Naga is an offensive term banned from Twitch
Other urls found in this thread:
twitch more like shitch
Mi Nagah!
today is naga, and tomorrow it's our freedom.
Fucking these leftist fucking bitches that think they can police the internet.
Naga sounds more like nigga than nigger.
Are they going to ban snigger, niggle, niggardly?
Ban the song pull my devil trigger?
Fucking hell yanks get it together.
witcher has nekkers
who cares
Because of you retards. If you guys weren’t so immature none of this would happen
you are going to have to explain your steamy idiot logic user because what you just said is retarded.
Big tech is full of retarded liberals.
>stream says 'I took my gun out and shoot the naga'
>chat instantly fills with trihard and cmonbruh
gee billy I wonder what he meant
Why ban the word naga though? That isn't a fucking reason you retarded fuck.
>Slave Pens
yeah no racism here boys
warcraft naga are handsome though, they're basically fish-elves, big strong arms, straight backs, proud
It's still overreacting to ban everyone just for uttering or typing the word "naga". I'm just waiting for Blizzard's reaction.
>run a 12 year old joke into the ground by constantly saying SHOOT THESE NAGAS on stream
>get banned for it
I always knew those nagas are a problem, they should fuck off from WoW to wherever they came from.
This means people won't be able to stream classic lel
It's not just one streamer, Twitch has apparently made it a global naughty word now.
>oh shit the hunter shot the nagas
>wtf i'm banned what
Yeah whats an alternative to Twitch?
Man this is dumb because they obviously don't know that use of the word is really popular in asia.
It is an asian mythical creature.
The correct terminology is sea-elf
Blizzard has nothing to do with Twitch policing their users
It's mostly because spergs couldn't controll themselves
niggas aren't though
or nagas as I like to call 'em
You know how scary blacks are when they hear that sound.
>shoot some snake monsters in warcraft
I remember when everyone was spamming this.
Pretty sweet weapon speed
>cant say nagas anymore on stream
>people start saying "kill these nwords" when referring to nagas
racism solved
>Streamer says something
>Twitch chatters repeat it and spam it
Absolutely nothing new here, you can't assume intent because this happens consistently no matter what words or phrase is used by the streamer. What they did is simply repeat a catch phrase in chat like i'm sure they've done a thousand times before, you can't take issue with that and perma ban the chatters while leaving the streamer untouched.
They very obviously meant niggers you tranny cunt
They can do whatever they want. It's their platform.
And customers can whine about services provided to them as much as they please.
No? blacks are pussies that need a good thump in the head for being bitchs.
>can't say words starring with n anymore
>The letter n has been banned
racism should not be a bannable offense on twitch in the first place. the only person who decides what does and doesnt get censored should be the person running the stream.
pretty based
prove it faggotron
They were in Maraudon when they spammed that jew boy
>first reply is some blue checkmark faggot virtue signalling
like clockwork
Why don't you just learn how to converse OP? I'm not clicking that video.
Naga sounds like Nigger to the CMs on Twitch, anything else?
they prefer to be called seasneks now
it's 2019, dipshit
Do female nagas wear knickers?
We live in a time where we have pandered so much to outrage mobs that even names that sound like something else are banned.
This is what happens when you start banning words.
reminder the shirt said "figs" ecks de
what if im black? i can't say nigga on stream?
Gamers. They fucked with gamers.
>think that you found a loophole to be racist
>people aren't actually retarded and ban you for it
It's the same shit as with the ok-sing and the perpetually butthurt self-appointed watchers of moral decency just kick themselves in the nuts with their overbearing behavior.
LOL! kill all da nagas POG
You don't really think like this do you? Anyone with two braincells can see why this is stupid.
context matters, retard
saying that you need to kill nagas for the quest is clearly not racist
randomly spamming the chat with "kill the nagas" clearly is
You don't get it you low iq subhuman. If you have this attitude eventually you will run out of words to ban.
You people literally have no brains.
the word isn't banned
you're allowed to say nigger on twitch in a non-derogatory context for fuck's sake
>randomly spamming the chat with kill the fish people is racist
Oh no it is retarded.
naga is the word and people are saying it is global.
naga does not equal nigger
Kill the nagas does not mean what you think it does fucking fool.
you think racism is a joke?
in the context it did
see also guilds like "nagas stole my bike"
What context?
Saying kill the nagas has no conext besides kill nagas.
You people are dense.
race with no legs stole your bike huh?
You sjw have no sense of humour.
>obviously use naga as a replacement for nigger, used in a context relating to chimperey
>surprised when some no name faggot gets banned for racism
the word isn't banned, you fucking snowflake
you can use the word if you're actually referring to nagas
saying nagas as a roundabout way of saying niggers is banned
>word kinda sort reminds me of another word
this isn't a reason for anything you dumbass.
Nagas sounds more like like niggas the pc nigger.
You really are a stupid fuck.
>context matters, retard
As long as curse words are a thing, language will be policed, hell, even if we had no bad words, we'd still have bad language. Even if calling you a dumb fucking cunt wasn't, itself, a particularly harsh insult, it'd still be a clear-cut insult and one meant to piss you off were I to say it to your face. You can always fall back on the classic "people need to grow thicker skin" but that's nothing more than a meaningless platitude in the reality we face. If people can stop being genuine cunts all the time then cunty language can become bants like it should be.
It's really not subtle and it's clearly a dogwhistle, you're not fooling anyone with your race baiting.
epic! I love ecelebs! please make more humorless references!
>people start using "now" as a substitute for nigger
>sjws ban the word now.
They'll do this. These people are missing part of their brains.
Sorry bud, nobody is actually retarded enough to think that's the actual context. You're not fooling anyone. You're just insulting everyone's intelligence.
You really are dumb as shit if you aren't trolling.
I was in my house, dreaming, Mr. Lovecraft.
My cat Nigger was snuggled next to me.
i remember a epic dagger with a funny name got spammed alot. cant remember the name but it was during BC.
Some of my best friends are Nagas.
This is the same logic that got count Dankula busted for his nazi dog.
>lol i'm going to make racial derogatory jokes but no one is smart enough to get it because i'm making it seem like i'm referring to video game characters
>what do you mean i'm banned for making derogatory remarks that'd have real world consequences if i said them at work fucking snowflakes are ruining the west!
Are you really this bored? Go find something better to do.
This will be funny when people start naming themselves Naga names.
Like Nagathief.
>why aren't these people following the script, i'm supposed to be in charge here!
No, no one will do this. Literally no one will ever do this. You are imagining the slipperiest slope of all time where all the dipshit pol-tards come together every week to get a new word banned. Do you really think everyone who doesn't think like you thinks like a robot instead? That they just HAVE to treat racist dog whistles like whack-a-mole?
I really didn't mean for this reddit thread to blow up as much as it did. I made it because some XIV streamer got banned and the guy I was watching at the time liked the guy.
>Kinda sort
You're pretending right?
DiggerNick just wanted to dig, poor fella
These sort of threads only blow up because false flagging shitposters show up and retards fall for the bait.
That user is either retarded or talking about the original reddit thread since i'm the op of the thread not him.
>why is my roundabout way of referring to a racial group being banned oh no!
You must be a mongoloid.
never understood what's fun about that
is it just americans mispronouncing it so it sounds like dick?
but you kind of have to respond to people claiming "naga" isn't being used to replace "nigger" or else retarded niggers will feel at home
he's not wrong, racism is still a serious issue in society, and people like you want to sweep it under a rug
if they "literally" didn't have brains they wouldn't even be alive you dumb fuck
I fucking hate idiots like you
A relative was just watching this today, what the fuck is this shit?
Threads about this were being posted all day yesterday so *shrug*
>under a rug
Well, what kind of rug are we talking about?
You do realize Naga means dragon right?
Hey what's up my fellow worgens.
Rip Nagas heads off.
>but you kind of have to respond
thats the one. thanks.
They don't sjw are clueless and brainless. They are completely ignorant.
Naga Stole My Bike
This was a guild on my realm in Vanilla.
Does this trigger vietnam like flashbacks for you when your mental gymnastics has you believe it's meant to be something else?
I think they were on every shard.
This shits funny. How is Naga suppose to ride a bike.
Is "Sapped Girls Can't Say Now" problematic nowadays? I remember seeing several guilds with names varied from that in vanilla.
> Shout fire in a cinema
> People get hurt trying to stampede out
> Get arrested
I hope one day all words beginning with N are banned so we can have a slew of people trying to figure out how to reconfigure language because a bunch of retarded ill-intention leftys and uppity stupid niggers got upset.
Twitch is shit anyway, it's where clowns go to show off for their circus tranny crowd.
>battle with words
>is the same as acting retarded
even if it's responding to bait, it will be viewed by people who believe both sides are serious and even this retarded discussion does more good for the board than waifu threads.
you people realize there are more languages than just english on this planet?
>Does this trigger vietnam like flashbacks for you when your mental gymnastics has you believe it's meant to be something else?
I never implied anything one way or another.
>As long as curse words are a thing, language will be policed
I swear I'm not trying to derail this into another "Hurr durr do Americans really" thread, but isn't this pretty much only an American (or at most anglo) thing?
I've lived in a lot of countries for extensive amounts of time, including the US, Japan, England and Italy, and the US has been the only place where, in my entire life, I have seen people caring at all about the tone of speech and how "bad" a word was.
In every country I've lived in, the first things I learned were often the swear words, as is common when you're learning the language through friends. Everyone has their own equivalent of "Fuck", "Asshole", "Shit", "Goddamn", but one thing is unique about America: people get genuinely flustered when the "bad words" are used in public, outside of a very informal scene.
Elsewhere, there would be no equivalent of the word "F-bomb", TV bleeping (mostly), or referring to a word through euphemisms (unless it was played for laughs), while in America the swear word gained exponential power by being so forbidden.
And isn't that the issue they have with every single word?
I'm starting to think it's not just "Nigger", that's just a symptom.
Words in general seem to shackle the American mind way more than they do in any other country.
What do you call the Ragnaros nagas?
Nagas on fire.
Mommy Azshara won't be happy about this...
in 2004 you had mainstream television and movies where they'd use faggot because it was still acceptable at the time to make fun of gays and trannies
yeah I'm sure some random nobody can beat what I typed, go dump your quotes elsewhere if you can't even be assed to think for yourself
Don't act like feeding the troll is a public fucking service, you sad slacktivist sack of shit.
used to be a decent antiutopic/scifi(ish) show
now its americanized netfux garbage
Illidan and his Nagas.
americans are just really big on posturing
It was Niggerman, get it right
Quentin Tarantino still use the word nigger every chance he gets.
I play asian region online games and the use of the word naga is really common.
Since nagas are a cultural thing. They too use naga is funny ways.
Some guy spams naga everyday in the game.
I got a word that's even more dangerous to say around blacks, especially black women:
>you post a picture
>man, you sure are dumb
Hey there newfag, how's going? having fu with your pisspoor baiting?
So now we have to learn another language that isn't English in order to have freedom of speech?
Or we could just come up with our own slang to get around it?
>Words in general seem to shackle the American mind way more than they do in any other country.
I have this theory that it's because the country is pretty much run by advertising, even more than by the products themselves.
Pic related would NEVER be made anywhere else, there is simply no other country on the planet where the corporate stranglehold on what is acceptable is so strong that you can make some words verboten even in real life, simply by making them unacceptable for TV.
I vote for ye olde English servers using Old English.
Pure germanic English.
google "kike ps4"
>make shitty AI that spies every word spoken on your streams
>said software can't differentiate Naga from nigger
this is literally what a dystopian hellhole looks like
You guys are fools the reason is just blacks. West african niggers ban every word that describes them because they have a shitty reputatin everywhere on earth.
Their tribal name bantu is literally banned in africa.
>tfw you realise SJW's are just communism returned and they literally haven't upgraded their rhetoric in 100 years and it'll be piss easy to kick them out again since we already know how to beat them (wait for them to starve themselves)
my current pserver guild is called Young Rich Nagas
I guess they can't handle the Bantu
>kill these nwords
Japan has entire ways of speaking that are absolutely not acceptable to use in public, they have so many ways to refer to each other and you would get in actual, real trouble if you misused them on purpose, and sometimes even if by accident. The US is far from the only place where language is policed, it's ridiculous to think otherwise. It's why I brought up banter culture, the US does not have it, everything said in the US is taken at face value, there are no bants. In order for a banter culture to arise, people have to stop being genuine assholes so very often. You need to have plausible deniability in order for bants to exist, people need to be able to believe that you were just playing around. There are too many actual racists being actually racist all over the place in order for racist jokes to fly.
>it's fine when we apply it to find out the past of women who may have potentially did porn, who cares if there's a false positive
>wait, this ai can also detect me being a racist, fuck this dystopian future!
But the US notoriously bans words at the drop of a hat.
I mean, every single recent no-no word, and I mean every single one, was made so by movements in the US, movements that would have not been able to even get close to something like this elsewhere.
Retard, shemale, faggot, these are all words that became "strong Nos" only recently, and only because of America.
Everywhere else they're just words "You better not use because it's not nice and makes you look bad", but they're not an outright crime.
Dunno fag, you got something to actually talk about or are you going to post more shit-tier quotes from a retard? I ain't here to talk to Jordan Peterson, was here to talk to you, but I gotta say, you don't seem worth the time.
You know what counts is intent,right? On it's own it doesn't matter if they talk about Nagas,it's that they're specifically wording it in a way to fuck with black people
0 IQ American
It depends on where you are. Germany for example has a similar attitude on certain Nazi things. It's not even that the general populace would be somehow offended by it, but more that they're being taught that if they do it, others would be offended by it. When they made the new Hitler movie the actor once went into the city in full Hitler gear and made Sig heil and the Nazi sign. Afterwards he said in an interview that he was perplexed how nobody was offended by it, but rather some joined in or talked normally with him about politics and shit.
Seems like this issue lives rentfree in your head, and isn't actually an issue outside of superlefties always taking things out of context
>Japan has entire ways of speaking that are absolutely not acceptable to use in public, they have so many ways to refer to each other and you would get in actual, real trouble if you misused them on purpose, and sometimes even if by accident.
That's not really relevant to the discussion.
That's not "policing", that's just the same as going to your boss and telling him "Yo what's shakin' my nigga".
It's inappropriate, not illegal.
If you're friends with someone in Japan, you're free to use the lowest of the low of the most informal register possible with them, in public, with no repercussions.
If you talk to your friend in public in America and use the word "nigger" enough to be noticed, you will be publicly shamed and can get actually suffer legal repercusions.
It's not even nearly the same thing.
>banning someone not for what they did, but what they meant
literally thought-crime
If you really think this isn't a big issue you should try going outside more,pretty sure it's a pretty big topic in the world right now
this is schizophrenic logic.
I hope people keep making everyone freak out about random words and things. I want to see how big the list for banned words and symbols will get.
What this guy said
Yo can we ban "Draenei" because it sounds too much like "Tranny", and because a lot of Draenei players happen to be gender dysphoric and so players use the word as a substitute? Thanks.
You seemed to have a point but then proved the post you're replying to right at the end.
Even in Germany, people care about fucking nazis less than the typical American cares about some rando saying a word that might sound like nigger.
Explain to me how this is schizo logic
I was banned from League of Legends for writing a sentence containing the word "fag" to my brother.
In Danish, "fag" means "course" and typically refers to school courses. I was asking him, in Danish, which new courses he had in his third year of college which he had just started. Although we weren't chatting in English, their bots must have flagged our conversation and decided to punish me for something where no offence was meant (nor could really be taken) in a private conversation.
At least it means I have an excuse not to play that shitty game any more.
Fuck nagas
It's actually the marxists. Control of words is an important part of controlling people.
>lets ban words
>they're used to battle with so we don't use physical violence
It's not hard to understand why banning words can easily lead down a very dangerous road, but I doubt you posses the necessary intellect to grasp it anyway.
what else do you expect of people who spend like half a year and crossed the ocean because they were butthurt
the founding principle is being a pussy
But do they really care or are they taught that people will care should they do it. I mean, you have your snowflakes on the internet who get offended by everything so I can't take them as point of reference.
It's a convergeance of the two things censor loving farleftists and niggers being upset.
And also ban "Worgen". Someone could read it backwards and that would be very bad.
Maybe blacks shouldn't be so fragile
but it's at zero and all that matters is context
you could stream a reading of a book featuring the word nigger and it would be okay so long as you didn't put edgy emphasis on the word
you would get banned if you talked about "draenei" suicide rates
what's somebody that really annoys you?
Yeah important words like "Nigger" because we have literally no other way to call them without being insulting
pushing draenei as tranny substitute is actually very fitting
You blown my mind now, user.
reminder blizzard is changing the name of it in classic.
Usually you get pretty upset if you get fucked with for hundreds of years
to be fair futa draeneis have pushed more people towards accepting transfolk than the opposite
Correct me if i am wrong but isn't nigga the ok version of nigger.
People use that all the time in mmos.
Naga is closer to niga.
So people are deliberately making a leap to nigger on purpose to be triggered.
This shit has to stop.
I take offence to the use of the word "human" in WoW and similar games. Humans can't fight orcs 1v1 and they have ridiculously muscular and powerful bodies. By labelling them as humans they are bodyshaming actual humans for not being as perfect as the video game versions.
Damn, black people lives for hundreds of years? I guess "all you black people" must've endured slave times
Everyone has been fucked with for thousands of years.
nigger is a special case since it can cause a wildebeast stampede
>the ok version
Uh, no?
>Correct me if i am wrong but isn't nigga the ok version of nigger.
God no. It's "nibba" now.
Meant for
>kill that faggot
>wow wtf why did i get banned? i was talking about a bundle of sticks
you are lyin to me i see nigga used all the time in mmos.
So in other words - a thoughtcrime.
George Orwell sends his regards.
>blacks being fucked with in today's age in the West
>not being appeased and pandered to by white guilt faggots at every turn
Blacks have it so good they look for ways to be oppressed
They quite literally can you fucking retard, if it's their platform they make the rules on it.
Man that early dun
are you actually fucking retarded?
I'd bet you'd dilate at the thought of mods on Yea Forums banning the word fag in any context so we can't say buyfags, retailfags, piratefags anymore
Yes, it's better we just go out and bash everyones head in that we disagree wit. I see the error of my ways now.
There's still black people that live today that lived under laws that refused bank loans to them,regardless of how well of they were
well of what?
My friends says Nigga all the time, and call me *my nigga* whenever I play online with them, they are black though so its ok for them so say but If I tried people would look at me wrong I guess
But that's not an issue anymore now is it
>Remember kids, just mention the things that never happened to you and ask for muh reparations
Who are you quoting?
my people got fucked with for hundreds of years and I'm not upset
now people in my country are trying to push "white guilt" even though we weren't even considered white anywhere until late ww2
>in classic
It's been renamed 10 years ago, you fucking retard.
are you?
Lets list all the words niggers want banned
Pretty much the common trend is any noun used to describe them. They want censored.
>still using Twitch
I wish you people would just get cancer and die already.
I could probably link you to some wikipedia article as well how you're trying to avoid the topic you engaged in, but I'm not a faggot like you
>these autists in here screaming innocence when they know exactly what they're doing with their shitty "lol niggers" humour
waaaah why can't i make stupid jokes on twitch with my other 15 year old internet pals
Fuck you nigger your just a scam artist. You aren't entitled to anything.
Naga is OUR word!
so if we start using "liberal" instead of nigger, will they ban that too?
Seek help
t. Salty naga.
What? I wasn't asking for the source of some statement, I asked who you were quoting. That text doesn't pop up anywhere in the conversation.
Allow the word nigger
ban all words that kinda sounds like nigger
>Usually you get pretty upset if you get fucked with for hundreds of years
Can confirm, Jew here. It's so bad that even my own imagination is now the site of over 6,000,000 unjustified acts of oppression.
>niggers want banned
You mean white people that get offended for others
N'zoth's waifu a cute! CUTE!
Who actually still wants to commit to a streaming career, when your whole livelihood depends on pronouncing words with flawless alveolar and palatal articulation and just the right labiodental agglutination combined with supreme pitch control that doesn't bear any semblance to insolent vernacular concatenation and obliges the definitions of God knows who?
I accept your concession
fantasy beings have rights too, you know!?
No. Niggers they are all examples of words niggers want or have banned even in africa.
Not Whites you racist coon bastard.
Your mistake was thinking this will have any effect. Okay, so you can't say "nagas" as a replacement for niggas anymore.
Well in case the last 10 years hasn't taught you anything, people will always find roundabout ways to be offensive on the internet. You take away, niggas, nibbas, n-words, and nagas, and you'll just have nuggets, Negronis, and ninjas taking its place. We can keep repeating this cycle or you can finally realize that censorship does nothing to change the attitudes of people. An anonymous public forum is the antithesis of a safe space and trying to force one into the other is doomed to fail.
>stop nagging me
>wtf i'm banned noooooo my career
the whole point is that they're insulting, insult instead of assault.
Rename Nagas to Krakas.
There will be no problem because only racism against white people is acceptable in the US.
can use some classics too.
Leftists and similar low iq people just don't get this.
Banning words does nothing.
I humbly and respectfully accept your concession
SJW's are behaving increasingly niggardly.
>people will always find roundabout ways to be offensive on the internet.
We don't even need to try. People will get offended without our input.
Look at all the people who get salty about the Greetings emote on Hearthstone or the people mad about Nice shot! in Rocket League.
Also don't try to take nugget. Nugget is /k/'s word. Their words are backed not by a document or the deeds of their ancestors, but with WEAPONS.
Does this mean we can just force any old word as racist as long as we believe in a little bit of meme magic?
We don't have any banned words or any legal matter for that matter if you say a word but,
We use a term called "non-skiing people" that sounds way too funny in my language moreso than the actual word for them
>blacks have it so good because a bunch of white college kids constantly complain about shit on the internet and a few movies get black characters in them
>literally nothing has changed in black communities or how they're treated because the people that pretend to care about them live in white suburbs nowhere near them
You can't be this retarded, do you honestly think the internet reflects reality?
Based retard. The streamers who got banned cause they explicitly used Naga as a substitute for nigger. There's chat logs which shows them saying stuff like "let's kill all Naga's", "we need to every Naga's", etc.
Once they got banned they decided to throw a hissy fit on Twitter and make it into a non-issue.
The word isn't banned nor will you get banned if you use it normally, and don't act like a retard
>implying trannies will want the term "naga" to not be banned
die late
I am offended by the insinuation that I am easily offended.
I demand you be publicly beheaded for this.
Your concession, is accepted
is thataway, nigger
niggers are just useless
t. african
Well off,sorry about that
Thanks for your input
You might not be upset,but if the majority of your people are then it becomes a problem,I doubt every black person is seething
If your grandparents were denied jobs and loans in order to start something for themselves and remained in poverty,how does that not affect the grandchildren again? Their lives would be vastly different if born into a middle class income household
based snow-nagas
We should communicate in throwt singing.
When we down a boss we can say
mmmmmmmmmm ooooooooooo OooooOooooo
This whole thing was some autism shit where some streamers spammed the black emotes like cmonbruh and trihard when a streamer said something about killing a naga in game and then later those streamers came back to the chat spamming "shoot the naga" and then got banned. It's obvious they're just attention whoring with racist memes so I say good thing they got banned.
>black people
>don't try to take nugget. Nugget is /k/'s word
I didn't know it was already a thing I just said the first words that came to mind
only a racist would think that
Maybe they had a quest to do in their game where they have to kill all the Nagas?
>there are people that genuinely think there is some africa wide ban on a word
Holy shit the amount of gullible brainlets on Yea Forums is worrying. Actual fucking retards that eat up anything posted by other retards
hey, nigger
how about you
*clears throat*
Yes, actually. It's why /pol/ has been attempting to make the rainbow into an anti race-mixing symbol. It's all just an effort in acceleration-ism
>someone says "let's kill all Naga's"
>he must mean black people
You are projecting. Maybe you're the racist.
>only a racist would think that
yeah thats why they'd say it dumbass.
>nothing changes in the communities
Maybe they should stop acting like crabs in a bucket
You are so stupid it's just sad instead of being funny.
they fine you and send you to prison for so e of these words in coon countries you ignorant shit.
They even try to sentence people outside the countries for using them
>being a debt slave is a good thing
Pic related: Moist Nugget.
Then they went to cry on twitter "Waah how could we get banned for referring to an ingame npc with the proper name waa." The original streamer who just said naga without making race memes wasn't banned.
Exterminate chiggers
No one is stupid here but you you lying nigger.
Your concession has been accepted and there is no further need to reply
i cant believe twitch is censoring our right to free speech and to use the gamer word we need to rise up
it's "negro" you mongrel
How do I make my knee grow?
the thing is none of my people are upset about being fucked with for hundreds of years but they're getting upset for things they didn't do, hence white guilt
white people are a cancer and their idiocy deserves to drive them extinct
Here's the logs
There's no need to project retard
thanks, reading backwards-man, for showing us how to read a word backwards after being told to
I don't know how we would ever live without you.
Based retard
everyone that posts in twitch chat is a chimpanzee and deserves to be unpersoned anyway
The people defending this have to be niggers.
No one is this dumb.
Just like total war and Witcher streamers for'nekker'
You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.
Are you in their mind knowing exactly what they meant? I think you might be the ACTUAL racist
ban the word "regen" too
also ban the word "ginger" too
>hey chat spell the word "ginger" but replace the switch n and the first g around
fuck you trannies
Literally liberally retarded.
Guff Dutch cry dt chuff cu gi ghj effect fun vying eh Cath fuckextra Thu uni fh
oh my god who gives a fuck about this stupid e celeb shit
Fuck you you anti-white cunt. If you had any balls you'd do something intsead of hiding on the internet behind liberals.
Twitch bans at random it seems, they banned someone for saying absolutely nothing wrong but it was too fast so they banned him just to make sure.
i'm 23, friend
shitposting is fun
>Blue checkmark social justice warrior
right on the clock
kys nigger
I'm not anti-white but how the fuck am I supposed to talk an entire civilization out of suicide
Is not being able to use the n-word outside of Yea Forums white genocide Yea Forums? Why are us white men being silenced and censored?
I believe that the whole white guilt stuff is bullshit,they should focus on helping your people out instead of wallowing in self pity
The site is apparently admined by dunecoon.
I've heard of similar shenanigans on other sites like kickstarter.
It's getting harder and harder to distinguish the shitposting and the people being serious
If you are 18+ years of age and frequently use twitch chat, you need to hang yourself ASAP.
Try not being a fucking retard then. Would you say "they arrest people for not paying their tv licence in europe" because they do that in England?
I would try reading through that,pretty enlightening
that would kill everybody on Yea Forums though
Literally creating more racism with this thought policing
user look we can tell you are an angry moron but people are not retarded for saying things that offend you.
The evidence of stupid niggers wanting nouns banned is everywhere.
It's an ESL-kun, don't bother.
>shoot some nagas
That's nothing but an assumption that it had any intent to be referring it as a racial slur. It could be taken literally as he's actually shooting nagas.
Something like this could be easily denied as being anything resembling racism. There's no proof that could be provided for any such claim.
keep telling yourself that
>use twitch chat
That's an odd distinction. Go watch someone play a game for you, or something, kid. Just stop posting.
>this brain dead retard that sits on twitch spamming emotes thinks he's in good company here
Go back to r*ddit
i think that's the point
>white men who were already racist get more racist because they cant use the n-word that isnt the n-word but just sounds like it
>literally nothing has changed in black communities
I agree. The access to welfare, combined with diversity hiring, and society's willinginess to make excuses, leads to low standards in those communities.
But unfortunately, a bunch of college educated white kids think that implementing standards and expectations for someone with melanin is Hate Speech.
if you do this on huge streams with constant spam, i agree
if it's a small streamer ho you actually talk with, that's a non-issue
>Doesn't have an argument to refute the facts
>Spews out some buzzwords
stay delusional, it doesn't change the fact the banned streamers were some retards who thought they could get away with this, and then cry about getting banned on Twitter.
This whole little drama is contrived and meaningless.
Even worse, an american.
Pretty much. Reminds me of how blacks are always saying this schizo shit.
>it was racist in my mind
yeah well your mind is broken and stupid.
Feel bad being called out, right anons? Why else do you think we have so many stream threads on here? Evereybody on Yea Forums including you do it, why else would you be in this thread otherwise? Unless you are pretending to be retarded
>ignoring all the retards spamming muh nigger emotes in the chat
>they gud bois they dindu nuffin
You know full fucking well what they were doing, and so do they. Feigning ignorance like this just makes you look like a fucking retard.
You mean the "fact" that the guy is just ASSUMING him and chat meant something else?
big nig
Obviously here to bait /pol/tards that would swarm the thread
dey used da word naga dis is da worst word it has offended muh pipo for hundreds of years.
you're intentionally being disingenuous to prove a completely retarded point, just kys already
It works when blacks do it
So you are retarded, then. Good to know.
the word is naga you faggot
mhhm dats rite naga is an offensive word from slavery
Of course they do because they're retarded. The people in power love shit like that because it keeps them retarded and lazy, just like the people that constantly send aid to countries in Africa that put hand picked dictators in control so they can take all their resources with no complaints. Dumb niggers won't ever realise these things created to """help""" them are really designed to fuck them over though
remember when they were banning "we"
That's exactly what's happening.
You think anyone would've gotten in trouble if they spammed "shoot some ma'kura"?
>lol you guys are lying
Sort of post I'd expect from an emote spamming retard. Go back
>nigga stole my nicker
gibs me repuhrations cracka
>Dumb niggers won't ever realise these things created to """help""" them are really designed to fuck them over though
"We're kings of shit mountain brehs" - Lyndon B Johnson
naga rise up
What nigs you talking about? Most I know prefer to be called black, and wouldn't know a bantu from a zulu.
If you're not brain-dead, you can infer from the logs that he was using Naga instead of nigger.
He used CmonBruh, when a streamer said Naga, implying he heard nigger or thinks Naga is similar. Then afterwards started to say shoot all Nagas, with PogChamp, to show he revels in that idea. You connect the two and the rest's history.
Genociding nagas is going to be sweet.
Yup, this is all your headcanon
so you be saying that its an implied thought crime?
Theres been numerous cases of nogs wanting the word black censored in various ways or taking offense to it.
No nigger i knowa bantu that is what african niggers are descended from.
Not zulus. You wuz not zulus.
What a bunch of bitch nagas
What exactly do you gain from feigning ignorance on fucking Yea Forums?
>people like using nignog emotes
>dats racism
So glad i'm not a liberal.
Zulus are Bantus you idiot. You probably meant the khoisans.
Khoisans and those from the Horn are different from Bantus.
>He used CmonBruh
>with PogChamp
I wish the nagas would stay in the slave pen
So why haven't I seen any clips of these guys saying Naga supposedly because of a trinket
There's no feigning, it's you making up implied hate crime
You don't seem to understand there is nothing wrong with this.
People post black emotes and say nigga because they are wiggers.
It's dran-eye not dra-knee you muffwaffle
Have sex.
You've heard of tone policing.
Now introducing ... inflection policing.
Beat the nager
Now this is epic
>What exactly do you gain from feigning ignorance on fucking Yea Forums?
Ironic humor and amusement at mild frustration, referred to in Yea Forums vernacular as "Teh Lulz".
>>literally nothing has changed in black communities
they only got worse since back families got destroyed, go read/listen to Sowell or smth
>a few sjw nut cases wanting the word black banned means they all do
You've been shitting up the thread with your single digit iq with every post so far. Fuck off back to /pol/ with the other retards that can barely type in English
Pretty much. You can get banned for stuff like that in twitch. The same would've probably happened if there was a case where they used ninjas and other similar sound word.
Sorry, I guess inferring from the logs must be too complex for simpletons like yourselves.
>He thinks any board besides Yea Forums is some safe haven from /pol/
>He thinks /pol/ is right-leaning ONLY
Oh sweet summer child
>this retard is angry because he can't stand the truth
look you stupid little nuts nigger your entire attitude is what i'm talking about you black bitch.
Your stupid subhuman kind can't tolerate the truth.
So you want nouns that describe you banned.
Everything that has been said is true.
Your butthurt isn't an argument you chimpanzee cunt.
>da logs
Is this like da tea leaves?
/pol/ is far-left by any other standards but the messed-up amerimutt nu-definitions.
/pol/ is pretty evenly split. You should see the threads about modern women, the threads about culture war, the threads about trannies, and ESPECIALLY any thread critical of Israel. It wouldn't surprise me if 30% of /pol.'s posts are from a MediaMatters-type organisation trying to ineffectively push propaganda.
It's most notable when they try to call something they don't like "e-celeb". They still assume that /pol/ gets its opinions via social approval and enforced hivemind, rather than via being a bunch of individual belligerent autists who encounter the same inconvenient facts and come to the same inconvenient conclusions.
If you say "numerous cases" is enough to just say niggas, you could also point to white people as the destroyers of society because of a few's recent love of letting in kid fucking migrants.
Also I know I wasn't descended from zulus, my great grandfather was Ethiopian.
It was a joke based on the fact that zulu and bantu rhymed. No thought went into the ethnicity and history of different African peoples. Sorry it didn't land.
lol what kind of lala land are you in right now
>/pol/ is far-left
Maybe the communism or syria general, otherwise you're pretty much just shitposting
based retard
Oh I want to hear the reasoning behind this.
>/pol/ is far-left
ok i'm out
I'm going to do it! I'm going to say the n-word!
so there are no clear rules, no rules being broken, no one is getting discriminated or insulted, just whatever the fuck they think you might have thought is enough to condemn? how fucked up is that
>Blood Elves and Niggers! Your bastard races are an affront to everything the night elves stand for!
What did she mean by this?
This is pretty much liberalism or as I call it Nagaralism
>/pol/ is far-left
fucking hell bros i'm getting excited just thinking about all the dead nagas
>reactionary against capitalist west
>muh common folk, muh nation
>I deserve better! gibsmedat!
>armed revolution now
>romantic idealism over pragmatism
Literally, the only thing, THE VERY ONLY THING that distinguishes them from the common Red is the romanticization of racial purity.
last time I checked pol, that UBI-chink was the most shilled candidate, make what you want of it
I want to fuck a night elf
I'm pretty sure that's causing a false alarm and not wow forbidden speech dude.
You can't make this shit up.
Thanks LBJ
>Blizzard patch notes for 1.12
>Nagas are now called Skinchallenged Night Elfs
Trump has much more in common with lenin-stalin tangent than Bernie had.
>everything i don't like is shilling
Drooling retard
You don't differentiate what you perceive as the intent from what his declared intent is. You can't divide your inner world from the outer world, the same way as a schizo would.
This is the same shit that happened with the nazi pug. It was a joke but the judge was sure it was a 100% serious endorsement of Nazism. If a guy says it is a joke, it's a joke. If you act otherwise you out yourself as an idiotic ideologue
>Taking a meme seriously
Oh boy, here comes the short bus responses
We have that in Canada
>50% of N'zoth worshippers are nagas, despite them only being 13% of underwater populations
Gets that noggin' joggin'.
>Leftists and libtards can't go a day without being fucking retarded
holy shit, this really is clown world
>gets butthurt cause lacks reading comprehension
Nagas have been in the game since 2004
Why get upset about it now?
It reminds me years back i was lurking a recreational tennis forum for some reason.
This black woman was going off in a thread about looking at black people a certain way is "racism" worthy of violence. She then said also not looking at black people is "racism" worthy of violence.
It just struck me how it is schizophrenia.
It's true. Socialism is a left-wing ideology, even when it's the National variant of Socialism.
... Wait, were we meant to be talking about world of warcraft Goddamnit.
I know you're trying to be funny but that retarded statistic is purposely worded to make it seem like all blacks commit violent crime when it's a low percentage of them that do
Why bantu is censored
it's like saying germanic or celtic
Do even white liberals realize how they push idea all things related to blacks are are with bad connotation and thus need to be censored?
>they run all the western media and internet companies
>race politics define what is left or right
I really wish we could just purge the amerimutts and their decadent culture from ruining humanity.
It isn't whites doing this you fucking retarded fuck.
>he thinks SJWs play video games
lmaoing @ your life m8
You're right, we should've finished the job when we had the chance
they still do it way more often per capita.
if your IQ was above 50 you'd understand that.
there is no trick being played here.
they don't run all of them, but the ones they don't run they threaten with their journalistic ties to have hit pieces written by 4-5 websites on the same day to push a narrative, they'll contact advertisers and falseflag as a concerned citizen worried about bigotry, they are cancer in every sense of the word but they don't have as much power as they'd like you to think, not really, only because we let them get away with it currently
>Ubi left wing
Are illiterate? Ubi is a bipartisan issue, and was first brought up by Reagan.
I can't even...
doesn't matter, still way higher rate that other ethnicities, you delusional naga.
You're literally in a thread shilling both world of warcraft AND speech policing.
Cmon senpai.
And I'm literally, right now, shilling Serious Sam 4: Planet Badass. Get hype!
Because we live in a pussified age.
>Waah I can't use Naga as a substitute for nigger
Grow up
Not an argument. I accept your concession of defeat.
those damn naga's!
Push it then. Let's push Draenei like that and laugh at the fireworks. I swear to you it will work like a charm.
I hate how they ruined that she was pretty much a Night Elf supremacist up until legion.
The moment worgen showed up in the capital she started killing them but then did a 180 and went all "all races matter" 5 minutes later
I really hate when people resort to direct violence to prove a point, it's the dumbest way to approach any problem or discussion.
It makes you look like a caveman.
>No you wrong, me kill you
Even in my country right now the only fucktards that go around planting bombs are the anarcho-lefties. What is the fucking point, yes you bombed your political opponent office, a big round of applause. Now he is justified in his views, you proved his points.
It's to show that if you don't defend yourself against violence, then your words ain't shit. You need to have force to respond against force, and it doesn't matter how moral your beliefs are if you don't back them up with firepower.
Look at the UK. Police will lead a crowd of masked thugs to you and let them throw stuff at you, if you're inconvenient to the state. No arrests. But you speak out on social media why you disagree with the state's policies, arrests.
Taking the moral highground doesn't mean shit if you can get hit in the head with a rock and hauled off to jail.
Now, while I'd agree with you that it'd be best if violence wasn't necessary, it is. What do? Let your enemies kill you to prove how tolerant you are?
isnt it funny how count dankula became radicalized because of this and is now part of UKIP?
all of that just because the media jumped on him because he made his pug raise its arm.
>Waah I can't have both a family and a career at the same time
Grow up.
apparently he was at one point leftist.
He is still antinazi but seems to be "libertarian" now.
>Yea Forums isn't tranny infes-
kill yourself
I miss the days when WoW had "Hitler was a firemage"-guilds, when a fucking joke was just a joke and not some social commentary or insult or whatever.
as far as modern politics go UBI is absolutely "leftwing" - from greens to 'social' dems' to labour to neolibs
He has a literal fucking commie tattoo on his chest.
Now this is how he got pushed to what lefties call the nazi party in the UK.
>the internet is serious business
>wtf, the internet is serious business?!!11!
You should join considering you know what it is
haha really yeah when I first heard about him I didn't like him.
This was before the pug thing. Now he speaks out against antifa and leftism.
So he is a bit better now.
leftists are scared shitless
the 2 groups growing in the left are right wingers and muslims, and neither likes them
this wasnt the case in the early 2000's
I feel like life would be a lot better if 50% of the times "you're wrong" was said, it was replaced by "why do you think/do this?"
Violence leads to more violence. I'm don't think it's wrong all of the time, but it could certainly be used with more aptitude. Don't you think it's currently the answer to more problems than it has to be?
don't be tricked into thinking they're actually offended, it's about power.
Honestly I think you should all follow this guy. The madman, the man, the myth, the legend, "Destiny" keeps demolishing people in debates. I still don't know how this guy managed to make every altright troll /pol/ has thrown at him look like a clueless child.
Get someone who isn't far right complaining about it then we'll talk sweetie.
Eh, name something that lefties don't call Nazi.
They call each-other Nazi for fuck's sake.
People who want to nationalise the banking system, have a single party in control of their nation, have that party enforce a national ideology of work and unity, and send globalist conspirators to prison camps, are shaking their damn heads at their culture being appropriated.
Bro hold my beer
the last line doesn't rhyme
kys destiny, and your audience of 2k followers that only follow you because you're a leftie
There were even bunch of guild with names like 'Naga stole my bike'
Poles have literally been hunted like dogs by g*rmans and we're doing just fine, fuck off and grow some thick skin you pathethic self-obsessed jealous fucking NIGGER
>I miss when casual racism was acceptable
gee willickers, that was a tough one innit
Mr.Niggers would be a better name.
someone should make a supercut of all the times he's got his head in his hands sputtering at a loss for words while his opponent smugly stares in to the camera. he doesn't actually know how to have a useful conversation, all he ever does is misrepresent, lie, attack, and use cheap 'debate' tactics to try to win over the audience when he knows he can't win the argument with reason. i'd say he should kill himself but it's quite funny watching him fail upwards in recent years, more power to him
I'm not against self defence in any way man. I was talking about going out of your way to assault your opponents or resort to fucking bombs. That is for troglodytes.
My dream guild "Real Nagas" is ruined
You really think I'd buy that you got triggered by the filename alone?
>leftist can't comprehend a world where using the word nigger doesn't mean you hate all black people
Because they were saying "Naga stole my bike", "shoot all nagas", etc. Don't get me wrong it doesn't offend me and I don't give a shit, but cmon you gotta be retarded to not realize oversensitive twitch mods will ban you.
you fucking dumb nigger ALL POOR PEOPLE HAVE IT BAD
Except that it wasn't racism. this is what you dumbfucks don't get since you're imprisoned in some kind of eternal "me vs you"-war in your heads that leaves no room for absolutely anything else that you personally don't like. You're just a bunch of retarded manchildren, utterly unable to grow out of the mentality that children have who see themselves as centerpoint of the universe.
>taking shitposting seriously
if niggers would accept being called a nigger and use that word with pride themselves, racism would have ended ages ago
good thing that todays acceptable racism is nothing casual and its decided whether you get admitted to college or hired based on your ethnicity!
it's an industry we have the same shit in Australia.
People make money off keeping niggers down.
based and crimsonpilled
>Speaking in run-on sentences at lighting fast speeds to try and sound smart
It's like something a fucking child would do when they're in an argument.
>use that word with pride themselves
they do all the time lol
>Don't you think it's currently the answer to more problems than it has to be?
Yeah, but "Lie down and die" is an answer to your problems. It's not an answer I support. Given the choice between escalation and capitulation I'm obviously taking the first. I'm a GAMER, after all. We don't just accept our deaths, we RISE UP and get good.
>I feel like life would be a lot better if 50% of the times "you're wrong" was said, it was replaced by "why do you think/do this?"
You're assuming they want to know or care. Full knowledge of why people disagree with them doesn't matter if they're intentionally trying to harm others for personal benefit.
>I was talking about going out of your way to assault your opponents or resort to fucking bombs.
Sometimes it is necessary. Let's say, hypothetically, you need money to live. But your opponent controls all the banks. So you use your voice to complain, but your opponent controls all the communications channels.
The issue then isn't "Is violence justified?", because justified or not it's necessary. The question becomes "Which target do I hit?".
please be trolling. every time i fill out any government form there's a checkbox "are you aboriginal or torres strait islander", and what that means is do you want your fees subsidised, do you want to skip the queue, do you want a guaranteed spot
The thing that is so ironic is they are punishing mainstream fucks for acting like niggers. The tv tells them to do this.
>I miss when casual racism was acceptable
I do too.
You seem to think that racism is a bad thing. Why?
>blacks complain about racism in Canada
>tfw my people didn't get the vote till 1955/56, 108 years after blacks got it
>tfw our kids were taken and placed in internment camps in the 50s
>tfw cops raid our communities imprisoning us in the 50s
>tfw our parental rights were legislated away and if you wanted to visit a kid, it was for 1 hour through a chainlink fence while rcmp patrolled and watched you
>tfw they would beat the kids and revoke visitation
>tfw it wasn't until the 60s that the government let us buy our land back and even put on stipulations so we couldn't live in communes like we used to
>tfw there are under 3k of us left
>never got an apology/compensation
>government only admitted wrongdoing in 2004
>a main source of knowledge of our history is a book that pretty much depicts us as terrorists
Sure, yeah, I guess you're oppressed
Naga means naked (when referring to a woman) in polish and probably Czech. My guess is they banned it because of spambots in chat using it to advertise camgirl sites.
I don't precisely value your opinion.
How is it trolling when it is the truth look up the well paying jobs in the paper that revolve around helping abos.
If abos were fine there would be no grievance industry jobs, careers, degrees, grants etc.
>tim pool
hello r/thedonald pls upvote
Oufh, now that's a reddit remark
fuck nagas
Don't @everyone here with your message about Czech camsites, you've been restricted for 48 hours.
They banned it specificaly cause of niggers, they banned TFblade a while back ago cause he said "Kill those fucking idiots" and retarded nigger twitch staffer heard "Kill those fucking niggers"
Nikogo kurwa nie obchodzi polska, nie oszukuj się.
from what you just said, you're not oppressed either. your dad or his dad was. not you. get over it, you don't need some bullshit apology from your fucking government are you kidding me? would you take it to be earnest if you got one? you know kevin rudd "apologised" to the aborigines of australia for the genocide. you know what happened? fucking nothing, nobody gives a shit, they still sit around and drink and fight if that's what they were doing before, nothing changed, sort your life out don't blame others
He looks like Dr. Strange if he had downs.
UBI is different than negative income tax.
To be fair, sitting around drinking and fighting is True Australian.
What really gets me though is that our land titles are handed out based on which family was in control of the land at the time we found it. Those tribes warred and killed each-other over land constantly.
To me, it seems really fucking arbitrary to hand land rights to any particular aborigine clan because in the 100 years since we colonised it they would likely have lost control of that land to someone else.
>twitch adds "inclusive" emotes with blacks
>people use them to be racist
>big streamers ended up banning all the black emotes and only have white ones
Lmao, literally banning blacks so people wont be racist
>Usually you get pretty upset if you get fucked with for hundreds of years
The Irish were treated worse you idiot! They were also the only European slaves allowed to be owned by black slave owners in America. They also got genocided by the English, but no one talks about it
Isn't it funny that nigga is going to be policed because no one else but black people are allowed to say it but in doing so, you wouldn't be allowing black people to say it in online spaces to other black people which by their own logic is racist.
>no one will be racist if all niggers are dead
sounds good to me
can we rise up already
Seems a bit wasteful. How about we keep people from killing each-other, or being hateful to each-other, by ensuring that both groups exist in separate areas? Possibly separated by some kind of B O R D E R ?
Do you think that separating different people into their own distinct areas might make them less likely to fight each-other than expecting them all to share control of the same place?
>imagine being offended by words in 13.8 bil+2019
Naga is our word but u can say fish-person
yeah idk i was just larping as jordan peterson clean your room
This. He unironically saved my life by showing how fucking stupid all conservatives were and how much of any edgy jew brainwashed sheep I was believeing the bullshit they were peddling.