>what you're playing.
>something interesting about your experiences.
this feels like a trap
Women are for being abused used and not much more. I love them and all, but they're much more manageable with a sore ass and a mouth full of cock.
I can smell your virginity from here.
Name one girl who doesn't like being handcuffed and fucked like an animal and I'll have my virginity certified and insured.
to be honest I dont know how you can't find that hot, I'm a guy but I wish a futa would do that to me, honestly...
Better post
>what you're playing.
>Your tits
Fuck off fag the only thing you're getting is a blindfold and a wall.
More like post your amazon/steam wishlists so I can splurge a little
I cannot fathom the fact that there are girls who post here on Yea Forums/4channel as a whole. Why would you girls come here? What makes you flock here? This website doesn't seem like a kind of place women would normally post in.
>blindfold and a wall
is that a bondage thing?
Mentally ill whores mostly.
*biological femanons only thread
>and a bullet
have sex
you forgot to mention the key element first, nigger
That's perfect. They get to fit in with the rest of you mentally ill fucks. Anyone that comes to this website is fucked in the head.
What the fuck else are you going to do while blindfolded and against a wall??
Tits plox
Nah I'm just here for some chill shitposting, most people here are crazy as fuck though.
Rationalize it how ever you want.
>I play male characters
>act gay
>many, many PMs
Does it need to be consensual?
>on Yea Forums
You can't really be that fucking stupid?
>MGSV (again)
>I'm using a lot more guns this time around other then the standard tranq pistol and silenced sniper
I'm not a girl I just like chatting about games and talking to people
>Caligula Effect Overdose
The 524 random NPCs are actually interesting. I just found a gay one. It's more fun than I expected.
Get your cute butt forcefully pounded by a superior Amazonian who is trying to mindbreak you into being her cute slave by mercilessly pumping her giant girlcock in and out of you until she erupts cum all over your little body to claim you for herself.
t. Virgin
Christ you people really are pathetic I've got half a mind to leave this shithole again.
You look like a dog.
I just pretend all of you are imaginary and the voices in my head
We make up half of the world, is it really so hard to believe that some of us post here?
Can she slide me into her cock and turn me into cum? Then jerk off and swallow that cum load?
You are like a little baby.
I hate women.
>some of us
typical woman making everything about herself
I hate everybody.
do you like futa on male?
Every day I really ought to thank god for making me tall with a big dick and zero disgusting freakish fetishes like this
But it was OP and everyone else in the thread who made it about us.
No, I'm asexual.
Abstinent relationship
Do you think you are ugly? Or had sex with someone very ugly? I'm not saying you are. Just curious.
Hey man, I'm tall and have a big dick too. Even a loyal and loving wife. Who also plays off my fetish. You can't just make these assumptions mate.
>tfw I know there are actually femanons here cuz my ex gf lurks Yea Forums
I miss the time when we would actually get some timestamp tits for proof.
Now its just a bunch of faggots and trans pretending to be female.
>my video game thread gets deleted
>this is allowed to stay up
Speak for yourself.
how is this series? would guys enjoy it?
I hate to break it to you, but the few femanons who actually post here are probably smart enough to hide it.
Anyone who says otherwise is probably just baiting.
Even innocent boards like /o/, /out/ and /ck/ people are fucked.
I've never had sex. I just have absolutely no interest in it, and most guys wouldn't date someone like me. I don't think I'm ugly though, I have guys flirt with me while I'm at work so I'd say I'm at least average.
>rising storm 2
>company of heroes 2
>something interesting about your experiences
Milf's been thrown at me as an insult in game, i guess?
That's gay dude. Real men are always 'top' and fuck futas not the other way around
Typically the only women into that shit are mentally ill in a really bad way. Same with the men.
The meme kind of asexual where "oh I don't like sex with people I haven't gotten to know yet"? Or the actual "I have zero sex drive whatsoever" kind?
Have sex.
I flirt with ugly chicks, you can tell they need it, and many men do the same.
Have you even heard of /cgl/? Femanons also like drama heavy boards, kiwifarms has a heavy population of them.
Edgy cringe.
>someone pretends to be girl
>dipshits go along with the RP
I fucking hate every single one of you.
Actually, people that have found out about their darkest part are the most tame, people like you that refuse to accept everyone is unhinged are timebombs.
too much text and supernatural shit.
There's no one clear path at all like most vns. The 3ds game was fun and all but god its so pandering. I wanted to feel like they cared about me not like i'm some useless bitch taht falls into peoples laps.
You really don't know how popular pegging is, huh?
Virgin alert!
We've been over this. The people here always have a piece of them that's waiting to choke out their loved ones and feed them to their dogs as they sodomize children. That's part of the human nature.
I think it's just one game they split in two and keep re-releasing. I played two routes about a decade ago, it was OK for a VN.
Nothing dark about that shit, it's just gay as fuck. I got a fetish for girls being hung and strangled but I don't ever even fap to it because it's wierd as shit. If you let girls fuck your ass, you are gay.
Oh yeah it's real popular among modern """"men"""" along with open relationships and kekholding
let me cum inside you cladive
>entry level fetish
Nah, the rabbit hole is deeper, you haven't developed your sexuality enough to meet yourself.
90% of "femanons" who admit to posting here are LARPing traps
If you let girls fuck your ass, you are gay.
>If you have consensual sex where a woman stimulates a part of your body that is made for sexual stimulatuon, you are gay
It's very obvious you're too young to be here
>muh edgy secret club
nobody but literal underages think like this.
No thanks senpai i'm happy staying normal and boring and vanilla. Basic vanilla bondage and spanking is about as far as I go.
If you start indulging wierd shit then you go into a wierd spiral of degeneracy and im a goos pure christian lad.
>...r-right Yea Forumsros? Just please accept me in.
that's fucking gay
man, there's no fucking beta virgin incel cuck fetish like femdom holy shit
As a woman, I demand respect.
>penis shaped object
>up your ass
>not gay
Dude 99% of men laughing their ass off at you rn
My penis is named respect because respect is 8 letters long and my penis is 8 inches long.
>are LARPing traps
i am but i at least have been living as a woman for years
Are you sure
I get turned off at the idea of it being a real dude.
I guess you're just wrong? Huh.
how do you deal with periods
I recently had a toilet epiphany on the subject of women. To be specific, I realized why they rationalize people disagreeing with them online as "harassment" or "mansplaining."
At first glance you might think they are intentionally lying to curry sympathy. This isn't true. In E-women's eyes, they really are being victimized when a man says "No, you are wrong." The reason is because they have never had to deal with this in their everyday lives. Women are the coddled sex. It is unspeakable for a woman to be corrected in anything but the softest terms by her acquaintances. IRL, women are always wielding the token of "I have a vagina" and people consequently treat them like delicate toddlers. Women's dumbest opinions are affirmed and validated by men who either want to have sex with them or consider women too fragile to confront.
The problem that E-women run up against online is Rule #30 of the Internet: "There are NO girls on the internet." Many people interpret this verse literally to mean women don't use the Internet. This is not the true meaning. The real meaning is that on the Internet, your sex has no power. Internet men know they can't have sex with you, and you cannot guilt them into agreeing with you by signaling vulnerability. This causes a short-circuit in women. "Why are these men daring to contradict me?" they ask themselves. It doesn't happen in real life, but it always happens online. They conclude that the reason is because online men are sexist. Unfortunately, the opposite is true. The way you are treated online is what true egalitarianism looks like. It's what life is like for men 24/7, everywhere they go. Women cannot handle being treated as an equal. They want to be treated with kid gloves. Anything less feels like violence to them, because they are not accustomed to equivalent treatment.
itt: virgins defending how wanting to be fucked in the ass isn't gay
>femanon thread
>any 'female' replies gets harassed as not really female
stay classy
That's what I said, the reason you are afraid is because you know you'll fall down the slippery slope, but there's no way to avoid it, the more you hide it the more dangerous it becomes. I had some openly gay friends and most of their "Daddies" were completely normal men, with family and kids, don't let that happen to you. Once you find out about your dark side you can start taming it, to the point where you won't need to bring it out.
i don't get those, thank you based y chromosome
how new? be honest.
Bitch ass femanos are too pussy to post LMAOOOO. Fucking girls bunch of scaredy cats. You scared little girl? hahahaah yeah that what i fucking thought you PUSSY FACE.
I like femanons as lons as they have some legitimate reason to be here besides "wanting to be a big fish in a small pond of virgins"
Women who are fat, ugly, mentally ill, losers, etc. belong on Yea Forums - women who are ordinary and just want to poach easy attention from losers don't belong here.
Yea Forums was a better place when people cared at least a little about Rule #1
Instant and unlimited attention.
Females are chronic shitposters and falseflag as gays to get (You)s.
I already know what it is dude I just don't indulge it. Wiers shit leads to more wiers shit.
If it's got a penis it's a man.
honestly this thread is fantastic and I love it. There is nothing worse than actual normalfag threads, and women are by definition normalfags
Old enough to be here during /g/uro and /l/oli
>able to smell virginity
Okay user, it was just a friendly warning.
Baby baby baybeh
absolutely everyone just thinks rule 1 and 2 are edgy secret club these days, which is why we have constant reddit invasions and a steady stream of summerfags. You fags could have prevented this shit and you chose not to
Just like everyone else in this thread that ever looked up Encyclopedia Dramatica
I miss the days when people would just spam gore in threads they didn't like
How do you poach attention on an anonymous board
>sage is a downvote
faggots like you are why visible sages were disabled
While I will give the benefit of the doubt and say maybe a few girls browse Yea Forums and aren't e-whores or wannabes, I need to just drop in and say something to those of you that pretend really hard that you are women.
No, gentlemen. You were not born a biological woman, so you're not. I don't care if you're a faggy trap, or that you're on your 8th year of hormone treatment, or that you dilate so hard you make yourself bleed so it means you got your trans-period. You're not a fucking woman and you never will be.
Carry on.
Typically by posting images of yourself, tripfagging, vocaroos, etc.
I don't disagree but take a shower and shave that neckbeard please I'm begging you
>remove visible sage
>end up with an entire generation of newfags that don't know how too
FFX for the millionth time and legend of mana.
I’m not very good at games, but I like playing atmosphere games a lot. And games that I think have good art. I don’t feel bad about this and I usually play on easy mode. My parents weren’t very attentive, they were divorced, but my mom had a habit of dating guys that had consoles so I would get to play games while we were at their houses while they fucked or were like eating or whatever.
>Timestamp tits
>Get the london look
What have you done in life to earn your man card?
Get this shitty r9k thread off my board
I don't have enough dynamic IPs for that b hombré.
Never did that, been here for a while. So have others. Well, not that it matters. Being anonymous is the whole point.
I introduced my ex to Yea Forums years ago, she still posts here which i know because i stalk her.
Not him but I do backbreaking physical labor 5 days a week.
well that's a shame
That's a start, you're on your way to providing for a family as a man should. What do you do, out of curiosity?
Time to spice this ON TOPIC thread up with some video game related content!?!?
Fuck off fag this thread is janitor approved.
Male stripping, the pole really burns the hands.
tits or gtfo.
If you wanna see what a female Yea Forums is like, there's something beyond /cgl/. Look up lolcow farm. It's a female chan that focuses on e-celeb drama. Funny that an female chan would be centered around gossip, but there you go. Women are built to tear each other down to build themselves up. Enjoy the man hating and vagina generals.
Worked mostly in lumber and landscape construction. Honest work and it keeps me in good shape. Figure the family will come along when I'm ready.
Useless fruit.
Ah well if that's your occupation it can't be helped.
I'm a girl with a dick because this is the internet so I can pretend to be anything.
Niggers and fucking Jews.
playing with CAH with my friends