Meanwhile on 1999 Yea Forums

Meanwhile on 1999 Yea Forums...

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Other urls found in this thread:

*still in the womb*

*still in dad's sack*

>hurr durr let's throw all characters in one game so epic
Who at nintendo thought this is a good idea?

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cant wait to be born in 2 years bros XD

gugu gaga

Can't wait for the Dreamcast guys, Sega does what Nintendon't!

The commercial was fucking rad though

I was 9 and playing virtual Springfield you fucking tiny babies.

Yea Forums didn't exist in 1999
Yea Forums didn't exist in 1999
moot was a young teenager in 1999

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Is this bait or are you retarded?

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>The connection has timed out. The page could not be loaded.

We wait for Y2K

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Video games are doomed!!!!

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Yo, this is a pretty good shoop.

The further I drift from my childhood the more it hurts.

I'm starting to feel old.

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Don't worry, those comments pretending to be born after 1999 are merely jests.

it worked

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I was born 10 days before the Dreamcast launch


>call camp check for lower guk
>there's like 30 people in line
>if I spend all night waiting mom will flip shit again because I ran up the phone bill into the hundreds
>fuck it I'll just farm bone chips
>get blindsided by the zone rare
>zone border's way the fuck to the east
>my bind's in fucking freeport
>the 3 XP I had at this level evaporates
>no time to run back because I don't want mom to yell at me again and the walk would take ages
>plug pull
>fuck my life
God I fucking hate this grindy, punishing MMO bullshit, this genre's gonna be dead in a month

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Man, the internet is such a wonderful place where you can express yourself without being banned or persecuted for hate speech.

I only hope we can enjoy this paradise of free speech forever.

Me go to rockstop

Just finished my 3rd attempt at completing Crash 2 with no memory card. Got to Warp Room 4 this time with mommy's help.

I hate being poor anons...

...and, 6 years old.

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>not using the best search engine

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This desu.
Wtf is this thread.

I hope they make a sequel to Mega Man Legends!

Well, Metal Gear Solid had some good ideas but it was WAY too badly-written. I'm sure Kojima will keep developing as a writer though and the next game will be a lot less wordy.

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I've made the worst mistake of my life being introduced to this gem, Yea Forums

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Nice, time for some quality porn searching.

and I'm not even 5 years old

That not what he meant

I love living in a time where mods can't kick you because they personally dislike you and you can't lose your job over posts on facebook.

What a golden age we're surely about to enter.

guys how do I defeat brock he keeps kicking my ass

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> be about 8 years old
> spend my days "Helping" on our farm
> get bright idea one day
> Swords are cool, right? I'll make one!
> Get a piece of piping
> Crush it in a vice until it's flat
> use dad's knife sharpener to give it an edge
> use plastic pipe as a sheath
> happily run around chopping nettles with it

Eventually i hid that sword up a tree. gonna confuse the fuck outta whoever finds it.

everyone post computer stats, this 32MB ram gaming pc costed me a fortune.
btw that new Spongebob shit looks promising

Airazor is best waifu. Fight me.

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>8 year old and forging a sword
i wasted my childhood...


>third game
>still haven't brought airstrafe back
Fuck this shit, Carmak shoulda never fired Romero, this series has been downhill since Q1/
FPS is fucking dead.
Also, fuck VoodooFX and that "accelerator" memetech, I'm not shelling out for some "smoother" polygons.

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What is this character from?

guys i'll make you rich so we can buy all the games we want
it may take a few more years but if you see something called a bitcoin buy a lot of it, trust me

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>Be 11 years old
>Last year of pre school for me
>Our feminist teacher Mrs. Bitchface says every class thats finishes school this year must do something
>oh boy oh boy i hope it will be some nice shit
>"I decided to do a fashionshow"
>Are you for real you stupid fucking whore?
>All girls celebrate all boys are crushed AGAIN
>Small reminder we played basketball once! in 2 years and football one in 2 years
>All we did in sport was gymnastic and dance all the fucking time
>But we need some big event at the end so i will ask one of your parents if they could help us design some dresses
>Tell mom about it
>She volunteers
>"I will do a wedding dress"
>"I dont care mom i hate the idea i want to make something not for girls"
>Fast forwards 2 weeks
>"user can you please come"
>Mom has literally made a wedding dress out of old curtains
>Looks really cool and like a real wedding dress
>"user you must put on the dress" says Mom
>Get red in the face
>"I dont want to Mom thats fucking stupid"
>user you must put on the dress because you are the same height like the girl who is going to wear it
>Mom i dont want to
>user put on the DRESS
>I wear now a wedding dress
>my mom is laughing and sas how cute i look
>I was never ashmed of myself more than this time

Fuck 1999 not even the fact hgat i played OoT in this years makes ip this memory

*Please allow 4-6 weeks for shipping and handling.

I don't know how we ever lived like that. These days it drives me fucking crazy if I can't get two day shipping on something.

The world will end in 2000 anyway.
So take your buttcoin and shove it up your ass.

are you braindead?


i just started walking

My grandpa sold his car and bought 9yo me a brand new Compaq Presario and this game.
This began my path to being a loner computer nerd and I wouldn't have it any other way.

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It turns out everyone thinks the "golden age" of games was whatever era they grew up in.

im 4 and wha t is this

Man EA makes such awesome games!

wah wah wah bitch im lil baby


What are you playing tonight on the zone?

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Some may be more objectively right than others, I feel.
Every generation had a distinct flavor being a product and reflection of the times. Some flavors are better than others, and some people of a given generation, in a cycle, were born in the right place, at the right time, for certain things they'd come to enjoy.

Are we looking at ground 0 for the trap contagion?
Is this the "Why would there be porn of it?" post of traps?

(I think Nightdive and its contractors fucking abandoned the new remaster for newer projects despite the issues and demand for missing features. it's fucking dead, Jim)

Picked this up from my local video store on Friday, the premise seems a bit far fetched to me.

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Daily reminder that if you weren't alive on December 31 1999 you should KYS because you unequivocally aren't a human

Jack Nicklaus Golf, as always.

>tfw born in June of 1999

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Post your best, faggots.

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I'm 12 and what is this

I am born

I was playing FF7 and my friend called me and told me that he was looking in the FF7 strategy guide and that there were pics of Sepiroth killing Aeris.

My first spoilers.

>retarded friend says something
>I know obviously better and refute his argument
>no internet so neither can prove who is wrong
>this goes on for weeks

Thank god the time is over. Getting mewthree while pushing the pickup is just an obvious lie.

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Moot was in gradeschool in '99
he was an underageb& little shit when he made this place

ANOTHER fucking Resident Evil, Capcom is just fresh out of ideas. When are we going to get some NEW GAMES like the good old days?

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lol okay gramps, have fun with your 2.5 viable weapons while me and the boys play all the sickest new mods and watch raw *nade rocket jumps into the skybox and rails you in the head*

anyone have that one digimon story? you know the one where tai fucks agumon?


how the FUCK do i play these .RM files? they won't fucking open

What games feature the most detailed hands?
Preferably on the female models.

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What do you guys think about Sonic's new look?

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I am five. I have played Pokémon yellow one time.

Wait a minute...

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guys my friend work at bethesda. they said theyre making a games larger and bigger than what anyone has ever seen. the image i have is the cover but theyre not gonna release it in almost a decade. theyre going all-in in the development

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It's radical, I can't wait for an era where Sonic completely dominates the game industry!

>he's five and already this obviously autistic

Daily reminder that being human will mean shit as the people born after Dec 1999 will reach immortality while you are dead in the dirt

t: -98 zoomber (zoomer)

honestly this, if you weren't atleast 4 when 9/11 happened you're just irrelevant to every conversation.

t: 97 zoomer

>he doesn't know about Newtwo

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Have you heard of this mod Counter Strike?

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One the bright side, Nintendo would only put characters in if they consider them worthy IPs. This means that Mother will likely become a staple franchise in the future. I really liked Mother 2, so I'm looking forward to see the sequels.

t. 95 zoomer who doesn't even remember the 90s

not really it still lives and works

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Sounds like you need to download RealPlayer.

What the fuck is Mother? None of the characters in this game are from whatever you are talking about. There is Mario, Zelda, Metroid, DK, Yoshi, F-Zero, Pokemon, and Earthbound. The fuck is a Mother?

mods are stupid, i don't know why people even bother with them

nice try but im -94 boomer and can remember the y2k craze and new years eve 1999

Yeah man the Dreamcast is so Rad. No way SEGA can lose. You play Power Stone? No way to shitstation and Nerdtendo 64 can compete.

It looks like shit but retarded millenials probably think it looks "cool" so of course they're going to eat it up. Wouldn't surprise me if Sega is miles ahead of Nintendo in a decades time just because of dumb kids.

moot made Yea Forums when he was 15. he accomplished more before he got out of high school than you will in your lifetime.

>tfw moot was born in like 1988
>tfw there are people who use pol now that were literally teengers when moot was born

>Be an Australian 9 year old.
>9/11 happens.
>24/7 new coverage of the event results in the regular morning program Cheez T.V. not being shown, so I can't watch Pokemon or Dragonball Z.
>People keep talking about Muslim, don't know what that is.
>Go to school.
>School has an assembly about it.
>Principal says the world is gonna change.
I still think about what he said often. If I were an adult at the time I would have probably thought he was overreacting, but he was spot on.

Bizarre summer

>tfw alive for 373 days by then

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Holy shit -93 doomer here and me and all deez bitches are so old right now.

Post your harem.

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just got back from preschool bros
time for a nap

Metal Gear...?

>2001 babies can post here
I'm 96 and feel like a grandpa already

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>he's not playing every fucking game known to man on his PC for free
fucking losers lol

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the rum tum tigger is a terrible bore

i wish you were dead

Shut up, RE3 was awesome and the newly announced Dino crisis will be amazing as well

Good post

It didn't impact the way people in Australia/Canada/the UK go about their daily lives like it did in America

This game is amazing. The graphics are amazing. The soundtrack is amazing. I don’t get the junction system, but spamming the amazing looking GFs works just fine. Can't wait for Final Fantasy IX next year!

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Fake and gay

1988 here, go back to school

>using modern shitposting to discuss the past
This isn’t remotely funny

You old too

We're literally just four years away from having people on this site who are younger than Youtube, although these niggers are probably already underage posting here right now. Idk how much longer boomers here can keep complaining about 95-99 zoomers

There's your problem. 3dfx was only seemed good because nobody else bothered. NVIDIA is going to crush the market with their new TnL chip. Mark my fucking words.

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*in an incubator*

How does it feel to act like a cynical old waste of space af the age of 23

you guys will never believe it but... yeah, it's happening

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>Winter of 1999
>Middle school
>Best friend is worried that Y2K would destroy the world or that some Christian version of the apocalypse would happen, despite being Hindu
>WCW vs nWo Revenge
good tiems

Can't wait to read about the death of the last boomer in an article similar to how journos write about the death of the last holocaust survivor

>the last holocaust survivor
they'll invent them out of thin air before they let people forget about them

Just working on my homepage. You know, you'll be homeless if you don't have one.

me 2 user
happy 20th birthday

Chrono Cross is coming out this year...
Oh man I sure hope it's as good as Chrono Trigger! I wonder if Crono will be playable...

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watcha playan?

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>do you even emulate bro ?

Attached: yeah, I emulate.jpg (1280x960, 678K)

Does your employer know you're browsing Yea Forums, Christopher?

His employer knows everything.

>new years eve 1999-2000
>its about 7:00 PM Pacific time
>standing outside a grocery store with a friend
>See countless people pushing shopping carts full of water, toilet paper, and canned food out the door
>Friend and I joke that if shit hasn't gone down elsewhere in the world why worry about it here?

Based. Fuck zoomers

The oldest boomers are only like 38 right now

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was the emulation scene big in 1999?
i remember playing flash games, AOL chatrooms and in 1999

Any Jew born 9 months after 1945 will be a Holocaust survivor. Followed by 'shared trauma' passed down via parents to kids/grandparents.

Based retard.

>tfw november 92 and barely made the cut

You're not a boomer, dumb millenial cunt

Man I love just coming home and playing video games with my friends.

Life is gonna be great like this FOREVER.

what is the doomer? i missed being a boomer by 1 year wtf

>was the emulation scene big in 1999?


Kek. That must make for some interesting birthdays.

>current estimate of curing natural death is 2070
Well I’m excited

Are you retarded? Boomers were born after the fucking World War, during the so-called "baby boom", when millions of men came back from overseas. Jesus shit, you're seriously stupid, aren't you.

Who the fuck are Bethesda?

>tfw 9/11 is when school starts in my country so that was an interesting start to my year full of the adults throwing conspiracies around

You think Fallout is a Bethesda series, dear retard?

>spent New Years eve 1999 playing Driver
>half expected Y2K

Lurk more, stupid newfags

You know what he means.

enjoy tiger dick

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The only newfag here is you, coomer loomer soomer toomer

I've been on Yea Forums since 2005 and I have no idea whatever about what the underage idiot means.

_____ is going to beat ______ , stupid _____sissies.

>mfw turning 25 in a few days

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I wonder what happened to these two...

>redditor pretends to be oldfag despite being unable to recognize a basic meme
Based retard

>tfw didn't discover emulation until 2001
I was playing shit like this until then
it took me so long to rediscover survival crisis z just now

who is moot?

Born in '97 Zoodoomber?

Probably depends on the context. These guys seem like old arcade fans from what was considered the golden age of arcades 1978-1985.

My personal 'golden age of gaming' is somewhere around 1996-2006. Console and PC games really improved, and arcades where still around in my area.

Guys it wasn't that good

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>be 8-9 when 9/11 happened
>we didnt hear anything about it at school
>walk home with my best buddy and see my grandma watching the news
>she tells me something bad happened
>watch footage of the towers getting hit all evening with every news station covering it

It really did change everything. The whole terrorist scare and war on terror after that made the era we lived in before unreachable by todays standards

December 92 here, we made it boys *sips*

M8, they're only 5 years younger than us. Chill out

>It really did change everything. The whole terrorist scare and war on terror after that made the era we lived in before unreachable by todays standards

Yeah, the optimism of the post Cold War was gone.

Yea Forums, i think i'm dyingin

i just was rubbing my dick and this disgusting white pudding substance jumped out

i'm fucking going to die WTF

Most people here are late 98s-99s zoomers.

You know what, that reminds me of an occasion not too long ago where I was having a shower then saw someone big, black and fluffy in the corner of my eye right under my arm that appeared to be a massive spider. I nearly slipped in the shower and made a loud yelp and started swiping and slapping away at my underarm until realising it was just my armpit hair!

>come into thread to talk about DK64
>it's full of shit kids arguing who is more of a shit kid

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>born in 1993
>in Sweden
>from a small village/rural town
>9/11 happens
>christ cuck teacher makes us pray for the victims in class
Was really weird when I think back on it

Doom 2000 will blow out Half Life 2 out of water, also can't wait for Command and Conquer 3.

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user... Whats a youtube?

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>swedish teacher making white kids pray for brown mutts half way around the world
>really weird
Not really.

I was probably playing Pokémon Blue at that time

edgy sonic aka Shadow


>when 9/11 happened
I never thought about this but... there are people born AFTER 9/11 happened.

>Spyro the Dragon
best 3D platformer of the time with amazing soundtrack and view distance also Riptos Rage coming up this year bros
best racing game of the time period
>Ape Escape
best game of PS1
>Digimon World
the game that destroyed pokemon fags

1999 was the best year desu. I was like 3yos but I remember my brother playing the games and I played them myslef just a few years later

Attached: !!e!V!9gEWM~$(KGrHqR,!lYEz+44ZGlKBNP3-zlTvw~~_35.jpg (296x266, 39K)

It's a Usenet post from 1993 nostalgiaing about the time before the videogame crash.

And some of them are having sex right now at this very moment


>tfw moot was born in like 1988
>I was born 1 year earlier
>he made a website I shitpost in now
I thank my kouhai for this drug.

>having sex right now

This is it, this is the Starcraft killer

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goo goo ga ga daddy please stop touching my naughty bits

>Implying anyone will be playing it 1 year from now


this, i was like 6 at the time and the only thing i remember is being pissed that the news as interrupting Fox Kids


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Duke Nukem Forever will kick ass. Already placed a pre-order in Gamestop so I'll be the first to play it when it hits the shelves later this year. Hope my Voodoo2 can still run it. HalfLife and Quake geeks are shaking in their boots.

>implying interplay will sell fallout

>atleast 4

You are a millenial regardless. Any brainless piece of shit who received post 2000 education need to be purged.

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I can't wait for this mario 3 video to load! It should be done in 2 hours :D so rad

watch it, nothing will stop this train, the fucking servers could all go down and we'll still find a way around it

sure retard. even if it survives that long sc2 will eventually be made and put it out of its misery

Fucking this

I remember my dad waking me up and saying something like "there are bad things happening in the world right now" and showing me what happened on the TV. I was like 7, that shit was bananas. Then when i got to school the teacher was crying and just let us draw or read or whatever for the rest of the day. If you don't have an experience like that then you are a true zoomer.

itt boomer being elitist about """"experiencing"""" some insignificant """"historical"""" non-event
so the religion of peace got a new high score on microsoft flight simulator. so what?

Time traveling-user from 2019 here. Have fun with your overpriced DLC, lootboxes, and shitty games!

>2 IPs from Japanese Beanie Babies
>Putting a magical Peanuts boy
>Puts in a character that doesn't get out of his car
>No Bower, Ganondorf, Dedede, Falco, Banjo, Diddy Kong
Fuck Hackurai

I r0xx0r3d jo0 n3wb

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Guys, is it true the world is going to end on July 20? I'm super scared right now.

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>plays GTA2
>plays Worms Armageddon
>Plays Pocket Tanks
>is ~8 years old
life is good even tho I live in the ghetto

I love where vidya sits right now, it's perfect. Big enough so that companies can produce great games for the future, but small enough that we're not apart of the outside world's "Culture".

Jesus, get over yourself America. 9/11 didn't have much of an impact on most of the world, it doesn't matter what side of it you were born on because it changed nothing beyond making Yanks even more obnoxiously self absorbed.

Just finished it, what's your favorite kong? Mine is Chunky

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Lol 9/11 had a huge fucking impact on the world, you're probably just too young to remember

Golden ages have nothing to do with personal taste or even quality you silly sod. Nobody would argue that the Golden Age of Comics or of Hollywood produced more good than bad. They both have more mediocre and bad than they do good. It's solely about popularity and influence. As as matter of fact those posts are spot on, Nintendo's seal of quality is what what marked the absolute end of the Golden Age of gaming, which was for the better as the Golden Age was pretty rubbish at the end.

playing sled storm with my mom, good times

>you're probably just too young to remember
Great argument and if I reveal my actual age you can switch tracks and call me a senile old coot instead. Nobody bloody cared in the civilised world and that is that.

mama gib yunkies!

>he thinks he's old at age 20

imagine being 31 and seeing all the youngfags post here daily

Ocarina is d-dumb and PS2 is a failure lol

Fingering the ugly girl from my class right now, listening to RHCP, bros
>It smells like tuna yoghurt


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fake you cant play ninetendo games on a computer


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The world was upon doom for a simple programing error

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Fill it in

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>Builds his own sword at 8yrs old

This nigga should be leading us, not politicians.

This is a very inconvenient erection to have at work.

Getting a Dreamcast for Christmas, guys. Soul Calibur looks cool.

Goo goo muthafucka

Yosho we need your power.

I was 13 when 9/11 happened. I was in the library doing make-up work when a teacher suddenly wheeled one of those big CRTs on a cart in and switched on the news station. Fuck, time flies.

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Not a lot of 96yr old can even work a VHS, let alone a computer... Impressive.

Based retard. It’s Millennial, not Boomer.

It's official, my dad works at nintendo

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Hooooooboy, are you in for a shock in 25yrs time...

>Having sex right now
Absolutely disgusting

>people born in 1923 can post here now
These zoomers can't even remember WW1

Go on...

Nintendo Revolution will be the best console ever my man just wait until Banjo, Conker, and the Jet Force Gemini cast joins the new Smash

Oh, boy, I sure hope NATO doesn't drop a tomahawk on me in my sleep so i can play all those cool video games i heard about.

>he picked Charmander
S!MT!!OE!!! at least Pokemon Bronze will have Pikablu my guy

>released on June 22, 2000
Hello future guy

One whole town in Maryland is making a game?

>be me
>go to the Arcade
>play Virtua Tennis
>every fucking guy tries to take me out the machine
>manage to play the whole day with others' money
I fucking love you SEGA and I love Moyà

Damn, Imagine being 4 on 9/11. I was 8. Basically the pinnacle of childhood and it was ruined. You don't remember it at all. Watch this:
You will never have actual memories of living in such a kino time. You just have the fake, souless 2010s.

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Simpler times

I was actually crunching out some hardcore fucking games and going to arcades and internet cafes daily, it was peak year desu. We had Playstations, MUGs, JRPGS, just tons and tons of fucking games coming out the wazoo. I did some hardcore gaming in 1999.

What am I supposed to say in 1999? I was 3 years old at the time.

This game is going to be amazing. Who else is hyped?

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