
>New map is shit, plays like a badly made community map
>Handaxe is OP and negates the need to take hammers (strong slashing damage, strong blunt damage and very strong stab + can repair buildings, although slow it has insane damages)
>shield buff
>Javelins that travel at Mach 3 speed
>edgy emblems that ruin immersion
What the fuck were they thinking? Guaranteed that within a year dumb updates like this one will kill the game by introducing more overpowered weapons and crippling changes

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 3.75M)

Wow maybe next time you can make a post and not be such a little bitch about everything.

It won't take that long, the 2hand duel faggots are whining up a storm and the squeaky wheels get the grease. It'll be Chivalry 2 before the end of summer, but it was fun while it lasted.

Nigga you gotta activate windows

not my screenshot

i beat handaxe ez. ur bad op

>Playing a duel server
>Man named "GROG, SON OF GROG" is building a bunch of walls and trying to make a small kingdom on Contraband
>Everyone treating him like a king while me and about two or three others keep trying to raid his domain
>He speaks in Hulk speak and full caps
>Amazing at the game while also having basically an army and two bards to protect him
>Start resorting to throwing firebombs at his walls cause I can't get close enough
>Had the walls blocking off the ledge on one of the ends of the map, so you had to parkour your way in
>Even if you did that he had guards protecting him
>Spend the hour or so insulting Grog and his father, Grog

Godspeed, Grog. However if I find you again you will die by my blade, as did your father before you.

Attached: brah.jpg (326x326, 21K)

It's fun fighting at the mid and lower levels, the top levels are a fucking nightmare with all the catapults, javelins, ballistas, and firebombs and if you get tapped or ran into by a teammate a single time you fall to your death. Horsing around in the fields and jousting the 10 other horsemen is also comfy. But they sold 1,000,000 copies and the most they could shit out was a single map? We need at least 5 more, and I bet community maps would actually be better than anything their rich asses could hesitantly scrap together. The devs are prolly fucking hookers. While I don't hate the map I admit it's really lazy.


Why do so few people get the Stairway to Hell achievement? It's easy to get, just throw a firebomb and then let it burn while climbing. It's far from the hardest one to get.

Only mega autists care about achievements

There's achievements in this game?

Shit like this is always a good time
Just people randomly getting into character and fucking around
Was in a duel server where the knights of the ass dought dilligently against the knights of the tits
Eventually though we both teamed up to slaughter the footfags

>tfw refunded this piece of shit
Feels good, man

Awww really? I was going to jump back on for the new content, thats dissapointing. I am seriously under the impression that the problem with these games is at the core of the gameplay, they need to stop being directional combat with drags, spinning and feint spamming where the only weapons anyone uses is high damage with long range and nothing else, its just not working and always has exploits by its very nature.


There are other maps confirmed in the works, its actually odd we didnt get them for the patch. One we know of is a seaside castle.

the handaxe sucks, especially in frontline where all slow, small one handed weapons suck and frontline is the only mode where you would use it

>tfw got tranny to buy it for me along with Crusader Kings 2
Feels good, man.

that never happened

>1H axe buff
that shit was already one of the fastest weapons for the speed and damage it did at only 2pts
now i'm gonna have to put in in every one of my loadouts that can fit it

Attached: .png (300x250, 28K)

You'd be surprised bro, arguments are settled by mettle

-no one cares about achievements
-thankfully the number of ladders in this game is pretty low, only useful for maybe one or two flank routes per map
-climbing makes you an easy target, especially archers