Niggas call me the poop barber.....cuz I cut da crap!

Niggas call me the poop barber.....cuz I cut da crap!

Attached: ddddddddd.png (765x512, 315K)


What the fuck is going on with your inventory?

yeah seriously nigga is training agility with no high alchs wtf

Isn’t agility a massively easier skill to level nowadays? OSRS has become a joke making so many skills easy to level. I’m looking at you firemaking

muh nustalgia
>inb4 brainlets that can't understand EoC rage
clickclickclick on out of this thread

What makes firemaking easy now

>he doesnt know

Agility is the like third slowest skill in the game.

Wintertodt is a mini game they made for firemaking because it was such a chore to level. Not only do you profit from the minigame you can get 100k+Xp/hr easy in it at some higher levels.

Also firemaking is still mostly fucking useless. No reason to bother unless you want a 99 cape or trying to max.

i got 99 agility and mad stacks of cash at brimhaven agility arena, took ages but i sure did walk away with some cash
then they released those shitty extended courses that had massively increased xp per hour than anything else
just like with mining, when i mined granite for like a solid two months and mined only runite from 98-99, and then the living rock caverns were released
cucked constantly by jagex
quit soon after, i wonder what other skills they fucked up, wouldn't surprise me if every skill has some bullshit fast, free and easy xp method that is balanced by not making any money or something
i heard about bonfires and tentacle ivy before i stopped caring entirely

I got 99 RC doing ZMI for 15 hours/day for like 3 weeks straight then the week after Runespan came out and allowed people to get double my hourly exp AFK

whats wrong with it? I do the same shit, putting tools, rune pouch, money and teles on the bottom

yeah that's pretty gay, zmi did that too to people who crafted nats but still zmi required effort, and a dedicated world
heard about runespan, don't you literally just click on an npc and gain stacks of xp until it dies, and then move on to the next one?
honestly the thing i hated the most about it was how it shat all over the lore
one of the first things i did when i started rs was become immersed in that shit, the whole quest discovering the air talisman and the knowledge to make runes, finding out the whole world went to war for them, was a huge deal
then someone finds infinite easy free endless runes somehow anyway
as for me i pretty much dropped any free xp i got into runecrafting, i wanted to make double astrals to 99 but i quit before i ever got close
maybe that was for the best

Brimhaven agility course is still the fastest xp/hr in osrs up to 70k experience per hour

one way makes you a fuckton of money and the other doesnt, i dont see much of a problem there

Assuming you're no lifing agility why the fish? Why even bother doing farming runs. It's shit money. Why have a quest cape in your inventory? Why not high alch and get two gains at once? Why not fletch?

If I wanted money, I'd boss. Who tf actually skills for cash

so, is runescape still a grindy piece of shit? havent played in like 10 years.

Attached: 1549161209776.gif (256x234, 2.38M)

he has a cat out that he was feeding. and theres a good chance hes an iron

>all dese niggas playing p2wscape when they could be playing Yea Forumsscape

>Why even bother doing farming runs
Not him, but if you're going for farming, it's something you gotta kinda do somewhat regularly as the exp is dependant on a timer

only because of buffs they put in a year or so ago


fucking cringe


>farming is shit money
I do herbs, papayas, grapevines, and poison ivy bushes. I make like 500k every 2 hours for like 10 minutes of running. And I'm breeding dragons so I make like an extra 1m/day off that on top of their 200k exp

what the fuck is a zmi and runespan?

He may be iron. But a cash stack that close to 2.5m and a fish stack very close to 3k looks pretty specific. Also 74 prayer seems bought.

Torstols are not effective for getting 99. Tree runs are the most effective way.

You made less than 50 cents for 10 minutes of work. Real bosses buy gold.

>breeding dragons

This isn't OSRS is it. I haven't played in a while but I'd know about this.


>You made less than 50 cents for 10 minutes of work
I'm not a smelly 3rd worlder where Runescape earns more than a daily wage

>breeding dragons

zmi is the Ourania altar. Runespan is RS3 thing that is a ton more runecrafting xp than the old fashioned way for way less money made.

So you should be buying mills instead of trying to fucking be a peasant and work for cash. Runescape fucking gold gains are goddamn poverty tier.


In RS3 you have a farm where you can breed animals, the highest is dragons.

what the fuck is an orange altar?
so happy i quit this after like a month after it came out
i dunno what any of this is

The fish are stackable cat food, and he can cash the cats in right there in Ardy, easy deaths

>So you should be buying mills
Can't buy exp, retard.

>not staking your stack up to the bills
I have 8b, which is enough to do every bit of content in the game and get every one of my skills to 99. I could probably even buy runecraft runs, though ZMI being dead is a bit of a hindrance.

I think you may be right because that's literally the only reason he'd bring a cat with him instead of alchs.

You can LITERALLY buy everything you need for almost any skill retard.



Fucking imagine, literally imagine trying to kill enough dragons for high level prayer instead of buying gold and immediately start getting the gains. Yikes.

I'm fucking like 2-10 on stakes. Lost 20m EVERY SINGLE TIME. Can't go back m8. Nice RNG tho. You flick?

whats a RS3?

It's annoying how we can't discuss RS3 anywhere without clASSics butting in and shitting on a game they don't play. And it's always for the same reason: EoC is too complicated for them. Even though there's Legacy. And Rev. Or the fact that EoC is braindead simple.

why do u space your posts like that hoyl shit kys faggot

Because it's easier for mouth breathers like you to read. Also notice your third linked post didn't space after the reference.


when I posted on /vg/ for my 99 everyone just made fun of me

Attached: osrs 99 firemaking.png (1917x1017, 561K)

>Those runes

Did they make runes a single space?


There's an item that let's you hold like 3k of 3 different runes.

But Firemaking is LITERALLY the easiest skill. GZ tho.

>no pheonix


Rune Pouch lets you hold 3 runes at the same time in one slot.

yeah go back to your thriving rs3 community. we dont want to talk to you.

It's a rune pouch. Holds 3 stacks of runes.

osrs is
rs3 not so much

thx bro

RS3 is a lot less grindy. RSC is 100% bots

>RSC is 100% bots

Not wrong. Crazy watching gold prices dip every single month to an all time low. Now they're the lowest they've ever been since the game has been out.

All because bot farms and a few whales that buy gold.

>on rs2

It's the server-side fps, it won't go any higher.

I don't flick. I also only do 50/50s though so make sure you're not getting scammed with some staff swapping cunt to boost his def or something, that's really common at higher value stakes, you think it's just a nonsense weapon like the baguette but it gives you a def boost. Or you can get tick manip with the ham joint which is a really scummy move that lots of the 1b+ stakers do. I only did one 1b+ stake, I was pissed off at losing like 50 stakes in a row, and chucked my entire 4b plat stack + a bit of loose change, and ended up winning, immediately bought myself a tbow, scythe, and now I'm just sitting on the rest occasionally holding drop parties around f2p GEs for full sara/zam/guthix rune sets.

Jagex only cared about RWT to the extent that they weren't getting a cut but with RSC the bot farms pay membership so why should they care

RS3's economy is a joke

I don't like whataboutism, but how is RSC's any better

I haven't played since before runemaking was even added. I think the game graphics are even lower than it is not, like 2.5D.
Isn't OSRS basically a single player game? It seems like mostly what I see is people leveling everything to 99.
I do like the idea of high level pvp where they basically stake weeks of their lives on a 1 minute battle

OSRS is a single player game. An alright one at that. Just playing and going for quest cape is really fun and rewarding.

There's really only one piece of content that requires more than one player and its so far away from most players I wouldn't even bother with it.

If you REALLY enjoy working towards a goal and completing it then this is the game for you and its VERY grindy.

Objectively this game is pretty shit and you could waste your time doing almost ANYTHING else. Mostly just people having nostalgia for the game.

I got back into OSRS for a few months
and my life got markedly worse.

I can't handle that shit.
I get way too addicted to it and it consumes me.

It's isn't, RSC is just bots pickpocketing in Ardounge.