Did you enjoy the Tomb Raider reboot trilogy?

Did you enjoy the Tomb Raider reboot trilogy?

Attached: tomb_raider.jpg (1000x1250, 75K)

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>tfw no enji gf

Attached: 1216234200086.png (409x259, 6K)

No, I did not enjoy Uncharted for girls.


I'd Womb raider a Enji

yeah, girls are the main demographic

Attached: nu lara oh.jpg (1152x2048, 611K)

god women are such fucking whores

Well enough yes. Though I have yet to play the last one.

I did not enjoy the first one, but I thought the second and third were pretty good.

I never played the oldschool tomb raider or uncharted, i loved the new tomb raider games, but liked them less with each new game. especially that last game where lara is responsible for the apocalypse because she touched a relic

that hand is fucking disgusting

only the first one, the rest are trash

Attached: lara-croft-sony-ericsson.jpg (1080x1920, 984K)

Actually, god women tend to be the least whorish.

Attached: nun.jpg (600x772, 54K)

Enji is a millionaire.
How do you feel about that?

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Have you seen Catholic School girls?

That's just what they want you to think.

Attached: pu2mt6b93tq11.jpg (1080x1080, 203K)


>Enji is a millionaire.

>enji is crying about people stealing her designs and making money
>she is fucking famous thot made for life

(((enji))) night

Attached: 15590323343961.jpg (1080x1794, 232K)

girls =/= women

I want to see her talk.

>wearing a hat during an interview
wtf is wrong with her

i quit at the middle of the second game, its just too generic.


>wearing a baggy top to hide her curves

Goddess in motion
>Yea Forums related!


I enjoyed TR 2013 much more than expected. It wasn't what all the haters people who never actually played it said it was. I liked Rise less because it felt bloated, they put stuff in it just to have more stuff, but it was fun enough. I still need to play Shadow; I'll probably play it when the GOTY edition is out. Don't even know how it was received.