>journalists are suddenly against leaking now
what happened? companies stopped paying them?
>journalists are suddenly against leaking now
what happened? companies stopped paying them?
why is Yea Forums viraling this (((cuck)))
You don't understand. These people make money from clicks. That means their job is to say stuff that upsets you so you click on it.
Their actual opinions are secondary to stirring up support or drama.
true enough, but I'm glad it's schrier spewing this shit so that the people here thinking "he has some form of sensibility" are btfo'd
They arent the ones doing the leaking and getting that sweet sweet "exclusive"...so it bad now!
>reading comprehension so bad that you can't tell that this tweet is based and saying leaks are fine and thinking otherwise makes you stupid
he's saying leaks are fine, can you read?
>what happened?
They're so deep in bed with publishers that they can't do their own job.
>journalists are suddenly against leaking now
Is your reading comprehension shit now? He says in the Tweet that he's defending leaks.
I mean, the motivation behind his opinion is clearly biased since he stands to make money off of leaks, but is he really wrong? Am I missing something here?
can you read?
Did anyone read blood sweat and pixels? Fun read, I wish jason would focus more on stuff like that instead of clickbait shit.
This. They're annoyed that leaks appear more frequently on Twitter, Yea Forums and Reddit so it deprives them of ad revenue from getting the exclusive first article.
What the fuck are you talking about? He's saying don't mistake obvious marketing for leaks.
you monkey, go back to elementary so you can learn reading comprehension. he's saying that leaks are a good thing.
I come from a time when it was acceptable to post an image completely unrelated to the text content of the post.
Jason used to get lots of clicks from stealing information and passing it off as a "leak" but then he got blacklisted so he's butthurt that others are profiting it rather than him.
But that's clearly not what's going on here.
Honestly he seems a lot less douchey lately. Like he's really taking his suit profile pic seriously.
fifth post best post
Doesn't really matter to me senpai I have no stake in this.
so you're saying you're incapable of understanding what people are saying, even when it's literally in print in front of your stupid fat face?
What the fuck are you talking about? He's saying to not let companies' marketing departments convince you that you should feel guilty about viewing leaked material.
the tweet literally says that leaks are fine. the consistency of poor reading comprehension either leads me to think Yea Forums is full of retarded kiddies or this is a coordinated subtle troll that no one has given away yet because it's successful bait
I bet that slimy rat posted it wrong on purpose just to bait people in to talk about how based Jason Schindler is.
I wasnt gonna correct myself unless someone called me out on it. I'm dumber than OP lol.
they can't make money out of reaction videos now of them pretending to be hype. THEY ARE SEETHING TO THE POINT THEY CAN'T COPE! COPE NIGGERS COPE!
>jason schreier
yeah my bad, meant to say journos are pro leaking now when before they weren't
They're pro leaks because it lets them write articles with a lot of views.
>gaming magazines died
>replaced with clickbait bloggers
good job exposing half of Yea Forums as NPCs though. Just imply that 'jornos and sjws = BAD' and you instantly have dozens of mindless drones agreeing with you.
I still think Schreier is a homo from thewhole Dragon's Crown debacle, but he's still one of the only honest game journos left.
but he was parroting the opposite last time
the tweet is saying leaks are fine cause trailers are just marketing. Jason got in a huge argument with Cory Barlog on this, cause Cory said leaks don’t hurt just producers and that devs also work really hard to make the announcement exciting for fans.
>post gg world
dotr when
>Please don't let journalists convince it is not a spoiler so they can score some add revenue.
Fixed it for ya.
>nu-Yea Forums just reads a text by Jason Schreier and their IQ goes down to a single digit number
How can people on this board not understand such an easy and digestible tweet that even a toddler would understand?
as long as you lie about one of Yea Forums's enemies (journos, SJWs, Sony, Epic Games), they'll believe it without any kind of source
>post GG
>GG - which was bottom up grassroots movement calling out journalists for (literally) jumping into bed with publishers and developers
>trying to compare this to those same publishers not providing first-looks or access to journalists.
This is Yea Forums in a nutshell.
Most have always been pro leaks, you've just flipped the script because you realise that you've fucked up and said somethings that wrong again cus you wanna seem right.
>this is your brain thinking your little twitter feuds matter
Yea Forums - Twitter Screencaps and Incel Faggotry. If you follow any of the "he said, she said" minutia of video games outside of the release date at this point, then you're a retard.
>guy tells his opinion on the internet
>I guess all the people that do that job think exactly the same
I hate neo internet "culture"
For a shill, that's a pretty based thing to say..
It's the idiots fault for posting their shit in way that makes it easy to leak. Some disgruntled booth operator at Walmart telling secrets on 4channel is very different from some idiot updating the official website days before the reveal.
And why the hell are they always trusting people like Amazon? They always leak.
Defend leaks.
fuck off then
It's dumb kids and ESLs. Cheap smartphones were a mistake.
what is the game he is talking about? that tales game? I dont think it was intentional considering the series is not popular enough in the west to evoke mass appeal by leaking it as a marketing tool, and bandai namco has a infamous history leaking trailers before.
Oh, maybe about KIH3? anyway it is the same. I dont think these Japanese companies did it intentionally. I am not sure why this faggot had to think it was intentional.
He words are speaking in favor of leaking. Do you not comprehend English?
>do something a private company doesn't like
>private company doesn't want to work with you
why do people think corpos are the government?
>why won't the game companies respond to my eeeeemails mommy?
>don't they know who I am?
>Quick! Schreier just posted on twitter!
>Better shit up Yea Forums with a thread about it
Based Riceman
you're all fucking retarded, he's clearly in favor of leaks