What games are good for closet gays like me to become more comfortable with their sexuality?
What games are good for closet gays like me to become more comfortable with their sexuality?
any game featuring bald space marines
Any playstation game
Depends, are you a gay male or lesbian?
Top or bottom?
Actually gay or bi?
Your answers will help me recommend a game for you.
wrong board faggot
Not twink
there's nothing gay about liking Astolfo
The legend of zelda breath of the wild
TF2. You'll love it, and there are a fuckton of furry bottom ERPers who'll play with you and flirt with you.
I'm not a furry but ok
I loved that!
why is who or what you get your nut off to, the be all and end all for you?
surely there's more to you than a preference toward men's anuses
Hmmm. Try Overwatch too then, it has a lot of weeb bottoms.
sounds like prison gay to me
Nah, it's just Yea Forums gay. A fuckton of guys here including me are desperate for a hole to fuck and would be happy to stick it in a cute guy too
It's called Yea Forums gay here user
Now how to meet up with them ...
Splatoon 2
I can't believe I'm saying this, but check .
That's a tranny game. not a gay game.
No shit