Well, not even last night's storm could wake you. I heard them say we've reached Morrowind, I'm sure they'll let us go

Well, not even last night's storm could wake you. I heard them say we've reached Morrowind, I'm sure they'll let us go.

Quiet, here comes the guard.

Attached: MW-npc-Jiub.jpg (960x960, 184K)

what the fuck do i do after talking to the guy who wants to have a bloodbath

'ate outlanders
'ate imperial dogs
'ate argonians
love tribunal
simple as

Attached: last night's storm.jpg (298x175, 25K)

How did bethesda get away with it?


Morrowind is trash

It was a different time

Reminder that LGNPC is shitty fanfiction written mostly by autistic women and should be ignored.


>jiub wipes out the cliff racers
>moon wipes out the entire island

First you have to remind me what LGNPC is.

It makes the dialogue "less generic" which apparently means doing stupid things like making it so you can't sleep in your house if you put an ash statue in it

Fuck off, Morrowind's dialogue system is absolutely awful.

stop smoking that skooma you hoarse nigga

Take off your clothes and hop in with him

You don't improve it by giving every cook and cleaning lady in Aldruhn a fanfiction-tier backstory and unique dialogue for every topic under the sun.

It's a series of dialogue mods.

Friendly reminder Bethesda's E3 conference is tonight.
Friendly reminder TES6 and Starfield confirmed to not be shown.
Friendly reminder Morrowind is an artifact, and you cannot go back.

That's no moon.

Attached: 1529719039468.png (1600x1238, 1.84M)

die n'war!