Is the combat better than the first one? got annoyed by how simple it is and camera issues

Is the combat better than the first one? got annoyed by how simple it is and camera issues.

Also how useless party members are.

Can i skip the original and try 2?

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Try the final mix version of 2.
Rest of the games in the series are shit.

KH2 Final Mix is literally the greatest combat system in any video game

You can emulate 2fm, that what I did on my shitty old Dell 10+ years ago.

Short answer: Yes it is much better than 1

KH2FM === DMC3

the final mix version of 2 is considered to have the best gameplay of the series.

Everything after 2 (except for 3) relies on the gimmicky command deck and all the games after 2 (including 3) are so biased in favor of magic to the point where it stops being funny

So can i skip it? or do i need to play the original to understand whats going on

You won't understand what's going on even if you play the entire series so just play whatever you want.

Watch the Oneyplays series for KH1
Inb4 somebody makes fun of me for watching a lets play

just watch the cutscenes, it's just a dumb story that autists think is deep.

Gonna be a yikes here

i like 1 pretending it was a cool standalone final fantasy/disney game. the story got stupid real fast after the first game.

You don't necessarily need to play the original because the important parts are explained to you in 2. But 1 is charming.

Combat is infinitely better. Combat in one is fine, combat in three is fucking horrible imo, it’s the easiest thing in the world

What's the difference between finalmix 2 and ps2 version of 2?
I've got the ps2 version and wanted to play it soon but if the combat system changed so much maybe I should wait.

more bosses and an extra difficulty i think. they also fuck up the enemy colors for no reason

Final Mix introduces new items, weapons, abilities, cutscenes.
The biggest additions are Critical Mode and EXP Zero, as well as the the 14 additional secret bosses and Mushroom XIII skill challenges

Does it run well? I've got a Thinkpad running W7 and I've been really curious about 2FM as an action game fan that doesn't really care about the story just because I've heard it talked up so much.

I finally scratched Ninja Gaiden off my list and think it's one of the best games I've ever played so I might as well go to the other game that gets talked about as having such good systems.

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No don’t skip 1 dipshit. Its a fun game in its own right and not that long. Yes 2 is a better game with better combat, but you will appreciate it more after playing the first. The story sucks, don’t worry about it.

You need to play KH1 AND Chain of Memories to understand 2

2FM is a fine action game but I really can't ever consider it to be on the level of games like DMC and Bayo.

There are just too many muddy RPG elements to fuck around with, revenge values and Combo Plus aren't fun as they're just trial and error to see how far you can push them on each boss. Most of the good shit is kept from you for the early parts of the game, and you have to go out of your way to grind your Drive forms. Not to mention there is no form of ranking system so there's no incentive to play smart unless you are a speedrunner. None of this is to even mention that the game has far more cutscenes than actual gameplay.

Final Mix is the only one with the hardest difficulty mode and if you play on anything less the game is so easy you can button mash through it without even using all your moves.