Cyberpunk's *presumed* standard edition meant for e3 reveal tomorrow has been leaked...

Cyberpunk's *presumed* standard edition meant for e3 reveal tomorrow has been leaked, and the box art is trash; change my mind

Attached: Cyberpunk-2077-Box-Art-650x365.jpg (650x365, 43K)

Well you know what they say, generic cool dude looking away from camera while striking a pose supposedly boosts sales according to the trend of the last 10 years. That yellow is like a punch in the eyes though.

I can't name a single (AAA or middle market) game that launched in at least the past decade that didn't have boring and generic box art, why are you surprised?

I like it

Its boring artwork but as cover it'll do its job perfect by getting people to pick it up

Hmm, it's almost like they are catering to the normies who will buy the game based on box art vs the autists who will shit on the boxart, then if its good buy it and play it anyways

That's not the final art I keep hearing

It would've been nice if we get a physical copy of Cyberpunk 2020 booklet instead of digital

why do you fucking autists care about the box art

the game will be a downloadable anyways

It's certainly nothing fancy, but I'm not about to say the game is a lost cause because of a relatively dull cover.

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Games are not art, no reason box art should be.

>the box art is trash

Box art, like movie posters, is created by marketing teams, not artists. It's sad but ultimately nothing can be really done.

Attached: 9781770890275_47da713e-87bb-423d-9d1a-b47ab4a6f395_800x.jpg (1630x1204, 648K)

>male protag on the cover art

They couldn't just use the fucking cityscape as the background?

Why in this year 2019?

>"Neat, a sequel to Cities Skylines"

It is trash but its going to be GOTY anyway.
>caring about boxart

Attached: Fautis.jpg (261x114, 7K)

Oh yeah I totally remember playing as a gun toting guy in Cities Skylines.

we know so little about the game that people are fucking raging about the box art because they have nothing else to shout at

I'll pirate it then buy it if/when it gets a physical Complete edition for PC like the Witcher games got. Fuck paying for digital.
It probably won't though because they can get away with it because of all the digital cucks these days