fucking around in Oblivion with a mate installing mods
>install a tentacle rape mod
>it's a spell you cast on people
>cast it on a guard in the imperial city
>guard starts getting tentacle raped and crying out
>ALL the npcs in the area run over and crowd around him to watch
It was fucking hilarious, I've no idea what the mod was called

become master of all guilds and ignore the apocalypse

Skyrim is fucking boring, sure it was fun years ago but there's like no witty writing, no well written quests etc, no fun allowed

Lmaoing at morrowfags lives, it's so objectively bad in so many ways but they just live in denial about it. It was outdated even for its time, especially in terms of NPC A.I/interactions. Absolutely nothing happens, zero world interaction unless the player is directly involved.

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Become the leader of a bunch of organizations, only to abandon and doom them by becoming Sheogorath.

the thief and murderer quests were so shitty compared to obliv. are there ez mods for obliv that make it less ugly?

obliv also has this 'garage' feeling to it because ther'es only 4 voice actors

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I don't know why people keep meming about wikipedia articles because most of the quests npcs are pretty well written. It's not a masterpiece but they just talk through text and not some shitty voiceovers.

Do skooma
Do big titty nord bitches
Steal from shops in town
I’m a redguard btw

is this modded? she looks way too much like a normal non-down syndrome human to be vanilla. why you could almost call her attractive, which that game only ever achieved by accident

find a nice fertile wife and a comfy place to settle down

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>increasing skills, something that happens passively and is not within player's direct control, can actually make you weaker
Dogshit system 0/10

skyrim has exactly the same voice actors, they've been using them since morrowind. I think oblivion actually had more, because a bunch of the main cast were unique, whereas skyrim blew their VA budget on like 2 unique big names

because every npc being a fountain of knowledge is dull, also it becomes obvious very quickly how much copy/paste goes on for all the random npcs
having some not know anything or even not being able to talk to all of them would have been a better option, even if the rest was the same

Play the better game

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Find some cute children.

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What mods make oblivion good? I don't like level scaling

Did you skip over the part where I said the level scaling completely ruined it ? You know, the part that made you weaker when you levelled up non-optimally

hmm it's been a long time but I distinctly recall oblivion having wayyy too many similar lines in the game. maybe because I actually played and finished oblivioni because I was having fun

>still parotting le ebin Yea Forums opinions
Wanna know how i can tell you never actually played the game? End your life

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Skyrim's VA is so fucking monotone and dull, which explains why people don't remember it as much as Oblivion, which is comically exageratted and peppy at times.

maybe that's it! Yeah, I remember being fully bored when the 'epic talks' where happening at the dragon cult faction or whatever. man those lines were phoned in.

>it's a morrowind/oblivion/skyrim wank thread
>nobody mentioning the best in the series

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Wanna know how I know you're blinded by nostalgia glasses?
Morrowind's generic NPCs were one of the weakest points of the entire game.

Morrowind has damn interesting lore and fascinating main quest. It was a time when vidya was still nerd.

Go to the Ayleid ruin nearby, kill Ebony and get Umbra and her armour from her, break the game.

gay game for gay pedophiles like you

Nah It's just neat nitpicking. Just like for some reason we know names of every bandit around.

I think oblivion had more NPCs and dialog, also the VAs were per race; every orc had one voice, every elf, etc, whereas skyrim assigned them randomly. actually there was a few new vioce actors in skyrim now that I think of it, the autistic nerd who always sounded like he was about to flub the line constantly, the court wizard in whiterun guy, just fucking terrible. jarl baalrgruf and the other scandinavian guy (only ever seemed to voice guards) were also new, though they were decent. not sure they actually upped the number or just swapped some out, but they were at least fresh.

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yeah, posting memes is so much more intellectual

>train polevaulting for ten years
>go to a professional boxing match
>whoooaaaahhhhhhh why didn't I win! I trained so hard this is fucking bullshit TOOOODDDDD

Get raped by dogs and miscarry the goblin fetus in my womb

oscuro's oblivion overhaul

To find those Alyeid bastards who shot up my ride.

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ESO's thieves guild and DB are far superior to skyrims, and take place in more interesting locations. they actually bothered to get the layout of anvil AND kvatch accurate, while expanding on them, even though one was a flaming ruin by the time you saw it in OB, and the original city of abah's landing is one of the best 3 dimensional playgrounds in the series.

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>what is ENB screenshots?
>what is sex mods?
>what is Oblivion?
iNtElLeCtUaL (you) are

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Based Dukeposter.

Work in a brothel

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Fuck off. ESO is the worst MMO of the decade.

Not that user but if you can get past the controls and combat fluidity issues, its way better than FFXIV and WoW (past Wrath).
As far as the quality and attention to detail goes, its shits all over both of them.

Walk straight across the river and be promptly slaughtered because I fell for the OOO and MOO meme.

Estrus. A favorite.

Wait, is OOO not a good mod? Was thinking of trying it.

OOO + MOO is THE base overhaul experience, it's just little bitch faggots who can't handle areas being to strong for them in the beginning who don't like it.

You can meet much stronger enemies straight away from the very start, no more world revolving around the player.

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Lurker here, what are these mods? I might get back into Oblivion.

>in the beginning
everything more than a goblin shaman will wreck your shit for tbe first 50 hours
OOO and MOO is shit

What's MOO?

I'd love to play Oblivion again like I did back in highschool when it came out. I was so into it and didn't notice it's flaws at all, could play for hours and now I have that thing so many others have where I can only game in small bursts and am never fully into it.

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Objectively wrong. You're just bad at the game it seems.

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Makes sense really.

I feel like I missed out by not playing this when I was like 16, I could just feel the awe factor I would've had.

Also the combat is so shit it's unbelievable

The visuals of the world in Skyrim are so bad that I was surprised how good the forests looked in Oblivion when I played the franchise in reverse. Remember all that foliage and grass on the ground in Oblivion? It doesn't exist in Skyrim.

I remember being 14 and playing it enthusiastically up until the sunrise in the weekends, despite the fact that my PC was shit and I could only muster something like 800x600 res with low settings and 24-28 FPS. God, how fun life would be if I were so easy to please once again.

I'll always love the way Oblivion's trees sway and wave when storms go through.

Seething sweetie dilation is not a replacement, have sex incel cuckly.

Just seeing that screenshot makes me want to play again. But then i remember how badly it has aged

>world so deep

Maybe if you are 10 cm tall

Fuck man, same here. I even tolerated the stuttering in big areas because I was just so happy to play it.
Remember first seeing screenshots and just being blown the fuck away by how amazing it looked?

Those were the days, pham.

>go to arena
>do arena sidequests
>use winnings to buy first house in the imperial city
>continue from there