Bethesda conference

>bethesda conference
>3 AM since I am in europe
Has it ever been worth it?

Attached: toddy.jpg (699x1024, 178K)


Fuck no

Attached: pocket toddy.jpg (596x1005, 133K)

>not fucking up your sleep schedule just for e3
europoor here about to go to bed

Cease with these edits, Todd is a handsome man of ABOVE average height

Attached: 1539869970559.jpg (450x600, 99K)

he's the shortest person in frame though

He's leaning really far back

Kaley is such a cute.

Honestly no, just go to bed. Todd is probably just going to showcase Skyrim Stadia

Wait a minute I know the girl in the middle from something...

Attached: 713+UNN755L._SY606_.jpg (433x606, 68K)

Attached: 1554658866453.jpg (925x901, 145K)

only if you're interested in doom eternal cause i doubt anything else will have a significant showing

Todd is 6'1"

Attached: 6'11 todd meets 7'1 woman.webm (910x942, 1.92M)

post the one where he pissed himself

But what about Skyrim in Space? Or Skyrim with Guns on the West Coast 3? Or Skyrim in another Skyrim related area 2? Or Skyrim Ultramastered? Or Oblivion Remastered: Skyrim Edition? C'mon user you gotta be hyped for something.

oblivion remastered would be something. sincerely doubt it will happen though.

>East Coast

> Has it ever been worth it?
For Todd, always

>not spending the night with your bros playing coop/watching netflix until conference start

jesus fuck why is he so short
almsot 50 years old and he's 5"6 i feel bad for him

Gtfo socio retard

Is that the bazinga girl?

No, she's the girl from the final Charmed season