literally what do?
Literally what do?
don't register
>add numbers
>add a certain letter/code
>make a backup nick to use
spend another 3 hours trying to think of something
Mash hands onto keyboard
Rework what comes out into something pronounceable
Don't be so braindead and get a little creativity.
>he has numbers in his username
I just use my real name
Post an example of how creative you are so I can shit all over it.
Make a username insulting that username.
>post your original and creative names so i can steal them
nice try, spook
My eyes look fucked up like this but worse
how do I fix it Yea Forums? Just spend some time outside every day?
This is why you purchase the Stadia Founder's addition
>not naming yourself after random objects you find around your house
I have like 3 different RP names and each one of them has a reversal name, for instance if my main name is Black Angel and it's already taken, I would change the name to White Demon or something like that, you know?
Besides If everything fails I just make a joke meme name, that one works 100% of the time.
>MMO lets you have a first name and last name
>both need to be unique and not taken
Why can't you just take a first name that's taken and a last name that taken by another player and put them together?
heard a while back that rubbing coffee on your eyebags work
make a fake account, add the nigger and harass the shit out of him for touching MY name
this makes crystals doesn't it
Put xXx on both sides.
add a 1 on the end because I'm number one
kill jestah
Make an account and harass the person who has my name
>i have literally no imagination the post
>he doesn't just use a fantasynamegenerator