ITT: Enemies nobody likes

ITT: Enemies nobody likes

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Better than Gravios.

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I like crystalbeard.

*spawns in a hallway*

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Now this is an enemy I can get behind.

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Currently at 6-star hub in MHGU myself. This game has a lot of enemies nobody likes.

>each of the four drome raptors (Giadrome, Iodrome, Gendrome, Velocidrome)
>Cephadrome and Plesioth and any of the "fish" wyverns (though ironically Lavasioth is more fun than World's Lavasioth)
>Gammoth (less offensive and more just plain boring)
>Rathalos (does anyone find him fun in any Monster Hunter game?)

I haven't faced the following enemies yet, but I always hear nothing but complaints about them when I peruse Yea Forums or /vg/ threads:
>Gold Rathian and Silver Rathalos
>Dreadqueen Rathian and Dreadking Rathalos
>Crystalbeard Uragaan
>Lao Shan Lung
>Elderfrost Gammoth

Just get Tremor Res and Sleep Res and Crystalbeard is like a little babby

>Lao Shan Lung
Just don't waste your given ammo and cannonballs and you'll be fine.

Any dog enemy.
>small hitbox
>hit and run

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This officially a Monster Hunter General boys. Who’s excited for Dino-sword in world this September?

The dromes are easy to fight, and are beginner monsters, I bet you'll die to one when you hit G-rank
Khezu is my jam

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i hate those fuckin tryhard retards who ignore everything youre saying and try to solo lao the entire fight with their dumbass aerial style


Dog enemies in FromSoft games are always my least favorite thing, and when Soulslike games include dog type enemies I always hold that as them including a key element of souls games, and that’s awful dog enemies.

The only time during the fight I ever actually got down and attacked him myself was when I was fighting him solo as a cat and ran out of ammo completely and still needed to repel him from the final barricade to stall out for a win. Otherwise you should be running ammo, always.

These things can go fuck themselves.

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The Fallen from DMC3.

I'm not talking about difficulty. I'm talking about the fun factor. People in threads have always universally preferred the MH3 raptors like Great Jaggi instead of the old-gen dromes that are all annoying and zero fun. And if you like Khezu, good for you, but it's a fact that most people don't like him. And that's what this thread is about. Not about difficulty, but about enemies that are not well-liked in gaming communities.

Those little robots from Crash 3 that periodically put their electrodicks up and down.

I like Uragaan, he's one of those monsters that you fucking hate until you master his weak spots, but he's fun. Crystalbeard is no exception.

>Redhelm Arzuros
>Snowbaron Lagombi
These 2 are fucking waste of deviant slots. Grinding for their EX quests are such a fucking chore. I'd rather get Deviant for Nerscylla or Seltas Queen or Rajang or whatever.
>have bloated HP
>cannot stand still at one place
>have limited and simple movesets which make their fights tedious
>have short body so unfun for Pierce LBG / HBG

did sekiro adopt the teleporting doggos from DS3?

>it's a fact that most people don't like him
citation needed

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Blangonga is fun to fight, basically a pre-Rajang

Thread is about things nobody likes
I like Khezu
Fighting the dromes is GREAT beginner experience, and when you face them for the first time in G-rank it teaches you that not everything will be the same and what you know about the monsters patterns will get you killed

>Need me in the front row?
>TOO BAD, to the back I go!
>Want to hit me in the back rank?
Props to my Vestal who got crit by The Thirst like ten times and never contracted the Crimson Curse, though.


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Dogs are ironically the easiest enemy in Sekiro. They die in one hit from the shuriken and don't poisebreak stunlock you anymore.

I haven't been keeping up with it up until a couple of days ago. The new weapon moves look pretty neat. Are they really bringing back all the flagships?

what's wrong with crystalbeard?

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The metal raths are not fun in the slightest

these fucks in DQ11
>encounter a group of 5 of them
>they all immediately go and I get my first party wipe in 50 hours of play
who the hell decided to let a single enemy have so many attacks

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Just a rumour because of the change to the 15th anniversary picture, but they have announced 3 of them for the DLC

Electric Unicorn is cool, and yeah Gammoth is boring.


Raptors, blango, elderfrost and dreadqueen are alright.
Fuck nibelsnarf and fuck basarios though. Add them to the shit list

G games always do, the only one we might be missing is Lagi because of the leviathan skeleton having problems

Anything in C.C. can fuck themselves

Calm down GUbabbies, no one is dissing your game. It's just that most people don't like the Dromes due to how jumpy they are and they also have very limited movesets. We would rather get the Aggis instead.

Dromes are generally disliked due to both fatigue of them and that there's a much better selection of raptors that are more fun to fight - Jaggi, Baggi, and Wroggi. Your laundry list of shitmons is pretty similar to most others, Khezu and Gravios are also fairly unpopular for being first-gen monsters who are mostly keep-away and didn't get a great deal of changes from generation shifts, of which Rathian and Rathalos got a good deal of.

Blangonga is ironically harder than it used to be since it actually now has tracking on its clothesline attack, and Lavasioth even in 2nd gen was pretty much a much more fairer Plesioth, who used to spend so much time in the water.

>Gold Rathian and Silver Rathalos
Ironically easier iterations in the first few games but they got overhauled into much more dangerous iterations. Befitting, but the latter especially got much more airtime and shit is a mess. Also a hitbox flip so the head has to be broken or otherwise it's shit damage.

>Dreadqueen Rathian and Dreadking Rathalos
You have to break both wings before either can be flashed down. DK Rathalos used to spend a shitload of time in the air, but humorously his G-Rank iteration is on the ground much more often and is even the easier part of a deviant quest that has Azurebolt Astalos tag along.

>Crystalbeard Uragaan
A lazy, derivative deviant monster that's tanky.

>Lao-Shan Lung
An incredibly passive elder dragon in every iteration it's been in outside of the defunct MHO. Shen Gaoren is comparable.

>Elderfrost Gammoth
Same deal with regular Gammoth. Has good gear, at least.

Used to be shitloads of chip damage: the monster, also with annoying thunder attacks. Although for a time it had a Pellet S magnet on the head and it's predictable enough for GS / Hammer play. MHW's iteration of Kirin is probably the best one yet.

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I've never played GU though

why, my peenus weanus of course :)
hahah! :D
it's my weeeeeenus peanus! :) hahah
ITT: Enemies nobody likes - my answer is, of course, my peanus weenus :D

>He doesn't like fishing for giant retards
Nibelsnarf is fun, make that dipshit eat bombs then fish him out of the sand. Breaks up the tedium of using the same strategies against most monsters.

>just like uragaan, never stops rolling around and is unpredictable
>uses tremor attacks even more often
>shit hitzones
>1 hit kill rocks (at EX) flying and sitting everywhere, making large areas where you dont want to fight, extending the fight even more
>that one fucking roll attack that creates a massive aoe on his chin and the 3 rocks behind him
Fuck him to hell

that's not lavasioth.

only the World version, he's a much better fight in the previous games, especially X and XX, before they turned him into a bootleg agnaktor for some reason

MHW Lavasioth, yes. Every other Lavasioth is fine.

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>MH game
>let's add a sioth monster

Fucking tedious. Doesn't help that there's a quest where you need to kill 2 in MH3U and a Devil Jho also appears.

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>Still somehow manages to be one of the most miserable fights in a game that is the embodiment of power creep

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Name a worse monsters. Literally designed so badly that its own projectile can pass through its body.

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Even playing world lbg against him still has me seething


Kushy has never once been a fun fight. I hate him so much.

How many of you forgot he existed until a tempered investigation showed up?

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Did MHO ever find any kind of footing or success? I forget that it exists most of the time. The only time I remember its existence is when people bring up webms, like that of a very fluffy Congalala.

Be honest, does anybody willing defend this Siege fight even when compared to shit like the Mohran or Lao?

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It pops up far too often in quests for me to ever be able to forget it
I forget jho is in the game since the only time it ever seems to come up is in the golden pickle event

I made a mod that shrunk them to bird size and made them passive unless attacked.
Made resting in the wilds much easier.

it had a decent run in China, but apparently not good enough for tencent to renew the license since its expiring soon and the game is going offline, I liked what little I played of it but the lag was horrible playing in the US, it had some nice unique monsters like a beaver and a zinogre-like elder dragon that shot little autonomous bugs at you

I think it's sort of interesting that the first half is based entirely on its back, but that they fall back to cannon spam for the second half is just bleh. Only interesting part is that you can actually jump up on its neck after one of its body slams, so you can attack its nose bone.

I hate them all in equal measure. Fuck the very concept.

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I'm talking about the Frontier iteration. Otherwise the 4th gen revamp in the main series was obnoxious and Rusted Kushala is the goddamn worst. MHW Kush isn't as bad but the tornadoes have too much tendency to block passageways on the Elder Recess while the Ancient Forest is the single worst map to fight it on. And then Iceborne will probably do something silly as well.

I only understand that it did fairly alright in its native China at least, until Tencent and Capcom had a falling out and now the game is closing down in December this year. Nobody can make a new account to play it. Now MHF (which is the same devs as DDO) is getting news regarding the 'service' on the 19th and there's a chance that could bear bad news.

thats cause they obviously wanted agnaktor in before they realized that leviathan skeletons dont work in world

yeah rip
also character I made when the beta was happening

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The ricocheting spit is the fucking worst.

Been playing bl2 and rabid stalkers rats or any enemy with a small hitbox, spastic movement and high damage can go fuck themselves

najarala is a shit fight in general

I hate Shogun no matter the game.

I actually forgot Tzi Tzi, Kulu, and Great Girros were in the game. Jyuratodus name still pisses me off though.
>it's literally just mud Lavasioth
>call it something completely different to write it off as a new monster
It's the same shit with Radobaan despite being Tarred Uragaan.

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How they treated G.Girros pissed me off. Really loved his armor set but it was doomed to be complete shit from the start- they didn't even give it a Felyne variant, so it's not like I could admire it from afar either!

>How they treated G.Girros pissed me off
That's honestly World's biggest problem, to me at least. A number of monsters are just not memorable or given the right amount of respect or treatment so they're easily forgotten. World marks the first time I've actually forgotten monsters were in the game and when I do remember them it's just a mundane, 'Oh you exist,' feeling and we're talking 200+ hours in. Even monsters I absolutely hate or don't find that interesting leave some sort of impression, most of World's new guys just fade away.

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He always seems to slap me away before I can fish him up, Is there s trick to it or am I just not mashing hard enough

spin the stick and mash the buttons at the same time

just gotta mash like a madman
Maybe also rotate your analog, I forget if that affects nibel like it does large fish

I spin around while I mash, but honestly I don't know if that actually does anything or if it's like holding down and B to catch a Pokemon with a Great Ball.

I hate mashing on the stick I don't want to break it but I'll mash a little harder thanks

>Great Girros
Oh fuck, you just reminded me about him.

Is there a good pierce HBG in World other than Shattercryst? I want to do some online gunning, but I don't play HBG to use a fucking toothpick, I want to feel like Jesse Ventura.

I'm fairly sure you're supposed to hold the stick in a direction opposite to the fishing pole

Wake up, we're here

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>Pierce in MHW

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Yes, pierce. In MHW.

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Shit sucks outside of a couple of monsters. Better off using Spread or Clust/Sticky with HBG. The only other decent pierce HBGs are from gacha mama so pray to RNG for them to drop.

pls no

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But aren't those a nightmare to use online?

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Probably the Luna ones, or Kulve guns. Pierce is not ideal in this game though, not unless you have all boosting skills for it and are fighting a large target. Against big ones like jho, kulve, gaan, moth and so on where you get max hits it's fine but otherwise it's been nerfed a lot. For smaller targets point-blank spread is much more dps intensive, and elemental is always good when appropriate, as are bomb ammos.

I miss that bastard, having not played GU. I think FU gave me a fondness for most of the monsters I got spent a lot of time on for various reasons-- Khezu, Blangonga, Plesioth, farming Shogun for the Ceanataur sets... Fuck Gravios forever though.

desu never hated a monster more
legit just an unfun version of teo but MAN its SO MUCH FUCKING LESS FUN

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I hated Ceanataur until I began using Valor LS. The parry on Valor LS I find is a perfect hard counter against monsters with annoying movesets, especially ones that trip you a lot. As far as I can tell, any kind of move that causes tripping damage can be parried.

It's still a shit fight though. I also hate how the only way to get Wyvern Scalps is to break his back, which you can't do with most weapons. What I ended up doing was going back to his Low Rank fight with High Rank gear so that I could quickly and easily break his back.

Then I used the MHGU Save Editor to give myself 99 Wyvern Scalps so I don't ever have to do that shit ever again.

Only spread if you're playing multiplayer. Clust out damages almost everything in the game and sticky gets more KOs in multiplayer than fucking hammer.

>high accuracy
>high rate of fire
>thin model hard as fuck to hit
>high health and armor
>can fly
>super fast
>huge explosion on death
>accompanies the starting enemies
may as well just kiss any civilians goodbye on early game terror missions, they're attracted like flies to this piece of shit

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hes 40% face which means if you play it right, you can stun him 5 times in one game. its real satisfying

>select Toan
>strafe around cannon until it fires
>hit 3x

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Is elemental good now? I kept hearing bad things when I was researching online.

only on bows and db and maybe sns, element in general is fucked in world


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You can stick gunlance in there

>never coming back because it requires underwater
I miss this son of a bitch so much. And no it can't be converted to work on land like Lagiacrus and Royal Ludroth. Gobul's designed to be fought mostly underwater, that's why it flails around on land and loses half its attacks.

Only on LBGs with rapidfire against large, non-elder dragon targets. The exception is Kulve. Thunder and Ice LBGs rip her to shreds cuz of her massive hitbox. But element sucks in general in MHW. Blame the devs for putting crit element on only two sets and giving non-element weapons a non-element atk boost deco for even more unga bunga damage.


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That's why we bring back underwater.

You still got Nibelsnarf for that :^)
I just find Gobul terrible annoying to deal with early/mid-game without minds eye.
I miss underwater.

Don't listen to element is good provided you have proper skills to boost damage and are using the ones monsters are weak to only. Spread is arguably the most powerful but the tweaks to it mean you have to literally be point blank to do full damage, and unless you are a top-tier player and/or abusing mantles you WILL eat shit if you go for that on most end-game monsters such as ATs. In fact some ATs like Luna can rape you even with mantles on. It's trading DPS for survivability and in any fight where elements aren't viable you'll either not be going ranged or be using explosive spam anyways.

just stand anywhere in front of him and spam the hammer triple x home-run cause no matter where youre facing you will land your KOs

Well, HBG sounds incredibly limited at the moment, I might stick to my trusty Gunlance.

you can't fool me, dapper frog.

Why does that Uragaan have herpes

Fuck any DMC enemy that floats through walls.

i literally dont have a single idea what the hell youre talking about

HBG is busted as hell like always, it's just that trying to force a multiplayer friendly setup can be a bit annoying in World. Spread and Cluster still outdamage everything else in the game pretty handily and if you get a party of cluster spammers even extremoth does down in like 5 minutes

I liked the set though, lets me dress up as optimus prime

Because he slept with your mother last night

>Well, HBG sounds incredibly limited at the moment
It's been that way in World since day 1. Either follow the meta or use something else.

I've got a pretty good cluster set up at the moment, as it crosses over quite nicely with my GL set. So, I'll try that out some more during solo runs.

Does anybody know if guard is necessary on GL or would handicraft be more useful?

Why does tencent care about Capcom's copyright? I thought they didn't give a shit.

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Shogun is based and has cool armor. The bleeding in Gen is a pain, though.

It's not nearly as limited as people make it out to be, I'd wager many aren't BG users at all, let alone mains or regulars. As someone who regularly uses both LBG and HBG they're just fine and the only real limiter is your skill. For instance I shit all over Kirin using a bowgun without getting hit once while I get hit all the time in melee, same for lavasioth. Some monsters are just plain easier to gun down.

while small chink companies can get away with copyright infringerinos, tencent is a huge multinational and would get fucked sideways if they tried to do shady shit like that

SH3 dogs are pretty easy to deal with, was tense as shit stumbling through that dark hallway avoiding them in the early mall section.

>Some monsters
lol okay user

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A lot of the enemies in Hollow Knight are like that. They seem to exist simply to be annoying. It's been a long time since I played, but I remember this area deep down in the bottom part of Hallownest that has these small worms that constantly burrow in and out of the ground that are equally annoying and frustrating to fight.

It's a big reason why I never even finished the game, another major one being that I just don't like the constant pushback whenever you land hits. It just makes the feel of combat terrible. I know you can equip a charm that removes the pushback, but I feel like it shouldn't be in the game by default. It's a shame really, because I absolutely adore Hollow Knight's art direction, atmosphere and soundtrack. But the combat is just miserable.

Both of them at the same time is fucking agony.

I don't get what your point is.

That mission with Teo, Luna and Nerg made Nerg my favorite monster in the game. Absolute total bro, basically solo'd for me. Love that giga nigga.

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>fastest attacker in the game
>constantly reoccurring fight
>that one rematch in a narrow as fuck corridor
>worst theme/ambience
Hi, I shit on your whole game experience

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Lao Shan Lung is one of my favorite fights but no one ever wants to do it so I've only soloed it

He thinks that all monsters are easier to gun in world
Which is beyond retarded

Every Piscine Wyvern could be removed from MH and I wouldn't give a shit.
They are all shitty fights and they have been shitty fights for over a decade.

most deviants can get frustrating considering how many times you have to fight them. but this fucker is the worst

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One of the worst and most poorly-designed and janky enemies in any videogame I ever played.

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His EX version exists to rape gunners. I've yet to go on a hunt where the gunner doesn't cart at least once.

I should upload the video where Crystalbeard got a triple kill once some day.

>Main hammer
>Literal bitch boy AND his skills are very useful for me
Cry harder

name a monster that is harder to gun in world

>Waltz into a hunt with Poison Duel blades
>Instantly become the MVP of the team because he can no longer use his black wind

>shows up in literally every hunt
>flies directly to you the instant you start fighting your target
>dung him
>flies exactly to where your target will run off to
>doesn't even do anything, just roars like an asshole
Bazel was cool at first but he wore out his welcome real fucking quick. If I see him in a hunt I don't even bother with my main target until he's dead anymore. Hopefully Iceborne gets a new apex so we won't see it so much.

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>World abandons the poison thing because dude elderseal lmao

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But Lagi lost most of his attacks too.


whats ur prob with gutter runner? its the same as packmaster and leech sure leech is the easiest to dodge of the three, and pack is the easiest to hear but they're all the exact same thing really

Sucks to be you then since I'm playing GU

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>Bazel arrives and starts bombing everything
>run to a "different area" and look at the ensuing battle
>Bazel and the Monster just stand there looking around going "where did user go?"

yea I put that quest on hold for a long while lol

>Becomes your only real endgame

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Get ready to have you asshole blown out the second you sit still to shoot

>breaks your analogue stick

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>doesn't even do anything
the dude does a shit ton of damage and staggers the ever loving fuck out of the other monsters, I get why you hate him I used to hate him too but man he sure makes my hunts faster 70% of the time

you never sit still to shoot in World unless you spam cluster, and by that point the monster is stunlocked to death

I want to sniff the Handlers pants.

KEK you are bad
literally worst mon in game and nuh uh sweety shes just shit for every weapon that isnt bow
and at the end of the day
FUCK OFF clusters literally shits on the entire game and guess what it comes out of a gun

>use HBG
>die within a few minutes
Stonefist isn't that bad. I'd rather fight it than fucking Snowbaron.

At least in past games with Deviljho it's a crap shoot if it'll show up at all. In World's High Rank Bazel is always present and you know it is because monsters never spawn out of the blue when you're doing a quest (or if they do I sure as hell never noticed). It'd be nice if there was some unpredictability again, part of the fun of the series was NOT knowing what'd show up during your hunts, also made for better stories to share as well.

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enemies everybody like

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the post game monsters having such bad hitboxes doesn't help when they also spam aoe attacks nonstop

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you can get a shitload of wyvern scalps from meownster hunters

FUCK D6, worst part of 2033 by far


rajang is more fun than this fucker

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Fuck that small arena mission where 2 spawn at once.

Or that bath house mission where you have to fight one of those Raven Tengu and those Flying Bolt women at the same time.

those rooftop niggas in sekiro

blangonga moves more often with the same distance that rajang covers with his movements, while having a smaller hitbox
rajang is just more fun because he's easier to hit than anything else


Rajang also has more recovery frames after attacks and doesn't jump around as often, so he's much easier to punish.

Rajang also doesn't always have 2-3 aggressive monkey allies up your ass at all times.

now i feel less bad about this thing shitting on me when i came back after months of not playing. pretty much stopped right away again

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>instead of a shellback, 4-5 smaller ones will spawn with less health and weaker armor
>oh that doesn't sound so bad
fucking christ

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Nibelsnarf is a fight that sucks dick if you're not using the unique mechanics but is fucking great if you are. Getting him to eat your bombs is satisfying as fuck.

>new game never ever
How long will we be stuck in the World hell?

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>game has dog enemy
>every time I hit one it makes a dog sound and my dog looks at the screen and then at me

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>be horn bro and play song that grants wind immunity to entire party

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wind immunity doesnt stop black wind from knocking you on your ass though

I don't play monster hunter but he looks cute, what's the problem?

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Theres a wind ability that blocks all wind, and the wind aura around Kush. The only wind it doesnt stop is the giant tornados, but even then the ability allows you to walk about halfway through a tornado before getting tripped up.

Several horns have the ability.

You know what's fucked up?

In ESO, cliff racers are actually small and harmless. You can't even attack them and they are basically background elements.

Some idiot decided to crossbreed them with the territorial Cliff Strider. Think giant pterodactyls. They can barely fly but are vicious.

So this guy cross breeds the Bitter Coast Cliff Strider with the cliff racers cause he pities the former for not being able to fly so well. And that's how these fucks in morrowind came to be.

In his words:

"I'm breeding them into a strain that, one day, will dominate th3 Vvardenfell skies, pursuing its prey for great distances!"

Some of my favourite weapons in the game though. Underrated ones! Slap Mind's Eye, Bludgeoner, Crit boost and some crit skills on them and they become a problem. Notably the Hammer, GS, and HH (great all-round songs). Best of all they have positive affinity.


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I filmed people without asking. They reacted like this

Look for ‘CCTV Experiment’ on youtube. A janny wont let me post the link!

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Fuck you

Watched it finally, after seeing it being spammed around. Pretty good so far, dont get hurt.

>Mind's Eye on a Hunting Horn

>But Lagi lost most of his attacks too
....but it loses only the Spiral Dive?

Kill yourelf autistic faggot

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its the most "lul so random xd TROLLED" shit i've ever seen
if you like this please go to reddit

Did not mean to quote

This. Cringefest also.

This is terrible.
Oh, I'm filming people and making them uncomfortable and annoyed, but I'm not breaking any laws! See how crazy they react to some fucking idiot stuffing a camera in their face?!

have fun bouncing the hammer and gs


>teleports behind u
>and in front of u
>and pretty much everywhere around u

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So.. why are you doing this again??


Keep it up. Youre becoming my favorite youtuber.

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>small monsters make it their personal mission to flinch you out of everything and stop you from carving
I love freedom unite but this shit is infuriating.

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Cringe. But based?


Smacking him with a hammer is very satisfying

>spawns in groups
>just bum-rushes into doomguy with an annoying screetch
>takes 2 fucking shotgun blasts to kill for some reason
>don't have the ssg in doom 1
>spawns from pain elementals in doom 2, even when you kill one.

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>I love freedom unite
No you don't you have Stockholm syndrome. Love a good monster hunter game instead.


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the fuck? I love Jay Leno, keep your shit opinions to yourself

Surveillance Camera Man?

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Christ.. why would you do this?

Normal Uragaan is fine, but Crystalbeard is next level cancer.

Crystalbeard was all right until I got it to G-rank, then he became one of the worst deviants.

dakooters shut up and ride my cock you stupid bitch

They're very well designed enemies. You just have to learn their patterns. Yes, they do have patterns.


My hate for any actual monster is dwarfed by my hate for those fucking boars. Those things can fuck right off, i forgot the amount of times i lost my charge attack on a stunned monster because of those stupid fucks.

Element has always been fucked in MH, don't kid yourself.

Fuck off you World worshiping snoygger.

desu I fucking hate all the free damage world throws at you that sometimes happens entirely by accident. It makes already easy fights even easier. World just has a fucking entire host of problems that I don't think will ever be addressed

fuck these guys

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This is what happens when you allow yourself to get bought out by Sony and begin to pander to western subhumans.

I never played world, what the fuck are you even talking about?

>In previous games having 2 monsters in a zone resulted in having to either dung-bomb one of them or go man mode and bully the two of them
>In world everyone takes a break watching 2-3 monsters in the same zone beating the shit out of each other before they all run away
Turf wars are one of those things that are cool the first time then just become a drag. Breaks the flow of the fight in a game where the flow is already shit to begin with
>monsters roaring non-stop for no reason
>They keep going from zone to zone after getting a love-tap
>The suspicious amounts of times you dung bomb an invading monster and your target suddenly decides to run and ends up in the same zone
I wish arena was given more love because the hunts in MHW fucking blow until the very end-game where you start getting AT's and Elders.

He's pretty fun when you're playing lance

>Absolutely fucking anything in Sony's chinese knockoff of Monster Hunter
Fucking kill yourself

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>>monsters roaring non-stop for no reason
This really is the most infuriating shit in World.
I went back to playing World after putting a considerable amount of time into GenU and just got frustrated with how often these fucking assholes roar. There were times where I would just put my fucking controller down because I'd be locked in place for a good 20 second while Bazelfuck and friends went through their vocal exercises.
Roaring when you first encounter I get, roaring when they go into rage mode I get but in World they just roar whenever the fuck they want

The AI in world in general is just fucking dogshit. I don't know shit about programming but how is it possible to fuck up that much when adding in turf war AI. It's like they did everything from scratch but let the B-Team do it

Stop playing and supporting Sony's abomination to the Monster Hunter name. It has no connection to real MH games except in name only.

have sex

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Go back to eating up Sony's shit at E3
oh wait :^)

>dogs in souls game
>Equip shield
>They bounce off on your shield and get stunned
>finnish them off
Easy. Or use fire in dark souls 3

The last sony product I used was the PSP to play MHFU when I was in 7th grade, you're the one who's seething

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I find him harder than Rajang. He moves around way more and the blangos he summons are an actual threat unlike most other summon monsters since they actively try to time trips with Blangonga's leaps. Rajang is way more simple and fun to fight, he just does a lot of damage.

Gattuso from Tales of Vesperia was bad. Level 20 Voss with 2 level 16 adds. It's fast, somewhat hard hitting for the area and inflicts poison. Usually you get there around level 15. It's recommended you are level 17+ to fight it. And if you aren't smart and just rush, you can easily get there by level 12 leaving you at a huge disadvantage. God forbid you chose hard for your first time through.

t. Sony roach getting increasingly more desperate to defend his dying Commiefornia based company whose next console is literally made for faggots

You're not even an NPC, user. People would have to think about you or remember you for you to even be in the game. Let alone a character they spent time scripting AI for.