favorite JRPG?
Favorite JRPG?
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Suikoden 2
Honey select
That's a tough one.
Can really only narrow it down to a three way.
One of: Lufia 2: Rise of the Sinistrals, Legend of Mana, or Final Fantasy VI
tomba 2
xenoblade series
Persona 5 is the best JRPG that exists.
Dark Souls
Lufia 2
Fuck off ryan
Have sex.
Dark Souls
get a clue
it'll be an old game one day, then what?
Are you that desperate to get (you)s user?
Then a new persona will exist duh.
Wild Arms 2
Here, my man.
how can I find a goddess like that, lads
Have a loving and meaningful connection with the people that matter in your life
Why else would you be here, son?
Legend of Legaia
that somehow hurt more than 'have sex'
Final Fantasy 7: New Threat
dragonchads rise up
Final Fantasy IX
Chrono Cross
Persona 4 Golden
Persona 5
Persona 5 is the only one I've played so that one.
Who dis?
Xenogears. But I like most Dragon Quest and Tales games too.
Most FF that isn't 13+ as well.
Nocturne: Rebirth
Final Fantasy 13-2
please exit, zoomer
Dark Souls
Persona 3
Chrono Triggered
Can't pick just 1, OP. My top 4 will always be (in this order)
>Lunar SSSC
>Final Fantasy VII
>Breath of Fire III
>Legend of Dragoon
but SaGa Frontier 2 has a special place in my heart.
Weird nigga. But somehow based.
have sex, boomer
Resonance of Fate
I've been in Japan for three months now and still haven't been able to fuck prime asian pussy yet, lads. I'm about to drop $300 just to get it out of my system. Somebody please stop me since I know 100% I will regret it afterwards.
Persona 5 was legitimately terrible. I'm so sorry for your taste
Don't you have tinder? I was in tokyo for three weeks and have many chances for moonpuss.
You must be ugly then. I managed to fuck 8 cuties in my last trip.
Lufia 3 for gbc
I want to marry Irina!
>best rated RPG of the generation
>in Asia
>spends US dollars on hookers
Kingdom hearts 3
Dragon Quest VI
playing nocturne for the first time and i just beat some dude in a leopard fursuit. how far into the game am i?
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
I've been using it since I got here, exhausting my likes every 12 hours and still have 0 matches.
No fucking shit, Sherlock?
Yes, really.
That's it. I'm no-fapping this week and heading to Yoshiwara next Sunday. Fuck all of you other gaijin chads I want to pound that tight asian pussy.
Unironically FF7, and no it wasn't my first FF title.
SMT Nocturne
Xenoblade Chronicles
Persona 4
Tales of the Abyss
>Fuck all of you other gaijin chads I want to pound that tight asian pussy.
Your despair makes me horny. Thank you.
Get premium dude.
This game had a rush of waifus and you choose... Irina?
Lufia, Grandia.
Yes I choose her, problem?
I don't have a single all time favorite, it depends on my mood. But it's between Earthbound, FF6, FF9, and Chrono Trigger. Lost Odyssey is almost in the running too but that faggy ass comic relief guy ruins it. Can't remember his name, the first one Kaim meets that shows up drunk with prostitutes. Cringe as fuck.
> premium
Like that will make a difference. Usually in regular tinder you can at least see your likes even if they're blurred out, but I still have 0. ZERO. I'll just fork out the cash and fuck some used up whore. Screw being ugly.
nice teeth
Yes, i leave her for my bro Dave.
She could climb on my boulder, if you know what I mean.
They arenĀ“t bad by jap-standards
Oh no, she doesn't have chemically whitened, fragile american teeth that needs to get replaced at 40 for new ones, for a fee of course. First they tell you cutting your dick is normal and needed and then this.
I really wanted Rush to fuck Emma. Once that went out the window I stopped caring about any of the girls.
wow dude
No, Emma.
Dragon Quest 1
I meant that you get replacement for Emma.
her teeth are literally perfect. cute as fuck
Grandia 2 was the sexiest.
1. Skies of Arcadia
2. Xenosaga Episode III
3. Ao no Kiseki
4. Rance X
5. Lunar SSSC
6. Dark Cloud 2
7. Terranigma
8. Xenoblade 2
9. Ys 4
10. Grandia 2
I'd hate to see your fucked up teeth..
Persona 3 & 5
Mother 3
>open thread
>no one said Star Ocean 2 or Valkyrie Profile yet
you absolute double niggers
>boo hoo they didn't mention my literal who titles
Join Islam.
Star Ocean is an awful franchise with no good games.
Step outside.
Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold
Pokemon Black/White
Final Fantasy V
My man
Persona 3
he said jRPG, not soulless western rip-off of jRPGs
You're pathetic
sure sounds like undertale to me. now kill yourself
>what journos say has merit when it benefits MY taste
what do you mean
skyrim with mods
metacritics keep so little sites its opinipon is considered cherry picking.
Trails of Cold steel because I have patrician taste