What would an Ace Attorney game NOT held back by Nintendo hardware look like?

What would an Ace Attorney game NOT held back by Nintendo hardware look like?

Attached: Ace Attorney Trilogy.png (319x305, 202K)

Exactly the same.

uh...not all that different, since it's a VN

HD sprites looks terrible, btw.

The investigation would be a lot more fun, that’s for sure

They don't sell well enough to get anything but a small budget, it's a fucking visual novel. AA7 will be multiplatform and look like an upresed 3DS game

there is no need for muh graphix in this series beyond 3d models of evidence to rotate and interact with

Exactly the same but in a higher resolution. See: DGS on mobile.

The... same?

worse, like the anime

This. It'd probably have more minigames maybe. I would hate them to ditch the visual novel aspect or go the AAI route. It wouldn't feel Wright.

Look at Monster Hunter World vs Monster Hunter 4.

I think there's a pretty sizable difference there.

>Let's compare this visual novel with a fucking action/adventure game
MHW is shit, by the way. So was 4 for that matter.

Ah yeah, the handheld vs a current gen console game... huh?

It seriously wouldn't look that much better. More polygons and whatever but the general direction would still be animu AA.

Phoenix Wright, user. We're talking about Phoenix Wirght.

Do you want a 4k sprite? That's pretty much all you can hope to get. Unless you mean to switch the gameplay style. Then you want another game instead of Ace Attorney.

>Rankg G and more content in the same game, not a different non-free DLC
Oh, I see.

I don't want a rehash of the same F-ing thing every single iteration. I'm sick of Phoenix, I'm sick of the goofy ass nature of the plot and structure and the cartoony visuals. I want a proper Ace Attorney World.

Where you can wander around, visit locations, do intensive crime scenes, see the police go about their business. I want them to do SOMETHING to make Ace Attorney grow into a respectable franchise that takes legal work seriously.

This Nintendo shit needs to stop.

This is a really contrived way to shitpost, OP.

>I'm sick of the goofy ass nature of the plot and structure and the cartoony visuals.
So you're sick of Ace Attorney.

>I'm sick of Phoenix
>I'm sick of the goofy ass nature of the plot
>I want it to not be an Ace Attorney game anymore

Attached: 1559144741753.png (270x360, 66K)

You gotta be the biggest faggot I've seen this year. You don't even want Ace Attorney.
Go ask for a CSI or Law and Order game on reddit instead of trying to stir console war bullshit, we don't need you here.

>Monster Hunter
>a VN

Have you considered playing a different game?

please leave

Just say you wanted to discuss the fucking "mh was held back by Nintendo" and fuck off, Ace Attorney is a visual novel, not an action game


Like this

Attached: file.png (500x284, 253K)

Attached: c0006730_1335989.gif (240x160, 9K)

Attached: Big Oof.png (874x468, 690K)

But MHWorld was shit, so why would you want a hypothetical Ace Attorney World to exist?

Do you think Ace Attorney games sell as much as Monster Hunter? Don't give me a (You) ever again.