Did you rike it?

Did you rike it?

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Not really



Im one of the discord mods actually
Got in trouble once with the other mods for calling someone a fag, then told them I'd just quit if they were that upset about it but apparently they wanted me to stay, so i told them everything they said to me was pointless and now i just do whatever i want. Game is alright too but it needs more shit to do

What a fucking joke. This game was shillwd hardcore on Yea Forums and know that so many people were scammed of their money nobody posts about it anymore

There was maybe 1 thread up a day user, if you want to bitch about something being "shilled hardcore" why don't you tackle the billion death stranding thread, or whine about the dozen sekiro ones that were up all day every day

>small handful of threads in the few days prior to its release and barely anything before that
>shilled hard
Ebin revisionism

no, its a buggy mess with shit combat and an even shitter world
its only decent feature was some of the towns were really finely crafted, that the sandnigger town
i suffered through this fucking game for about 40 hours and when i beat the main quest it was literally "ok thanks, have fun bye"
i got ko'd in the final battle and woke up and it was over too
talk about anticlimax
who fucking cares what you are

>shilled hard on Yea Forums
>look up gameplay and streams
>combat looks ass
>gameplay looks tedious because of "muh realism"
>shit graphics
>ugly medieval clothing instead of fantasy clothing
Dodged a bullet there

please, continue this unnecessary life story of yours.

>This game was shillwd hardcore on Yea Forums
This is literally the first thread on it I’ve seen and I feel like I’m here almost every day.

No, I regret buying it, I should've checked Sony's return policy first. I thought it looked comfy, a small party of me wanted to buy it because it Quebecois, but it's honestly so bad.

I played it for about an hour and deleted it.

Clearly you're not. This game was shilled for several days

I quit after about 5 hours. The game is 80% running across an empty landscape, 5% managing inventory, and 15% mediocre combat.

Agreed with that other faggot, there was about a 2 week period where this was being shilled every day.
I bet you don't even remember the Civ6 shill we had about 5 months ago.

No, very unpolished and empty. Also I hate being FORCED to have no map pointer telling me where I am. My spatial sense is really awful and I always have trouble with it irl too, fucking killed the game for me further

GotY contender.

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shut up fag

Cool blog dude, really glad you posted it here instead of reddit where it belongs

It was okay. Felt incomplete and it becomes too easy pretty quick.
6/10 at best

No. Fuck this game.
