"Wow! These realistic graphics look amazing! Gonna have to preorder this game now!"
ITT: We act like normalfags
Other urls found in this thread:
I wish the characters in the game were uglier, my wife and her boyfriend are getting mild stress triggers from the unrealistic standards
I don't think I'll enjoy this game, but it aligns with my beliefs so I'll purchase it anyway.
I enjoy video games
I love playing FIFA on my PS4!
>I care about the E3!
Im going to make a thread on 4channel where we "pretend" to act like normalfags, its going to be really funny
I only play multiplayer FPSs
I can't wait to preorder the DLC announced before the game is even released.
>I post on Yea Forums
I just owned another dumb weeb, I bet he'll bitch about me on Yea Forums.
I have a well-paying job, a loving family, many friends, and sex every night with my longtime gf.
My favorite streamer is playing this game! I can't wait to buy it solely so I can try to meet him
I visit Yea Forums's Yea Forums daily.
Can't wait to go home when MCC releases on PC, Reach was my childhood
I LOVE the new Nintendo™ mini console so much I bought like three of each of them haha XD!
Anime game characters look too young, it makes me uncomfortable how I find them arousing
So just normal Yea Forums then?
>"I sure do like to go to boards.4channel.org/v/ to talk about videogames!"
the darkness within me is brooding...
Weird blowjob face
I can't wait for the Devolver Digital presentation!
"You play video games too bro? Awesome! Tell me your name and we can hit up fortnite together!"
"Oh, you don't play? no worries dude, whats your tag tho, we can k.o. some losers together in COD"
"Huh, you don't play COD either? What the hell do you play then?"
"Indian games? What? ...Oh, indie games? Uh never heard of indie games, what kind of games does that company make?"
"Oh i see alright man ahaha well I'm gonna take off catch you later!"
Nice try, nobody has ever said that in their lives
>indie games
>not also normalfag tier
Guys, what do we do with japanese games?, they're becoming very... hmmm, problematics.
Being on Yea Forums in 2019 doesn't make you special, especially when the people posting in this thread are likely the same teenagers that attack anyone with a genuine interest in their hobby.
You want to be "abnormal"? Enjoy games and other media without hiding behind 50 layers of faux irony to hide your insecurity over not belonging
Can I get a better description on this graph? That sentence they used to describe the graph makes no sense.
Absolutely disgusting
tfw your gamer gf kicks your ass at Mario Kart
Men wearing cock-rings that measure arousal got harder to 14 year olds than other ages. That's about it
See also
>Men viewing images of teenaged girls labeled as adults rated them highly.
>Men viewing images of teenaged girls labeled as teens rated them lowly and took approximately twice as long to enter their answer.
Man, I sure love going on the videogames board of 4channel.org!
They hated Jesus because he told them the truth.
The cause of the American Civil War was the plight of poor black slaves!
Sounds like they showed a bunch of men some poctures of girls and they rated them without knowing their age?
>can we get an IRL bosses thread going
"It's like 2 years old WHY WOULD YOU PLAY THAT?"
Can't view without account. Pls to mirror.
Most normie post in this entire thread, well done
why is 50 so high?
Nah, Yea Forums is nothing but Nazis and Trump supporters. But I love Reddit! r/aww is my favorite!
There are sites online where you just paste in the URL of a paywalled study and it gives you a free pirated copy. Don't recall the domains.
What's your favorite sports team Yea Forums?
This but unironically
Because of mommy problems. Turns out Freud was right about a lot more than we would like to admit.
>Trying to be above others in Yea Forums of all places
Then it's useless to me since I have no idea what to google to find one :/
>*has never read a book*
Wow this game's story was incredible!
The part where the main character saw the love interest's panties was DISGUSTING! Where was the consent?
well thats what this thread is about
my dude
Dude, the RE2 remake was the bomb! I legit dropped Fortnite for it, my GOTY for sure!
>"Wow! These realistic graphics look amazing! Gonna have to preorder this game now!"
sometimes i do think that though youtube.com
>The absolute state of this site
This game has sexualized/attractive female characters, automatic buy from me
You ever been with a MILF? They're incredible.
Thank God I have friends. :)
Reminder this is who you're posting with.
“Wow I just had sex haha, imagine NOT having sex and having no friends and spending your nights in some fucking Chinese cartoon website hahaha”
You play video games ? tell me why ? you don't like reality ?
Yeah, bro. I'm definitely buying more fifa packs this weekend! Gotta complete my team after all :)
Unironically above others, do I have to spoonfeed you?
I like playing video games.
Bro, copped this at Gamestop today for my collection. Pre-ordered FIFA while I was there too, so hype.
They’re fun
>wow i love [popular IP]!
>gameplay? who cares! it's [popular IP]!!
"I love this game! I'm going to recomend it to all my friends"
Who the fuck buys these?
there are some entertainign streamers but donating to fucking cucklord summit. thats gay as fuck famalam.
This is the future you chose by letting /pol/ back in
Gamers are the most sheeple and consumerist group of hobbyists that has ever walked this Earth.
Bruh, those dead, soulless eyes are so cute! Niiiice dude.
I love jrpgs, the cute little characters and a good story is all I need!
Last year's version of this game was awful but I'll still excited to buy the new version
You're not even being a normie, you're being a bigot. Only biggoted racists think Grphix=gameplay. Everyone know the better the graphics, the better the tech, the better the tech the more impressive the game is. People dont enjoy games for anything else but Tech. Who can push it the furthest.
I don't understand what apeals you in this games
People who think Big Bang Theory and The Office are the pinnacle of comedy.
Are you being serious or are you playing along?
Damn it.
I love my Nintendo Switch! I cant wait for the Smash DLC announcement. He's In!!! xD
Because you’re a dumb roastie lmao
- t. Hideo Kojima
>capable of thinking something is awful
Don't have sex.
the norman is an objective phenomenon that you can mock all you want just like any other, it is not a statement of superiority until you make it one
Graphicsfags ruined games. Now there's a constant demand for stronger graphics rather than good gameplay.
I really fucking hate this timeline.
Not video games, eat shit
Rent free
I'm a phoneposter
learn how to report and hide, get a job
Best one ITT
Even on the NES realistic sportsgames were the best selling games
Gamers were always graphicsfags
I will download and play fortnite on my xbox because everyone plays it and its cool and rappers endorse it
Bruh, you play the new Mortal Kombat? So fucking good. I don't know who Spawn is, but he'll probably be sick.
The girls in this game are cute. That's all I need. Good gameplay? Good graphics/art style? Smooth framerate? Good story? Who cares? A game only needs cute girls and nothing else. Preordered.
HD is what ruined games. They made them exponentially more expensive to develop, and it gives developers less resources to devote to gameplay, music, story and everything else that matters more.
Bud you are posting on Yea Forums
You can’t get any more normal than that
try talking to a 13 year old and you'll stop being attracted to anyone under 35 real fast.
Have sex
holy shit this game has a fuckton of twitch views so it must be goat! I gotta buy it!
This but unironically
I fucked wild bill in the ass with trump watching
i don't play video games but since they included ldbtq+ references in it and also multiple non binary characters
i'll buy 2 copies!
>Reminder this is who you're posting with.
yah no shit and a reminder that you share a world with these same people like wow how enlightened you must be faggot
Women aren't for discussion
Women are for serving snacks and tea while you have discussions with other. Their job is to be seen but not heard
Filtered and reported
This place has been infested with normalfags for years, no need to pretend that you're not one of them.
my room mate literally never played fallout till 4 and bought the "dogmeat" german shepherd one i wish i was lying
Yea Forums is full of professional company defenders and they do it for free
Just mad
This hoodie is SO fucking cool.
the worst part is this like 50% of Yea Forums
big bang theory is geared towards boomers who find nerds and technology funny to them because they know little to nothing about it
the office is popular to plebbitors and normalfags in general
Women are just for sex, retard.
Oh shit, I get that reference
what is an overwatch player for nine hundo alex
Normies don't say "realistic".
you all know i'm right. cope
No need to be this aggresive.
You love Zelda too, Bro? Awesome! Remember that time when Zelda defeated the evil Gonanworf? That was hype!! I hope you're up for some Forthnite later!! :PP
What's this from? Some mocap?
kill me
Extremely based post
what the hell is wrong with people ... why would i send someone money for playing game?
Take my up(you)te.
Is it a game with real people ?
This is why I applaud the collapse of the west.
This tbqh
no way fag
fuck off with ur gay retarded role play
why would i want to act like a retarded moron
go suck a dick faggot
>not belonging
But I don't find "normie" humor funny. That's why I come here. To watch people on Yea Forums talk about how much they hate games.
Who else is excited for e3? Post your squilliams.
You think this is clever post but you are sidestepping real issue. It's not merely that Yea Forums is infested with normies, it's that as the human population increases, the number of non-normies goes up along with it, so even our kind is becoming overpopulated. The real terror of overpopulation is everyone just becoming yet another being, no room for anyone to stand out because there will be so many exemplary people vying for the same accolades, the same jobs, the same attention. This shit you're seeing on the internet here is just the prelude, imagine the sheer number of shitposters we'll have 20 years from now, even if Yea Forums doesn't survive, something else will have to exist for them to shitpost on.
Dumb frognigger.
I can't wait to play Classic WoW just like all my favorite streamers?
kys trannyera faggots
In all seriousness, the only streamer I watch doesn't even have donations or bits turned on, only subs. And even then, he has all notifications turned off so what he's doing isn't interrupted every 5 seconds.
do you plan on getting married one day ? any children ?
>advertising your channel without mentioning your channel, but still expecting people to find you
Are you autistic?
Nah daeg, 'borshuns for life
I would unironically let that ugly bitch suck my dick dry with those dick sucking lips
Go back to your containment board
i wish all streamers killed themselves
go dilate and put a gun in your mouth and pull the trigger
the fuck are you talking about
try sci-hub
>tfw I started to stream and people asked why they can't sub yet
Finna make it
>haha epic troll I surely showed those libtards who's the boss
kill yourself
I haven't thoght about suicide today.
Oh snap , fucking preach it brother
>dont tell anyone but i go to boards dot fourchan dot org slash vee slash
I'm going to buy a £400 console and pay out the ass for everything including the right to use it online because a £700 computer is too much!
I can't wait for PS5. I'm sure it will have lots of amazing exclusives, just like PS4.
>thats so unrealistic when have you ever seen x do y?
No I'm going to make money off of your suffering. Your post is going on my stream too.
Jeez calm down retard, he's right none of the image board sites aren't anything special, just bunch of edgelords throwing insults and slurs around
lol the face
So how many donations does he get?
How lonely and desperate do you need to be to be like this?
The animations looks like shit. Also terrible textures no depth at all.
has nothing to do with being lonely or desperate. im lonely and desperate but i have more dignity than that.
>ITT: we act like normalfags
"I enjoy video games."
He has around 2k subs, I believe.
Literally what this thread is doing
what the fuck games are so well done today
I love women with big boobies!
Thats not a normalfag position at all. In fact they have literally all been saying "just a remake" cannot be GOTY. Every friend i have that laps up nu-raider, GOW, TLOU and Dragon age all say "all you do in REmake is shoot a zombie, run away and solve a puzzle. There is NO story here. No reason to do anything and no story moving stuff on, telling you why you are going or where you are going. Its boring."
So your opinion is shit. Normalfags hate it.
we all do, my fellow
this was my attitude before I turned 13. I was 14 when Just Cause 2 came out and playing that game pretty much solidified my transition away from normalfaggotry. the graphics were pretty bad for the time but everything else was just spot on
What's the appeal of being a normalfag anyway? I have a pretty okay life with a loving family and I'm not obsessed with having sex or vapid interests.
>Has nothing to do with being lonely or desperate
Enlighten us on what it really is then dipshit, because it sure fucking looks like a classic case to me
remember to post this on it as well your a faggot and you need to stop existing you literal piece of shit
go leech of hopeless lonely kids you fucking parasite
>started videogames at 14
>first game Just cause 2
It's still time to go back to normal !
These people were indoctrined to thinking this way since highschool and have never moved on. Many of them are actually shallow and empty inside and only act the way they do because they are afraid of whay the world will think of them if they don't conform to their backwards way of thinking
Fifa and NHL players are among the elite of gamers.
They play both for fun and for competition among their friends.
I actually find them repulsive
>go leech of hopeless lonely kids you fucking parasite
I'm doing nothing the anime and waifu industry doesn't already do
That makes sense. So normalfags are overgrown teenagers?
>Uhh, It's a fantasy game bro, you can't be upset about story inconsistencies.
I'm so tired of seeing post-election tourists trying to act like going to Yea Forums is some sort of personality quirk, I've seen these fuckers in real life and I've wanted to punch each one in the mouth.
Coming to this place doesn't make you cool, it doesn't make you edgy, it doesn't make you special, you're just a guy browsing an image board that focuses on different areas of interest based on mostly hobbies.
Any sane person who goes to Yea Forums never brings it up in a social setting, they just keep that shit to themselves. They don't go out and say cringy memes out loud at a bar such as "GRUG" and "INCEL" (which is something I've actually witnessed), it just makes you look like a fucking faggot.
Anyone who actually relishes this site and thinks they're cool for browsing it is an underage moron.
The origins of "normie" didn't come from being a derogatory term used to express "muh sekrit club", it was initially used in envy, because normies had shit we didn't, such as friends, sex lives, good jobs, healthy bodies, etc.
God I fucking hate newfag posers on this website, I honest to god hope they fucking drown one day.
I suppose it was the first really good game that I appreciated at the time. I actually played Spiderman 2 when I was 8 or 9 years old and didn't like it lol
have sex is actually an immediate loss. It's like scratching on the 8-ball
you just outted yoursel faggot
Notice the use of quotation marks, you illiterate retard?
you literally play games and take money from like 10 year olds who got ahold of their parents credit cards
kys you fucking useless parasite faggot
they at least are making something
you just play games like a fucking faggot
put this in your stream as well you fucking faglord
you are the best man, based
>The origins of "normie" didn't come from being a derogatory term used to express "muh sekrit club", it was initially used in envy, because normies had shit we didn't, such as friends, sex lives, good jobs, healthy bodies, etc.
Literal, actual cringe.
>I'm throwing my money at the screen but nothing is happening!
>Geralt is in this game? I'm buying it now!
anyone who uses that word is just a failednormal fag who wants to be an "outcast" fuck off retard
that's his twitter. shall we go send him some love? it's sad
>phone filename
And no-one was surprised.
Do us all a favor and tie a chainsaw up to a tree at neck height and run into it.
why the fuck would I ever want to be a normie, you dumb faggot
you're digging your own cringe grave
Hahaha oh my god, you're actually so retarded that you don't know how quotation marks work, do you?
Get the fuck out of here and finish school before you post again, you dumb fuckin' hick.
Nothing more pathetic than a failed normie
you keep proving my point
fuck off retard
Yeah but how many actually donate? I wonder if not showing donations affects it. 2k subs is enough to do it as a job right?
Does the question mark imply that they're upward inflection faggots?
As a working father I LOVE video games that respect my time and let me experience everything without making me die a million times to get there. I wish every game was like that!
show him how pathetic he
Kek this
we should get a raid on his account
>it doesn't make you edgy
It does and that's not a good thing.
He only has subs enabled. No other donation methods. And yes, 2k is enough. He's also part of a streaming collective, of which he is the second biggest of them.
This spam him with bestiality
let's do it.
>dumbass showcases a complete lack of understanding of how punctuation works while trying to call me out
>I shut his dumb ass down
>"l-le proving le point....."
Is that all you have to say after you just got brutally ravaged, you fucking room temperature IQ moron?
Don't even continue to speak to me, I can literally feel my brain cells committing suicide every time I'm forced to read another absolutely abhorrent post by you.
This is the sort of guy that pays a nigger to fuck his wife so he can watch and jerk off to it. Pathetic.
> w-we actually wanted to be normies
this is why moot loving “oldfags” are reddit
Wow, this Fifa roster looks amazing! Gonna have to preorder this one as well!
Are you retarded? Normalfags are not the ones preordering games.
Explains a lot. Not that I'm surprised but still.
>all these seething replies from underage newfags
Good job, user.
why do you care so much
have sex your forever virgin holy shit
go suck off your rick doll or something
>they at least are making something
They make Filipinos make something and recycle the same animations over and over. At least I'm presenting fresh commentary
All of these mechanics are so clunky, and so excessive. You know, developers, I might actually buy your game if you put some effort into streamlining the experience.
>ITT: We act like normalfags
What's the difference?
Ayooo am gonna watch this
holy shit no your not
no one cares about your commentary
espeically when a thousand others are doing the same thing and like way more on youtube
litteraly no one gives a fuck about your "fresh" takes
lol they are still producing something you faggot
Duuude I never thought I'd meet another Zelda fan!
What do you mean by other donation methods? I never really used twitch. Sub is when a person subscribes to you and works like patreon right? What do you even get from subbing to someone? Then there are donations and bits?
Then who is? Do you have proof of it? What is your definition of normalfag in this case?
It’s not that they have less resources, it’s that the entire product has to be aimed at huge demographics. The bigger the demographic the more bland it has to be, to appeal to everyone’s taste.
so you basically want a mom
t. liberal soyboy NPC cuck
>he says he goes on Yea Forums on his phone, probably in public as well
>donating ever
I'll go to a videogame section of a Taiwanese donkey breeding forum to express my cynicism and hatred of everything that isn't me! In this moment I am very euphoric!
cookie crips tastes like shit
it's called lacking a spine. you can be lonely and desperate but not be submissive to people, in fact, too high standards can be one of the causes of being lonely, asshole.
So with most streamers, you can either donate money or bits (Twitch currency). Or, you can subscribe to them for $5 a month. If you have Amazon Prime/Twitch Prime, you get one free sub a month. The streamer I watch has every method of donation disabled, except for subscribing. Most times, subbing is just to support them and get their custom emotes. Also, many streamers have notifications turned on, whenever someone donates or subscribes, and it usually interrupts the flow of the stream. This streamer has all notifications disabled as well.
I’m ban evading at home while playing splatoon
I also use an iPad because I hate jews
Cope :^)
You do realize any time you use that whole "t." format without a quote you're pretty much saying that it's coming from the post you made?
I'm not the guy you're responding to, but
> you think this is clever
Is probably not accurate, because he doesn't seem like the kind of person who fixates on being clever/quirky/special. Seems more like that's you projecting.
>actually watching streamers an knowing all this
gosh dang are you salty or what
>actually caring
Blow me, faggot.
capitalism, cuck
>it's him
>wahhh why aren't oyu praising me for throwing my life away to some fag who plays vidya
becayse ur a fucking faggot wholyshit kys
So you get nothing from subbing to someone? You can still watch them without subbing so it's just about the support and personalized emotes in the chat?
Yea Forums cares so he cares :)
get your pleasures where you can
>hates everything
I don't think you understand what the term even means.
plague to society
subs make more sense since a lot of people have amazon prime anyway
> no u
t. coper
Correct. I forgot to mention that you also have ads disabled on the channel you're subbed to.
I only play FIFA, GTA, CoD, and NBA 2k.
>tfw not acting
I answered questions that someone asked. Deal with it, you illiterate porch monkey.
You did it again, you dumbass lmao.
You don't have to tell us you're a coper, we can already tell.
Just told him what you sick fucks are going to do to him!
I'm not a teenager anymore so I don't really play video games
this, I was posting here a decade ago, I rarely even visit this gay board these days, you are all normalfaggot trannies in my book
> he thinks t. is greentexted
oh no no no!
way to out yourself, newshit
if we could act like normal fags we wouldn't be on Yea Forums, silly
I don't see any ads already because of adblock. Thanks for the info.
They also make EA the most money, nice try you corporate felcher
I don't see nationality when it comes to game developers. Games are made by people and people are people. Whether it's from Japan or America or Western or Eastern Europe is not something I generally concern myself with.
The whole 't. ' format has only been used for roughly a year though. The fact that you think it's even slightly old says volumes about you.
Do us all a favor and lurk for another 2 years before posting again, newchild.
Anytime. Have a good one, user.
Indie games are normalfaggot as fuck you idiot.
>I'm a special sekrit kluhb snowflake with equisite tastes, if only the rest of these shitters understood and marvelled at my intellect.
That's literally what's became mainstream nowadays, overwhelming negativity, everyone's a critic, and the worst news are the biggest clickbaits. Saying anything good about anything is a regular Yea Forums faggots kryptonite. No idea why most of you even linger in this hobby, I hear knitting is quite popular if you're in for a change of pace.
Normalfaggotry is a mindset, not an act. If you were religiously pretending to be one you'd probably end up sadder than simply not being one.
>The whole 't. ' format has only been used for roughly a year though.
oh no no no NO NO NO
>unironically using the softened up ball-less "normie" word
you were in the right until you did that, then you outed yourself as a redditor who probably came in moments before election tourists
>Reach was my childhood
IKR? and why did I get banned for being "underage"? :( im old enough to know how 2 use a computer! :)
I like sports.
Hate culture has little to do with being a normie. It just makes for an extremely acidic combination, as you now have normies wanting to get rid of the things they don't like more actively than ever before. You're right, a good number of people here do just blindly hate things without pondering the situation themselves, but they're just dumb rather than being actual normies, because there are far more popular places from which you can hate everything else.
boy these guys are dumb
How long has the update existed?
Moms are all about yapping, though.
50 is borderline GMILF tho.
why do they keep making these pixel jaggy playstation .05 games this shit was like som dreamcast abortion, I bought an i9 computer wth an rtx 2080 and stop wasting time witht this shit!!!!! its almost 2020 dont these devs want to make money???? make som REAL GAMES!! 0/10
I can smell you from a light year away, ACfag.
>oh yeah, no bro, I love final fantasy VII too, but the original looks like shit, I'm waiting for the remake
I just can't wait for Cyberpunk 2077. The Witcher 3 was a masterpiece, it's sad how CD Projekt and Rockstar are the only developers who can make truly great games nowadays.
Dude, isn't Zelda like for little kids and fags and stuff?
You faggots are going to attract more the cancer with your "epic irony memes"
normalfags are getting triggered by this post
Stop sexualizing little girls you incels. Have sex.
"Man I can't wait for Pokemon SwSh. The graphics are phenomenal and Wooloo is cute!"
This one sounds pretty convincing, nice.
Not sure if male or female, but would irrumate nonetheless.
I only support a streamer that has literally lived one the street and almost died there. I count it as charity.
I love playing Minecraft with my son!
>but they're just dumb rather than being actual normies, because there are far more popular places from which you can hate everything else.
I think this is my main gripe with Yea Forums in this day and age. Back in the day there were shitposters and memery but there was a method and cunning to it, people who found their way into this cesspit were genuinely intelligent and I never felt like I was surrounded by a pack of morons. Yea Forums is now no different than the floodgates that were opened by MySpace and then Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and the likes - it's a congregation of idiots, and what's worse - it's idiots that think too highly of themselves.
I'm a simple man, I see cleavage, I preorder.
>ITT: We act like normalfags
So just a normal modern Yea Forums thread then.
Is he bald and wears a suit jacket when streaming?
> some liberal soycuck actually reported me
Absolute state of numales
please dont tell me thats supposed to be ellie
>still using liberal as an insult
smash is a best game xDDdd
he is in xD
check my son gayman station on leddit xD
Oof, that’s a yikes from me, have sex.
haha I had sex last night with my girlfriend who loves me.
It feels so good to be loved and to love someone, you know? She's not perfect but she's beautiful to me, you know, and she thinks the same way about me.
Haha sure is nice being a normal person, haha
It’s only an insult if you take it as one
Barcelona bro
I like Juventus and PSG too
you win
Vete a la mierda catalufo
LMFAO nothing is wrong with reddit my fellow 4channers! We can be up to date with all the edgy memes you guys create and we fit in. Notice my use of LMFAO? Only old fags get that haha, omfg rolfmao l33t h4x0rs.
See, if you just give us time we can learn too. The resources are plenty, i went to know your meme and encyclopedia dramatica and learned all the oldfag memes. Even though I started browsing 6 months ago, I'd bet i know more of Yea Forums culture than most of you faggot niggers, haha. Hail hitler!
retarded spic
ah man I sure do love to post in Yea Forums, Yea Forums, /r9k/, Yea Forums, /pol/ and Yea Forums sure they are my favourite boards
jesus christ
>a post so cringe only a true normalfag could make it(note the amount of buzzwords)
Cool. Now get the fuck off my board.
> t. retard
If you're not a wizard, care what other people think of your hobbies, can't have fun in a non-conventional way then you're a normie.
Holy shit this. Well said, user.
What? No, retard, see
t. kike loving soyboy
t. Nintenyerold
You're a shitstain on my boot, you parasite.
so you’re a soynygger too
i mean, it’s not surprising
>i went to know your meme and encyclopedia dramatica
>tfw this is how I learned all the memes years ago
>tfw actually blend in perfectly and everyone thinks i'm a based boomer oldfag
And you're a very poor troll. Try harder and lurk moar, faggot.
>i mean
You're so pathetic, it's sad.
There's two different kinds of normalfag.
1. Only plays brand new games.
2. Has one game over six years old that they play constantly.
>Yeah, I used to go on Yea Forums in 2012-2014, now there are nazis everywhere
>Yea Forumstards like to act like this isn't them every time someone they like shows even an ounce of friendliness
Just admit you're as fucking lonely as this guy and maybe go find solace in one another.
You're reaching like a motherfucker
>projecting this hard
I'm a fucking lonely mess and I would never pay some random jackass who can't even play games because they're too busy looking at another screen, reading shit like
>Thank NIGGERSFUCKMYMOUTH69 for the sub!
>it was initially used in envy
ha! you wish you dumb normalfag now behold this 5
>saying a lot of people on Yea Forums are just as lonely and desperate as this is reaching
Are you new?
If this was two years ago maybe but I have friends now.
We all COPE with loneliness in different ways, user. Some people donate to a streamer who's felt like their only friend, who they want recognition from, others buy a hooker, others cry about it on /r9k/, and some kill a person and then eat their body in a basement. Who's to judge?
but I don't want to be "abnormal" I want to turn people into dinosaurs!
Shut your ass yugi, AND BEHOLD the true 5
>some kill a person and then eat their body in a basement
So get some chick to polish your rod instead of giving away money for random people you useless cunt
Neither are your friends but at least one of them is focusing their real attention on you
I love WoW! It's such a great mmorpg!
>some kill a person and then eat their body in a basement.
t. armin meiwes
>saying a lot of people on Yea Forums are just as lonely and desperate as this is reaching
No, dumbass, saying everyone who is lonely would shell out $100 to be "friends" with someone is reaching. Your reading comprehension is trash, and so are your posts. Please don't reply to me unless you have something moderately intelligent to say.
tsskk kaiba
you dont have it
now behold the true power of this
>random people
>a real person who just happens to be online who usually only does it for you and people like you
>can donate as little as a dollar or as much as you want
>hooker who is paid to pretend to care about you and usually actually hates your guts
>unless you want AIDs, costs AT MINIMUM 200 dollars
Hmm no.
>No, dumbass, saying everyone who is lonely would shell out $100 to be "friends" with someone is reaching.
You need to check your own reading comprehension because nowhere did I imply that either, based retard. All I said was people are just as lonely if they come to places like /r9k/ for attention. Kek you're seething so hard over a simple statement.
>d-d-don't reply
Cope with it.
No No No, this five.
Yuuugi !! hayaku !! take my 5 !!
and my virginity too uwu
If you want a forced cheap interaction that badly, go buy a coffee
You'll at least get something out of it
Maybe one day when you're not underaged, you'll understand
Literally nobody:
Yea Forums: let's act like normalfags
You really can't go a single sentence without insulting me can you? Cringe. Learn how to have an actual conversation, sweetie.
I payed full price plus tip for the hit game Anthem!
Just copy any resetera comment after a reveal
>yeah...my social life is gonna tank when this releases
good job joey
t. tryhard underaged summerfag trying to fit in
"I will have sex today with my girlfriend"
Have you never been to vg? Retard.
>merely pretending
Hey i think you dropped this
Tenkuu no Shito
I usually don't insult anyone but you're really unlikeable, no wonder you have you pay people to notice you
I'm well capable of having an actual conversation but sometimes, just like with you, I can't help myself
Rest assured, it's only because you earned it
>assuming shit about me
I've literally never donated to a streamer but okay user, whatever keeps you from having a heart attack over a disagreement on the internet. Go tip your fedora somewhere else now.
>Guys, what's wrong with sucking cocks all day long?
>You need to chill out, sucking cocks isn't that weird
>Woah, why did you assume I suck cocks? Never suck a single cock
>ITT: We act like normalfags
"I enjoy gaming"
Kek this. He's just a troll saying random crap for the lulz. Well, now he's a seething troll lol.
No one:
Absolutely no one:
Tanner: Im a meat maniac(throwback for if you remember)
you tried discordtranny
ITT: Acting like normal Yea Forums
>well what do you do in the game?
i buy call of duty every year on my ps4
asteroid when? I've had enough
>blurry jpg
End yourself my man
Why does this always happen, what about the worst possible entries to a series attracts these mindless zombies.
I fucking love skyward sword, I always did and always said so, but yeah, I stopped coming here
Oh man, I love going to 4channel.org and posting on my favorite board, Yea Forums
nice subversive tactics, puppet
>tfw "hide your power level" means nothing today
>a new young guy at work started spouting garbage memes and talked about boku no pico openly
>asked me about gachimuchi
can't argue with this tbqh
this should be the new board banner
This game was "muh chilhood!"
They should remaster for PS4!
More people should enjoy this masterpiece!
>They won't let me renew my season tickets.
>New stadium, dude. I don't have enough "points" or whatever for those tickets anymore.
>I thought points didn't matter.
>They only do for the prime luxury seats, but they moved someone else into my old seats because it's now in a higher donation tier that I wasn't eligible to reserve because they went first.
>Just go to baseball.
>Nah, new stadium sucks.
>Yeah, it does.
>I'm just gonna watch at the bar. After all those surgeries, I can't get up into the second and third decks as well anymore.
>Didn't you go to the neck doctor?
>Yeah, ordered a bunch of tests. MRI and shit.
>We should've played tennis or something.
>I did play tennis in high school, actually. Got Second at district, once.
>Thought you played football.
>Small school, dude, I did everything. Fuck all else to do.
>Played a lot of video games.
>Yeah. Same here. I had a Genesis
>I had both.
>No shit? Goddamn, your house was the party house.
>The world is so full of fags, trannies, dykes, fatties, autists, and political extremists that acting normal has become the new abnormal
Hey, I found my comment in there!
I love this thread, it's such a poe's law gold mine.
Dude I really like the visual on this new God of War, they aro so much better than the old ones. And did you saw the combat? Amazing, just amazing. Is like Dark Souls,so you know it's gonna be good. They also used the North Mitology, wich is more better than the greek one; just look at Thor from the Avengers. If this is the kind of stuff they are gonna put us against, this game is gonna be fucking epic dude. Did you saw the new dad memes about Kratos? I'm glad they are finally made a real kind of personality, a single father, just like me. No dude, trust me, you need to buy the ps4 if you want to play it on 4k, I also read on reddit that you can unlock a turbo mode to play at 60 fps but only available on the pro and with the collection edition. Idk, since I bought the pre-order months ago just after the tesear trailer; I mean, I got also an exclusive axe from game stop. You can buy it for 40$ if you bring 2 games, just think about it. Rumors says a multiplayer patch is comming, and also a vr patch, so buy the game and we can play online and shit, man.
tastes and colors
Sex, have it
s4s back at it again
"I just can't WAIT for E3, I bet they'll announce some sweet games like the next Gears of War or Skyrim 2!"
>Why yes, I am hyped for WoW Classic, how could you tell?
y'all got dat 2k?
It's funny because you use the word euphoric.
>95% of 14 years old girls are attractive
>70% of 20 years old women are attractive
What a bunch of bullshit.
remember the
>water temple
>actually, when you use the insult that personally applies to me, you lose
I'd tell you to have sex but I know that's impossible
whoah, the "chad" picture I saw it on know your meme. You must know what you are talking about.
wow battle royale games are interesting take on the fps genre
Ah yeah, Dogpile is a great source for knowing what normal men are attracted to.
I'd let her suck my weenie, not gonna lie.
Lmao guess again
Another Assassin's Creed ? Sign me up !
Holy shit, that's much better editing than the actual thing.
Yeah bro, I know this girl, she is such a HUGE nerd, she's big into Zelda and Pokemon and all that, I bet she would love it.
>1 follower
how is that even possible. i've literally never tweeted and i have like 30.
this is the villain from kirby, right ? Metal Head or someting, he looks cool :D I'll be maining him in smash bros ultimate
wow epic thread guys you show them
Over 9000 % deep post
You are a little overdoing it, but I think you are one of us now.
when we lose our way, [s4s] will reach out and adjust our course
you people are really difficult at times
> donating at all
wtf is wrong with you?
these are good games, and what feel are you talking about ?
can't wait for the new call of duty bruh!!!!
lmao did you feel personally attacked?
this is pretty accurate tho.
Just admit you donate you dumb fuck
this is how we all did duh
leave him alone
>haha yeah all streamers SUCK right well except this one I like ;)
every time
>donating to multi millionaires.
Big streamers makes more than a doctor in a month.
>community sample of normal men
I didn't know that pedos have their own communities
this is nice post
>act like normalfags
Nu-Yea Forums doesn't even have to act, most of Yea Forums is crawling with underaged faggots/children and normalfags born past the 90s/are permanent newfag cancer
ITT: seething cuck nigger normie incel virgins who need to get laid and who will die alone and who are terrible shitty human beings i am better than all of you
I'm not even gonna bother with quoting you morons, you're not special for using a shitty image board site, you're not special for not liking a massively popular thing, you guys don't have don't have any personality traits other than being an edgy cock sucker
i love you too
well said
Delicious asspain
You know what would improve this single-player game? Multi-player.
i can understand donating to streamers, I see it as "buying" service that you enjoy, in this case, watching their stream
i don't do it because i don't enjoy streams and just watch some youtube clips of a game I like
but people like this guy are doing something completely different
it's got nothing to do with remunerating someone for their work, it's complete desperate delusion, it's really sad
how do you even fall down to this point?
Playing games? good god you're pathetic, it's litterally a children's hobby
Real man enjoy football, it's the best way to enter society and make friends, especialy if you drink and do drugs
Hope the post fit in well
It's been ages since I've played, it's actually kinda nostalgic, even though there aren't too many players online, CoD MW2 still holds up.
I care about anything else than gameplay in fighting games.
My normie friend told me I should play Rage 2 because “it’s like fallout but without shitty graphics and shitty gameplay” and my other friend who likes Pokémon a lot refuses to play anything before diamond and pearl because “I just can’t handle those graphics man...”
Kek imagine thinking 100 USD in 2019 is a lot of money. Thank god we listened to based /pol/ about finishing college being a scam and based neet shitposters.
This post triggering faggots like this
You guys excited for Ghost Recon? It looks so realistic this time I'm so hyped.
t. normie
go outside and give 100 bucks to the first motherfucker you see since that's not alot of money
go back to your fortnite, kid
Ok retard
Maple Leafs
Is it just me, or does it feel like "Internet culture" is leaking into "real life culture" these days?
I enjoy video games instead of complaining about them all day
imagine being this angry at Yea Forums trying to act like a normalfag
Ooof that's bad user, everyone knows you should nitpick every little flaw and project it like they're unacceptable
Remember when normalfags were obsessed with dubstep, rage comics and "Arrow to the knee" memes back in 2012?
It's something innit? Where do you think normgroids go when they get told to fuck off? Either /r9k/ or Yea Forums.
>outing yourself as a phoneposter
>Damn bro, I can't wait to get Anthem! The flying looks dope as hell
I remember going on Encyclopedia Dramatica years ago, probably around 2010. The main thing I remember is how much the "Unwarranted Self-Importance" page was linked to in other pages.
Waiting for the "Oof" DLC
I'm not really political myself either way, but I do feel like Yea Forums has gotten a lot more obsessed with politics now compared to how Yea Forums was back around 2011 and 2012.
"Man I love this sequel to a game making significant gameplay changes nobody asked for! Hopefully it becomes the standard for all other future titles!"
Fuck off incel
Yea Forums only cares about graphics look how much they shit on switch games like botw or pokemon sword/shield. Nintendo are the console not trying to push graphical fidelity and Yea Forums constantly complains because Yea Forums is all about
>muh graphics
I have this conversation with my students every damn semester, but just replace "Indian" with "RPG".
Based as fuck. I think most newfags of today would be too soft to browse ED what with all the insults and hyperlinks to gore. It's a fine website for toughening people up, while telling them about obscure and common memes to let them know what to expect, so when you get told to fuck off, instead of leaving Yea Forums you adjust your posts to be less shit. The only people who hate it are newfags who fell for the "secret club" meme.
No no 95% of the 14 year olds that were used in this study were considered sexually arousing that doesnt mean 95% of all 14 year olds. It just means that when a bunch of random men are asked most agreed the 14 year olds were attractive. Less agreed about the 20 year olds. At least with the samples used here.
I haven't been on ED in ages, but I remember that "Offended" page it had.
You gonna pick up Anthem bro?