I'm having fun playing countless doom/duke nukem mods/wad, my hard drive is full of them...

I'm having fun playing countless doom/duke nukem mods/wad, my hard drive is full of them. It's sad that not everyone can have fun with such cheap games because I'm sitting on a infinite library and I don't have to pay a penny for it. I'm in heaven.


This for example. It's a gigantic pack of fun. Why should I play modern shitty games full of drm, disappointment and costing money when I can play that kind of thing? Clearly I am blessed.

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You're right, user.
I'm looking for stuff like DtWiD. What do you recommend?


Look! I'm even playing overwatch for free on my cheap laptop, haha!

I'm on drugs

You tried sigil? It's not really my cup of tea but it's Romero last doom 1 chapter.

This type of shooter should make a revival in mobile games where you cant aim shit, hell you can probably port all of them into android with mods and shit

I recently started playing doom wads and I totally agree with you, what are some of your favorites so I can add them to my list?

The state of poorfag Brazilians, bragging about playing garbage

t. was born too young to appreciate Doom

t. Too young to appreciate Maze War

>get delta touch for android
>hoard mods
>get compendium
Never been as content with vidya before, especially on android

I beat Doom 1 and 2, TNT and plutonia, Heretic, hexen
I'm looking for some quality wads but no idea where to start

I was playing on PS4 and had a big PC back in 2012, but I realized that the only important thing about video games is the amount of dopamine you get from playing. Not the number of polygons.

There's too much stuff and it depends of your tastes. Just dig channels like icarusliv3s and pick whatever you want. I'm currently doing tnt evilution so it's not really the most recent choice, I try to play what I missed back then.

What are some wads you'd recommend then user? based on your tastes.

is anybody cracking this shit ever

I started recently, I'm hoarding thing but didn't play enough yet to give a decent review. I'm drunk and started this thread without really thinking about it, I'm not the corry guy to ask for a good opinion about wad collection.
Right now I feel like a kid again discovering emulators and being amazed about the gigantic amount of stuff I can play, sorry. I guess I won't post while being high again.

Jesus, I didn't even played blood 1 yet.

Thank me never doomworld.com/cacowards/

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I suggest just getting the mod Compendium. It's essentially an all-in-one megawads package that contains lots of the best wads throughout the time, so fuck around with it.

Thanks, I forgot about cacowards

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I was looking and waiting for it but I decided to just fuck it and and spit some dollars on it. But trust me, it's pretty damn worthwhile just for the mod compabilities. If you want vanilla though just check the free ones like Freedoom on the playstore or gZDoom-android on github.

Is there any lag? Can I play with mouse and keyboard on it?

Had to turn down the quality a bit on my $200 shit phone since it uses newer gZDoom version but otherwise no lag. And yes for Android 8.1+, and gamepad too.

Tried freedom right now and other than the slow loading at the start it works like a charm, pretty impressive that you can play wads on phone.

Is there some easy way to add smoother gun animations and gore to all Doom wads? I'd really like a "Baby's eyecandy wad" just so I could use that in fucking everything that isn't a fancylad wad.

Download Zandronum
Then just start joining servers at random while racking up loads of different wads mods with Doomseeker. You'll be bound to find something fun or unique.

I was playing on an RGA server earlier with like 5 other people. Map was a huge chaotic city with enemies everywhere. Great fun.

Some mods still works on Freedoom like the earlier version of Complex Doom or Kriegsland. So try around some mods if it works.

Bolonaise will go with almost every mod

>Soaring Comet difficulty for Golden Souls 2

Thank you user, that looks pretty nice

I wish I could but I get motion sickness from all those semi 3D games; I'm thirty one and Dark Forces knocked me out for a whole afternoon as a kid and still to these days I get sick fast playing Doom or DN3D..

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Are you on opioids or some other weird shit that American gobble up on a daily basis? It can has an effect.

Nah I take no medication, I just get motion sickness really quick I used to get sick in cars and boats as well but that passed in my teenage years. I still get sick playing pseudo 3D games though, but also modern console ports like FarCry RedDawn, was playing that then felt sick and passed out the whole afternoon after that. kinda suck but at least I'm not epileptic.

Keep on dooming user. There is an abundance of amazing wads out there to explore.

Attached: Screenshot_Doom_20180813_225321.png (1366x768, 380K)

That's too bad, I'm sorry for you. I only feel sick when playing doom if I take weed or heroin substitute like buprenorphine before.
Try playing on a smaller screen to see if it negates the sickness?

I played AA with RO. Had a blast. I actually can't imagine how those last few levels would have worked out for me without RO.

Doom 2 + Dio + Touhou = epicness

Doom is great

Thanos Doom + slaughter wads

Doom is shit, there's no lootboxes nor social commentary about trans and gays.

What is your
Favorite modded weapon?
Favorite modded enemy?
Favorite modded level?
Overall favorite mod?

I don't have any smaller screen but probably wouldn't help considering I had that since the earliest I played on PC which was in the late 90's. I can watch youtube playthrough just fine though, so there is that. :D

>Favorite modded weapon?
The chaingun that shoots exploding jets from Russian Overkill
>Favorite modded enemy?
The CyberMastermind from various enemy mods
>Favorite modded level?
The skyworld from Ancient Aliens
>Overall favorite mod?
La Tailor Girl

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How is Elimination Day if I played the Hell on Earth Starter Pack?

> playing mods and maps
> not making mods and maps

Hexen doesn't have enough cool shit for it like Doom does.
> It's been 3 days and i'm not even done remixing Winnowing Halls from a fresh map with zero sectors.

Some info:
> Skill 1 will cut monster population in half, otherwise it is what it is
> Skill 5 will add out-of-level monsters in some locations.
> Maps expanded and heavilly modified from their standard version. No original sectors are used, everything is new and different (but keeps the original flow and key/switch progression)

Look for further posts in /agdg/ when i have more to share.

Attached: HexenWithGZDoom.png (1920x1056, 452K)

It's a weird experience to play doom in the attic on switch to avoid interacting with the guests in the house.

You can reduce the screen size in the options to play with custom borders in og doom. Maybe it'll help.

Attached: weird.png (1809x969, 1.88M)

>Modded weapon
I really love the D-Tech rifle from complex doom especially the reload sound.
>Modded enemy
Quad-barelled marine from those randomizer mods.
>Modded level
Sorbetto Beach from Golden Souls
>Overall mod
Complex Doom is my go-to mod since it's essentially expanded doom gameplay.

Looks cool, user.