Me and the boys getting ready to burn some grass types

me and the boys getting ready to burn some grass types

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You sure you don't mean punch/kick some Dark types?

If by burn you mean fuck, I really wanna fuck Sceptile

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>no tits

Shit thread, this is now a shepe thread

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I know it's a Reddit meme made to promote the new Spider-Man but I really do find the me and the boys stuff funny

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>A commonmon everyone is going to forget when the game comes out and people build their real teams


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I never fucking use Wooper but that doesn't mean I don't love him

Guys, I think I might be welsh. Should I be worried?

Why would a male have tits?

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>me and the boys getting ready to become fire-fighting types

Who are the other two on the left?

>some edgelord bothered to draw this

wew lad

Retard cunt

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Go away, Astrozist.

Only good meme to come out in a while, normalfags have killed memes. I miss the era when normalfags randomly loved incomprehensible absurdist memes.

just make sure to actually do something the next time romans invade

What does that even mean

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I think you mean "punch some grass types".

People didn't forget Zigzagoon or Furret despite being objective shitmons. You'd be surprised how far a cute design goes.

Holy shit those numbers are close

I think the president of Sony and the director of the new Spider-Man movie

Power of shepe

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fusion pokemon when?

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>people are actually excited for this

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Looks fine nigga

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litteraly only one from the new game so far that looks good is emo pidgey
it's not about newer vs older design
its that they look like shit

How the fuck are the starters compromises?

Dumb phoneposter

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actually kys

Not him but some of them look way too similar to already existing Pokemon.
>edgy pidgey
>mareep with a hairdo
>swadloon and whimsicott mashed into a single pokemon

Me and the boys getting ready to hop online and work that c stick.

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Why would you post a fucking male faggot