I have $100 for games, my PC is shit so I can't play in it. What do you think of this list what should I add or remove?
I have $100 for games, my PC is shit so I can't play in it. What do you think of this list what should I add or remove?
Remove shitman
remove all and invest in a better PC
remove all and invest $100, you'll make more than $100.
Remove Hitman add DOOM
does that spider man include all of the dlc?
Hitman is great, though you'll need to buy the upgrade pack if you don't have the previous game in order to get all the content and have it feel complete.
Spider-Man is good fun, but not amazing.
God of War is okay, nothing more.
I didn't like Nioh when I tried its demo, but maybe it was just a bad demo.
Based but not so based.
remove them all
>god of war is an interactive cutscene, you can watch an LP and experience it
>nioh is a good game but its better on PC
>spider man is for kids and manchildren, don't buy it
>shitman is an empty game to a now dead franchise, don't waste your time
Sell the ps4 and use it with the $100 to upgrade your PC you cuck