who's worse game company? them or EA?
Who's worse game company? them or EA?
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Epic is shit, but EA is shit on fire.
I'll never forgive EA for what they did to Spore, and for the fact that Darkspore is now forever unplayable.
EA has hurt gaming for years, destroyed companies, destroyed IPs, etc
Epic only triggers retarded, seething, Steamcels
EA axed Skate
Epic by far.
At least EA has a shopping cart. EA just wants to sell you lootboxes. Epic wants to become a chink Monopoly
epic brought console wars to PC. steam is bad, but not as bad as epic games store. also
Epic might be garbage but at least UE4 is enabling devs to make games. EA literally kills franchises.
Epic is just flavor of the month bullshit, trying to stay relevant
EA deserves to suffer for what they did to PvZ2. Fuck them
>not mentioning westwood
I don't want to remember it because it hurts too much.
they're both equally shitty in their own says
but who's worse: chiks or kikes?
How many studios has Epic shut down in the last 10 years?
Ubisoft. GIve me my Prince of Persia and Splinter Cell games back, you fags!
It really boils down to
>Chinese scummiest
EA, Epic is bad but in that Saturday Morning Cartoon way were everything they represent is evil but they are to incompetent to achieve anything. EA on the other hand is like a Palpatine were they are bad to the point its entertaining and yet managed to succeed in their evil plans.
EA kills studios after they've stopped being good, like putting a dog to sleep or taking an old horse to the glue factory. Take Bioware, for example, when was the last time they made anything good? Yet if they got axed for the monumental failure of Anthem, people would still bitch that EA "killed" them, like they were cut down in their prime or some shit.
EA never bought out studios for exclusive
They made Origin and left Steam on their own devices
Epic is using Winnie the Pooh yuan to buy out studios and bribe them for exclusives
>EA never bought out studios for exclusive
That's the thing with EA, they took a lot of shit for effectively taking their ball and going home, a move that Ubisoft tried to pull before realizing it was self-destructive. Epic doesn't want to just take their ball and go home, they also want to take everyone else's ball so nobody but them can have it.
why are there people so retarded that they defend epic?
>EA never bought out studios for exclusive
Yeah they take studios to churn out games and test anti-consumer practices, then wring out the IPs for all the worth and throw them away.
>comparing Epic to EA
Fucking zoomers
fuck off chink. tiamen square, winnie the pooh
no amount of Epic shenanigans will make them worse than EA (unless the chinks go full kikery)
Epic recently bought out the Rocket League devs. If that game doesn't completely shit itself in the next year or so then they're still better than EA.
EA, by far. Who the fuck is stupid enough to say Epic? Epic has done one shitty, anti-consumer/anti-competitive thing. EA has done a fuckload.
How is this even an argument? Whoever has said epic needs their fucking head checking.
Palpatine is the worst villain ever made.
All his plots, all his schemes to become the Emperor of the Galaxy are for NOTHING.
What the fuck does he achieve?
Why did he want to be an Emperor?
He doesn't give himself a harem full of space thots
He doesn't live an opulent life
Nor does he do it for the money.
What the fuck is his endgoal? Power for the sake of power? He had that before, he just had to machiavellate his successors as many ex head of states do.
Why the fuck did he need to be the power although if he never does anything with it
Not even govern and his system is even more decentralised than the republic giving it all to sectorial overlords.
Star Trek > Star Wars
at least with ea you know their games will be shit. epic holds good games hostage
i didn't know that mike stoklasa browses Yea Forums
EA took genre defining studios and IPs and ran them into the ground..
>mike stoklasa
who is this
Epic by far, literally snatching games from other stores and make them exclusive while EA didn't remove anything already released out from other stores. Fortnite cancer is the worse thing that has happened to gaming in a while as well and finally making modern devs even more of a whiny anticonsumer cunts.
And even then, the thing they did was to provide competition to the psudeo monopoly that is steam. Its just a shame the store was a fucking mess.
based. every zoomer who plays fortnite needs to be gassed
Exclusivity is the opposite of competition, doofus. Calling Steam a monopoly a monopoly is just as stupid as calling Coca-Cola a monopoly.
Except you can't play any of the new Battlefields and Dragon Ages and Mass Effects on steam?
Not that you'd want to, EA methodically made sure they are unplayable
Rich Evens pisses on your grave.
but are those games good? all good games from EA are avilable on steam
Alexa, define psudeo
>Except you can't play any of the new Battlefields and Dragon Ages and Mass Effects on steam?
Want to try again?
Epic hasn't been around nearly as long enough to have had the kind of impact, lasting damage and influence that EA has had over the decades, but in the short time they've been sticking their hand into the pie they have been pretty much as bad as EA while being more directly anti-consumer.
>several stores releasing their shitty launchers left and right
>muh monopoly
off yourself retard.
EA right now, but anyone that doesn't think Epic are gearing up to take the crown in a few years lacks foresight.
Epic want to replace a debatable de facto monopoly with their own fully fledged monopoly. They want pc gaming in the same locked down state consoles are. EA might have destroyed a few companies, but they've never ruined an entire platform.
I already said they aren't. It doesn't do EA any favors that they are making exclusive shit games for Origin over Epic, you know that?
All right kid, go ahead, link me that Dragon Age Inquisition steam page, I'll buy even DLCs.
>Epic hasn't been around nearly as long enough
what the fuck am i reading
Epic has done nothing that's bad for games as games. They do create an inconvenience, but that's what is, an inconvenience. All their exclusives are for one year at most.
EA has ruined developers who made iconic games and spearheaded shitty practices that are in games to this day.
>Provide great service and features to the point people preffers to use your client over the others
>get called a monopoly by leeches who would never be able to have any relevance if wasn't for Steam in the first place.
Nevermind what I said, you should know what I meant. EGS and Fortnite haven't been around for as long.
god damned chinks
A "pseudo" monopoly. So not a monopoly. Great. Glad we cleared that up.
at least sandniggers got the righ idea and banned this cancer of a game
Oh wow, I didn't know your definition of
>new games
Include games from 2009
EA by seniority. They've been shitting up gaming for decades.
steam still has it's problems, like censoring people on forums, but at least they provide better service than epic. also stem workshop is the best thing that valve introduced
but why would you want to play new ea games? they are all shit
That's exactly what I said, but I also pointed out that having Origin exclusive shit game doesn't actually do EA any favors over Epic.
What's with your reading comprehension? I just told you same thing i alrwady said second time.
>muh shitty indie irrelenant meme game didn't sold well, time to cry to Kotaku
>Kotaku mongoloid starts calling Steam a monopoly
>chink shills and hipster idiots start parroting a word they don't even know the meaning of.
What game?
You mean Gabe's main customers?
People who complain about epic are babies that want no competition to steam.
I can't get all the games I want on GoG, it's only right that Steam also doesn't have everything.
That cancer has become to central to PC gaming and it needs to go down.
>become market leader
>get called a monopoly by dipshits
There. Just made your point more concise.
>People who complain about epic are babies that want no competition to steam.
If EGS was an actually competitive service that was better for pubs/devs, they wouldn't have to pay for exclusivity.
>you can't get everything you want on steam to begin with (battle.net, origin etc)
>too fucking stupid to see epic want to limit your choices even further
>what is gog galaxy 2.0
epic shills are trruly retarded
>EA never bought out studios
chinks are always the worse option by default unless dealing with niggers/jews
yes ea has massive graveyard of studios, but now they just seems to be content with runing their studios to the ground and not buying new ones
Call me once there's shit-flinging between Epic and their bribed dev-studios on this scale.
What choices? Steam controls the vast majority of games in sheer numbers. Any time a game comes out on steam there is a 1/10 chance it will be available on another platform, at all. 1/50 for it happening within a year.
Kill it's market share and games will actually be released outside steam consistently.
The fact that so many games are steam exclusive with no contractual obligation to be speaks of a massive distortion.
How is that not a monopoly?
You still need steam in the background.
You still pay the fat jew.
And this is Steam's fault why?
and how is epic fair competition when they are not running on merrit? they are holding games hostage
This isn't the playground, it's not about who's fault it is.
>replace a system where games are not contractually obliged to be on steam but end up there anyway where they are contractually obliged to be on epic and nowhere else
What could POSSIBLY go wrong.
>Overwatch, Minecraft, LoL, GW2 all sold greatly without ever being on Steam
>but muh monopoly! Steam cut too high, relelase my shitty indie game for free REEEE.
Well what's it about then?
>market leader is the same thing as monopoly
>because I'm a fucking idiot
but it really boils do to chinks vs ea kikes
Epic shills just love parroting shity game "journalists"
since when Yea Forums became saturated with sjws?
Don't underestimate the power of chinks
It's about ensuring games that are not published by EA, Blizzard or another industry fat cow are eventually available outside of Steam consistently.
Nobody is preventing them from doing so, dipshit. Epic is actually preventing them from doing so, but you can't criticize them because they pay your bills, right, Chang?
Every exclusivity deal Epic has is timed.
How many games stay steam exclusive after the first year? Most of them.
I'm confused, in this parallel world you inhabit does GOG not exist?
Do you have any proof that Steam is locking developers/publishers in with contracts to only supply them with their product?
Because that's exactly what Epic is trying to do.
>How many games stay steam exclusive after the first year? Most of them.
Then your issue should be with publishers, not with Valve, since nobody is making a deal for exclusivity on Steam.
and tell me what egs does better than steam?
How is it possible for things to have been so bad so early and yet still manage to consistently keep getting worse
Chinese spyware?
EA ruins their games
Epic steals other games
we live in a god damned clown world
I don't know because I don't use it.
I just want Steams demise.
What is Steam even doing that's so abhorrent to you?
he's just butthurt chink
Hoards games through sheer market share.
Captures mods for games that come out on it.
Bloated, ugly interface.
Skinner box shit sold as a feature of the store.
That's about it, I hate how it looks and feels. It's the windows of game stores.
you can change the UI and it's way more responsive than origin or epic games store. argument invalid
remember that linux is now sjw friendly
Ironic since steam is the only one that even heavily supports linux.
Nexon is already shitty by default but Nexon NA is even worse.
why are you not shitting on epic for creating fortnite?
>Captures mods for games that come out on it.
Yeah, remember when Valve killed Nexus, ModDB and all the others? Oh wait, no, you're an idiot.
and you still have ability to mod steam games by using mods from nexus and moddb, which won't be the case when epic will implement their mod system
He's just bitter chink
1. It's the market leader for online video games. The market leader will always have more because they are the best up until they are supplanted by a better store, you can't ever change that even if you made Steam bankrupt and GOG became the market leader.
It will still be the same.
2. It has mod pages for video games released on it but idk if it claims them in the sense that people are unable to post them to 3rd party sites to be downloaded and used from there.
3rd party site mods can still be added freely to any games on steam.
3. UI can be changed but yeah I'll say that it could do with a bit more customisation options and stripped down a bit.
Still better than the alternatives though.
4. What skinner box shit are you talking about exactly?
>Dungeon Keeper, CnC mobile
>microtransactions everywhere
I could go on.
Fuck Epic though.
>will kill Rocket League
>can't play Outer Worlds because of these fuckers
Both, who gives a fuck.
Fuck EA
Fuck chinks
You also forget gaming cancer that is fortnite
Always EA but Sweeney is trying to get there if buying Easy Anti-Cheat is any indication.
me on the right.
You can play it a year later.
Or you could play it when it's cracked.
Or you could play it immediately should you accept idortism.
if Epic were as shit as them back in 2017 they would've bought bluehole and tanked it to get rid of PUBG
Holy fucking shit, every single game on Steam was time based exclusive for 0 days on release.
They aren't getting release anywhere else (since you already ignore GOG) because nobody else offers a mature platform with the amount of services and backend pipe-lines that Steam does, not because Gabe paid them a fat check to do so.
You are fucking stupid.
EA only has their own games on Origin.
It doesn't matter if they were paid off or forced by market conditions, the end result is the same in practice.
Permanent exclusivity.
Publishers could sell there game anywhere, they aren't bound to Steam.
EGS exclusives are.
Plus the fact that Epic executives literally treats their developers like disposable tools
Don't bother, he's probably still salty about his vac ban for using aimbot
Yes, I guess it's time Steam stars offering worse service so other people don't make them look bad with their decisions.
You are absolutely fucking retarded, son.
I could become a millionaire if I played the lotto, but chances are slim.
Every Egs exclusive will come to steam in a year or less, the vast majority of games on steam stay steam only.
GoG is better service then steam, but I don't see them doing too well with profits in the thousands.
Please, they can't even keep the game they are selling update and feature complete.
>in before this is also somehow Steam's fault.
Is that GoG/CDPR's fault, or the publisher for not uploading updates to their servers?
Blame the publishers and devs that don't want to sell their games DRM-free.
Once again, not Steam's fault.
GoG can't force developers to update their games. And, yes, this is an indirect result of Steam controlling the market.
DRM isn't the issue for games like Baba is You. It's the fact Steam controls so much space.
This is a disingenuous document to keep for this purpose.
First off, games like Fallout 3 and New Vegas are shown here as negative examples, while at the same time, they're patched in ways on GOG that make them superior to the Steam versions. If you look online, you can find a multitude of other similar examples where this is the case for other games. Second, there's several games on Steam that are missing important game files and are objectively inferior to versions on other platforms. For example, you're better off buying the console or retail versions of Condemned, as the Steam version is lacking a whopping 3GB of important sound files. Third, the inability to buy the soundtrack through GOG is listed alongside games that lack much more important features, and considering that the fact that the soundtrack is why a game is listed is hidden beyond the fold, it's obviously the inflate the size of the document and to make it look much more damning over something so trivial when browsed at a glance. Lastly, it's the developer's fault in both cases for not keeping their games properly updated, as shown by Eidos Montreal when they went above and beyond in uploading every version of Mankind Divided to the Steam servers for users to pick from.
you can literally sell your games on steam and not give a single cent to valve
As much as I hate EA I have to give props to EPIC for triharding to such extents in an attempt to steal its spot as worst company.
Only chinks would have this kind of drive.
no it's not
Why is anyone actually mad about this? Using a different launcher for some games is no hassle at all. Not to mention it's going to give Valve a kick up the ass to finally stop taking Steams monopoly for granted
epic actually bought console exclusivity bullshit to pc
stop baiting
Steam droning are mad because steam bad. Mad because steam has to competing for once and can't stay monopoly and kick everyone out marketing.
They can't even afford fully fluent shills anymore?
Dumb american see shilling in every corner
are you chinease?
That's what happens when every exclusive you scoop up has been a spectacular flop.
>He doesn't realise Epic is an American company
>He still thinks Chinks own the majority share
>He still doesn't see a problem with capitalists selling out their souls to communist dictators
>He still believes in western game dev companies
All these Steamshills in full force. Really activates my almonds when they can't even bother to launch a separate window. Like wow, wouldn't want them to break their wrist doing such backbreaking labor.
>"Y-yeah but CHINA BAD! Program is spyware and goes to China gubbament!"
You don't think Steam sells all your information to China, Russia and Korea? Literally laughing all the way to the bank and you keep handing them more of your information just because they have a chat system that's never been upgraded in the past 13 years
the 1 time i bought something on epic my credit card got compromised and i lost 700 dollars
good thing i live in an actual country and got that shit refunded
never again
tell us one good thing about egs
It has games that steam doesn't have.
and none of the funcions of steam
friendly reminder that the vast majority of valve's non-cut income stream right now is from loot boxes, artifical marketplaces and lootboxes disguised as season passes. many of these practices were pioneered by valve in the pc space.
friendly reminder that valve tried to sell a game where you had to pay to actually play competitively.
ea and epic might be shit but to pretend valve is somehow better is deluded.
valve doesnt force you to buy their game
neither does anyone else.
literally do though
if you install EGS and dont install fortnite they leak your info
b-b-b-but those will come at a later date! we promise!
did time sweeney hold a gun to your head and make you download egs?
does he really smell like szechuan sauce?
He did when he took my games hostage.
yeah and gutter oil
don't buy them.
I already bought Rocket League.
>ea bad they have micro transactions
>epic bad because muh china
They aren't doing anything that's specifically bad, it's just capitalism
Epic is trying their hardest to create a monopoly.
capitlism is evil. national socialism is theonly way
Epic, and its not even close