battlestation thread
Battlestation thread
not bad, it's got flair
>f15 (?)
>blue yeti
You poor marketing victim.
Get a bigger mousepad too.
Rotation's probably gonna be fucked
Greenscreen or photoshop?
Got my yeti for free from my roommate, it's pretty good once you've tuned it in
Holy shit wash your mousepad. Drop everything, take it into the bath tub, scrub some laundry powder into it and rub vigorously with a wash cloth for 5-10mins, then air dry in front of a fan on high for 5min.
>high fructose corn syrup carbonated beverage
drink water you fat loser
why you in space?
It's a textured pad, that's not dirt.
but why
this is like people who pay $200 for $5 jeans that were shredded at the factory to look "worn"
Why do I always get reactions like this? Running 1080p@120Hz at the moment, it's a 140kHz monitor.
It was the cheapest option and it's not actually worn, it's literally just printed in. The top is totally smooth.
i have the same exact one, and it looks, neat? idk why, but it's nice to have w/ my k95.
Are you retarded or something? It's just a regular design that isn't going for anything at all. Corsair mouse pads are not even that expensive so your point makes no sense.
Look at this retard and laugh
I need to get a trash bag, but I pretty much have like a plate and water bottles to the side of my monitor
alright we get it man you have buyer's remorse
settle down
>having only one monitor in 2019
>Why do I always get reactions like this?
Because its a CRT
I have so much fucking dust in my room.
>vacuum entire place
>two days later covered in dust
Holy fuck I'm cleaning tomorrow and it will be dirty by Tuesday.
Also I bought a bunch of shit and I need to drive to the fucking dump to throw away some large boxes and an old bedframe
I'm compounded by living near a freeway from which this black soot yonder wafts. I now have a bundle of air filter that I jam in the window whenever I open it and which I had attached to a box fan for a time to act as a jury-rigged air purifier but there's just still so much fucking dust that I can only push it around with a duster.
who is punching who, and why are they punching them?
I need something to put on my bare wall. Any suggestions?
Imagine something more queer than showing off your cum covered, life wasting spot on the internet and calling it your "battle station". You can't. This is the millennial/zoomer equivalent of the Boomer lawnmower.
some painting of video games
>implying no one does actual work at their home computer
>implying there is anything wrong with having a hobby and that you would denigrate someone for posting their workbench or home theater setup
>implying you do not currently have an extra large dildo firmly lodged in your anus
Digging that F-14 poster. Where'd you get it?
have sex
what do you do for fun, user?
your desk isn't in facing worlds, you piece of shit
it's shit but still works. the fan over there is because the graphical card is broken and overheats whenever i'm playing.
it used to be a pretty good computer back in 2012 though.
squadron poster. Just type in f-14
no u
I'm probably getting a mic soon.
Any suggestions?
looks comfy, but screen to small
anime poster
It's pretty comfy
Looks crowded. Why is the laptop on the floor area
It's on top of a storage box. It's for recording the video feed + chat.
where's the valhalla poster from?