What videogame series would be perfect for getting a film adaptation?

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Senran Kagura



only if it were a psychological horror about the player/sim dynamic

Bit.Trip Runner Live action adaptation featuring MC Ride as commandervideo. I can see the ad now... "MC Ride is... Death.Grip Runner"

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Max Payne


*picks up the plus sign to start the rainbow trail* OH SHIT I'M FEELING IT

Mega Man. Oh wait, there actually is one coming up. If Capcom manages to somehow make it worse than the Sonic movie, I'll be pissed.



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Zelda done by studio ghibli

Princess Monoke was essentially the basis for breath of the wild.

Wonderful 101/Viewtiful Joe
Ghost Trick

Meant to reply to

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Left 4 Dead series

the new game of thrones if done well

I don't see a VtM based tv series being given the quality it deserves.

Megaman has potential for a top tier story about robot and human relationships. We only need a good writer/director to execute the concepts

the legend of zelda by Studio Ghibli

Metal Gear Solid.
Just the first one, the rest would make the normalfags into even worse freaks.

Half Life
Fallout 1
Harvest Moon
Chrono Trigger
Cold Shadow


Here's a link if you're interested

George Miller's Metroid
Mad Max Fury Road was deliberately made so that it would be equally as effective without dialog. A Metroid game that retells Zero Mission should be done without a single spoken word.

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James Wan's Resident Evil
His filmography clearly demonstrates an understanding of what makes both action and horror good, the two things that define Resident Evil. The games were also written to feel like "Hollywood movies," so I'm concept it should fit like a glove, including the spinoff potential.

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why does any game need a film adaptation?

Guillermo Del Toro's Bloodborne
Gothic nightmare creatures in Victorian Europe. I'm surprised he didn't have something to do with the original conception of the game. Structure it similar to Pan's Labyrinth with more gore infested action, obviously R Rated, and it'll work just fine.

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Quentin Tarantino's Bayonetta
Anyone who's played these games can immediately tell the stories and concepts are indulgently outlandish to the point of unintentional comedy, while still maintaining a cool factor behind it. And obviously, the stylistic action and entertaining characters carry it. This is what Tarantino did with Kill Bill, Inglorious Basterds, and to a certain extent Hateful Eight. He'd obviously need an amazing props department as well as Oscar award winning hair and makeup, but I think his style would translate it flawlessly.

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With every game going for a "cinematic experience"...
Is really necessary a film?

Cabin in the Woods style would be pretty fun.

no one wants 5 movies just to cover the first game.

Wes Anderson's Katamari Damaci
As much as I'd love to see his costume crew make the Royal family, I assume it would be stop motion. I would absolutely have it follow the story of the King of the Cosmos' childhood and anxieties about disappointing his father, and along the way becoming him. The absurd situations coupled with familiar emotions are a consistent theme in every single one of Anderson's movies, and I think the visual wonder of Katamari would be entertaining in and of itself.

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Starfox movie covering the death of James and eventually leading to a full series of films.

Time splitters
Baldurs gate

Lot more but I just woke up so I can't think of more.

A GTA movie by Michael Bay. In terms of tone, humor, visuals and characters Pain and Gain was practically everything I want from a GTA movie. Based on either San Andreas or V.


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So basically The Truman Show?

Yeah, some adaptations can be effective and satisfying without being "good." Similarly I think Zack Snyder should be on Mortal Kombat and maybe Power Rangers.

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They don't. They suck for the most part, you'll get a bad movie of a videogame or a good movie that doesn't seem to be from a game.

It's just Hollywood desperate attempt to keep themselves afloat.


Imagine the pissed off parents taking their kids day one to the movie about cute CGI slave liberator only to see him accidentally drop the slaves into meat grinders.

Name one(1) good video game movie.
Anons shit on games acting like movies, so why would we want a video game movie when we already know it's gonna be terrible?

Before any of you faggots name some RPG, they can't be properly adapted into a film (at least they make some trilogy at the lord of the rings level) simply the fans won't be pleased.
Better think on a tv serie about that. Stop dreaming

A TV series based on Earthbound would be great if they found good child actors.

The first Silent Hill movie

Grim Fandango, stop-motion animated
It would be hard to top the game's voice actors though

Mortal Kombat wasn't bad...

Glotis as Danny Trejo

Xenoblade. It’s already a god damn movie if you play it in dub.

Most anime games would be okay anime movies

Detective Pikachu was pretty good.

this, but they already fucked it up so hard it might never happen again

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And had so little in common with the games that it wasn't even a pokemon movie in the end.

mass effect

Are you fucking kidding me? We really need a big screen chance for some representation as gamers. The least you could do is show some fucking enthusiasm.

There you go, now shoo

I really liked street fighter assassin's fist and all of its animated movies too, only street fighter 4 the animated movie was kinda mediocre but sf2 the movie and alpha were cash.
also Warcraft movie wasn't all that bad I liked it too.

I'd say hitman, it's been done twice for a reason, maybe a Kubrick/Nolan type action flick where agent 47 isn't even the main character, you discover who he is as the main character tries to stop/find him.

Baldurs Gate 2
Deus Ex

Watch Call Me Kevin's or RTGames's videos on Sims. They're pretty fucked, but also funny as hell

Hard mode: something thats not story driven already.

tetris but as a porn parody called titris

Asura's Wrath

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Last of us. Oh, you meant a film adaptation.

The games already are pure kino.

elder scrolls oblivion but it would need to keep the drollness

Deus Ex

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Doom by Taikiki Wanditi or whatever