so Yea Forums
what do you think Nintendo will show off for those 40 min?
So Yea Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
mityamoto shitting up pikmen
nothing like always
rip any mario maker 2 reveals if that's true
Dont their E3 directs always last 35 minutes? This is normal.
>1 new mario and zelda game
This unfortunatley. Though I’d really like a TwilighPrincess/WWHD rerelease cause I never got to play it on the piiu
>what do you think Nintendo will show off for those 40 min?
people are saying this time might be 40 to 45 mins
>reminder to buy super mario maker 2
>fire emblem three houses gameplay
>astral chain brief gameplay
>luigi's mansion 3 gameplay + release date
>link's awakening second trailer
>see you next year
mario kart 9
This and an underwhelming smash trailer.
Fire emblem
Animal crossing
Smash bros DLC character 2
Mario maker 2
Metroid 5
Luigi´s mansion 3
Link´s awakening
Dragon Quest XI S
Daemon x Machina
Astral Chain
40 minutes dont seem enough honestly
>this concludes the nintendo direct but before you go we have one final announcement. please take a look
Last couple were 25 and 30 minutes. So it’s a solid 50-80% increase in length
Fuck. I hate the switch.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate DLC 2
Animal Crossing Switch
Link's Awakening
Daemon X Machina
Astral Chain
Luigi's Mansion 3
Super Mario Maker 2
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Mario & Sonic at the 2020 Olympic Games
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order
Any surprise games they haven't announced yet
Nintendo doesn't have any of their real first party heavy hitters like a new 3D Mario or 3D Zelda at E3 this year but they have a lot of third party deals, b-listers and casual oriented titles on the horizon. We'll probably get a lot of info updates on those games we barely know about.
did you seriously just decide that you hated a console based off a completely imaginary scenario a Yea Forumsirgin made up
Am I the only one feeling apathetic to nintendo's E3? I feel like they already blew their load with mario maker, the only game of theirs I'm interested in. Luigi's mansion, animal crossing, prime, all that shit just bores me today. Is this part of growing up?
dont they have a thing with directs that basically makes rapid fire announcements?
Oh cool, 5 more minutes.
Fire Emblem is really starting to get on my nerves. I wish I could get into the games but I’ve never been able to finish even one.
Why would they waste time with pokemon if that just had a direct? Almost the same with Mario maker, maybe a reminder to buy the game.
Nintendo's E3 have been garbage the past few years
Not a pokemon mmo.
It’s because it’s uncomfortably realistic
They need to go in depth with most of those. We know almost nothing about them
I think they will at least reveal 2 new pokemon real quick
>10 minutes on animal crossing
>8 minutes on Fire Emblem
>2 minutes on both Mario Maker and Pokemon
>5 minute sizzle reel
>5 minute smash trailer
>rest on LA
This new game is an even bigger departure from what they were, it feels like a totally different series with the school sim shit they added and the shitty graphics and models don't help.
>They need to go in depth with most of those.
That's what Treehouse is for
This. They’ve been screwing up E3 like a bad habit. Their dedicated directs are the ones worth watching.
40 minutes of Reimu!
Too much time on shit we already know.
>fire emblem
Fuck weebs and fuck melee.
what this user said ,
The Switch had a severe drop in quality games after 2017 and it has never recovered, let’s be real.
Mario maker 2 and pokemon got their own directs for precisely that reason, but it's still a lot of games to cram into 45 minutes, and you forgot bayo 3
Hopefully half of it is talking about animal crossing
tfw nothing metroid related
Despite not confirming to any direct?
Is there any company that DOESN’T look like it’s gonna bomb E3 this year? Even Sony just gave up.
Would love a Mario & Luigi game that doesn't fucking suck.
Probably this. I'd really like an update on Prime 4, Bayo 3, Animal Crossing, or some new stuff, but we should always expect the most bland stuff if we want to keep ourselves from being disappointed. At least Astral Chain seems kinda cool, and I'm a little bit interested in that
SMT5 and Bravely Third is what I want.
2017 was 25 minutes and last years was like 30-35 but the last 20 minutes were only smash
Nintendo and Microsoft
They always have some kind of show stealing reveal.
>you can download a free demo of Astral Chain right after this presentation
>8 minutes on a game we know shit tons about and comes out next month
>10+ minutes on a fucking remake
are you retarded user
Microsoft has Halo and literally what else? And I like Halo too.
If I don't get Pikmin 4...
I'm optimistic for Netflix, I want to believe they will blow us a way, in particular I am hoping for a video game continuation of dragon pilot but as a war series.
But that one's a pipe dream, my realistic wish is for some cool shit based on love death and robots and a disenchanted game.
>Smash shit
>"NINTENDO WON" screeching across Yea Forums for another month making the place unfucking usuable
Just give autist there own nintendo board please.
Just want them to say "Now on the eShop, finally fantasy Christal Chronicles!"
That would be enough for me to be happy.
>literally what else
Third party games?
It doesn't have to be exclusives you know, remember Sony and Microsoft revealed MHW and Dragonball Fighterz respectively.
Why the fuck didn't they release a Mario demo of the invitational courses.
Astral Chain looks fucking awesome and it's a shame Nintendo fans are gonna sleep on it because it's not a first party franchise or in Smash Bros.
Nobody said it “confirmed” anything, user. It’s just good to keep your expectations in check, even if those expectations are disappointing. Given Nintendo’s recent track record that’s a pretty solid direct prediction. If anything I’d say add a teaser for Animal Crossing with a delayed release date to Spring 2020.
Anyone comparing it to last year's is stupid. Smash had 10 million different changes to go over so they spent 25 minutes on it. Animal Crossing will surely get less than 10. That's 35 minutes for other games. Most games average about 2-3 minutes in a Nintendo direct so they'll be showing about 12-15 games.
I hate Smashfags, but it's not their fault Sony has nothing to show lol
Square Enix just has to reassure people the remake isn't 15 lite and they win
>or in Smash Bros.
or is it?
Shut the fuck up
>Nobody said it “confirmed” anything, user
It was a typo you fuckwit. How about you pay attention to context next time before you write a paragraph that means fuck all.
Third party games made by ubisoft and EA? both of which have their own press conferences? no thanks.
Its not even exclusive to this year its EVERY. FUCKING. YEAR. EVERY FUCKING MONTH EVERY DAY.
This is gonna happen, literally any announcement they make will be overshadowed by Smash garbage
>b-but sony
every fucking time. sony trash has literally nothing to do with how fucking detestable smashfags are or how many threads they make every hour about retarded hypotheticals.
Even then we had a fair amount of reveals before they went full smash.
I don't think there's ever been a year when they didn't have anything new.
>Smash had 10 million different changes to go over so they spent 25 minutes on it.
The entire portion of the direct where they went over patch notes was blatant fucking filler. There was zero need to go over 90% of those changes and was obviously there to help the direct reach the 40 minute quota. Don’t be surprised when they pull the same thing this year with Animal Crossing.
Not saying that shows aren’t a medium worth getting excited about but were talking about games here.
Mario Maker2
Fire Emblem
Luigi Mansion3
Demon X Machina
Astral Chain
Pkmn SS
Animal Crossing
Maybe that other retro project HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Some indie shit
A new IP
A new game for an old IP
Thats it.
yeah how dare people like videogames
fuck them
>Third party games made by ubisoft and EA?
Are those really the only third party devs you know?
Metroid 5
That’s like the one game I DO want them to go in depth over. I know they won’t though.
It is first party. Like Wonderful 101.
>Third party games made by ubisoft and EA?
Not him but are you retarded?
There's more than just those two, hell Bamco have that Dragonball game that people are anxious for that they could show off.
Except there is no 40 minute quota. 2017 was 27 minutes not 40. If they wanted to they could have just made it shorter.
>How about you pay attention to context next time before you write a paragraph that means fuck all.
I wouldn’t be calling others out when you can’t spellcheck.
Shh! They don't know that!
>Smash DLC Fighter Preview TBA release date
>Nindies showcase, hopefully at least one that isn't pixelshit and looks genuinely good
>SMM2, Fire Emblem Three Houses, Astral Chain gameplay + "see us at the treehouse for more" (but treehouse will barely show any more than the gameplay trailers do)
>online service housekeeping, announcement of NES app -> classics app with SNES games launching next year (no games mentioned)
>Luigi's Mansion 3 release date trailer
>ports coming montage of DQXI, D&D games, maybe some other SNES era compilation
>Animal Crossing Switch release date trailer (moved to Spring 2020)
>Switch mini rollout, Switch pro (it's fucking nothing edition where Switch has more onboard hard drive space but no technical improvements)
>also coming montage of Daemon X Machina, Link's Awakening Switch, Town (no real new info, no release dates unless explicitly stating a delay for Daemon X Machina) + "see us at treehouse for more"
>and one more thing... different Smash DLC Fighter than above that's available RIGHT NOW
so, basically another year of coasting on smash announcements and not giving us any genuinely new info. it's sad that fucking ports (MP trilogy or Mother trilogy) is all that could possibly be hype. i absolutely do not expect a surprise game announcement unless it's Daemon X Machina tier where they tell us a game might happen two years from now.
i will be very happy if we get more release dates than i anticipate or even one more big surprise game coming just to Switch, but it's been coasting so bad for a couple years and i feel like best third party talent is getting huge Microsoft bucks to make their next gen console not completely irrelevant. i can also see ports being the central theme of this E3
Rapidfire reveals and then a meaty delve into a new game.
And hopefully pikmin 4. Please.
Even last year's E3 which Yea Forums fucking hated and claimed was "literally nothing but smash" had brand new reveals. They fucking opened their presentation with one. To assume that their next E3 presentation with Smash out of the way already is not going to have a single new reveal is idiotic.
>2017 was 27 minutes not 40
And it was great because it got to the point.
The only ones I can think of worth talking about are Squeenix and capcom. But those guys tend to stick to sony or nintendo. Call of Duty MAY be interesting if they don’t screw it up again.
Boo hoo faggot. I don't play Smash, but it has always had a fanbase here and part of the board's history/culture. Japan Time faggot.
They aren't stopping you from talking about video games, you just don't want to.
Hey retard, can you explain how that direct would take up 45 minutes? That's a 25 minute direct at most.
the sad reality is that smash has monetized dlc fighters and monetized online and they won't want to overshadow that. but it would be fucking easy to give us an AVAILABLE NOW ports collection of Pikmin, Star Fox, Metroid Prime, or Mother and it would be hype as hell (even though it shouldn't be that exciting to have old games)
Oh no, it's the end of the world because someone accidentally put an I instead of O but the post timer has already counted down!
Look dumbass, not only is it fucking retarded to call people out on a typo when you can clearly see that confirm doesn't make sense in the sentence but your shitty expectations aren't even realistic.
You think bowser will host the direct or will it be koizumi again?
>Needing somebody to tell you that Nintendo's E3 is lasting the same fucking amount as it always does
Bowser will appear, but it will be Koizumi for most of it probably.
Reminder that's going to be 40+ minutes without Smash taking up half the fucking presentation
The people in this thread seriously have a room temperature IQ. When you try to predict what the direct will be like remember that it is 45 minutes long and NO they will not do padding or try to stall it out. There is absolutely no requirement for their E3 direct to be a certain length. If they had less to show they would just shorten it. So when you come up with your list of 7 games try to think about how in the fuck they spend 45 minutes on that.
known game gameplay, LM3, AC Switch, and new hardware could all be chosen as the filler part. do you forget that the Pokemon Direct took 15 minutes to explain basic shit about Sword/Shield? if anything i put too much there to fit into 40 minutes the way nintendo slow talks for dubs (despite prerecorded, so they could speak conversationally just fine)
It's usually 30 at best.
>at first was an hour
>now it's only 40 minutes
Fr I can't stand it when people bitch about these kinds of threads. Like people are excited, if they were excited about [company] making shit they like they'd do the same exact shit.
>do you forget that the Pokemon Direct took 15 minutes to explain basic shit about Sword/Shield
Dude, undersell it as much as you like but we had an infodump there.
How to win E3:
Show new Metroid!
They will fuck it up...
It’s also pretty retarded to call someone else out for misreading a sentence when you’re the one that made the mistake. I’m sorry you’re too slow for the post counter. Hope you’re ready for another disappointing direct.
>at first was an hour
When has there ever been an hour long direct?
>New Pikmin
>New Paper Mario (in the same style as the first two)
>New 2D Metroid
Any of these and I'll be happy.
2018 was 43 minutes long and spent 3 minutes on port and nindie shit plus 25 minutes of smash. i am thoroughly convinced that if AC is actually launching this year, it will take up 20 minutes. Pokemon Sword/Shield took 15 minutes to show sparse overworld and pedantically explain how old mechanics are being touched up in 3D
it made me genuinely excited for a pokemon game for the first time in ages. i am a simple man and will be happy with 15-20 minutes of animal crossing info. i'm also just stating the truth that 40 minutes is not a ton of time for a ton of new game announcements. even smash dlc, the obvious clickbait for the whole thing, takes only a minute or two to announce the way they typically do it
Most likely more Smash Bros.
>i am thoroughly convinced that if AC is actually launching this year, it will take up 20 minutes.
AC isn't smash user, it doesn't have the depth to take up 20 minutes.
I guess everyone forgot about me
You'd have to be retarded to think we're getting more than a two minute fighter reveal.
For some reason I have especially low expectations this year, I get the sinking feeling that they're only going to show what they already revealed.
>expecting an Atlus game this soon.
Is it real or not
>15 minutes explaining mario maker 2
>5 minutes samurai explaining smash
>3 minutes smash reveal trailer
>8 minutes explaining how fire emblem plays
>2 minutes explaining how great switch is for indies
>2 minutes of sizzle real
>5 minutes divided by games coming out in the fall
So when the fuck does it start? Niconico says 6/11 18:00
>no indie reel
>no "but before we go."
At least try.
Nothing worth mentioning.
Just dlc and more info about shit that comes next few weeks anyways, if we are lucky they will announce a new shovelware game like another mario party or some mario sports game with less content than the previous entry in the series.
you will never get:
>a new paper mario in old style (Mario & Luigi replaced it)
>mother compilation (nintendo has hated you for a long time)
>metroid prime trilogy (corruption hasn't been mapped to gamecube controller, can't port the wii version for handheld use)
>new f-zero
>new star fox with classic controls (because you petulant children hated Assault so much when it first came out, so Nintendo literally does not know how to please the fanbase of this franchise)
>a solid exclusive 3D JRPG
>a new Ace Attorney launching simultaneously on Switch and PC/mobile
you will get:
>10-15 year old games ported for $40-60 apiece
>20-35 year old games ported for $15-30 apiece
>$3 indie game ports for $10-15 apiece
>WiiU ports for $60
>remakes remakes remakes
>shit out filler with big studio or designer names attached (think Travis Strikes Again)
Doubt it, they always save something for E3.
5 minutes of Hi Im Doug Bowser new nintendo
10 minutes of Switch History shit nobody gives a shit about
5 minutes for Luigis Manse 3
6 minutes for Links Awakening
10 Minutes for NINDIES
4 Minutes for whatever else, smash i guess
Fedora tier game series.
nigga, AC has to explain what your role is, show off new villagers, show the new draw area (city, etc.), introduce a mechanic like farming or something, show off seasonal events, explain how it'll work with nintendo switch online. with everyone speaking one word every ten seconds in nintendo directs, it will take 20 minutes. trust me.
You guys have to remember we havent had a normal direct since 2015 and that was garbage to begin with
2016 was just Zelda BOTW
2017 was only 25 minutes
2018 was 42 except half was Smash Bros
2019 is going to be 40+ without a cut off most likely, or atleast not one as fucking retarded huge as smash bros. being 20+
When I googled I got tuesday 9Am. I live on the west coast
That's not purse owner you know.
i would love to get solid info on this, but unfortunately nintendo surely forgot about you too
June 11 9am Pacific / 12pm Eastern (that's PDT and EDT if you wanna look up online to match to your timezone)
there will probably be a bayo 3 demo
last year, they saved a couple of teaser trailers for games that we still know nothing about and a 25 minute infodump on smash. i am sure there will be about 3 minutes of actual new information on new games we don't know about, but hoping for more than that is dumb. the directs are a sneaky way to not have to make full trailers for games anymore
Doubt it. A pokemon demo is more likely.
I just want more Astral Chain
I just want to make sure it has CUHRAZY bullshit like W101 and Metal Gear Rising
they wont do pokemon, theres a whole other direct for that, thats how its always been. they never show pokemon at e3
Bayo 3 and MP4 are not gonna be more than jpeg teasers or maybe "NOT FINAL DESIGN" demo reels of Bayo / Samus moving around a bit in abstract space fighting generic enemies. you are NOT getting a fucking demo for Bayo 3.
20 min of two fags talking and praising shitty indie games coming to nintendo store
Bayo 3 isnt showing up anytime soon, they most likely want Platinum to focus on Astral Chain
>they saved a couple of teaser trailers for games that we still know nothing about
Except most of them have been released or in the case of DxM had a demo.
You don't keep up with the news do you.
Netflix are announcing games based on their shows.
Banjo in smash
40 minutes of Animal Crossing.
You know whatever is coming up on screen isn’t worth paying attention to when the presenters aren’t japanese. Doubly true if they have those stupid onions glasses.
orange is the new waluigi
You guys keep forgetting Retro's New Game before Prime 4 that we know exists
>the directs are a sneaky way to not have to make full trailers for games anymore
Then why do games get full trailers in directs?
speculation is its been cancelled
>what do you think Nintendo will show off for those 40 min?
Animal Crossing isnt getting anything except Treehous exposure
People forget how absolute garbage and a waste of time it is to actually demo animal crossing
Am interested in Baldo, Vampyr, Astral Chain and SMT V and I hope we'll see something. Also Grandia Remaster release date.
>Also Grandia Remaster release date.
I always forget that's happening.
No not really, just bullshit statements from bullshit insiders who block you if you remind them about Star Fox Grand Prix, Retro's project never really leaks and it never did now.
Maybe they did a transfer between Wii U or Switch or changed their game entirely, but they are definitely revealing and releasing their game while Prime 4 is back to the drawing board.
I completely forgot that game is coming to Switch.
It's common for directs to run like 2 minutes over the stated time because muh round numbers. Never lower because they don't want to piss people off.
>implying a major flagship day one promise for switch coming home to its original studio isn't going to cancel or heavily b-team the other retro project
you people are way too optimistic. that studio is still super small
What i want to know is if Sakurai will give an explanation for smash DLC or save that for Treehouse
The idea would be to be an on the spot release but the servers would be even more broken during E3
it's going to be on the spot. treehouse is for minor announcements. another user can try to correct me if they want, but no major announcement and CERTAINLY no smash info besides technical shit has ever come from a treehouse
Yo honestly fuck liam, i made a fucking joke about being careful due to Star Fox and this fucker blocked me. It wasnt even malicious, i was supporting his statement about Sword and Shield before we knew what it was
They've announced full games before, but somehow I doubt anyone considers Sushi Strikers "Major news".
Speaking of Japan, anyone remember this shit? Just me?
I thought it looked really charming and I'm waiting for a release date.
You seem to forget that Retro literally just got the game pushed to them.
They still need time, they arent going to start developing shit for Prime 4 yet. Whatever their new project is, it's obviously in it's finalizing state which won't need the heads at this point.
Im not implying they would save the announcement for Treehouse, im saying they could possibly save the explanation for Treehouse while Direct gets the trailer that shows basics and stage
The pictures of Mario Peach and Toad in Mansion 3 is making people think they would be multiplayer characters but im pretty sure they won't do that because it would kill the charm of being a LUIGI game
God fucking damn it I just can't help myself GIVE ME SOMETHING METROID RELATED GOD DAMN IT
>saves your E3
When is it?
I have no idea how people are expecting anything from this besides a logo. They JUST released TSA. NMH3 must be like a month into development if it's actually being made.
ahhhh sorry user. got it. yeah i'm anticipating character reveal trailers and a tease of stage, too. i would be surprised to get full moveset breakdowns in the direct itself too.
Perhaps they're redoing scarescraper with different characters instead of Luigi recolors. Or maybe Luigi has to rescue all of them. Or something completely different from my guess.
>obviously in its finalizing state
how do you know this
>just got the game pushed to them
five months ago. i doubt that nintendo burst down their door, insisted they take back on this central project to their current gen system, and are chill with giving them the rest of the year to finish an unannounced game
Anyone got a Bingo card template for this year?
>can't use google
Mercury Steam making Metroid 5 for switch or Fusion remake
Retro’s game is going to be one of the surprises that’s coming out this year.
Fun fact, the Korean rating board has a rating for the game, which would imply it's releasing fairly soon. A British retailer also had July 19th, but that is less important as it could easily be a placeholder.
I feel like we will at least get a trailer
>what do you think Nintendo will show off for those 40 min?
A shitton of F U N
Anything just give me SOMETHING
Nintendo directs are always shit and I never watch them.
redpill: retro has been working on metroid prime trilogy port and optimizing for switch. their enjoyment of the project, skill at adapting it to current hardware, and history with the series caught nintendo's eye and made them realize their embarrassing attempt at MP4 would be better off if handed back over.
people act like MPT would be an easy port to release, but they forget that the wii port wouldn't work in handheld and that MP3 has never been mapped to regular controller.
Nah, "One more thing..." moments are always hype.
This is a hilarious statement. Like if I said I hated #2 pencils because I've only ever used mechanical pencils.
what's ice-age got to do with nintendo, phoneposter?
>Nintendo clearly won 2017
>Was second best 2017
Imagine having shit opinion like this
That ugly Link's awakening game, probably.
>That 2008 conference when their "One More Thing..." was Nintendoland fireworks
Good times.
wooooooow a shitty weeb mech game for an opener with cringe screamo metal music and shit video editing, and the billionth mario party. 2 WHOPPING whole new announcements
such a great E3 right? faggot
It’s got nothing to do with the post, but rather the poster.
any chance for a xenogame trailer?
given that they didn't take the opportunity during the 6 hours of tournaments earlier to reveal a new mario maker 2 playstyle to go with 3d world, to reveal any splatoon 2 dlc, or reveal a dlc smash character then I have to say disappointment because each of those things could easily eat up 5 minutes a piece of the direct, and if they have to pad it with DLC to old games then it's going to be a lackluster affair
Xenoblade 3 isn't happening. It started development 10 months ago apparently, and Takahashi said they've only just got the basic map design and story/setting out of the way and are starting to make the assets.
There's a good chance they have a second game that will be releasing before XC3 (assuming it didn't get cancelled) but I still feel like that's an early 2020 reveal.
I think we might get a small teaser for that new IP they've been talking about. I'm not getting my hopes up though.
Please Nintendo
I really wish they'd just pay attention to some of their older established IPs more. Captain Falcon, Ice Climbers and Fox need to stop being more than just "le character(s) from smash."
Has Takahashi's wife retweeted the direct? Fastest way to tell if there will be anything MS related.
Sakamoto doesn't want a remake and it's unknown if MercurySteam is working on Metroid 5 with Sakamoto and his team since another third party was said to be working on Metroid 5 with Sakamoto and his team.
Wait what? XC3 exists? Can i have a source
That's Second Party. IP owned by the company but development is outsourced to another one (Platinum).
30 minutes of smash.
I'd buy the MGS Legacy if they ever bring it to the Switch.
>SMTV before 2025
I wish I was half as optimistic as you.
What will happen (or atleast i know it because t.nigger who helped building the Nintendo E3 stand)
>Bayo 3 will be shown (Enemy is some women who looks like a witch but is bad or some shit)
>Pikmin 4 and a Pikmin 3 remaster
>A game about water scooters
>Will end with 2 announcements:
>Witcher 3 with cel shading optic to be able to run on Switch + this mode will be for free for every other version
>New Donkeyy Kong game in 64 optic
-The interviewer asks about the job advert that went up last year for the next Xenoblade game
-Asks about the focus on "Map Design"
-Takahashi explains that for every game since Xenogears, Monolith always start with the map first
-That way, they can get an estimate of: 1. how many areas there will be 2. how long a player will stay there 3. how long the game will be 4. how expensive the game will be to produce.
-The Example given is; if you have a 10 hour game, with 10 areas; then each area will have to have enough engaging content for an hour of gameplay. And then if each area takes 100mil Yen to make, the whole game will be in the ballpark of 1Billion Yen.
-By getting this out of the way first, they can design the whole game-flow, and then build the characters on top of that. Instead of building characters, then artificially making a world around them.
-Interviewer asks how long it takes to get through all that.
The important part (assuming GT didnt screw with it)
-Takahashi states that the next Xenoblade has been in production for 10 months.
-The map design is finished, as well as the "everything to go with it"; so probably the story, characters,etc
-Currently they're making the assets and putting it together
-He estimates it'll take 2 and half to 3 years in total to finish the game.
-Xenoblade 3 (assuming its that) will likely be out Christmas 2021 (note he didnt say that directly, thats just when the dates will line up)
I usually don't like linking to Resetera but there's a poster in there in the later pages that does a rough summary of the interview. Some interesting stuff.
Nice try kid but the stands aren't even being set up yet.
E3 directs are different, they typically call it a "spotlight" where they show trailers back to back while having little things in-between with Regg-
I'm sad, bros.
i hope takahashi's back doesn't hurt too bad carrying the switch's exclusive library
Hoping for X2
>Luigi's Mansion 3
>Super Smash Bros. Ultimate DLC Fighter 2
>Fire Emblem Three Houses
>Super Mario Maker 2
>Animal Crossing for Switch
>Pokemon Sword and Shield
>Daemon x Machina
>Astral Chain
>Some out-of-the-ballpark surprise hit
>Indies and third-party shit
Pokemon showed up for 4 past E3 Directs, two of which were substantial. Considering SWSH have a demo at the E3 proper, it would make some sense to have it in the E3 direct. If not the direct, then the treehouse, as SM and LGPE both got treehouses.
All we known about his state of mind is that he's a little mad that Nintendo hasn't approved much besides Xenoblade for MS.
He says in the same interview that Monolith submitted more than 10 projects to Nintendo but only Xenoblade was passed (and apparently the new fantasy IP they're working on).
She's pissy again
Only talking in japanese and avoiding gaijin
How did I not know about this? Thank you very much
nigger don't lie on the internet 2018 and 2017 were 42 min and 2015 was 48 min. I couldn't find 2016 in five seconds but I'm sure it was 40+ minutes like the rest of them
Is takahashi the most based director in vidya?
>all of these people listing the games promised for 2019 as the content of the direct + "oNe sUrPrIsE"
why don't you speculate about the surprise instead of just listing shit i can read by googling "switch 2019," you faggots?
i think we get a collection or two surprise announcement - MP trilogy or Mother trilogy would be crowdpleasers but unlikely, Pikmin trilogy is more likely, but i kinda want Mario & Luigi collection or announcement of English translation of the Sherlock Holmes Ace Attorney being a timed exclusive for Switch bundled with its sequel.
new game on dormant IP would ideally for me be Ace Attorney or Advance Wars, but those seem unlikely. former because we don't have the whole series on Switch yet and latter because Fire Emblem next month. Pikmin 4 seems like safer bet. Golden Sun would be the based choice.
new IP is harder to think of where it would go. off the top of my head, here's my favorite genres and whether Switch has decent things in it:
>tactical RPG (Fire Emblem)
>puzzle (Tetris 99, Picross series)
>2D JRPG (Octopath Traveler)
>3D JRPG (this would be cool to see them launch a new IP in, but it seems unlikely to me)
>Fromlike (doesn't seem to fit demographic, but a Nintendo published or developed Fromlike would be amazing)
>challenging platformer (DKC series, but with Retro moving to MP4 this could be a great opening)
>VN (Ace Attorney series)
>metroid 5
as fantastic as it would be, they're too incapable to have a trailer for prime 4, so announcing the sequel to the series seems highly unlikely to me
i love takahashi. i think he and nomura are some of the most ambitious and weird JRPG storytellers and gameplay designers. but i gotta say that i prefer Miyazaki still. if Suda51 comes back with a real game sometime soon, he'll be my favorite again since every core game he's ever made has been amazing.
Killer7 on Switch WHEN
>No you don't understand, I don't like these games so they don't count!
Ok, how reliable is this """leaker""" though
Not a switch exclusive
>he plays mario party
off yourself, E3 2018 sucked dick and no amount of hyperbole from you will change that
why would it be fantastic? there has been exactly 1 good 2d metroid game
yes it is. SMT is nintendo exclusive. persona is sony exclusive. this is known. how new are you?
Yoshi's NEW Toddler game
It never was an hour.
It said that it will start at around 1 AM in the japanese image.
Fuck off cunt super mario party is the first actual mario party game they've released since fucking 2007
20 minutes of smash
10 minutes of nindies
a few reveals
No it’s not you fucking moron. All the good SMT games are on PS2, atlus just develops for who is convinent at the time
But the last Yoshi game was released few weeks ago user you uninformed mongoloid
What was that year with the really really shitty E3 direct that pissed off everyone and Yea Forums almost made a card to Nintendo to tell them how shitty it was?
cope my nigger, Nocturne is outdated as fuck, same with Raidou and DDS.
I just had to look at the thumbnail the e3 that killed iwata
because I like to think nintendo still considers metroid as one of their main IPs
Also, following your logic, another one might mean there will be 2 good 2d metroid games
Thursday is already dedicated indie day, so none of those will be in there.
It'll be a combination of quick updates and teasers for upcoming games, maybe a couple new announcements. There'll more in depth updates for one or two games.
I'm hoping for the unveiling of another weird bit of hardware(like the pokeball plus) or a special edition controller at least
Very, he leaked Smus Returns a year before it was released and everything points to him being right just from Sakamoto's interviews.
>thursday is nindie day so they won't be in the direct
every fucking year people pretend this shit is true
But Strange Journey isn't on PS2.
2015 and 2018 were generally pretty lame years.
Mind sourcing me up famalam?
I heard that part of the reason they used the puppets was that Iwata was looking very very frail and ill. That and his health being really unstable day to day would've made recording a video tricky.
>I think it’s better to say that this is a remake, remastering of Metroid II, a powered-up version of that, and not something to do with the other project
>the other project
>Nintendo Switch is a very attractive hardware, and I think there are all kinds of possibilities to take advantage of it. Although I can not say anything specific about the development of the upcoming Metroids, I can tell you that I am always attentive to all kinds of potential options.
>Nintendo Switch is a very attractive hardware, and I think there are all kinds of possibilities to take advantage of it. Although I can not say anything specific about the development of the next Metroid, I can tell you that I am always attentive to all kinds of potential options.
>different translations one from Google the other from Bing
Pokemon Shit, Pokemon Shower and Pokemon Shave
they literally just had a pokemon direct
Animal Crossing update
Metroid Prime news
Zelda shit
Mario shit
Smash reveal
New Switch update
hopefully more roms in the fucking eShop
30 minutes of smash is the dream
>Metroid Prime news
A-user, I...
Am hoping against hope that at least Trilogy HD is real, with an overhauled control scheme and redone texturework to give me more of a reason to go back to it.
>forgetting about retros new game
20 minutes of smash
>Animal Crossing update
>Metroid Prime news
trilogy or nothing
>Zelda shit
links awakening and nothing more
>Mario shit
not this time, unless you count luigi's mansion and/or mario and sonic
>Smash reveal
>New Switch update
i wouldn't
>hopefully more roms in the fucking eShop
in the eshop, no
New F Zero
Black shadow in smash
That's if it even shows up. If we don't hear anything on the Tuesday announcement then it's ded Jim.
literally never
>revealing at US events
are you retarded? why would they cancel a game they've been working on for 5 years because nintendo told them to make metroid prime 4?
I'm not even sure they have a game, but if it's been cancelled it was far earlier than the january 2019 mp4 announcement
Despite the fact the image you're replying to was revealed at a US event.
>-Takahashi states that the next Xenoblade has been in production for 10 months.
It doesn't say that you moron. He's just outlining the way development works out.
5-10 minutes of smash stuff.
15 minutes new trailers/release dates of nintendo games we already know about
10 minutes of indiegames/third pary stuff that I couldn't care less about.
5-10 minutes of new Nintendo game announcements.
Check out this 5 I just rolled.
No no no. This is how you do it my good lad
Reggie literally teased it on his goodbye message from retro
let's hope it will be good
F-ZERO mobile
>5 more minutes
Equals a total of one extra small announcement