Congratulation! You have capture a Rathian with your pitfall trap! Now what?
Congratulation! You have capture a Rathian with your pitfall trap! Now what?
Oh. Uh, hmm. I've never played one of these games before. Does... does he like music?
oh shit arch tempered nergigante is out on pc right now isn't he
fuck how did i forget
also traps are for queers both in real life and monster hunter
It would have been better if it was a Tama.
>Toss two tranqs
>Run over and kick my friend who's trying to gather
I'm gonna marry her!
>its a scaley thread
Steve only deserve to get his head smash while there are 10 barrel bombs surrounding it.
>People still posting the one where the 'fang' is actually Zinogre's chin
Will E3 have more info for Iceborne?
They have to so they can build up hype.
I go pee-pee on it
Me and my bros go ham on the whore
>Steve is a crazed rapist
>Stalked all the fucking way to the new world by the Glavenus that almost killed her
>Occasional domestic abuse in MHWorld
What did Rathian do to deserve this?
Release it back to the wild, let it have children and once the children have grown old enough check the board for a quest to kill/capture them.
Fucked a kut-ku and made Yian Garuga
Date Paolumu?
Probably a damsel in distress, except you get to kill her if you want to.
Based bastard
Degeneracy Hunter
Could being monstersexual be high IQ?
See if cross human insemination is possible
How much dark magic do I need to turn her into a cute girl?
Motorcycle HBG best HBG.
I expect an extended version of the story trailer at least. Also we should get more footage of Banboro and Tigrex from the demos.
>not liking her the way she is
Why is he so perfect bros?
Menacing, cute and handsome all at once
Scalies on my Yea Forums? No fucking way.
Honestly my favorite monster roar. Thought it was fucking badass when he'd do it and a school of Delex get fucked up all around him.
Will my electric bug boy dragon make it into world user?
Most underrated fated four for sure
>Roars three times in a row in FU
>Get stunned as a result
Yeah. Prowler too!
Who's the cutest monster?
For me it is the Tigrex.
Nargacuga's cuter
yes. Capcom put up a schedule and they are spending a lot of time on iceborne.
>This turns a decade old in September
Aged like a fine wine. Didn't think I'd see the same complaints for a decade, but here we are.
>*Unzips dick*
Where's the mustache?
Here's the other account of that fabled day
How many new monsters (not returning) do you think we’ll get in world?
Its been a long time since I first saw that image and I still don't know what the mustache is about.
Holy shit, that looks amazing.
Just google curly mustache you pleb
at least 1 more special elder dragon that's the secret finaller is basically guaranteed. It'll probably be teased in the final iceborne trailer.
The best roar indeed
FU sucks, but not for any of the reasons mentioned there. Coming back from any other MH is a pain because the camera sucks so much, the controls also felt worse untill i got used to them. Literally only advantage it has is the amount of monsters compared to the other old games.
How do you stop a Diablos in heat?
you know how
Trapping sleeping monsters was also a very sad ordeal for me. I mean imagine if you were the monster. You got hacked away at by a bunch of tiny ass humans and you run away to your nest and are so tired just wanting to sleep off the horrible ordeal. Then bastard humans set a trap next to you while you sleep and BOOM it goes off. I mean can you imagine that? You're sound asleep and then suddenly you wake up in a trap! What would you do?
>E3 trailer
>Shows off Glavenus
>Big reveal for the trailer is that the rest of the Fated Four are in, too
I-is he cute?
reminder that his name is derived from "negro gigante" i.e. gigantic negro
why are monhun threads suddenly based now??
Please stop, don’t give me blue balls for such a huge erector.
I would actually be surprised if they did that, seeing how 2 of them are unique skeletons and all 4 of them use very unique animations for a lot of things, even their death animations are different from the norm.
Glavenus trailer with zinogre reveal
There's actually stuff to discuss again now, so the people who want to talk about the games outnumber the shitposters and are more willing to ignore them whenever they rear their heads.
Because all the shitposting and discord circlejerking surrounding monster hunter fucked off into /mhg/.
>Big ounce: professional street nigga
>Astalos vs Rathalos turf war
>Mizutsune vs Tobi-kadachi turf war
>Gammoth vs Tigrex turf war
I need all of this
who do you guys think would win these turf wars?
I got astalos, tobi, and gammoth
Those three were designed as hard counters to the respective flagships so they'd win. Glaivenus sorta also counters 4's Gore Magala
Which flagship does Mizutsune counter?
They're not going to put the fated four in unless it's DLC.
The 15 Anniversary site went up around the same time they started doing Iceborne shit. They're going to put in all the flagships from the past games and Fatalis. Glav is the flagship of X.
The entire fated four were supposed to X's flagships, but they were always pushing Glav more than the rest so I don't really know why they bothered with the distinction.
Will he come back?
He'd better
>Kushala in World
>Teostra in World (with fucking Lunastra to boot)
>No Chameleos
That's some damn bullshit.
Dos kind of has the same issue where Kushala is the flagship but Chameleos, Lunastra, Teostra, and Kushala are the focus of the game equally.
We almost had the Dos four for the first time since the PSP era, and they still don't have Chameleos in. That's actually kind of wild, but I bet it has something to do with scout flies.
Blast the fucker
Now that I've finished AT Nerg, I've once again reached the part of the game where I want to just hunt things with people.
This has probably been complained about plenty of times already, but I really hate what the SOS system has done to the multiplayer experience. In 4U/Gen you could enter a random lobby and bond with some randoms over several hunts, but now everyone only uses SOS and fucks off after a single hunt.
to be fair it was always going to end up that way. Look at MMOs and multiplayer games in general. The inevitable conclusion; we just got there faster because World blew the fuck up.
Yes more info and probably a new trailer on tuesday
I wonder who they're going to tease after Glav. I know they're going to save Fatalis for a while. My bet is that they're going to tease Steve, then Gore in the Steve trailer later.
It'd be nice to see something other than a flagship.
Dunno man. It's looking pretty flagship heavy for returning.
>They're going to put in all the flagships from the past games and Fatalis
Why would they do that? Those are the most popular monsters. What else will they even have left for the inevitable next DLC? Especially when some of them, like Gore and Valstrax would take a ton of effort.
just bought the game on pc for 30 and i'm having so much fun. I'm at the point in the story where you have to hunt red doggo.
Do you think i can snowball it to the end of the story with shit gear? I managed to stay on Bone armor till now but mobs really start to kick my cheap ass
I kinda want him to drool all over me.
2019 is the 15th anniversary of the entire franchise. is the 15th anniversary shit for the 15th anniversary site that went up after the Iceborne was announced.
>to the end of the story
Extremely unlikely
>to the end of low rank
I don't see how this disproves my point at all. You're seriously getting your hopes up if you think they'll put in every flagship, leaving no flagships for future DLC, just because of a fairly insignificant anniversary.
I know you are joking but the actual etymology is pretty interesting. You're right to say that "gigante" means giant, but nergi- actually probably refers to Nergal, the Sumerian god of destruction.
Kirin is a nigger
Legiana is cute
nice. should i craft something in between Bone and Odogaros gear? Because even if i'm not killing it i've managed to gather a couple pieces and i could craft the helmet
They kind of did the same thing in 4. The original 4 only had Kush and Teo, then 4 Ultimate implemented Chammy
I don't know man. Capcom produced the brand new render for all these monsters right after announcing Iceborne and tying it to the 15th anniversary. Then Narga and Tigrex both match the renders, and Glav gets teased.
Seems more like you have to disprove the possibility, especially when 15 isn't insignificant in Japan.
user, youre still playing the tutorial...
all those early game armors are useless
Who is the big scary dragon man on the far left in the back
I don't have to prove shit, feel free to keep assuming that it'll happen if that's what you want. Most of them aren't new models either as far as I can tell, Glavenus was already one that people said stuck out as being more detailed than the original. With Valstrax I'm pretty sure it's just hit cutscene model from GU.
Okay buddy. Whatever you tell yourself. You'd actually be blind if you didn't notice how much Zinogre and Brachy were changed so I guess you need to see an optometrist.
Nah, I'm with you on Brachy, I think that's one of the more likely ones. And I do think that they obviously have a focus on flagships. I just think that putting ALL the most popular monsters in one expansion is extremely unlikely.
>threads all over the internet about lagiacrus being in
>everyone crying about how it's not the same without water combat, the one thing universally hated at its conception
>everyone conveniently forgets white lagiacrus exists and was a banger of a land monster
Fuck swimming and fuck all you gay fish monsters or Fishggers as i like to call em
You'd get a lot more defense by crafting and upgrading something higher level, but I can't really recommend anything specific unless I know what you're playing.
>tfw get plates easily without trying but common drops elude me
What do you fucking think, faggot? Quest fucking Complete.
I require all the Lagiacrus.
tranq the fuck out of that bitch cause she was asleep at the time
>Astalos vs Rathalos
tie, have rathalos pin astalos down but astalos shocks rathalos off of him
>Mizutsune vs Tobi-Kadachi
Mizu easy, he's on Zinogre's level and Tobi is just Zin-lite. Tobi tries to tree jump but Mizu dodges and soaps up the floor causing Tobi to slip and crash.
>Gammoth vs Tigrex
tie again. Tigrex leaps onto Gammoth's crest and starts clawing and biting, but Gammoth gets her trunk around tiggy's waist and throws him off.
Excepting that Pink and golden rathians are some of the toughest bitches out there. Rathian may get bullied, but her cousins are death incarnate.
Fuck her in front of a Rathalos.
Where does this Steve cucking Rath meme come from? Was there a quest like this in 4U?
>he thinks discount Zinogre has any chance against the monster played up to be the OG's rival
Mizutsune would dance all over Tobi so bad it'd be sad to watch. Either bring back the GOOD electric dog with his motherfucking railgun from 4U, Capcom or don't give bubble fox a turf war.
Seregios chases off a Rathian you're supposed to capture in 4U.
There's also a doujin where he pins her down with his scales and claims that her Rathalos mate was killed, and thus believes her to be his rightful wife and ends up in tears when he realizes she isn't happy, because of how his species are brought up.
Your character looks cool as fuck
Generations' opening trailer literally spells it out for you.
In 4 Ultimate Seregios makes its debut harassing a Rathian and later a Azure Rathalos. Basically they're the only other flying wyvern outside Astalos that can potentially dethrone the king and queen of the skies.
Fat cunt, I hope he never comes back
They actually wouldn't hit all the popular monsters with flagships. Like how gay bubble fox is more popular than Glav, yet Glav is in.
Tigrex is fun but really ugly
Glavenus is a brute wyvern skeleton which already exists in World. Mizutsune is a leviathan skeleton which they tried and failed to bring to World with Lagiacrus. It's pretty obvious why they made their decision.
Steve looks so happy here
>Tigrex is fun
What is fun to see a retard charge trough the map +2Infinite times? Even in GR9999 that shit monster do the same...
They said Lagi had to do with the neck physics breaking all the time. Who knows if they succeeded in fixing that.
It is iirc, there are wyverians in MH.
So how did Glavenus cross the sea?
Did he just helicopter spin through the ocean so he could fuck Rathian up one more time
Bash it on the 'ead with my 'ammer
He saw the preview for Katanagari.
Second best boi (and Guildmarm) when?
Homo fox and Mammoth â„¢ can both go to hell, Glavenus and Astalos are the real shit
I used bone armor until high rank and the high rank bone armor until nerg(although odogoron is probably better in hr until you get the better stuff). Just upgrade your armor.
>he doesn't know Guildmarm is Handler's mother
Astalos is literally Rathalos' natural predator
Talk to the hand, buddy.
>Was it limping?
2 tranq bombs to the face
>It wasn’t
Continue beating the shit out of it I have a shock trap too
Yama Tsukami delivery service
what do you think im gonna do?
fuck it, that's what ill do, im gonna fuck rathian
This image make me rock fucking hard, i can't fucking wait. It's rally fucking great to see cpacom doing something with the roster and legit pumping in fan favorites
Rathalos puts his dragon dick up your ass whole Rathian laughs what do you do now?
At this point I don't see them bringing in any new skeletons until generation 6. At the same time we still don't know Iceborne's full roster yet so there might be a chance.
It's the 15th anniversary. That's less fan favorites and more just every single flagship, plus Fatalis because Fatalis is the first final boss. Of that picture Brachy, Steve, and Glav aren't even the most popular from their games.
Reminder that a while ago capcom was showing off zbrush and modelling a bunch of mhw monsters, alongside them they were also modelling Fatalis' head
That’s the good shit
I hate Capcom hasn’t made a joke quest that’s hunt Tigex with a mustache
Nigga I'm actually more shocked that Fatalis didn't make it into World base game. Then again Oroshi and Alatreon got dumped even though they were on the leak list from 2017 that ended up being 90% true - only 10% off because Kulve was called Treasure Dragon and Oroshi/Alatreon never made it.
Unironically, there was a Steve x Rathian rape doujin
>fatalis is coming back
Miss me with that garbage
Made for oyakodon
>No joke quest where Tigrex disables your target camera and quotes the image every time you faint
Make Rathalos realize how much better a monster and human relationship is so I cuck Rathian and when she realizes she cries
Can you still get all the nintendo dlc in mhgu? I want to shoot monsters as Samus
armor filenames were datamined for oroshi and alatreon so they're just most likely just delayed from world to iceborne rather than totally dropped
beg for more
>No joke quest where Tigrex disables your target camera, quotes the image, strokes his mustache, and sits in a chair when you fail smoking a pipe
Alatreon and oroshi are probably coming with iceborne
People have learned to not feed the troll
Also 3rd worlders are asleep right now
I didn't mean dumped in general. I just meant dumped from base World.
but america is awake
Yes. In fact, you can even still download the DLC for MHFU from a PSP.
>at the end of the quest your PSN or Steam account automatically leaves a poor review on the game
reminder the game is out on xbone
the fuck is an xbone
It also helps that most console warriors are basically kids and monster loving scares them
Also it's nearly 9:00 am here in Brazil so I am pretty sure most people are awake
Yes. Why wouldn't you be able to?
i wanna give my xbone to rathian
maybe thats what he meant
I hope so
I grew to like Vaal after ATV, but Cham is still for sure better
Plus, this game is 'all about elders' anyways
nobody knows
I’m used to playing with the same people for hours
Hell I stayed up til 2 am on a Wednesday to help some Rando get his last crown from EX Crystal beard
World just doesn’t have that connection
The game is out on what?
The best console tan
I know that this is just an anniversary poster, but these renders seriously give me hope that they're gonna add all of these
Also, Fatalis > Alatreon
FUCK Ala; he's trash in multi
Die furries
With the power of my hunter ancestors, I use my secret family technique, my ass checks starts to vibrate and then they became as hard as rocks, breaking Rathalos dick into dust, my own cock grows larger thanks to the power I stole from him.
Rathalos is on the ground, bleeding out.
Rathian is screaming of pain, she can't take my glorious hunter dick.
After I'm done with her, I fuck Rathalos in the ass, to show him whats the true power of a Monster Hunter.
Depending on what the next trailer teases at the end we'll know if they're putting them all in or not.
And then, the main theme starts to play
Personally why didn’t they just make a new monster using those fucked up nevk physics?
Like a more nightmarish Skeleton dragon
>still trying to get through some of the SHIT deviants HR quests in GU like Dread and Crystal
Why did you remind me
80% of them are great, but fuck these last few so hard
god damn this song is so good
Mizutsune in a box!
Fucking stop
This is making me too hard too be bearable
Only fly over states are 3rd world countries
So that leak Oroshi Kirin and Alatreon was fake? I thought it was pretty spot on with the treasure dragon and Lunastra
Have you ever heard the main theme medley where they went from 1 all the way to World and ended with 1 again?
You can finish low rank in any armor as long as you upgrade it even a little bit.
And have a fully upgraded wepon of any type.
Low rank is more or less a tutorial for the game.
The actual game starts at High rank.
You can sell all your armors from low rank once you reach high rank.
But dont sell the weapons they upgrade from low to high.
Don't be jelly that the monsters don't like you user if your attitude changes I am sure there will plenty if love for you too
Makes sense
>But monsters are for bashing not loving
No way fag Steve can get it
They just got pushed back bro. The armor and weapons were in the data, they just never got released.
Does this image help?
why is this picture dated 6/19 its been around for like, 10 years. at least
It was probably real, but plans can change. It's possible that they were held back for Iceborne.
>Fucking Spamlord and Unga bunga Beard
Just pure pieces of shit
It’s like they were running out of time and just said fuck it
They’re definitely real. Wouldn’t be surprised if Alatreon is teased with an E3 trailer.
I honestly quite like Dreadking, but Crystalbeard is shit.
I meant
>there will be plenty of love for you too
I don't want them
I found the perfect box for him
Lads, I literally can't get G Amatsu horns in GU
7 kills and no break drops, and randos keep dying
World made me forget this kind of suffering
Don't forget the casual relationship enemy hitboxes have to their actual model.
It's gonna happen even so. Probably.
Yeah, but instead of the camera fighting the walls you now instead have the camera fighting the ledges.
I hope with Iceborne they make the monsters more difficult, I feel like every iteration gave the Hunters more and more advantages while reducing the difficulty for the monsters. The biggest buff they had was getting rid of that quarter turning thing they did and made them a little more aggressive.
The QoL improvements of world are a godsend. The roster will only improve and eventually surpass GU.
Worlds weapon design needs to improve though. I think every weapon should have a unique looking final form and let the metal/bone with monster parts lead up to them.
Valor HBG
He's the only one of the 4 that i'd welcome
>I think every weapon should have a unique looking final form and let the metal/bone with monster parts lead up to them.
Feel like that was the thought from the beginning. Just sucks that most weapons don´t have a final form as of now. IB might change that.
it's ya boi
>tfw want Shagaru Magala to come back for Iceborne but Capcom definitely won't bring back the church window greatsword
Mizu's a great fight. I love how you mostly need to dodge to one side, and when you do Mizu's attacks instead wrap around you leaving it wide open afterwards. It's satisfying to fight since it feels more dynamic. It feels like you barely dodged by the skin of your teeth even though you're completely safe.
Oh good, I thought I'd lost my chew toy.
If Gore gets in, I'd expect Shaggy to be in an update if he isn't around at launch.
I don't want affection from a fictional being because I'm not deranged like you.
>be pretty new to the MonHun franchise
>game is about hunting down these giant ass monsters that are generally pretty aggressive
>every thread about it treats the monsters like they were waifus/husbandos in a dating game
Is this your first day on Yea Forums?
Well, they are all very handsome and full of personality.
Yea Forums is full of deviants, and if you stay here long enough, you become one too
Imagine being this gay
Hunting down a monster is comparable to dating
Dodogama and Deviljho are good friends
Can't bully what's been eaten.
>Gore gets in
>he can molt into Shagaru mid-fight
>Can't bully what's been eaten.
But you're a piece of shit and I can still bully you
>You can interrupt it and you end up fighting Chaotic Gore
>if you lay down fast enough DPS you can interrupt the shedding process and he becomes Chaotic Gore Magala instead
You can slash, whack and thump but you'll never get that retarded rock eater back to fill the hole in your heart.
Dodogama, I have failed you.
I couldn't protect you...
I just realized we're finally going to get the full Glav and Jho fight in the game itself. It won't be artbook exclusive anymore.
>only dumb whores get into this box
yes, second day on the job ya know?
u-um, b-boi monsters can't love other boys...
Kill furries
Gays begone.
err, then why does rathalos love lagi?
he loves rathian, you fucking faggot
gays come back please
>The roster will only improve and eventually surpass GU
I hope so, but I'm not holding out hope yet.
>Worlds weapon design needs to improve though
They've shown they can do that well, like nergs LS. They just need to apply that to every weapon tree.
that aint what im seeing here.......
They're just doing bullshit where they're saving all the good designs for fucking G Rank or Master Rank if that's what they're calling G Rank now instead of giving you the weapon from the start and just getting better stats.
So, Rathalos and Rathian are in a relationship, but they do it out of sense of duty or something, while in reality Rathalos wants to go live with Lagiacrus, and Rathian secretly craves the bad boy Seregios?
>Black Diablos is literally pic related
>Black Diablos and Lunastra get together on the weekends to talk about how much they want to be held down and fucking dicked low, high, and master ranked all day and night until they're in a dizzy stamina low roar broken mess captured stupid
>Valstrax in World
Fuckin hope so, easily one of the most enjoyable fights of GenU.
You're all fucking gay. Someone post kirin and narga sluts.
The comments are literal autism fanfiction.
Based Marm
monster feet
That nergigante is fucking huge
What about girl monsters?
Meant for
Does the wig somehow distract people from realizing that they are into furry territory?
>Black Diablos just chases Regular Diablos begging for the dick
Imagine the noise
>he doesn't capture for extra rewards
People live like this?
I don't get it.
extra rewards =/= better rewards
check the droptables
The monster pill comes in several kinds of prescriptions.
Motherfucker, I feel really fucking dumb now.
Hey I have that fig! It's quite good
He took flying classes from Duramboros
>Brachydios vs Deviljho turf war could potentially be a thing
>it's a pukei pukei getting rekt by leshen episode
I cum inside!
>SSSonic2 going to draw this
My mind will be scarred.
Appear, the circuit that connects to my dreams! I set the Level 6 Rathian into the Link Marker, Link Summon! Appear, Link 1! Rathian (Stories)!
I'm tired of World, what game should I dive into lads? 3U or 4U? And what's the best citra build to use since I heard they run like shit on the official builds.
nice talons
i think the doc increased my dose too much, i can't get off to anything anthro
literally me
Just blow in from stupid town huh?
Bring back fucking Marm
The handler can fuck off
3U since it has the most Gen 3 monsters that have been forgotten by Capcom.
>Favorite Monster Roar
Rajang. Particularly when he's swelling up and beating his chest after it.
>Link 1
The only non flagship i need is gigginox (fuck khezu, they’ll probably give him music anyway). After that they can have as many flagships as they want.
You are wrong
Imagine having no element outside pure fucking anger
>Narga Loli
I need sauce right fucking now
>Valstrax in World
Areas too fucking cramped to even fight it, it'd also have to be slowed down since World hunters can't dodge for fucking shit. I love Valstrax but that shit would just ruin it. World's layout and stuff just don't work for it.
Im new to the whole MH series so this could be ignorance speaking but can Humans and monsters be friends? or do you just hunt them?
>Khezu with fucking music
I fucking hate this
>Valstrax could actually keep up with World hunters
>The 1st time he does a dive bomb and murders fucking everyone
I hope they leave him unchanged
eat your own shit
MH Stories
MH Stories has a subdivision of Hunters called Riders that steal baby Monsters to use them as mounts.
Riders, however, are seen as radicals in the Guild and aren't true Hunters. Apparently they're fucking crazy, we've never seen them in mainline games yet.
>At the start of the damage step
Why do people always forget to read?
Only because it's essential monsterfucker reading.
ok , thanks for the rundown
What if there was a game called "Monster Befriender" where you befriended the monsters?
But user, what do you think we do when we capture monsters. Send them to the canteen to be chopped up that's what.
I throw two tranq bombs and finish my fucking quest. Either that or place two barrel bombs and blow that shit sky high.
You fucking idiot, the game is called monster HUNTER.
They might just have a unique arena like the old games or just put everything in the iceborne continent since it'll be a huge map.
what if there was a game where you enter a monsters lair , seduce them , fuck them and then on to the next one
Thanks user I love you
There's a spin-off about it but it's not canon
In actual MH monsters fucking despise humans and humanoids
What is that comic? It looks cool
Its called steve lichman , its goofy as fuck , but funny
you'll have to do something about your bitchass attitude first
none? she's already a cute girl
That's pretty gay of them.
You’re right it’s amazing! May your house be bless and whatever weird ass game you want announced at e3 become a reality kind stranger
>seeing how 2 of them are unique skeletons
They already had a mostly working Lagi (so Leviathan skeleton for Mizu) in early alpha but dropped it because he kept breaking his neck when approaching walls, that and no good coastal zones to fight him in. They might've fixed that since then.
And the new Ice area already has Popos so that covers a lot of Gammoth's animations.
None of the four from Gen have wholly unique skeletons
People also need to understand that the Leviathan skeleton is functional and in the game; it was Lagi's modified variant that wasn't working because of his long-ass neck
This a problem Mizu will also share
But Jagras, Dodo, Girros and Super Jagras all clearly use Leviathan
You can tell by the roar, stun and walk animations
Why? They just try to mind their own business but some faggot always walks up to them and tries to kill them because their skin make for good armour
And Kulve's roll attack is straight off of Ludroth
Mizu does have a long neck like Lagi though, although Mizu usually isn't as fuckhuge
Nah the only monsters that innately hate humans are the elder dragons because of what the Ancient Civilization did to them.
no problem , additionally the audiobooks are some of the weirdest-funniest shit Ive ever listened to.
>I think every weapon should have a unique looking final form and let the metal/bone with monster parts lead up to them.
Probably what they're going for eventually. If they had to cut any corner to push the game out on time, cheaping out on weapons since they can't reuse old models and textures was probably the right choice, since the upgrade path can improve it later.
I like how all the electric monsters have a hint of weird synth in their roars
Can someone who's actually played it give me a non-biased, non-bandwagon answer on whether or not Frontier is worth playing? I don't really care about the spikes or the anime or the crazy musou shit like white Nargacuga as long as its interesting and challenging and fun. MHFU is my favorite monster hunter game and Frontier being built on that with a shit ton of content to boot has always appealed to me. I've been reluctant to try it though what with the language barrier, and now with the chinese version being dead in the water I'm even more reluctant since JP version is harder to use, more expensive, and seems to have less english resources available.
Isn’t mizu’s neck shorter than lagi? And since he’s smaller too there would be less clipping? So far from the 15th anniversary poster we’ve gotten flagships from the first row, and everyone is saying brachy and zignore. I can definitely see them padding the number of mons with the rest of the fated four in iceborne and then add like 3-4 completely new monsters for s total of around 16ish maybe. And then as gore and shag as a mini dlc and introduced infected mons as new difficulty to farm
there is a lore about riders in weapon's description in MH1
>Areas too fucking cramped to even fight it
The fuck? It can fight in some tiny ass rooms in XX, like the river area in Jurassic Frontier that connects to the caves.
At this point they actually have small monsters for all the missing skeletons except Najarala
>Status toads use the same digging animation as Tetsucabra/Zamtrios
>Popos in Iceborne = Gammoth
>Crabs in Kulve's map
>Nerg and Xeno are a modified version of the Magala skeleton
So the groundwork is there for if they ever want to bring those monster types back
>real monster hunter is dead
>portable monster hunter is dead
>stuck with "realistic" casualized shit aimed at westerners and probably based off of the movie
>not canon
>caring about muh canon in MH in the first place
I do hope they add rider references to next installations just to spite you.
This always pops up. Visuals aside, what are the main differences with the console-only MonHuns in the past compared to World?
He disguised himself as a Hunter.
>Agnaktor eventually comes back
>Turf war with Brachy is straight out of that fucking ecology video
That thing is practically a monster snuff film
There was already a description on a Lance in like 1 or 2 that made reference to Hunters that rode dragons in the past
Someone told me that they supposedly already did that in 4U, referenced by a Wyceum NPC while they're talking about wystones. Not sure if that's bullshit or not.
>And then as gore and shag as a mini dlc and introduced infected mons as new difficulty to farm
Frenzy will probably just be a unique mechanic to the Magalas like it was in XX
>cut content
>sell it as DLC
yeah that sounds like capcom all right.
What monster would you fuck?
The only shit World has sold as DLC is gestures, stickers, and Handler costumes
So basically nothing of actual value
I am pretty conservative and vanilla in my preferences, so Rathalos.
Monsters are often alot more aggresive. Barroth for example is fucking pathetic.
Arthropods in Iceborne when?
Barroth's been slowed down in every game he's been in after Tri dude. He obliterated too many Japanese anuses to go un-nerfed. Hardly unique to World.
Would rub and get poisoned
It would be a laundry list. Marrying on the other hand would be a harder question.
those things, and every thing that is in Iceborne. Like Alatreon and Oroshi Kirin, who were planned for the base game then pushed off into DLC.
Iceborne is DLC user, anything in it is DLC too.
I could see them putting Oroshi in as a lead-in to Iceborne
Why so assblasted?
I just liked Stories.
>tfw Borrelsword might get release soon and it will cost 5 dollars instead of 50
I can't wait!
>not wanting to marry every one
The turf war they had is already in game, it’s the turf war you see between barroth and mudfish. If they bring brachy pack I bet they’ll have have a copy patee turf war like that with lava fish but it’ll end with him punching it to death
I hate this down syndrome raptor
Good thing it dies in 40 seconds
True but I think it’ll be a missed opportunity to help extend the games lifespan till the next expansion or mhw2
Better than the gen one raptor at least
Do you think they might add transmog in the expansion like they did with XX?
Based 600 IQ user.
I'd like that but unfortunately it looks like they found a way to artificially inflate content by releasing random layered sets once every 3 months instead.
God I hope so
I never made a proper build because I can't bear to look retarded
>not liking autistic raptor randomly flashing everything it see
I would fuck Nargacuga with reckless abandon
They have already showed that the shitty only some armors thing is still the one they use
And they're all samurai shit too
I hope to fuck that monster armors will be layered at some point in MHWI. Even if it was made difficult, mogtism can go a long way.
>Glave, Tigrex and Nargs armour sets will all be outclassed and not worn at the endgame.
Why can't she just fuck off already?
>Odogaron didin't kill her
What a shit monster
pukei-pukei handler is cute though
>your cat partner hug HER instead of you in the beginning of the game
>your cat doesn't even know her
I wonder how many people rage because of this?
ok i laughed
Neither did Jho
It's actually the contrary, humans try to just live in peace but then monsters come and shit all over their caravans, cities, etc. Reminder they throw a festival every time Jhen attacks the desert city because if hunters can't repel it everyone dies so they might as well do it partying.
MH monsters for some reason are incapable of rolling over when someone is stuck to their back
>asserts dominance over pathetic rotten vale monsters in your path
MHW is the most appropriate game to fashion hunt in because everything has fucking zero health
Juts have a tryhard set for AT and that's it
well i think tigrex is cute
why doesn't world have any mammal monsters
Too hardu pris understandu gajiin
Only Tigrex ever tried that in 4U/Gen while he spergs across the entire map and through the loading zone
Isn't Paolumu a mammal?
We're getting a moose in Iceborne at least.
It's a fluffy Wyvern
And the Moose is a T-Rex with antlers
I'll actually be surprised if we don't get Rajang or Blangonga at some point though, even if it's post-launch
Not him but I could've sworn a couple times a player was on great jagras when it does its roll move after its fat. Didn't even get knocked off.
Feels bad seeing these threads when I don't even want to bother with World anymore. I just want to go back to classic, anons. And not the Generations kind of classic either.
Gotta cap'em all
He's In!
i honestly hope so
I forgot this happened and it brought up a bunch of hilarious memories from 4U GQs, thanks.
I love bulldrome
He's such a great weapon tester
>no snout
>"I can't leave yet"
Then go? FU is piss easy to emulate and runs absolutely great, and with speed boost you don't have to sit through long cutscenes like Lao Sun's.
Not sure how the 3DS emulation ones are going but I'd wager they still need a lot of work to run smooth.
This is a monster thread not a whore thread get out
i want the Bulldrome head in World
>conservative and vanilla
>fucking monsters
Not bashing, just funny to see.
What is bloodbath supposed to be?
Just like in any other MH?
Bloodbath Diablos?
Angry diablos
Incel Diablos
All the Deviants are just monsters that survived encounters with Hunters and changed up their tactics
Why is there 7 of them if the pub manager only let the G1 BB go?
>Baby Diablos gets horn broken by hunters, but survives
>Horn grows back funny
>Grows up to fucking hate hunters
>Deliberately goes after hunters and covers itself in their blood or some shit
How come the armor designs in world are top notch while the weapons are completely ass
prease understand we work very hard on best monster zm
It's a lot easier to cut corners on weapons in the base game and let the upgrade trees fix them later, than it is to cut corners on armor sets.
I've played all of them, for hundreds of hours. What kind of braindead argument is this, like "what's the problem with your game no longer being made, don't you have the old ones already?" you sound like that tech illiterate parent that doesn't understand why you want more video games.
The realistic textures ruin a bunch of the armor designs for me, especially the butterfly beetle set. Extra noise like the scoutflies and slinger don't help either.
The weapon designer is a literal potato
Holy shit, I never even saw that image. I guess 1/4 of my favourites are coming back/
Thats my look
>Extra noise like the scoutflies and slinger don't help either
>ever using the insect glaive
user, Rathalos is very masculine creature. I suffer not from gender dysphoria, but since he is imaginary, I can too imagine myself as a female. That way I can enjoy dreaming about him without it being homosexual and perverted. In a way, such fantasy more heterosexual than anything between mere humans could ever be.
>Confusing scoutflies and kinsects
nice talons
What can you expect from a wojak poster?
user, rathian exists you know, right?
Getting infected and getting stronger from the virus was dope in 4U
Beetle is pretty excellent though
Butterfly's whole design is just ass
anyone here tried dauntless? how is it as far as hunting game goes
>Nergigante gets faster with each roar
Is that true? I never knew of this mechanic.
You said you want to go back to classics, those are the classics. Expecting capcom t return to old and outdated formulas despite every single new main game adding to the last is retarded and delusional. "your game" isn't being made anymore because "your game" already exists and was a 1-time thing. I love FU and the rest too but if by 3 you didn't realize it was never going to be the same and would keep changing I don't know what to tell you. I just hope you're not one of those people who hate on world for not just being FU/3G in HD.
It's shit
Top tier tastes
Literally never. Crapcom can't get them working with the new map designs.
Seriously no one like her
What a shit addition
Is it likely that there'll be more than 1 new map in Iceborne?
They said it'll be somewhat the same size of the main game
>MHW is the most appropriate game to fashion hunt in
>Not GU
im surprised the felyne isn't fucking pissed too
God I love GU fashion hunting
Whats this
What are you suggesting user?