Why aren't you playing Pathfinder Kingmaker: Enhanced Edition? It has romanceable Tieflings.
Why aren't you playing Pathfinder Kingmaker: Enhanced Edition? It has romanceable Tieflings
Playing it right now but no DLC. I'll do a 2nd playthrough with the DLC eventually.
But does it have romanceable dragons?
And no, dragons in human form don't count.
I do, but it sure feels like an unbalanced piece of shit at times.
Must suck always having your butt exposed like that.
You can take a dump at all times on command, sound comfy
Because I realized that all the DLC was still sold separately. E3 has got tons games coming up, and I still haven't finished Divinity Original Sin 2.
Unfortunately Only one proper dragon as a boss
Only one DLC is geared towards the base game, the other two are seperate campaigns.
>It has romanceable Tieflings.
Does your character have to be a boy king or girl queen for that?
Tieflings will fuck anything that moves.
Valerie IS the cutest IN Pathfinder Kingmaker! She IS the most beautiful (She is! She is!)
This pleases me.
get help
>no romanceable baatezu or yuggoloth
>Meant to be a looker
>Has giant eyebrows, man face and a shitty hair cut
I'm busy prepping my actual Pathfinder game for my players
>used goods
She IS beautiful user!
Valerie DID have SEX before BUT I have SEX before too! (I did! I did!)
I'm about to mage a magus, sword-saint. Should I go dueling sword or Scimitar?
Elf or humie?
Cool, what path are you running?
My group rarely plays pathfinder and we have only done Rise of the Runelords and Council of thieves.
Though the waifufag among us really wants to do Jade Regent.
fuck of nerd
I'm running Curse of the Crimson Throne, my group's wrapping up the Cinderlands stuff and will either be heading back to Korvosa to strike at the Red Mantis/Gray Maidens or marching to Scarwall for Serithel.
scimitars are for muslims, go dueling sword
elf if female, human if male
If you do not care about spell combat, curved elven blade. 18-20 critical (sword saint can really land them), applies with finesse.
Just prebuff and you will be a dodgetank that can land criticals out of the ass. Can work with duelist prestige class.
If you want to do spell combat, probably scimitar, since there are unique ones for magus class or any finessable weapon
That's the 2nd or 3d one they released, right?
I think the dm has the books for it. If it's good ,maybe I should get them to go for it.
If I liked Pillars 1/2 will I like this?
>It has romanceable Tieflings.
because i'm immune to slavshit shilling
Possibly. Just do not start on higher than normal and play as if it was Hard-Path of the Damned
yes, Pathfinder and Pillars are both competently made D&D knockoffs
Yeah it's the second released but it got a remake for the PF system like RotR got.
It's often held as one of the best ones and I can see why. It's extremely interesting and fun.
Just went and read some steam reviews. Apparently there's balancing and pacing issues and EE added some game breaking bugs.
>can romance roastie Octavia
>but not Amiri
Fucking gay. Reminds me of how I couldn't romance Neeshka in NWN2 either.
>Yeah it's the second released but it got a remake for the OF system
Oh yeah, Kingmaker had a kickstarter for that too .
They will be adding characters and events from the game.
I'm waiting a little longer. I really do like the game, but got burnt out a while ago. Then they just kept patching, and patching. And each patch fixed some bullshit that pissed me off. Now I'm just waiting on a few more patches until the game is just right. Ain't that a bitch? They keep fixing their game but I won't play it until they fix it more. Because I don't want to run into some BS that will piss me off and make me stop playing because it really will be a good game worth your time (eventually)
is the anus right below the tail?
Are those tieflings DLC?
Owlcat WANTED Amiri romance BUT Paizo said no BECAUSE Amiri IS Paizo canon character!
Since they are not planning a huge dlc or 1.4 version anytime soon, you should be fine in 10-14 days to start a game(so they can do the obvious hotfixes).
explain. I don't recall this being a thing that happened but then again I stopped playing the old version after the owl bear explody times.
Is she actually a sloot?
The Tieflings ARE from Wildcards DLC user!
She had sex once.
I thought the game was cool and all, but the actual combat I thought was horrible. It was awkward and weird to figure out.
It's weird trying to turn dice rolling and DnD fighting in a video game
Valerie DID have sex before BUT she loves the Baron! She ONLY loves the Baron IF you DO romance her! There IS a farmer IF you do NOT romance her BUT he does NOT exist IF you romance her! She IS a good wife!
Are there even any good curved elven blades in the game? I don't think I saw any of them in my previous playthroughs(up to chapter 3)
Actual sloot, tries to open you with an uncommitted relationship at a bar after telling you she got railed by this one guy she had casual sex with, and didn't care all that much about.
>Tielfings are DLC
So all this OP spam over the last few days has been paid shilling for DLC? Gotcha.
How will Valeriefags ever recover?
Made for orc cock
>good wife
>doesn't bear you children
>does bear children for FarmerCHAD
Go away shill.
But the real reason is because it's a shit game based on the worst tabletop system to ever exist, to the point I'd rather play FATAL since it at least has the potential to be enjoyed ironically
I do NOT know I ONLY recommend Valerie BUT tieflings ARE good AND I like tiefling user! I do NOT mind if anons play it WITHOUT buying it I ONLY ask that anons romance Valerie!
Aren't tieflings even more prone to being used goods?
I do NOT think OF used goods I AM used goods user I do NOT mind!
There is a very good +4 one, and a few generic ones.
But one of them is of the best weapons in the game.A +5 one which also acts as a bane weapon against creature of every type except undead and constructs. Whenever it lands a critical hit, it has a chance to cast harm spell (DC22) on the target.
However, to get it, you need to beat this thing.
Not really as far as I can remember, I think you get a +2 frost one fairly early on from somewhere but it's an exotic weapon so there's not very many.
Filters for anyone who doesn't want to see this guy anymore /^[^>].*[A-Z]{2,} ([A-Z']?[a-zI']+ )+[A-Z]{2,}( (\w+|'))*\!\)?/m
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I genuinely love you odd capitalization person. You keep all discussions about Valerie/Pathfinder: Kingmaker interesting.
I love YOU user! You ARE a GOOD user!
Honestly, the game is too annoying for me. I really like the art design, lore and stuff, but it has too many mechanics. Every little things is complex enough to need google to be effective at it, micromanaging is the standard. You need to pause so often to manage your group, they could have made it turn based. The AI is non-existent, all it does is make them charge brainless at enemies and auto attack. Even PoE had a very damn good AI tool that could totally automate your team to great effect. I can't be arsed to pause every 5 sec and manage 5 characters every encounter.
Also, fuck swarm enemies.
Thank you
That's part of the fun, zoomer.
Hard pass
Shame too, seems like a pretty solid game but wasted on a dogshit ip
Is this autism?
>I can't be arsed to pause every 5 sec and manage 5 characters every encounter.
Then make a party of melee fighters/archers. Problem solved.
Is the romance a big part or just some small little side event that never gets mentioned again?
If you do things characters like, you may trigger an event. If you say no once, it's done and done.
Fuck off, underage. Make the game challenging for the right reason instead of just bloating enemy stats. Never had this problem with any classical crpg.
Kindly start using a tripcode so I can filter your fucking waifufaggotry. also kys.
Can they romance my prostate with that muscular tail of theirs?
They have fiendish ancestry so it's implied.
No chance in hell
I heard this was pretty shit at launch, did the enhanced edition make it good or something?
Yeah, the Black Isle classics like Fallout never had those moments where you stumble upon a random cave right next to starting town and get raped by a pack geckos.
I'm pissed at no Linzi romance. Even when I find out she gay I was like cool I'm a lady Elf Enchanter but NOOOOOO, no Halfling loli love for U player. Bullshit.
One of the characters is very plot specific and leads to the true ending. Rest is generic never mentioned.
Lmao imagine being so pathetic, you write like a tranny faggot all the time so everyone knows who you are, but you refuse using a tripcode because you know that everyone will just filter you.
That's a good fucking party
There ARE many improvements FROM before Enhanced Edition user! It IS still being patched too BUT Beneath the Stolen Lands IS final DLC as FAR as we know! It IS good now BUT you CAN still wait FOR more patching!
It is actually hinted at in game that Kanerah (red eyes) does this during sex.
It didn't tho, Fallout 1 and 2 were never unfair and if you died it was your fault.
Linzi IS cute!
I am NOT gay BUT gay IS okay! I do NOT use trips they ARE bad!
Bullshit, the games could be unfair right up until the very end. The first time I fought the master I was at full health with hardened power armor. He got a crit and killed me instantly. Tell me how that's my fault?
They could use a cleric though.
>Linzi a cute
>pretty nice bard all around
>generally want her in any party composition, especially when she gets to level 12 for that insanely good heal
>permanently dies
Only jerks use tripcodes. You should get one.
>when you find out
Did you pay any attention to the writing?
How about you kill yourself or fuck off back to your hugbox.
I liked the adventure dnd style play but the gameplay felt godawful as a mage and just couldn't keep going
Righty then.
Yeah but the game also gives you 2 ways to deal with him without a fight
Dude, they have a cleric. You don't have to recreate the plot 100%.
I do recall a pack of fire breathing Geckos several levels higher than the rest of the area wrecking the shit out of me the first time I played Fallout 2.
Is anyone in the game not gay?
"Fairness" is a fucking meme for zoomers who bought into the retarded idea that FRUSTRATION BAD
What! Is that meat tenderizer Valerie!
Because I can't figure out what race/class to play
I never had much trouble with anything except with the turrets in the Sierra base, and I was using a hand-to-hand build. I agree that crits from rapid fire weapons can be bullshit tho.
>meme for zoomers
Explains why the games from the past were fair (outside from shitty one hour games for the snes) and PF:K is being bullshit half the time
Eh I might give it a pirate.
How good is it compared to Divinity?
yes I did, and thought that since I'm a sexy lady elf she would be down with rubbing muffins and eating box but she is not down for such activities with me, the Baroness.
I am not sure how anyone could have played CRPGs released before 1996 and called them 'fair'
Marriage material
All the DLCs ARE out user! Owlcat IS starting work ON a new game BUT they ARE still patching Kingmaker! Beneath the Stolen Lands IS last DLC user!
Defender of the True World Druid IS good user! You CAN have Animal Companion! I am Valanon WITH my dog Valdog!
I think a never ever finished a single dnd based game as a caster. Their fundamental "X casts a day" just annoys me too much.
When I tried out Pathfinder I started as a sorcerer, put everything I could into CHA and spells still sucked while amazonian woman just oneshotted everything.
How to git gud as a caster?
Is there a SINGLE pure waifu in this game or is all romance stuck being the sex fantasy of an old, degenerate writer who failed at life?
Valerie is straight...I think. I'm not really up to date on romancable party members because the one I wanted was unavailable so I don't care. But I do know that two of them are bi at least (because they eacg came on to me and it skeeved me out). I think the black ranger is straight because it kept giving me options to be with him even though I never inclined that I was into that. it was all like: are you sure? this is it, there is no going back. Are you sure? And I'm all like: NO, I do not want to fuck this guy. Just like Baldur's Gate Enhanced and that shitty monk that sucked because his stats were shit.
Druids are just violent hippies and deserve destruction
Elf seems to have perfect stats for a Sword-Saint, but I wonder if they don't need more feats. I need weapon finesse + Fencing Grace, dodge, improved unarmed strike + crane style. Outflank is also pretty much mandatory for a melee.
I guess they get bonus feats so I might actually be fine featwise
Casters usually git gud at later levels in pathfinder/dnd 3.5
What IS pure!
Most classes start pretty bad and Amari just carries your party through act 1 anyway.
Combat expertise instead of Improved+crane style+crane wing will be enough in the long run. Unlike a standard tank, you can cast shield and mirror image and bet away with much more. And if you go duelist, you get the net.
You can't compel me to do anything, dork.
What's a Tiefling?
a very distant descendant of demons that are almost literally all kleptomaniacs
and there are people that unironically think that they're not evil due to their blood and shouldn't be put to the stake
imagine thinking that unironically
Their great grandpa fucked a succubus or something.
Incel bait counterpart to Aasimar
Mortal with influence from an outsider. Either direct offspring, part of a tainted bloodline, result of a deal/ritual or just affected by powers in the vicinity.
Gay romanceable Tieflings?
How does this build look? Or is Dex 20 more pressing as a Sword-Saint? I'll be taking Fencing Grace on 3 so str won't be an issue.
I'll have to calculate if I have enough feats, getting all three would be the best.
That's great though.
What's the point with a "perfectly balanced" single player game
Will I enjoy this game if I liked D:OS2 but didn't understand the combat of PoEII?
Tiefling archetypes are generally promiscuous and trickster-like. Most of the self-identifying incels are manchildren that want either obeyant and pure play dolls or mother-substitutes. They generally would gravitate towards something like female cleric or Aasimars instead of roguish Tieflings.
The chad tiefling who overcomes the evil in his veins vs the virgin aasimar who is just a sissy human
This IS a good game user BUT combat IS difficult FOR many NEW players! The system IS difficult FOR new players!
both tieflings and aasimar are snowflake bait. I hate them both equally.
I'd much rather be a fanatical and evil anti paladin Aasimar than a good Tiefling
>not taming fiendish bitches with your dick
But I am, user. Decided to give Last Azlanti a shot, currently halfway through Sycamore. It's pretty fun.
I'm all for taming fiendish bitches with my dick. The tail totally does it for me. But players who play them, BAKA.
How is it this game has been out like a year and still has nearly zero fan art?
There is fanart. It's just that most of it is russian.
It's like the same half dozen pictures.
You do not need russian to understand it, really
Stat minmaxing aside, you like good-looking armor and gear that fits your character, right? The species aesthetics work the same, sometimes you want to build around the idea of certain aesthetic. Nothing inherently snowflaky about that, you twats.
>want to play as kineticist
>but there's the sisters already
Different element combo+Kinetic Knight/ Psychokineticist.
I don't know what is being said, but I'm assuming the guy is gay for not letting Amiri put him in a reverse mating press.
How do you rate the caster spellbooks?
Is Arcane significantly better than Shaman in terms of buffs, CC and blasting?
Is there any western RPG that lets me get a cute drow femdom gf?
Are there any CRPGs our on the switch?
I need to scratch my DnD autismo
Why the fuck does this autist capitalize random words?
There IS user! You SHOULD play Hordes of the Underdark AND romance Nathyrra!
Viconia FROM Baldur's Gate series IS another option BUT you MIGHT be disappointed IN her ending!
>crpg on console
Do you really hate yourself that much?
Baldurs Gate 2 for Viconia
Are you alright? or just retarded
>computer roleplaying game
>on switch
Is this the power of Nintendo onions?
Baldur's Gate AND Neverwinter Nights AND Planescape Torment AND Icewind Dale ARE coming to Switch user! It IS from Beamdog though AND user said Beamdog IS guilty OF a number OF different crimes!
Why not tho?
Why are you still shilling this cuck game like that waifu autist? Why would I want to waifu a roastie Tiefling slut?
why the fuck do you type like this
Is it still a buggy mess prone to crashing at all times or has it been patched to stability now?
The Beamdog ports are perfectly adequate. Siege of Dragonspear; their OC, is a bit of a shitshow though. Worth it to get an extra level or two between BG1 and 2 if you are that intent on power leveling, but not necessary. I enjoy NWN enhanced because it starts up without having to to do bullshitery on my PC and to be able to play it on a switch if you really want to there is nothing wrong with it.
Because I tried the other new crpgs and concluded the genre wasn't for me.
I play Enhanced Edition too user BECAUSE I do NOT want to use mods AND it IS easier! I do NOT mind BUT many anons DO mind! Thank YOU user!
He started RPing a madman, somehow he forgot how to stop along the way.
Because he wants to be a tripfag, but doesn't want to be filtered
>OP doesn't mention it's a DLC
>Doesn't mention it costs about 8 bucks to fuck a tiefling.
Retards like you ruined CRPGs.
>BUT gay IS okay!
Absolute fucking state of nuCRPGfags.
He is just an insufferable faggot and he doesn't need to rp for that.
Romance in these games is super cringe (except for Tali Zora'vas Normandy) so just ignore it especially since you are unable to romance best girl Lindsi.
But there are mods, for NWN EE at least. I use them to enhance my UI with color. I never played BG with any mod except for tutu and the EE versions kind of makes that pointless as it does all the things that mod did that were important (to me at least)
>romances are cringy except for the cringiest fucking romance in wrpg history
Well done, retard.
They weren't
>STILL no good shortstack romance
>But heres a cuck romance bro!
Fuck the vidya industry.
>Implying Tali wasn't one of the worst
I meant that user said you SHOULD use mods to make non-Enhanced Edition work FOR modern systems! I did NOT want mods BUT Enhanced Edition works EASILY on MY computer! Thank YOU user!
Shit the fuck up you cuck.
They were, I don't remember having my tankiest members killed in 2 hits in BG1 or 2
>Enhanced Edition works EASILY on MY computer
>He actually bought the fucking enhanced edition
Jesus christ go die in a fire you fucking faggot.
I will go to bat for Tali until the day I die. And fucking Garrus. Goddamn Garrus, my femshep could never get his dick. I don't know what his problem is, but whenever I tried to get a piece of his tumescent Taurian tree trunk he just went on about his calibrations or some shit.
>only okay CRPGs recently were underrail and ATOM, which is just Soviet fallout
>trannies on Yea Forums would rather talk about the shit ones and have marketers shitting up the place
Atom IS good! Galina IS a good wife!
I still dont know which was worse, Garrus or Tali. Being his wingman is better then that shitty dance scene that's for sure.
>randomly generated, intentionally unoptimized characters
Fuck right off.
Fuck off trannyautist, I'm talking about the GAMEplay in the video GAME, not your shitty waifu.
What do I play first lads? Kingmaker, NWN2, or arcanum?
>he hasn't played Arcanum already
Nah, I've played both NWN2 and arcanum before. I'm just not sure if I wanna do a rerun before or after I play kingmaker.
You've played similar games in the past? Kingmaker is probably the most accessible being the newest if you haven't. Gives a bit of sense of the basics without having to deal with the old UI clumsiness. That said, Kingmaker isn't exactly simple in mechanics either.
I am TALKING about MY Atom game wife! It IS a good game I DID buy it! I will buy Trudograd WHEN it IS released!
Friendly reminder to filter the tranny user with
Fucking amazing.
Because I don't like RtwP
Thank fuck, him and that OP shill are shitting up these threads all the time regardless of hours.
>run into a nigger
>Octavia is instantly entranced
Like pottery
Turn-based mod really lets me enjoy this game so much more. Sure, it still has some quirks and bugs, and the encounters aren't really balanced for turn-based game, but for me it's still more fun than managing six 3.5/P characters with RTwP. Also the game may take like two years to play through with turn-based combat but I'm not in a hurry.
I recently played PoE2 with it's official turn-based mode and I think Pathfinder feels way better as turn-based than PoE2 even if the mod is still quite experimental and unfinished.
Zoom Zoom!
In my case, playing MotB just before Kingmaker was a mistake. God damn it nearly everything from setting to party members is so god damn bland in comparison, it's like I'm playing NWN2's vanilla campaign all over again. Evil options are also really disappointing since mostly it boils down to either being just a little bit mean or shooting yourself in the foot by killing potential allies and quest givers for no gain whatsoever.
Mask of the Betrayer WAS good! Safiya IS a good wife user!
>make aasimar inquisitor
>a patch suddenly forces him to wear a big hat that covers the entire character model and disabling class equipment does nothing
Class equipment IN options IS for companions ONLY user! Do YOU see toggle IN your character OR inventory screen! It IS an Enhanced Edition feature I have NOT used it BUT there IS a toggle somewhere now FOR individual characters!
Absolute state of modern crpgs
The way you type makes sure that if I ever touch this game, it will be through piracy.
>click cog in inventory screen
>untick checkmark from Show Helmet
>hat disappears
I feel like a retard now but at least I can continue playing the game
Thanks, friend
If you play you SHOULD romance Valerie!
You ARE welcome user! You ARE a GOOD user!
I won't.
*crits you for 300 damage with FAIR and BALANCED point-blank burst
psssh… nothin personnel… kid…
>he doesnt crit the enemies himself
Fighting the Hodag without help is so retarded
It attacks like twice per second, while Amiri needs 5 seconds per attack
Which DLC is the best? Not sure which to get.
Wildcards IS the best user it DOES give you tiefling twins AND new class! Varnhold is NOT your main game character it IS a side story WITH different character! Beneath the Stolen Lands IS a dungeon crawl! Wildcards IS the best!
Can someone rec me a good Co-op RPG?
I've finished Div:OS 1/2 and BG with my bro and looking for another. Unfortunately many of these games are just singleplayer.
>tfw you unlock the eastern part of the map and you've gone days with a greyed out kingdom button
Everything's going to be on fire when I get back, I know it
Wildcards = class and companion
Varnhold = 8-10 hour separate campaign you can import special gear into main
Beneath = rogue like dungeon mode + set in stone dungeon variant in main campaign
I would go wildcards or all of them personally
Story Mode powers, activate!
Is it me or devil in the bottom left corner of the alignment chart looks like spurdo?
Enhanced edition? Wasn't this game just released a few months ago? What's going on?
Have I permanently fucked up with Val by doing that clasp without asking? It's been a while since I had an event for her.
I actually bought it yesterday and just got my barony. Who should I romance?. (I'm playing a paladin).
Tiefling twins. Both of them, simultaneously.
Enhanced Edition = We Fixed the Bugs And Balance Issues and Made the UI less shit so the Game Is Actually Playable Now, Oh and We Added One New Class Edition
It's a free patch.
user How do I do that?
What's the new class?
Tieflings are for smiting, not for romancing
Try your hardest
At least lawful good is actually good in Kingmaker, or rather, actually lawful. No more "Ok I'll let you go, despite your whole race being Chaotic Evil, because socio-economic conditions made you that way"
Slayer, hybrid Ranger/Rogue
Did they fix the performance?
Neverwinter nights 1 and 2 are Co op, Spellforce has a seperate campaign for Co op iirc, Arcanum, salt and sanctuary but its local Co op only, system shock 2, commandos series, borderlands?, dark Souls, the darkness 2, dead rising 2 3 and 4, fable 3although good luck trying to get it working on pc with all dlc, the guild 2, lego games, obscure 1 and 2 but the camera is completely fucked in 2 for Co op, sattelite reign, strange brigade, terraria. These are all the games I have in my library that can be considered rpg and are Co op.
What performance? I was able to play the game on a 1gb hd6750.
I personally never had issues with the game itself running apart from the absolutely horrendous loading times, but they actually managed to fix the latter in an earlier patch. Enhanced Edition also added some time saving quality of life improvements like increased running speed outside combat and being able to buy BP directly through kingdom management screen (both in world and town build map) so you don't have to sit through several loading screens in a row.
Because its ugly looking , laggy unity trash
Are there any specific god-attributes that unlock special dialogue options like in PS:T?
What’s a good class to roll if I want to be a high WIS/CHA face character?
Are there any good monk or fish-type builds? Heard that monks and other hybrids suffered from multi-attribute dependence pretty badly in PF, and were basically worse than most casters.
Meant to type Gish, or fighter/mage hybrid class.
>started the game over like 4 times already
>always ended up with savegames getting corrupted after you get the barony
>gave it one last go after the EE comes out
>savegame corruption doesn't happen
>wander around the overland map a little
>my capital's gone and it's replaced by the Stag Lord's fort
that's fucking it i'm done
i'm never touching this pos again
Isn't that a druid? And gods do unlock special dialogue but they don't impact have muck impact on the story
You sure about that?
Have they replaced turn undead with channel energy against undead?
What? Paladins had the channel energy ability from day 1.
How do you earn crisis points? I seem to get one each month passively, but how do you get more?
>0 people voted Octavia
Why are CRPG fans so fucking hipsterish.
>start as aasimar
>get a togglable nimbus that is so bright it illuminates everything
You can get wings as well later.
I'm playing a swordlord and im tired of getting raped 2 on 1 due to losing my high AC from being flanked. Is there a feat or item that helps prevent this from happening?
Can I improve attributes as I level up?
A can't get to 20 in character creation without backgrounds I don't want. And it says that to cast 9th level spell I need 19 charisma.
Really? Like how much later?
You can get a potion that increases all you stats by 2 and every 4 levels you get 1 stat increase as well.
Level 10 iirc
It's a feat you can select from level 10.
>A fellow Talibro has such a low taste that would fuck this annoying little shit of an excuse of a shortstack
I also have a shortstack fetish, but Linzi is pure shit. She's stupid, unstable and not sexy at all.
You don't lose any AC from being flanked, attackers get +2 to their AB if you are flanked.
Improved uncanny dodge prevents you from being flanked, if you get two different sources of basic uncanny dodge they get upgraded to the improved version.
Literally the worst girl in the whole game. I'd rather bang the Lamashtu fatty.
I honestly got pretty hard imagining her just getting fucked like a dog by Owlbears and Wyverns
who is also a genuinely great councillor
the priest is the most shit one
Can't wait to roll a LG aasimar paladin who falls for the twin tieflings meme
>pathfinder kingmaker
>save and reload memes
>half the classess are newbie traps
>"role playing game"
Shut up mouthbreather there is a difference between the game being hard and them including entire classes that you are just meant to ignore like flame dancer
defending pointless shit like base alchemist compared to grenadier is the most blatant moronic fanboyism possible
oh, you see, you are supposed to know to save tristain first so hes ok for the fight. If you complain about this you are a zoomer
I'll eventually play it
How much do you suck? You know you don't have to rush the stag Lord and can go around killing his lackies beforehand?
Did InCase draw this?
I don't know man, Fatmasthu has a malformed oozy leg and shoves multi-headed rats into her holes. Her vag probably has teeth
What's a Slayer, in D&D terms?
Are they Rangers without the tree hugging shit?
Do they have fighter-tier hit die and attack bonus?
Every companion is fine.
Because I don't play generic western fantasy garbage.
But Tristian is just lying in bed and has been for like two weeks, dunno why he's not back up and doesnt join up
I only send buffed amiri to wipe his ass off the face off the earth, at least I have been trying that for the last few tries
That one fuck on the right just doesnt get hit though
To be fair, in game, valerie is supposed to be so pretty that everyone finds her attractive, even straight chicks.
>they still haven't fixed octavia's auto acid splashes
But why
Really? Fuck it's so annoying
Anyone else experiencing the new inventory bug with it randomly shifting around? Fucking makes selling a nightmare, click on a dagger and suddenly the entire inventory is gone until I change category back and forth.
Is this game balanced (loot/gold wise) around the idea that you switch your partymembers around a lot or does the game expect you to pick your "favorites" and just play those exclusively?
They are hunters, as in bounty hunters/avengers/monster hunters. Generally they specialize in fighting specific enemies, like really large enemies in the case of Spawn Slayers or things of opposite alignment then them in case of Deliverers.
They are best made for STR based dual wielding including weapon and shield. Pretty good archers too.
You get enough gold and loot for everyone. You also xp share if you want.
She has teeth, Octavia probably has crabs.
I'll take the teeth, please.
Happens to me too.
Yeah, it's an ancient bug.
whats wrong with them and why are you using that and not ray of frost as her auto attack?
I only started running into it in EE, didn't know it was older.
Is there some way to get regeneration on an item? even just 1 hp per minute would be fine
I think there's a piece of armor that does have that
Characters automatically attack with attacks that have the highest chance of hit.
So if you give octavia a ranged weapon you want her to auto attack with she will use her cantrips anyway because they will have a higher chance to hit.
iirc she uses whatever has the highest chance to hit. So if you want her auto-attack to be a bow you should make her a better archer. Although, anything that makes her a better archer will also make her better at tossing touch spells.
What are some druid spells I should be using? Nothing seems particularly useful
How does this game compare to pillars 2? I haven't played either but considering picking up one of the two on gog sale.
This one is better. There's a somewhat annoying kingdom management sidegame, but you can set it to autopilot if you hate it.
I actually wondered about this. Is it even possible? I'm not someone who believes paladins must be autistic about the law, but I also can't imagine a paladin romancing someone who is chaotic evil(I think Kanerah is, I can't remember right now) without them suffering an alignment change, or it being completely out of character. Either the paladin wouldn't do it because she's evil, or she wouldn't do it because the paladin is lawful good.
The sisters are LE and CG, but I read you can turn them N if you manage to romance them both. Anyway, they share L and G with paladins, but I just kind of get turned on by the idea that a paladin falls for a couple of weirdos
She's a Rogue. You don't want her to rely on base damage, you want to rely on Sneak Attack damage - and that's why her using Acid Splash is a good thing, since it's a Touch Attack.
Mmm but she only attacks once per round with touch attacks see
ATOM gameplay is atrocious.
It literally has the same design flaws as fucking Fallout 2, a game already known to be unbalanced as fuck more than a decade ago.
Kingmaker is actually a very easy game, only retards find it unbalanced because they have 3 INT when it comes to the gameplay.
Pls help, I can't decide what weapon to focus on for my sword-saint. I've looked up a list of unique items that in the game to find out whichever weapon type is solid. Rapiers seem OK, but look a bit lackluster endgame. Estoc seems to have great end game variant but best you'll find midgame is a +2 unholy in chapter 4.
Dueling sword are very solid mid and endgame, and I would go with them if it wasnt for lower crit chance than Rapiers and estocs. Scimitar are also great but can't be finessed.
Precise Strike and sneak attacks don't work with Frost Ray?
you can respec any time you want user
just pick whichever is easiest to come by early game for now and respec if you find something nice later
>game have weapon mastery feat split into every weapons instead of category
>also have various different team feat in which teammates need to have similar one to triggers the bonus
how the fuck do you organize all that shit for your first play?
Sneak Attack works with any ranged touch spell such as frost ray, acid splash, scorching ray, hellfire ray
At level 10 you also get an ability make it work with any spell so you can literally Wail of Banshee sneak attack everything for 200+7d6 damage aoe
Play a Fire Kineticist with the melee-focused subclass instead, then, and just go ham with your fire sword.
Also, IIRC, there's a +4 or +5 Estoc in the endgame; it just doesn't have any extra abilities.
Please help
Also a good thing about sneak attack with Arcane Trickster is that it converts the sneak damage into whatever element the spell is, so it's actually a lot better than hitting with a bow/crossbow if the enemy as a vulnerability - such as undead taking a fuckton of positive damage with the disruption ray, and the golems in the barrow who are infamously known to massacre low INT shitters being melted to death with a simple acid splash cantrip from Octavia.
what are the best headphones to use to hear this game properly?
Wow Bartholomew is such a cunt
Octavia, go to sleep with your orc.
+4 is the highest enhancement bonus possible on an item when it comes to stats, right? Like STR, DEX or whatever
they have some nice buffs and debuffs, user
feather step, delay poison, resist energy, protection from energy, barkskin, bull's strength, bear's endurance, etc.
because you fags are still in denial about the horrible design choices and "good old college try" that is this studios first product.
Is it possible to slap enchantments and stuff on items like in the tabletop? Or do you have to buy pre-crafted items
he's the heart of the entire story.
I guess I'll try to save his ass somehow
+8 to ability scores, some items give it to multiple stats.
Hey lads, how do I do a full-attack? I'm playing an aldori defender and I have a class ability that gives me bonus to AC if I full-attack but I never see it come up. Does it happen and it doesn't have a buff icon or do I need to full-attack manually somehow?
Just download the mod and craft yourself a fucking weapon.
They should have made crafting magical items a base game thing.
How do I disable the fucking city-builder thing in the game?
You are trapped with whatever itens the devs felt like adding in the game. but there is a crafting mod.
What is the generally good spells to have on your sorc?
when does the tiefling girl join you?
When you go complete her intro quest in Sorrowflow. You should be able to get there around the time you hit level 4-5
Most should be devoted for buffs for the party/party pets, druid has many good ones.
Big dick spells capitalized for your pleasure.
1st: Magic Fang and Acid Maw for pet, Aspect of the Falcon if ranged
2nd: Barkskin, Delay Poison, Bull/Bear buffs, Resist Energy, Pernicious Poison
3rd: Greater Magic Fang, Call Lightning, Resist Energy Communal, Protect from Energy, Mass Feather Step, Delay Poison Communal
4th: Flame Strike, Prot Energy Communal, Obsidian Flow
5th: V I N E T R A P, Stoneskin, Death Ward
6th: S I R O C C O, Stoneskin Communal
7th: L E GEN D A RY PROPORTIONS, Creeping Doom, Firestorm
So long as you only attack that around or use an ability that allows for a full attack, you'll do a full attack
Full attack is basically all the attacks you can do, certain abilities like let's say Charge only allow for a single attack, unless you are Smilodon or Leopard chads, who get Pounce meaning their Charges are at full attack.
There isn't really a difference between Full Attack and not early game when you only have 1 attack per round until level 6 or so for high BAB classes when they get their second attack and it grows from there on.
Literally +6-8 later, some give +6-8 to all physical or mental stats at once.
No custom crafting, but some classes like Magus can apply temporary enchantments to weapons
To be honest team feats are a pain in the ass I don’t think anyone really bothers except classes that can give the feats to allies, I played through the whole game on challenging my first time and only ever gave them to Jaethal.
>have to be religious to be a healer
>the god of sluts doesnt have healing domain
The order you get the party members is determined by the order you visit the areas, Tristian won’t join you until you beat stag lord because you did Sycamore before Temple.
does it have lesser restoration / remove disease?
if feel that'd be more important
I bought this game yesterday but due to slow internet it won’t be done downloading until tonight. What am I in for lads? I’m excited.
Anyone with use magic device can read healing scrolls.
Kineticist can heal without following a diety.
there is no problem mechanically, its just that id imagine a healslut would want to follow the slutgod AND take healing domain, because they are a healslut, and so my immersion is broken.
Do attacks of opportunity proc if the defender is using a potion and casting spells?
>EE patch notes says they introduced weapons that were missing such as slings and throwing axes
>have seen a grand total of 0 and im halfway through chapter 2
Where's the respec NPC? Heard it's in the tavern but i've looked everwhere and haven't found it
Same NPC you hire mercs from
just a prank baron
i have found some weapons in chapter 1 that they added, not those ones though
>treat affliction
what's the point
I'm waiting for the Steam sale to pick up the DLC, since I have no desire to play this game again until I can get the full experience(TM)
I was one of the chumps who played it when it first came out and it left a bit of a bad taste in my mouth, despite how much fun I was having
>attacking some drawing kobold counts as lawful evil
Remember to get spell focus and greater spell focus conjuration. Heighten Spell as well. it lets you use lower level spells at higher level slots while increasing DC for +1 by each spell level increase, which is great as some lower level spells are unironically better than higher ones. These are musts. Enchantment and Necromancy are also good but Conjuration is best.
First spell of each level above alone are enough to trivialize fights so get them first choice.
1st: Color Spray, literally trivializes any Prologue/Chapter 1 battle including the boss.
Mage Armor for pet buffing/self buffing early game.
Magic Missile for later spamming as it only gets good with levels. Most of your 1st spell uses with be MM later on.
Hurricane Bow so when auto attacking your crossbow becomes the big dick crossbow.
Shield can be good but only if you don't plan on having an Alchemist as they can buff the entire party with Shield, while yours is self cast only.
2nd: Glitterdust, literally demolishes mobs since it's aoe blind.
Scorching Ray if you plan on Arcane Trickster, evne if you don't it's still solid damage and increases with level.
Sense Vitals gives you +5d6 sneak attack for free, it applies to ray spells like the above.
Mirror Image is a good defensive buff as always.
Hideous Laughter is also a pretty good debuff if you have Enchantment focus, there's also gear that speficially increases its DC later on.
He was drawing obscene pictures of the baron.
I've noticed a couple of Wisdom checks, though Lore/Persuasion are much more common
Lot's of times your companions interject if you fail the roll though
Is harrim as the front liner viable?
3rd: Stinking Cloud. By the time you get this, say goodbye to literally any challenge unless fighting undead. This spell turns enemies into braindead pinnatas for the kill, they get nauseated (can't do shit but slowly move) if they fail the save (and there's a save to be made every round until they fail, if they fail they get a save or suck for many rounds so they don't need to fail the next round again to suffer). And the best part is, through a casting of Delay Poison Communal by cleric/druid/alchemist, your entire party becomes immune to your own brap clouds for 1 hour of real time so you can literally gas the entire battlefield and safely harmlessly move around as if nothing was done to you.
Haste, as always it's a big dick buff.
Vampiric Touch, surprinsingly good through the metamagic rods, stacks with itself and gives you huge temporary HP for 1 hour of real time.
Displacement is a good party buff but if you have an alchemist/bard leave the buffing to them.
4th: Boneshatter, decent single target damage and if they pass the save they are still fatigued, if you cast it again they become exhausted with 100% chance.
Enervation: negative levels carry big penalties and affect pretty much everything but undead/constructs.
Great Invis: great defensive buff, unlike invis you'll remain untargettable for the whole duration even after attacking, +50% concealment.
Stoneskin: good defensive buff, but leave it to druids/alchemists instead.
5th: Cloudkill, akin to Stinking Cloud it's a devastating spell, enemies get their CON slowly drained away while inside the cloud, even if they pass the save they STILL take half CON damage, conveniently helping them fail subsequent saves. Combine with Stinking Cloud and basically demolish everything but undead/constructs who are immune to poison.
Gas all fucking cunts like the nazi you always wanted to be and bask in the fact it's actually an absurdly powerful strategy. Party can also become immune to it through Delay Poison Communal.
6th: Chains of Light, this is an amazing single target debuff, enemies have to save or get paralyzed, except they get a save every round to become free HOWEVER, if they fail it once, they get slapped with a huge penalty since it's a reflex save, and paralyzed targets have their DEX reduced to 5, meaning they are basically doomed to fail forever after getting stuck with it once. Conveniently of the Conjuration school so huge synergy with the brap clouds.
Sirocco: great damage and another lingering aoe so it's big bang for you buck. Also knocks foes down and even fatigues them upon a failed save. However, unlike the brap clouds you cannot become immune to it, so be wary that after battle ends you'll have to cautiously move your party around your own Siroccos unless you want to get slapped with fatigue.
Hellfire Ray: Great damage, especially with Sense Vitals/Trickster, but it takes a few more levels until it becomes more than a single ray.
Yes, if you want him to tank, then have him in fullplate with heavy shield and obviously give him defensive buffs and feats.
If you just want him to melee and already have a tank, then slap him with martial weapon focus so he gains access to a ton of good weapons, then just equip him with whatever good enhanted martial weapon you find, Falchions are pretty good due to increase critical range.
Early game you can use Longspears before you get martial, this allows him to safely attack from behind the tank.
After you gain a few levels your Enlarge Person will have good duration, Enlarge highly increases base weapon damage and also gives him reach, so you don't need him to have reach weapons to safely attack anymore, however enlarge + a weapon that already has reach = attack from the other side of the map
THE frontliner? If you're on anything above challenging, you'll want to bury his ass with summons and pretend he's doing the tanking. Otherwise, he should be fine even as a full cleric, just make sure to buff out the ass.
I really wish this game gave you some hint of how difficult an area is before you loaded into it. It's so fucking annoying in chapter 2 how you're constantly met with level 7+ enemies that rape you in groups while you're level 5.
>Try to make an optimal party around my sage MC
>Every combo which doesn't suck dick has Linzi in it
Why the fuck are bards so fucking strong buffers in this game, I don't want this fucking onahole with me all the time.
The only thing bards do well are skill checks, for everything else there’s a better class.
Why are paladins so fucking fragile in this game?
>Party wide roll bonus
>Roll malus for all enemies
>Giving out both bonus and malus at the same time
>Skill check bonuses for fucking everything
Force amps are broken in any game. Name one class which has as much of an impact in fights as bards do.
Because you fallen for two hander meme
>Is there any western RPG that lets me get a cute drow femdom gf?
I'll settle for a femdom qt of any race at this point.
But I am using a longsword and shield
You can stealth and scout ahead to see the enemies first.
I don't recall of any fight in Chapter 2 being that hard unless you went for Linnorm,
Dazzling Display alone trivializes lots of mobs, especially with a nice dose of Stinking Cloud right after.
By level 5 you already have Haste, Stinking CLoud, Displacement, Glitterdust, Dazzling Display. It only gets easier from there.
octavia doesnt have any of that
If you want a buffbot then Clerics do it better and have much better situational spells.
it's true retard, octavia will only be a 4th level wizard by level 5
Octavia has 1 level delay in learning spells, she learns those at level 6 assuming you went rogue 1 wizard 4 arcane trickster 1
Get Stinking Cloud as fast as you can, same with Haste. Glitterdust she can already learn, go for Conjuration Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus if you can, remember to get 4 Trickery and Mobility so you can enter Arcane Trickster at level 5.
Have someone on party use Dazzling Display while having persuasion focus, a good choice is Valerie.
Bards have a few things that no other class does, mostly through bardic song which is amazing and quite a lifesaver, literally a must for most parties.
Inspire Courage which offers stacking ab/damage that stacks with everything else as it's a competence bonus and is party wide, up to +4 at higher levels
Same but for skills which is great for dialogue checks/traps/locks
Good Hope spell at level 7 which is party wide Heroism on steroids with good duration and also +2 damage to boot
Fascinate Song at level 6 turns enemies braindead and you get it just at the troll chapter which is great since they have low Will.
Inspire Greatness gives 20 temp hp to party, not that amazing but still useful.
Healing song can be nice to recover HP before resting but in this case clerics have channel as well.
Inspire Heroics gives +4 dodge AC to all paty which is great as it's a stacking bonus.
The best part is these are all song uses instead of spells/day so you have a lot of them, through Lingering Song and some micromanaging you can just click it once then deactivate for 3 rounds of song with just one use.
Bard Song also soon becomes a move action at 6 and then a free action later, meaning you can both song + full attack/cast spell in the same round
Also forgot, for Octavia to enter Arcane Trickster with just 1 rogue level 4 wizard you also need to get the Accomplished Sneak Attacker feat, besides 4 trickery and mobility.
Because combat and kingdom management felt like a chore , the story was shit and the characters were boring
Ain't it's wasteful to use sorc's valuable slots on Mage Armor given that the rod only costs like 750 gold for 50 casts?
In a way, yes, especially early game where you don't have many casts.
However later on you kinda start swimming in 1st level slots and soon find out you aren't doing much with them besides spam magic missile.
If you can buy multiple rods of those it works just fine, but if you have a party with many pets like 3 or so, it's also drained fast as you can to spend 3+ uses on every map.
Holy shit, Hargulka is strong as fuck
One more question: is Sylvan Sorcerer significantly weaker as a caster compared to Arcane Sorcerer?
He has low Will as expected out of bruiser mobs.
Make him laugh to death.
How the fuck do you beat the doomspider
His will is also pretty high on challenging. And he usually breaks from it after 2 or 3 rounds.
Why does this game not have a combat tutorial?
cause combat is just clicking and tutorial would be about 500 pages long
>click at thing
>thing die
>tutorial would be about 500 pages long
All the more reason to have at least one page.
No, it's actually significantly stronger since he's a memedon dispenser and for every memedon you have the difficulty decreases by 1 tier.
You also get Vinetrap for free which is an amazing spell.
The main loss from Arcane is the stacking +2 DC to one school, however you only get that at level 15 which is pretty late game, as opposed to memedon which is gained from level 1.
The other loss is that you "can't" go Trickster, well, actually you can but your pet will suffer stunted growth as it only increases in power with Sylvan Sorc levels and end up at 12 out of 20 power level.
There's a feat that makes it as if you had +3 levels for companion progression if you have levels in a class that doesn't increase it called Boon Companion, so if you wanted AT with Sylvan you'd end up at Sylvan 9 Vivisectionist 1 Tickster 10, with a memedon that's level 12-13 or so instead of 20 (9 Sylvan +3 Boon Companion). Animal Companions don't exactly have the same level as you, they increase on certain thresholds.
That was on Challenging.
Debuff him first via Dazzling Display/Intimidate, Enervation (has no save) Archon's Aura
Those 3 rounds are frankly enough to zerg him to death with Ekundayo on party.
but honestly Ekun alone when hasted/enlarged/hurricane bowed and equipped with Devourer of Metal + heroism/good hope, cat's grace, bard song just melts him like butter
Delay Poison on tank helps a ton. Also what level/party members?
I just did it after reloading a few times, Amiri mostly beat him to death
>click at thing
>i die
Ok, so how to not do that
Click harder
>Delay Poison on tank helps a ton. Also what level/party members?
I'm more often fucked by the fact that he has like 30 ac so nobody can reliably hit him except with shit magic and he just one shots everyone
Lv4, Amiri, Tristian,Octavia, Valerie, Linzi and fire kineticist me
You google literally anything you don't understand, important things like BAB, AC and saves.
What's the number at the top right of spell icons? Why does this cleric have an arrow on these spells that shows one other spell when I click it?
number of uses duh and it's because you can use spontaneous casting to turn spells to healing spells.
How do I refill that number? Why the fuck would I turn spells into healing spells if I already have healing spells I don't fucking understand isn't spell casting already basically spontaneous?
The distinctions between Evil choices are often retarded.
>instantly kill a non-hostile fey you met for the first time in place A with the PC saying their kind have no place in his lands: Chaotic Evil
>instantly kill a non-hostile fey you met for the first time in place B with the PC saying their kind have no place in his lands: Lawful Evil
>tell a guy you met for the first time to commit suicide: Neutral Evil
>refuse to help another guy out of a dilemma: Chaotic Evil
>tell Regongar you merely just kill those who try to get in your way like he does: Chaotic Evil
>tell Regongar you enjoy the suffering of others: Neutral Evil
>execute a quest giver that came asking for help by PC randomly deciding the guy's a spy literally out of nowhere: Lawful Evil
It's clear most of the evil options in the game are bit of an afterthought, especially since content wise often you just manage to derive yourself of quests and EXP in doing so. The devs managed to nail down LG and other two Good alignments with the justice vs. mercy dilemma, but it's like evil options get randomly attributed to any of the of three Evils in Law-Chaos axis. In general I don't really understand why everything in the game has to be attributed to full alignments like LE or NG, why not also have actions that only affect the good-evil axis but not law-chaos axis or vice versa.
>Playing sage sorcerer since arcane seems too boring
>Wizards are shitty sorcerers so this should be fine
>Go full control and hope I can do damage too late
>Will most likely go conjure spec twice instead of evo
Surely that +4DC on conjure is worth taking over +4 evo, where all the true burst damage spells are, right?
Is it true you basically need to read a guide to romance Narissa? If so I don't want to spoil the game just for a romance option.
You could stumble into it but it’s a game long ordeal that makes kingdom management kind of a nightmare.
Click ezmode.
I can't recall anymore but I think Hordes of the Underdark has drow romance. If not, it sure has a ton of drows anyway
The NWN module Twilight and Midnight has a single companion, a drow, but she's not really evil which kinda ruins the point
Send tank ahead of party a bit so enemies focus on him or >her, have defensive fighting on for more AC, buff tank with AC spells like Barkskin and Shield of Faith.
Debuff the enemies with casters and even fighters: Valerie can become a mean intimidate tank through Dazzling Display, casters can go for save or suck like Color Spray, Glitterdust, Stinking Cloud and buffs like Haste for party.
Level 4 is a bit tough but doable. 5 would make a lot easier, but anyways:
To hit the Doomspider, buff with AB enhancers like have Linzi use Inspire Courage, Heroism, Bulls Strenght/Cat's Grace, Enlarge Person on Amiri for big dick damage. Since your Kineticist targets touch ac, it's best to focus on them as well with Heroism and Cat's Grace, if you don't have enough Heroisms use Bless from Tristian(both are morale so don't stack but heroism is double it)
Heroism + equivalent STR/DEX buff + Bard song = + 5 AB
AC buffs on Valerie should be Shield of Faith, Barkskin, defensive fighting toggled on, Delay Poison Communal, Blur.
Remember to have Tristian prepare Remove Paralyzes or buy scrolls of that since the feyshitter that aids the spider loves to cast Hold Person.
For Octavia focus on trying to Glitterdust/blind the spider, Enlarge Person on Amiri, sneak attack ranged touch spells like Snowball.
Good or Neutral aligned clerics can spontaneously convert their spells to cure wounds equivalent of the same level.
Evil clerics convert it to the wound spell line.
For wizards with Arcane Bond instead of familiar it lets you refresh that spell one time.
Same spells have that icon as they can cast multiple versions like protection from alignnment can become prot from good, evil, law or chaos.
Conjuration is strongest school and focus by far, very versatile and got damage as well.
Besides that it's then Necromancy followed by Enchantment.
Evocation is mostly garbage as always and when it comes to DC, the good Evocation spells don't have any save whatsoever like Scorching and Hellfire Ray.
The number isn't "refilled" basically so long as you have any spells of that level prepared for casting you can convert them to equivalent cure spells of the same level. In a way you could say resting also "refills it"
what would be a good build for 2H fighter?
I don’t know how effectively it will actually scale but focusing on trip has been bizarrely effective so far in prologue on challenging, seriously considering grabbing a Tactician inquisitor for CMB memes.
Fug it then, I'll romance someone else.
You don't like Grease?
Never played Pathfinder ttrpg so I never really paid much attention to Pathfinder games. Plus I've been burned on ttrpg-based vg so I'm wary about it.
loses her v-card to a literal who merc. it wasn't even some kind of cute first love thing. literally just a casual fling. the fucking mommy fey is purer than her
I just finished troll trouble, how long now until I'll find an antiquities collector?
>doesn't want to bear you ANY heirs at all but gives some random who farmer a ton of kids probably doesn't even fuck the king and sucks off his castle guards like the dirty slut that she is, might as well become a calistrian worshiper while she's at it
Trip is always useful.
Some animal companions like Wolf, Dog or Leopard even get it for free added to their first attack.
It's highly effective vs casters, fey, basically anything that's not a hugeass bruiser mob like cyclopi or golems/trolls/giants
I don't see much of a point to it, to be fair.
Early game Color Spray is a lot better since it basically wins the fight if they fail the save.
Grease is nice in that it lasts a long time and forces enemies to continously make saves, however for the early game it also creates a highly dangerous area as it's friendly fire, and prone enemies actually have increased AC vs missile weapons, +4. so good luck hitting them when your AB sucks.
If anything I might be willing to cast it later as your bruisers can access to reach via reach weapon/size increasing spells like Enlarge.
If you can become immune to it via Feather Step or Freedom or Movement than it's indeed another great debuff to have, I've yet to test.
1 level of Vivisectionist as soon as possible for +4 stacking STR for 10 mins and +1d6 sneak attack, also some casts of True Strike. Remember to later get Accomplished Sneak Attacker feat to increase that futher by another +1d6, total 2d6 sneak dice on every hit.
Two Handed fighter kit for Fighter is actually bretty good on its own for the most part, you can go full with just one level of Vivi.
You can also go Mad Dog Barb with one level of Vivi instead, Mad Dog gets access to memedon which is highly powerful and even adds some powers to it, also Rage for more stacking STR, but loses a ton of fighter feats.
If fighter, remember to get good feats: the cleave line is pretty good (power attack, cleave, finishing cleave) especially early game as it gives you 2 attacks/round right from level 1.
For Weapon feats focus on a good 2h weapon, I recommend Falchion since crit range > all.
It's the story teller, he only takes antiquities if you have a full set.
>How do I refill that number? Why the fuck would I turn spells into healing spells if I already have healing spells I don't fucking understand isn't spell casting already basically spontaneous?
Press B. That opens the current character's spellbook. There's basically two types of spellcasters: prepared and spontaneous.
- Prepared spellcasters have to decide which spells to use beforehand. Say you have three lvl1 slots and you know several different spells, but only prepare three uses of something like Bless. That means you can only use Bless three times and not all the other various lvl1 spells you happen to know, because you didn't prepare them beforehand. Wizard for example uses prepared spells.
- Spontaneous spellcasters can use ANY spells they know in that level which they've learned. They don't memorize spells beforehand, but have one shared usage pool, f.ex. for lvl1 spells and they can consume those uses to cast any lvl1 spell they've learned. Sorcerer for example is a spontaneous caster.
- Exceptions: Some prepared spellcasters can spontaneously convert prepared spells into certain other spells. Good-aligned Clerics for example can turn any of their prepared spells into a healing spell on the fly, whereas Evil-aligned cleric can turn them into damage spells.
Regongar for example is a spontaneous caster. So is Jaethal.
Octavia is a prepared spellcaster.
Clerics like depressed dorf and Tristian are prepared spellcasters, but because they're clerics they have a special ability that lets them turn those prepared spells into healing / damaging single target spells on the fly, depending on their alignment. Clerics also happen to have similar healing or damaging "spells" in the form of AoE energy channels that are an ENTIRELY separate thing from prepared spells. In short, spontaneously turning prepared spells into healing spells is a cleric-specific gimmick that they can use if they're running out of other healing spell options like channels.
>> Demodand
Demon-Band? Demon-Dandy? Demo-Man-Dan? wtf am I reading?
Mad Dog barb with 3 levels of Huntsmaster and 3 levels of two handed Fighter.
Stack STR into the stratosphere and abuse Attacks of Opportunity with outflank and Greater Trip from your pet since they count as single attacks for Overhand Chop.
The more crit focused melee characters with outflank you have the more insane he gets, they don't even need to do damage all they have to do is crit so the AoO triggers.
Can you still adjust the base stats of your party with a cheat utility? When I first heard about this game, back when it was a buggy piece of shit, I heard they were horrifically unoptimized and just plain bad. So I started working on a 25 point buy sheet based on their current stats so I could change them when I finally got the game.
LVL 1 Stats 25 Point Buy
STR: 12
DEX: 16
CON: 13
INT: 14
WIS: 10
CHA: 18
STR: 10
DEX: 16
CON: 12
INT: 17
WIS: 10
CHA: 14
STR: 14
DEX: 10
CON: 16
INT: 10
WIS: 18
CHA: 12
STR: 16
DEX: 12
CON: 16
INT: 13
WIS: 10
CHA: 14
STR: 10
DEX: 12
CON: 13
INT: 10
WIS: 18
CHA: 16
STR: 15
DEX: 14
CON: -- (7)
INT: 14
WIS: 16
CHA: 14
STR: 16
DEX: 13
CON: 14
INT: 12
WIS: 10
CHA: 16
STR: 18
DEX: 13
CON: 16
INT: 10
WIS: 12
CHA: 10
Still need base stats for
It's the elf guy in your throne room. He has his own portrait when you talk to him, hard to miss.
Because the gameplay flow was shit, too slow and clunky for the amount of combat that is in the game. It quickly became a chore.
Only autists want to kill 200 goblins and kobolds with those slow ass D&D rules that are clearly not meant for that.
>having negative stats
If anything the rules are perfectly meant for a videogame since the rolls are all automatic, the real annoyance is having to roll for every single fucking action of the party members/enemies yourself.
Valerie is a dumb girl!
The Tali romance is all wrong. It should have been centered around tragedy and bitter-sweetness because in reality there is no way they could have ever made a serious relationship work in either the physical sense or over the long term. Plus, they don't do anything interesting with the romance or with her character.
Using the actual trip feat costs a full action, it's basically a waste, you want something that automatically trigger tripping.
Pets with trip, Wolf Dog Leopard, work good at that. Get lvl 3 huntsmaster and then go Mad Dog barbarian for a pet based tripper, dogs and wolves make best trip pets since they get higher STR and bigger size than Leopard.
The best way to trip however is abusing bite attacks and the winter wolf cloak, the cloak triggers a FREE trip every time you hit a bite attack.
Motherless class - tiefling or halfling is one bite
Feral mutagen from vivisectionist is another bite
Barbarian totem is another one
3 bites = 3 FREE trips every fucking round.
It's pretty bonkers.
Improperly built. You should go Rogue 3 / Sword Saint 7 / Duelist X.
Rogue 3'll give you free Weapon Finesse and Dex to Damage with your chosen weapon, along with Sneak Attack that you can pump up with Accomplished Sneak Attacker down the road, then Sword Saint and Duelist stack with one another for applying Intelligence to AC. You end up vomiting out incredible amounts of damage with an AC that breezes through Challenging mode like nothing.
Stat optimization varies heavily from companion to companion.
Pretty much the only horrible irredeemable one is harrim, rest is ok or has such high point buys that their stats are ok. Valerie is also weird but she makes for a good Dazzling tank/thug.
based as fuck
How is Harrim irredeemable?
Nigger he has amazing WIS, good CON and STR.
He only lacks DEX which is utterly useless and he can easily fully benefit from a fullplate with a +4 dex belt.
Harrim is a great nuker. He comes with 18 Wisdom, and if you take some Spell Focus Necromancy and Spell Specialization, he drops massive amounts of damage on the enemy team while wearing fullplate and using a shield.
10 CHA = no selective channel.
No one sane would ever make a cleric with sub 13 CHA.
16 CON is only good for the front line and with 8 DEX he's going to die horribly if he ever tries to facetank something.
But it's mainly because of the 10 CHA.
hey buddy the zoomer club is 2 blocks down
Channel is rather superflous besides early game.
Anyways, you can get it by just equipping him with a +4 cha headband.
I often turn my Harrim into Sacred Huntsmaster and even with 1 dead cleric level he still kicks ass with on demand cleric buffs, a 2hander while enlarged and memedon fun
>replying to an already deleted post just so you can spew the word zoomer
>Bartholomew gets butthurt after getting btfo and tries to kill me
no u
Everything works on lower difficulties.
Channeling is a core feature of the cleric class and it's really hard to use without selective channel, basically unusable in actual combat. Using items for feat requirements works horribly wrong in the game, you are supposed to lose the feat once you no longer meet the requirements but instead you keep it which is broken as all fuck.
>trolls lives matter
I'm on Hard and I still pretty much never use Channel.
Pots or scrolls do the job just fine, especially since later on you can just buy Heal and Mass Heal scrolls by the dozen.
One memedon is worth millions of channels if you're talking about what works better on higher difficulties. Not getting hit on the tank also does wonders.
Channel scales like garbage. If you're using it mid-game+, you're doing yourself a disservice. Which is a double-shame because Harrim really comes into his own in the mid-game when the better Necromancy spells start unlocking.
You can just keep it on if you find it cheesy, or actually just swap it later for those headbands that gives both wis and cha bonuses at the same time.
is this a good place to start if i never played these kinds of games
Because taking a system that is the refinement of decades of turn based gameplay and shoving it into real time is beyond retarded.
No. If you didn't grow up with the concentrated excellence of the Infinity Engine games, you'll never actually be able to appreciate Kingmaker. Better to just play Original Meme instead.
it can be, Pathfinder is it's own system and other D&D games use different rulesets
So long as you play it on Normal or lower, sure.
It will give you enough knowledge to easily understand pretty much most other DnD games since Kingmaker has the most features, especially NWN1&2 as they're based on mostly the same edition.
Retard, pathfinder is worse than base 3.5
While I agree that 3.5 is superior, PF is still better than fourth or fifth edition.
I kinda want to , is it worth it? I like Tabletop RPG's but I hate the people
It literally improves upon a lot of 3.5 things.
Even if you get to make unbalanced broken shit, the same could be said about 3.5 just fine.
alright, i'll give it a go and try to have an open mind.
>Never say my name while during Varhold Vanishing
>It's scripted to be revealed anyway
>Party companions blurt out random names if you don't say anything
Granted the soul eater fight isn't hard but why even give the player a choice?
So you could fuck up on purpose
Can I make my player a shota?
If not, what's even the point in playing it?
Well, you can be a halfling or gnome and pretend it with a shota portrait and equivalent height.
people who aren't massive autistic faggots also play games
>haven't played the game for half a year
>get back into it and remember everything after only 30 minutes
I forgot how much I enjoyed the game but it's good to be back
Whats the best class/build for this game since its unbalanced and half of them are utter trash
Can any of the more experienced anons guide me to some good sources for builds? The last dnd game I played was Mask Of the Betrayer and I had a dnd bro help me set up my class.
This shit is far too much to read back up on. I just wanna pick up a working build that suits my style for my first playthrough and relearn the mechanics as I go before making a second run
God I wish you could quarter Linzi in this game
>have a waifu
>planning to romance her again
>let's see what all this horny dlc is all abo---
>first dialogue at the end of act 1
>instant boner activated
>o fuck.mp3
>second dialogue after their quest at the capital square if you catch my drift
>the night I lost ctrl.jpg
>can't escape this trap now
Lads, be careful. Tieflings are hell of a drug.
I haven't even beaten the original Baldur's Gate, yet. No use in beating clones until you beat the thing they're all cloning.
Literally prostate stimulated by horny tiefling tale
This is the future you chose
can i romance goblins? I will actually buy the game right now if I can.
>Is this a good place to start if i never played these kinds of games
I'd say basic knowledge of the tabletop system is mandatory. NWN2 is much more beginner friendly and it's not even that dated apart from graphics, in fact moving from that to Kingmaker is going to be really smooth sailing gameplay wise since Pathfinder ruleset is based on D&D3.5 ruleset that NWN2 uses. Kingmaker gives a lot less leeway for failure and the timed main quest + kingdom management mini-game means you can permanently end up ruining your long-running game due to bad choices and poor time management with no way to recover. It's not actually harsh at all when you know what you're doing, but I reckon many of the complaints regarding Kingmaker's difficulty came from people completely unfamiliar with video games based on tabletop rulesets.
NWN2's vanilla story campaign is generic high fantasy trash (though so is Kingmaker's to lesser extent) while serving as a good introduction to tabletop ruleset, but its direct sequel expansion Mask of the Betrayer is on a whole different level and widely considered a WRPG classic. MotB can even work as a sort of softer tutorial against wasting time / camping spam on its own due to its unique time limit gimmick mechanic, readying you further for Kingmaker. I'd heartfully suggest playing them both and before diving into this.
Seems okay, I'm no expert either though.
God I wish. Nok-Nok is for the Baroness, but, alas, it's not allowed.
I'm using this for Eldritch Archer.
Eventually, I wanna fug those Tieflings and have one bear my child
Starting a new game. What class should I make my Tiefling woman?
Left to right
1. "Wait a second, did you just say that I..."
2. "That you're beautiful..."
2. "Ok, we'll continue this talk later"
1. "And what about... carnal pleasures?"
2. "Degenerate."
1. "Say again? You think I'm cute, huh!?"
2. "Seriously..?"
1. "I'll be forever alone..."
2. "Oh! Linzi!"
- Liking little girls is BAD
- Filthy pervert
>just one
>"child" singular
I'd suggest the git gud class.
Shit, Abe-san, you're right. All the children she can. I gotta do my part
>timed main quest
oof, dropped hard.
Not the user you talked to but do you have a build in handy? I'd like a char like for my first playthrough
And I'm retarded.
You have 5 in-game years dude
Well, only Valerie got roasted at the very least.
Just charge Fagtuccio with melees like Amiri
Are people really this bad at time management? It's like watching people cry about Fallout 1 all over again.
Kineticists take a while to come online but they're autowin mode as long as you understand how burn, composite blasts and infusions work. You eventually get passives that reduce their casting costs to 0 burn, meaning free high elemental DMG with no ammo limits like normal casters or need for gear like regular ranged users.
Rangers with their animal companions as well, due to how powerful the latter are to the point they're practically one extra party member that can tank hits, plus they contribute to party carry weight limit to top it off.
You also can't go wrong with dual-wielding classes utilizing "stealth attacks" if you have melee focused party since all you need to do to flank is having two characters attacking the same foe, no stealth or further positioning required.
user, these fags couldn't handle fucking harvest moon
Is coup de grace bugged for anyone else?It literally never works on my characters for whatever reasons
Some people are straight up autists about doing everything in one playthrough.
I don't know how long time passes in game if I haven't played it
Its not so much that I'm bad at it that I just don't want to bother with it at all, I like to take my time and be incredibly autistic about exploring and doing everything I can, time limits annoy me more than anything.
I wish this thread would hurry up and autosage because I'm tired of looking at that stinky Tiefling's butt.
gotta love dwarf/elf friendly banter
I have no fucking idea how to use it
Completely OP and break the game in half without effort:
Alchemist, Vivisectionist, Grenadier
Any Kineticist
Monster Tactician with Animal domain
Very strong:
Literally anything with an Animal Companion
Any archery focused character with a 2 lvl dip into Arcane Archer, Ranger Paladin or even straight Fighter
Archery is busted as fuck and you get a lot of really good longbows.
To be fair flanking is just plain broken in this game because how different it works
Rangers even without animal companions can fuck the game over because of how strong they hit by themselves and because the base game doesnt go to full lv20 adventures anyways
That's A LOT. You'll have months of free time, and a full year post act 5.
why do you keep looking at her butt?
I'd say Sylvan sorc deserves to be in the same tier as Kineticist
Wizard/AT is also extremely strong by default.
try new dungeon
oh fuck werewolf and were something cant touch them
faggot vendor outside dungeon doesn't sell silver weapons ,really?
God no. They are obviously very strong but Kineticist is on an entirely different level than everything else in the game, they are beyond broken.
learn how to greentext faggot!
Arcane bloodline sorcer with his extra DC can instagimp groups of enemies just as fine as a Kineticist with deadly earth. And no, not every element combo is as good as a few select ones.
What are must build buildings when you start your barony?
Any tips for a barbarian gnome? Also where I can find a weapon bigger than Amiri's?
Green text is for faggots
Don't do a gnome barbarian.
End of chapter 4.
Someone pick a class for me. I can't handle the pressure! I'm too inclined to min-max!
I heard there are timers? How big a deal are they?
And he will run out of casts while kineticist will not, ever.
That's what makes Kineticist broken, you can throw your best tools at every single fight without end.
>too inclined to min-max
Grenadier or base kineticist. Both are broken. Not very fun to play as they are literally click enemy to delete.