Does Yea Forums like gaming bars?

Does Yea Forums like gaming bars?

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>all nintendo / kiddie trash

As expected.

>Plumber's juice

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Never been to one, but if I were to go I would show up already drunk.

>Luigi's Man Cave

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cringe tb.h

I can appreciate video game and alchoholic pun names but this is awful. Also they're ok for certain stuff like playing fighting games on their consoles at the front bar, or playing pic related

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Bars are inherently shit.

I've been going to a gaming bar twice a week for five years. None of my friends play video games so it's the only opportunity I have for local multiplayer. I love it though.

>COCK tails

no thanks, for me it's a bottle of sprite and some cheap vodka

>1 girl
>20 dudes

Do you need to be a homosex to go there?

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Children are not allowed to drink.

The less women the better

>Waaaah why are girl invading my safe space
>Wtf why is there no girl in a gaming bar

>not drinking your hard alcohol neat or on the rocks

I'm not a pussy ass bitch.

If there were only 20 dudes it would've been a cool sousage party with bants and shit fligging.
But that one girl will make everyone uneasy

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You can tell the nerds that run these places barely play vidya outside the classic Nintendo shit, been to a few “gamer” bars and they are over expensive and serve shit drinks

>Liquid Yoshi
>Not liquid Occelot

No, i dont drink alcohol. Only water and soda.

no, but i do like a LGS with a liquor licence

It's just people trying to cash in on shitty nerd culture.

What kind of person do you expect to go to these places? They're all basedboys, obese manchildren, and actual children, so those franchises are perfect.

Anyone with good enough taste to play proper games also has good enough taste to not be seen anywhere near a "gamer bar".

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>not Liquid Chris

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Damn, Chris-chan looks like THAT?

I like Round 1.

It looks nice, but as the owner I would be really afraid that drunks spill their shit on my stuff.

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>Mario Tart
okay that's decent

>liquid yoshi

Do they play video game music?

>$8 for one drink

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>drank some vodka for the first time
>tasted like rubbing alcohol
>suddenly feel really anxious
>felt like I was ready to run 10 miles after

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it happens to me everytime i get drunk

>want to drink some cool drink like the ones you see displayed
>Fuck yes i can do them myself
>Not the exact same, but thanks to a friend it's close enough so that it looks made by a pro
>3 hours later im in the hospital
>my fucking liver can't process alcohol at all
>Another drink like that and im off to Gensokyo for good
its not fair...

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Cringe and gay

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>One Crash Bandibooze. Easy on the juice.

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Just make them yourself.

No, I hate bars and I hate people.

Those are surprisingly cheap cocktails. $8 for what is basically a Long Island is crazy.

Isn't this in Kalamazoo

I've been here a few times

might be, have you ordered anything from there?

There's an okay Barcade (as they call it) in my city. Just a small pub with some arcade machines, most of which are free, ones that aren't are not too pricy. Sells nice regular booze rather than absurd cocktails like . I'm not a regular there but I go on occasion. Playing House of the Dead with a friend and a pint is pretty fucking comfy.

Visited gaming cafes before however and they were always max autism. I think the presence of booze for whatever reason scares away the smelly freaks.

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>Vodka and most other liquors taste like disinfectant
>Whiskey tastes like disinfectant and wood
Tequila is the only liquor I can stomach taking a swig with no additives. Liquor is fucking disgusting.

Have you never had anything but orange juice?

I'm waiting for my local gaymin bar to get the Halo:Team Raven machine

asides from that it has a club area at the top and cheap drinks for getting Bamham citied

Cheap beer

>I think the presence of booze for whatever reason scares away the smelly freaks.

This. They bought hook line and sinker into the DARE program.

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The fuck did you drink? you know the colorful bottles under the sink aren't alcohol right?

>Does Yea Forums like gaming bars?
Why the fuck would leaving the house be something I wanted?

this drink is cool as fuck!

dont forget the tip

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I went to the Capcom Bar in Tokyo and played some SF with rando Jap guys. Was pretty fun.

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Max Champayne
Dynasty Winos
Assassin's Beer
Soul Nomad & the World Drinkers

Whiskey kind of tastes like smelly feet. Not gamer girl, sadly.

>that list

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This is stoner tier levels of faggotry.

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>Blue Curacao
That sounds fucking awful.

>Assassin's Beer
>not Cachaca's Creed

is it really a bad combination?
i just wanted to try drinking for once and since that one was marked as "Sweet" and patche is my favorite girl i tought that was good
How about this one?

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I think we should be more worried that here in another decade our major political powers will have all grown up in WoW and CoD

Alright Yea Forums you have 10 seconds to come up with better cocktails.

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i look at stuff like this and think it looks cool but when i look up the bottles themselves (because they almost always specify a certain brand) it isn't worth the price to make only 1 drink I might not even like

t. 20+ ghetto bar on dresser

The problem with sweet cocktails is that they're cloying, they're disgustingly sweet. It's not like drinking a soda, where the sugar is cut with acid. Sweet cocktails are just sweet and alcohol burn.

These are shit cocktails only meant to look aesthetically pleasing.

If you want to try drinking once get either tequila or vodka and just drink that instead of pursuing some faggy cocktail. Better yet, don't drink at all, you sound like a pussy anyway.

Is that Natalie Mars?

Where were you boys when you embraced the temperancepill?

OK so I'm going to come up with some names for cocktails/mix drinks right now:
>Rise From Your Grape!
>X-Men: Welcome... to Die-t Cola!
>Sherbert Surfin'
>If you don't hear from me within a month: Send Drink!
>Its a drink Luigi. You didn't make it!
>Hey! Excuuuuse me! Drinkcess!
>You must construct additional Cocktails
>Die Cocktail! You don't belong in this world!
>Double Drinbuken!

Dumb, but I at least kinda tried.

>Hey! excuse meeee, Incest!
Great name for a porno

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What would it even be about?
sounds like one of those comedies that tease porn but never happens

Clear booze and a pack of fishermans friends. Just pour that shit in and let it melt

Got some more:
>Welcome to the Fantasy Zone! Get Ready! (To drink)
>Grenada Quest: Drink-it Slime
>Chrono Drinker
>Gin Megami Tensei
Its surprisingly hard to do user.