So what are your thoughts on the Doom Reboot?
So what are your thoughts on the Doom Reboot?
Fantastic, but with plenty of room for improvement.
Honestly it's the best FPS game in a long time, everything is near perfect from the movement to the way each weapon feels and fires, to how you deal with the enemies. The level design could be a little bit more open / better, and I hope Eternal has larger levels with more enemies, and not just arenas where the enemies spawn, and then you move to the next large arena with more enemies over and over again.
What I mean is I hope that there are more random enemies to encounter as you traverse around the maps.
I actually want to see a prequel where you play as the Doom Slayer during his time with the Night Sentinels. Have it be medieval themed with weapons evocative of Heretic.
I'd prefer a Doom reboot like Prey except the aliens are demons.
Great, though it could use some changes
>Less focus on glory kills
>Somewhat faster movement
>Enemies with less health
>Better midair control
>Fewer cutscenes and other scripted moments that can't be skipped
>No repetitive, tedious challenges
>Maybe have all rune abilities available instead of just 3
That could be cool. You could have the Titan as the final boss.
I like Painkiller well enough I guess.
given the current environment of FPS I guess thats a good thing
I dunno. A lot of indie FPS games are coming out that are very old school style.
What it has on the OG:
>Much more verticality and options for movement
>Encourages in-your-face playstyle and rarely requires backtracking
>Demons are now much more strategic in gameplay, rather than “hurr durr small demon small gun big demon big gun”, it’s now a combination of weapons for each scenario.
>weapons feel much more satisfying and unique.
>Best incarnation of the BFG.
>Boss fights kick ass.
What the OG has on it:
>Mod support (this is the biggest one, and the reason why the OG will forever be more replayable).
>Much faster movement speed, thanks to being designed for PC.
>Far superior level design.
>Better version of the Chainsaw.
>No cheese weapons like the Gauss Cannon or the Sentry Chaingun.
>Community with some actually intelligent people.
What NuDOOM needs to fix/add:
>A button on PC that increases the move speed to be more like that of the original when held
>A Grenade Launcher-type weapon
>More interesting levels and secrets.
>Mod support, if possible.
wtf is wrong with painkiller. The first one and addon to it were amazing
Is Doom 3 any good? Am I supposed to play that before Doom Reboot then get to Doom whatever?
You ever play Half Life? Then you've played Doom 3.
Not anywhere near as good as Doom 3 or the original Doom. games, but still one of the better games of the last few years.
Its alright, the BFG version is the pussy faggot version but it has 1080p out of the box and cheevos if you are into that sorta thing
I loved it but playing Shadow Warrior 2 a few weeks after it came out with its actual chainsaw made me never go back to do a second play through.
It’s good! But it didn’t initially feel very good.
The problem with Doom 2016 is that it introduces you to new things a little too slowly. The idea follows along sort of what the original Doom did, where it’s constantly layering on new weapons and new enemies over the course of the game.
The problem is, Doom 2016 starts too slowly. Classic Doom, in the first five minutes, offers up two different kinds of zombies (both carrying guns), plus imps, with two different weapons to take them out (pistol and shotgun).
Comparatively, in the first five minutes, Doom 2016 forces you to tough it out with the pistol against the most basic zombies for far too long. You eventually reach the first gore nest and get a shotgun to fight a handful of imps alongside zombies, but it’s barely enough. The zombies in Doom 2016 are basically just glory-kill fodder, so the only actual “enemy” you fight in that first level are imps.
It progresses like that, more or less, with each new map introducing one new gun or one new enemy type. And it feels glacial.
It wasn’t until some time around the third or maybe even fourth level (The Foundry, I think) that the game finally began to click together for me. Fortunately, once it picks up enough momentum and you have enough variety to play around with, it’s huge amounts of fun!
>Boss fights kick ass.
While this is true, it only has, like three? Cyberdemon, that stone guardian, and the Spider Mastermind, right? While it's cool. you could definitely cut the guardian and you wouldn't lose a thing.
>Doom 3 is good now
I swear you fuckin people flip flop like no tomorrow.
Great fucking game. Hope Eternal is even MORE like Metroid Prime.
People who hate the game are fucking babies.
>Different people have different opinions
Why do you leave making this thread if you're just going to get assblasted about anyone that doesn't like nu-doom garbage and then obvious samefag?
Are you just autistic or a paid shill?
Nothing. But Doom 2016 is just kind of the same.
Seeing it raised to high heavens as the saviour of FPS when its just a decent to good one is overrating it, is all.
Doom Eternal (from the trailers at least) seems like it’s showing its hand in the first 15 minutes.
That's true, but the whole game feels incomplete and like it barely came together, which is apparently what happened. From what the devs have said, most of the development time was spent just trying to figure out what nuDoom should be, and they didn't have a ton of time afterwards to really flesh out the game. Hopefully Eternal is significantly better in that regard; more and better designed levels with more variety, more boss fights, and much more polish.
>Doom 3
Well, that's certainly true of the big headlining features, like the meathook, dashing, and invasion. What remains to be seen, and what is significantly more important, is if, with their game formula already figured out, more time, and fan feedback, they have improved their level design and added more content. Which we probably won't really know until the game drops. It does sound like one of the criticisms that really stung them was the lack of content, and one of the things they committed to at QuakeCon was expansion packs for the singleplayer, so they're at least aware people want more. Hopefull they don't go full Jew. I'm also interested to see what they do with the multiplayer, since they're developing it internally instead of outsourcing it like they did last time.
Reginald doesn't play videogames
It's good. Hopefully they've paid attention and have fixed/changed most of the following in Eternal:
>faster glory kills
>faster movement
>less RPG mechanic stuff (weapon mods were cool; upgrading them not so much. Same with upgrading max health/armor/ammo.)
>less linear levels (foundry was a good level, but everything after was downhill)
>more enemies throughout the levels instead of having 90% of the combat be in arenas
>fucking mod support
I hated closed off arenas, enemy limits, and getting the air control upgrade as late as you did. That said, it has potential.
Sure he does.
Shit. Doom 3 was so much better, actually had SOUL. Doom 4 is the DmC 'remake' of Id games.
the TV was never on he realized most of his appliances/furniture are pure evil
Hopefully we get mod support at some point with Eternal, especially since SnapMap is kill.
Nudoom is a collectathon bigly. All the combat is trivial compared to finding collectibles. It honestly feels a lot like playing Lego Star Wars
One of the best FPSs I've ever played.
Fine. Not as good as the new Wolfenstein games. I didn't like the level design and the glory kill mechanic but the combat by itself is solid.
Fun at first, gets boring after 1.5-2 hours
Boring and soulless. Too many unnecessary animations and cinematic bits. Boss fights were cool, but the rest of the game was very boring.
It shouldn't have been a Doom game
what said but a bit more positive
Doom 3 is actually Half Life 2
I bought it yesterday, it’s fun so far but I had to download like 30 gb (fuck), and the game seems very attached to the glory kills mechanic (if you don’t do it you won’t last long) which I would prefer to be optional.
They said in an interview that the reason why the added the Predator-like wrist-Blade was to make glory kills faster without making them feel weird.
>Doom 3 was so much better, actually had SOUL.
You were in dark corridors most of the time. Nothing like the 2 that came before it or new Doom. Fuck off with your soul meme
You say that las if nudoom is anything like the first two