There are people on this board right now that have purchased Skyrim more than once

>there are people on this board right now that have purchased Skyrim more than once

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>there are people on this board right now that have purchased Skyrim

I haven't purchased skyrim even once

It wasn't my fault steam put it on sale for $5 when they didn't know what else to do.

>there people on this board right now that haven't purchased Skyrim
why haven't you Yea Forums it's one of the best games ever created

stop, you're gonna summon him


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What's the problem? It's fun! You should buy it for every system you have and getting in the future, especially the DLC for it, as it makes your experience even more fun!

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based lum poster

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I need something to do on my Switch man


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I won skyrim through the steam coal event and still felt ripped off.

>there are people on this board who actually haven't purchased it even once

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>there are people on this board right now

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I fucking had to
it was my sisters birthday

i love lum!

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Lum is a shit waifu. There, I said it.

Ps3 and pc. Sorry guy

nope, i did get vr for free and it was awful

still best girl

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glad to see someone has taste here

basco is a shit sauce

me too!

That's not a picture of Sakura, just thought I'd point out that mistake you just made.

2 times

I'm not seeing a problem here...

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I bought it twice but the first time I paid like 2 dollars for it

Ryuunosuke is best girl

I know it's retarded but when it came out I was at university and only had a flatmate's 360. So that I don't feel like a leech I got the game itself. Never got the DLC or anything else, just played the base game. Then a few years ago the GOTY edition was on a huge sale, so I thought I'd get it and play it with all the expansions.

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xbpx 360, pc, special edition pc, ps4 se
4 times

More like breast girl

me 3

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does lum have jiggle physics?

>there are people on this board right now who will never wake up in bed next to their loving wife, Lum
why live bros

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>pc, pc special edition
you know you only had to buy the DLC for the regular edition to get the special edition for free

damn dude...

it's not fair bros

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>Xbox 360 (vanilla)
>PC (vanilla)
>PC (legendary edition)
>PC (special edition)
>Switch (special edition)
5 times

Ah, my first waifu. What a lovely creature.

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Just get a cosplay gf

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sure, and a brown paper bag


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Lmao, faggts.

>Dude, just get a hot girl that's also willing to cater to your weeb fantasies
I'd probably start shitting gold well before that ever happened.

I have never played Skyrrim. I feel sorry for anyone who can't say that truthfully.

Imagine typing
“Best girl “ and not killing your self immediately after

don't lose all hope user


>there are people

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Just be yourself bro


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you've got shit taste my man

I've never bought a single elder scrolls

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why would i?

Best girl is benten.

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go to convention and put yourself out there. You gotta work your way up though.

Same. I have a tendency to lose interest in media that gains widespread popularity before I've even gotten a chance to hear about it.

Also, what's the best way to watch Urusei Yatsura in 2019?

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Watching the original series is fun, although there is a lot of filler. I'm sure there's a road map for the hand picked best episodes. Then check out the movies/OVAs

My friend's older brother has bought it on PC (Standard and enhanced), Xbox360, and Switch

Oh snap, are we Lumposting now? Lum should be in every video game series, like Lum in Skyrim.

I own 5 copies of Skyrim and I haven't bought one of them. I just keep getting them as gifts or hand outs

I did and I returned it every time

>there are people on this board right now that have spent money on gacha shit and anime tiddies

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>There are people on this board right now who haven't watched Urusei Yatsura

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I have never played more than the starting 30 minutes of any elder scrolls game, character creation included. On a pirated copy.
King me.

I've spent over $1000 on gacha and I don't even like it that much

i purchased it 4th time yesterday, regret nothing

It's good? Still holds up?

Yeah, it's great.
To be completely honest, I've never watched the whole series. I stopped enjoying it when they switched directors. The first hundred episodes or so are really fun though

alright I'll check it out, I always liked the look of the girl

Well it's not as annoying as watching Orange Road.
And it really is nice when you get to the episodes where Ataru shows how much Lum means to him

have you considered that you might actually just be retarded

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Lum is a slut!
Time Gal is the real cutie that you can bully!

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you can't catch me, you can't catch me!

I love Time Gal!

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And we never will ;_;

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you got me there
good episode

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>that Shinobu

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>there are people on this board who throw enormous autistic fits over games other's buy with thier own currency as if it wasn't incredibly petty and tiresome that they whined about it over and over and as if their special snowflake opinions mattered

"her voice is just annoying..."



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why are all the good threads this late at night

Americans are asleep
t. American


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Daily reminder that Shinobu is for lewd

Surely that depends on the Shinobu in question

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based Bentenposter

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Lum in Smash before that Dragonball faggot would be legendary

Sakurai would do it too

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>"""""first""""" waifu
that's not how waifus work.

Why is classic anime so based?

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>not having a harem of waifus

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I allow myself one anime waifu and one vidya waifu, but that's stretching it

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Should I watch this anime

A friend from ROBLOX gifted it to me years ago but I never played it.