How can I get out of plat bois?

How can I get out of plat bois?

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The true high tier move.

Getting to diamond should be easy if you are good. It takes your stats into consideration so you're better than Plat then you should gain more SR winning than the Sr lost from losing.

If you're below diamond then that's on you. Try maining half the tank cast and half the healers so they'll always be someone you're good with that you can play since most people pick damage at that rank.

Based. Overwatch is shit.

ty i'm gonna do it

How do I find a tracer GF

I'm like 50 sr far from diamond, but somehow I cant climb lol lossing and winning all the time.

if you aren't masters or ever been top 500 why would you bother trying to climb?
you are shit and going to be shit unless you magically get carried
if you are incapable of climbing due to your skill get the fuck out of ranked cause you ruin the game for people who've climbed out of gold to diamond as you are capped out on your skill ceiling

overwatch takes no skill. no one really plays it. no one really talks about it. its soulless.
dont waste your time guys. play something else, hell fortnite actuallly has a bunch of folks to play with despite the kiddy fanbase

move on.

Dude, everyone's got to start somewhere. Also, if he's at the proper rank then that's more incentive to play ranked. It means the matches are right for him and the games will be close. Why would anybody play casual unless the games rank system is broken?

If the game took no skill then why are there people so much better than others? If it's so easy then you should be able to get over 4000 Sr before reaching lvl 100.

I want to fuck

> no skill...

Blizzard try to force a 50/50 winrate. You'll get bellow average teammates while fighting above average teammates if you start winning too much and vice versa. OW ladder is pretty much a really slow and shit rigged gacha with the teams
Best you can do is just get a buddy to pocket Mercy you over the gap and then you're on your own.

i dont play the game, used to 2 years ago. certain things seemed to be easily cheeseable to get high ranks. plus theres the very strong chance one can be carried. but then again the game may have been changed after ive stopped playing.
i still stand by my point that this game is a fruitless endeavor, there are many other great games out their to play user, i dont want you to be stuck in a past fad game like this

Every ranked system should be about a 50/50 win rate. If it's not then you're not at the right rank... thats the whole point of ranking systems.

What do you want it to be?


u can cheese from silver to plat, but people know how to play the game dude, u cant do tjhe same tricks every damn time

I want to BE D.Vs!

In a game where the outcome of the game mostly depends on who's on which team instead of the individual player it definitely shouldn't force a 50/50. Matchmaker dictating your rank instead of your skill is stupid.

There really isn't any shooting game like overwatch. A game that is mainly about teamwork and positioning but is fast paced shooting with large health pools. All of the other games have you die in a few hits.


theres tf2 and paladins

100% even elo rates within a margin of 50 points on every player so the average teams are no more or less than 1% difference in skill/win rate
premades in premade only queues since that can conflict elo rates ie. bronze player queueing with a grandmaster and getting carried
most games are afraid to do this because it creates an actually balanced system but requires matchmaking to do its job which means shitters will be in shit ranks or shitters wont be able to play with their friends who are better than them and will result in lower playercounts

Play tank

Last time I played TF2 you die fairly quickly. Also, I don't think there is ranked so no one plays as a team.

I never played paladins because why would I when there's Overwatch?

People on Overwatch are pretty nice and majority have mics so it's a lot of fun to play.


>anyone playing tank

Attached: nerfthis.png (288x251, 162K)

full image?

You're pretty much asking for 20 minute queue times. The game tries to match you with the same team stack as your opponent and after 3 minutes of searching it widens the search. The matches are fine. 50 Sr difference is too small to find people. That would be like if back during Halo 3 you were only allowed to play with people exactly your rank. Yeah right.

Also, Grandmasters can't party up with Diamond or below, and if you make a smurf account as a grandmaster player you're basically going to be back diamond after 10 games unless you throw.


Attached: image.png (180x180, 55K)

TF2 pubs are usually where people play, there is a "ranked" gamemode but it's labeled as competitive and last time I checked it's dead as fuck.

You play Paladins if you want more customization and don't feel like wasting your money on an almost dead game.
