google stadia is cancer like every streaming service.
Its literally enslavement and I hope google fails with it hard.
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It won't. Gaming is dead. It died with horse armor.
This. Normies will all subscribe to Stadia because they already gobble up Netflix subscription. Streaming is the future of gaming like it or not. I don't care I'll continue playing on PC and I'll buy BG3 and Death Stranding on PC.
I was under the impression it died when we moved away from physical.
all ((streaming services)) are literally slavery.
Google TV and Android TV failed and had way more support than this piece of crap
My only fear is that google will burn money for years on stadia so it succeeds eventually this way.
Because there is no way to make money on modern (AKA requiring 1 PC or 1 console to play) games in streaming.
Only if you're a primitive console cuck.
No need for a coaster, my Flash drives, HDs and SSDs and personal server are sufficient for holding my media PC.
People actually like being enslaved, as long as they don't get whipped.
Don't lump PC in with the worthless paper weights. Phones and consoles are always inferior, as shown with the streaming games we already have as example. People will still be building rigs.
Is anyone in Yea Forums even supporting game streaming?
fuck you PC mustards your shit platform will be dead soon
While I generally agree.
Can you run 2 games of a console caliber at the same time on your PC? Meaning 1 graphics card?
If not then the problem still stays the same.
google needs to buy 1 PC/graphics card for every account in advance and buy more graphics cards for more future people who want to get into playing.
And this costs $$$ like shit loads of $$$.
Then they will be renting this PC/graphics card they did buy to you and trying to cover up costs and you need to buy new future graphics cards for the next generation of games.
And you need to eat up the cost of a data center with shit loads of graphics cards and managing the heat of this data center.
And then they are trying to make a profit on it.
A corporate shill the other day was way too confident in his magical "target group that isn't really define but it's not us because we don't understand." To most of us, this is just repacked OnLive 2.0.
>your shit platform will be dead soon
Its hard to die if PC will not even notice if all games tomorrow decided to not be released on the PC.
Here is hint PCs are used for actual work and are not only dedicated game playing toys.
Daily reminder that all your corporate overlords decided to prevent you from having actual programs and utility on your toy.
Your console is a slavery, Defective by Design.
you can have real utility programs (see King James bible for the game boy arguably the first e-book ).
Only your corporate overlords decided to cripple your hardware to be anything other then a toy. Oh and they are extracting money from you for the privilege of you using your own internet connection.
PC =/= gayman PC
What a retard.
>A corporate shill the other day
Do you have a link?
interpret for me and tell me if you did not write exactly what I have written.
>people cried and shit and came when Xbox One was announced to be always online
>this is seen as revolutionary
Their central audience isn't even going to watch E3.
It shouldn't be hard to figure out who the shill is.
>Their central audience isn't even going to watch E3.
Does their audience even exist?
I mean it all looked like payed for people who are evangelizing this.
Thank you for this.
I can not wait to see the shill melt down and BTFO.
>Its literally enslavement
>Not owning you stuff is good
daily reminder
GOG god> CD Games glory> Steam plebs > ubisoft cancer> literally dog shit > Watching paint dry > literally everything else > streaming abomination.
>Can not play offline
>Everything is recorded
>Can terminate at any time and work (you tell me how many CD games got their EULA terminated and you stooped being able to play them)
>Need to pay for the privilege of accessing other peoples games.
Its more control over you and what you can do.
Its a enslavement system.
Is this babies first time encountering FSF ?
>proprietary software is fascism!
Post the retarded stadia girl
Did you want this?
PS: I have no fucken idea what the stadia girl is supposed to be.
It's the future of gaming and all of you luddites are going to be left behind.
>you being a slave is the future
Its not that I dispute you.
I simply don't want to be a slave and will fight it every way I can.
Playing fun games is not slavery. If that's how you see video games, take up knitting or something.
is this a shill or a troll? No one can possibly be this retarded.
This is you right now:
Corporation says it lets you play games if you pay $10 and they can have but sex with you whenever they want.
I don't want to be forced to have but sex with the corporation. I don't want to be raped by a corporation.
Playing fun games is not rape.
The dick in my ass is the important part not the games here.
All streaming services are shit.
Yes streaming is pure slavery and cancer.