Arms 2: WHEN

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Is ARMS even good? also where the fuck are their real arms?

it's fun, just wait until it's on sale

There's a disease in the ARMS universe which can randomly infect you at any time that causes your arms to uncontrollably extend and flop around. The masks they wear help them to control it

I knew about the mask thing but is the disease thing for real? that's fucking hilarious

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you’re just fucking with me, right?

>He doesn't know the Arms lore

Time to get educated

It's for real. You can read about it in the gallery. They're under the "ARMS Labs Confidential" pictures
>ARMS History 2
>The incidence of the ARMS trait is increasing, with a current estimate of about two percent of the population. It seems that if we include unreported cases, the incidence is likely to be even higher. Historically, people saw ARMS ability holders as rare, but today they are widely known and adored.
>ARMS History 4
>Without a "mask," the arms of people with the ARMS trait will switch between normal and spring-like uncontrollably. The "mask" enables people with the ARMS trait to stabilize their fist while elongating their arms. This was the key to creating physical competition between people with the ARMS trait. Today, "masks" are produced at the ARMS Laboratory and provided free of charge to people with the ARMS trait by the ARMS Association.

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so what's the deal with the chick with the hair and nice ass then?

two days

thank u anons

dont say this to me user. i'd actually get so fuckin hyped if it happened

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According to the ARMS Labs Confidential 10, Twintelle is actually an anomaly. She's one of the few cases where the ARMS ability manifests in the hair. She has spirals in her eyes like all other people with the ARMS ability too.

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What did they do to my waifu?

>graphic novel never
I wanted more lore

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Imagine licking her armpits haha

well, yabuki said that a sequel wasn't off the table back in 2017 and there was a two-years gap between the first splatoon and the second one so...


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oh, and that goes without even mentioning that the party crash shit is coming to an end in the coming weeks too

Arms be as dead as this thread?

Next gen. Mario Maker and Splatoon only got sequels because they were going to be ported regardless.

>Next gen
nah, come on now

Twintelle might be faking having ARMS ability too. They send people to investigate her and the people go missing.

According to Ian Flynn (The writer) the entire thing is done, but either Nintendo or Dark Horse are sitting on their asses and is holding it hostage for some fucking reason.

it'll happen once you start posting twintelle pics in this thread

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>arms had twintelle
>arms 2 is gonna feature a gal who's gonna be super stacked on the front

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