This is the only game to actually get voiced protagonist choices right

This is the only game to actually get voiced protagonist choices right
And it was better than Mass Effect at providing rewards and consequences for choices that actually change the narrative

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Other urls found in this thread:[spolier]

Agreed, I liked how most choices weren't about good-evil alignment. It all really fit the morally ambiguous spy theme too.

>meet russian arms dealer guy at bar
>try to act professional with him
>he blows me off
>beat the living shit out of him in the bar like a chad
>don't accomplish much, but feel better
>next mission
>have to break into embassy
>more guards because I beat the shit out of the guy at the bar
>talk to guy at the front
>say I'm expected in, but I left my ID in the office
>they let me in and the guards are all friendly instead of hostile
>embassy gets jihaded by some doods
>guards got my back and I bro op the faggots with them

It ain't easy being delicious.

>Soldier, Spy or Engineer?
>Aggressive, Professional or Suave?
>Join Halbech or No?
>Mina, Madison, Sis, Scarlett or SIE?

Spy is the smoothest archetype, and the rest just fucking wing it. No point being a munchkin and going for people. Someone piss you off, tell them off.

Any other RPG like this?
And please dont suggest something with gameplay so bad have to skip if you want to enjoy the game

whatever suits the mood
whether you like big titty goth girls or not
begone thot

>Not being a professional spy
>Not saving the lives of thousands from WWIII
>Not fighting to protect your country while lurking in the shadows


I'll always see it as a failed experiment, and how obsidian *only* look good when compared directly to bioware/bethesda

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Any style that fits the situation, like a real agent
Thorton Inc
All of them

>Act like a confident yet stuck up prick around Marburg in every encounter.
>When you get to the bank he can't take your shit anymore and fights you just because he's sick of your attitude and disrespect.

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>apparently a martial arts master
>dab all over him with MMA combos and roundhouse kicks
feels good man

fuck, why madison?

>protect your country
Fuck that. 100% pragmatic all the way. The country can look after its damn self.

Dont tell me you choose the faceless npcs that will crawl back to their lives and do nothing to change shit

>not making your country your personal bitch
patriot cuck

Fuck Halbech
Pistols are broken tier when you get HIGH NOON and upgrade damage and accuracy.

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>Not fucking all four girls like a chad
It's super easy to get enough reputation with all four girls in order to fuck em, but Sis isn't an option. For Madison, you have to make her be your handler during Marburg's villa in order to romance her and for SIE, you have to make her be your handler during the final mission[/spolier]
Spy is pretty good but don't expect the stealth systems to be any good man. It's shit.
Professional is generally good but it's a good idea to choose the left option depending on the NPC in question (like Heck).
Joining then betraying is pretty kino desu

i didn't want mina to be mad with me

How will obsidians new game be it kinda looked shit compared to this.

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One of the things I loved about the game is how you get perks if your handler really likes you or really hates you, but not if they're on the fence with you

My most kino moment is meeting that CIA agent in that laundry mat feeding a guy tied up to a chair and picking all the aggressive options, getting him as a handler, him setting up a fucking machine gun train driveby in Korea, me getting irked at him for doing that, then picking him to raid the agency you start at.

Also I never got laid even though I tried.
Bros before hoes.

That's even worse

Too good for this world. Needed some more polish to get past the Obsidian jank but otherwise your choices unironically matter more than most RPGs this generation.

>get voiced protagonist choices right
No, actually, it's not. There were times where I had to close the game and replay the scene because the option I chose was extremely cringy or horrible when I thought it wouldn't be.
For instance, at the end of the Moscow Warehouse mission, when talking to SIE and choosing the cooperative option, I thought he'd say something like, "I'd like to work with you again", but instead, he just says something ridiculously cringy and loses reputation with both SIE and Mina. Very annoying.

Now that the dust has settled, who was the superior girl?

I started this game and began the mission where you have to infiltrate that dune coon base. The combat was just so god awful I didn't want to continue. Are all future missions this combat heavy? I'll play it to completion happily if they aren't.

sis > SIE >>>>> everyone else

>superior girl
Scarlet, any time of the week. Mina had too much of a chink face, but it was obvious she was the main romance interest.

Why was Heck so based and redpilled? He even got Wen busted for trying to assassinate the President of Taiwan. That dirty dog, Wen, always getting into bad stuff.

If you want to skip combat dump all points into stealth and handguns. However don't complain if the bossfights become super easy.

I never talked with sis that much, what order should I do the levels? Thinking of replaying.

Sister or russian all good
>glass him

Sis > Sie > Anyone else.

Heck is the Cassandra of the game, you think he's crazy but he's also the only one who sees the truth and is the only one to correctly guess the Taiwan situation.

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Heck was that CIA laundry mat guy. He is the avatar of chad.

Everything he says is actually true too, project acoustic kitty, the head getting whacked off by a soccor ball, ect. It was making use of the trope where something sounds outlandlish and bullshitty, but it is actually 100% proven fact.

Would've been awesome if Sis was romanceable, but unfortunately, she was not.
It wouldn't surprise me if Heck was an outlet for the devs to rant, unless they wanted to make fun of "conspiracy theorists"
I used this in my first playthrough and it was pretty good desu
>dumping all in stealth and pistols
I did this but I wish the stealth in the game had actually been better along with the gameplay. It's so bad compared to other games like Thief (OG)

Alpha Protocol would be remembered as one of the GOAT if the combat wasn't so fucking awful that it alone made one of the most replayable games ever made absolutely unplayable.

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At max stealth you literally turn invisible for like a minute, it's there for people who just want to skip the gameplay.

Mike Thornton's voice acting was so bad it was funny. He sounded like some nasally janitor they just had in the building and forced to record some lines and he put no effort into any of them. It's great.

Stealth + Martial Arts + enough points to get Brilliance is the most fun I had in the game. It's nothing short of amazing to go around beating the crap out of everyone while invisible and then using Brilliance to regain your skills again.

Unfortuantely, the combat is utter shit and you will be forced to suffer it for most of the game. There are mandatory boss fights that throw out stealth, and anytime you fail at stealth, which is utter shit, you fail and have to fight.
The cooldown for the ability is ridiculously long, however it was extremely useful, like in the Taipei Warehouse.

Unfortunately there's a lot of combat, which sucks because I'd love to see a spy RPG where there are missions where you're just roaming around big city hubs, with something like a luxury hotel being the main location for your actual espionage.


>ally with G22
>avoid even hinting at their existence during the interrogation
>his fucking face when he thinks you have no allies left, then suddenly the lights go out and fucking black ops robot soldiers descend from the roof and start killing everyone

bitch please

Ever played Covert Action by Sid Meier?

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The VA actually doesn't sound that bad if you choose Professional dialog options, but anything else and it sounds really fuckin' weird.
Sounds pretty kino bro, I might do that next time. Would've chosen Albatross, since I have a 10 with him and I usually do covert stuff, but I wanted to fuck SIE

>those boss fights

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>those boss fights

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is not really that shitty, the thing is that basic stuff like aiming is gated by skill points so it feels clunky and crap but when you dump your points you ends like an aimbot

Btw, the boss fights were ridiculously easy to cheese endgame. Just roll with pistols, get chainshot to master, and aim all six at the boss. Guaranteed easy kill



That's not exactly true. The assault rifle handles like shit when you get it to the max possible level without specializing in it. I wouldn't know if it still handles badly at master level.

Veteran so I can do what I fucking want
Depends but usually Professional
None because I'm on a mission, begone thots

>Not fucking all the bitches like a Chad and continuing the mission anyways

>Those boss fights.

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Olly Olly oxen free
whatever the fuck that means


this game have problems but all the "your choices matter" stuff is really well done.


I only remember Brayko and that cool Korean police officer.

>Post yfw 1hp

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>not using pistols

I like how even for doing shitty stuff you will still get perks

My boy, I used Chain shot to kill bosses

Sequel when?
I need more fucking spy games goddamn

>Sequel when?
Never, that's when, and I sure as hell wouldn't want nuObsidian making it

Can't someone else make it?

>meet russian arms dealer guy at bar
>act all buddy buddy with him
>he fucking buys it
>we become bros
>he doesn't alert anyone about my activities
>go to embassy, choose based bald man for stealth
>Big fucking boom goes off and robot men arrive shooting everyone

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i want a spy game doing cool spy shit
and i want a cop game too
i wish mgsv had a "subsistence" mode for the entire game instead of a few missions too

As far as I know, Obsidian holds the rights, and even if they let someone else do it, are there any companies you know of that would actually do it justice?

being a chad has strange karma

Yeah, having the VCI show up and bomb the place was insane, yet very entertaining.

yeah, the assault rifle is complete shit. no excusing the game there. but if you focus in pistol or martial arts, it's passable

Goddammit, why did this game turn out this way?

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Pistol is incredible, especially with silencer at master level along with chain shot. Martial arts was also fun, although I didn't go with specializing it.
No idea man, but Obsidian has a history of make flawed diamonds. Maybe one day we'll get a worthy sequel or something similar.

What the FUCK was his problem?

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Is it just me, or was it incredibly easy to manipulate almost every character and get high reputation with them?

He didn't have one with me, man, I just bluffed my way to the server and he gave me an ice cream cone to go on the way out.

I think you're just autistic.

>There were times where I had to close the game and replay the scene because the option I chose was extremely cringy or horrible when I thought it wouldn't be.
I remember that scene. Mostly because it was EVERY FUCKING SCENE AND CONVERSATION IN THE ENTIRE GAME.
Obsidian came so close to having a good game with interesting choice and consequence, only to fall down in the most idiotic way possible. You can't make a meaningful choice when you literally don't know what any of your options mean. A fix that simply replaced the "Professional/Smug/Enigmatic/Homosexual" options with what you were actually going to say would instantly turn it into a good game, but instead it's just aggravating to play.

Sega owns the rights to the game

See you in the field, user.

I also did the same thing in that Iraq mission. There are 3 of them in the game and you get a perk if you get all 3.
>big scary muslim guarding fort of peace
>walk up to him in casual clothing because it has the best sneak rating in the whole game
>"Hello I'm expected in"
>"What in the fuck, you're a white skinny guy"
>"Yeah, I'm a double agent, look your leader so and so (the game keeps track if you actually read your dossiers or not)
>"Well, give me what ID you have and you can pass"
>give him ID, he waives me through the gate
>gate shuts, alarms go off almost instantly
>black handler remarks "How the hell did you do that?"

I really wanted to fuck Sis, man. God, this game was such a legitimate gem, BUT LET ME FUCK SIS.

Scarlet, but they're all good

>Snorts coke
>Becomes bulletproof

Kek, I did something similar.
>three mudslimes with guns at the entrence
>I show up in covert outfit
>"What the fuck? The boss didn't mention an American"
>Bluff and tell him I'm here to make a deal, and that if he doesn't believe me, he can call it in.
>He fucking buys it
>"Ok man, whatever, go on through"
>Black man goes, "How the hell did you do that?"


I still have no idea what the fuck was going on in that game, it was such a labyrinth plot filled with every character having their own agenda and double crossing each other


That sounds about like a usual spy flick man
>Drugs up on coke and goes into a cocaine-fueled rage

>There you are!


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He would be a good pick

You are a new recuit for Alpha Protocol
things happen
You raid Alpha Protol because they are assholes
fill in the blanks


Is this the only game where you get raped by a 6 feet tall german mummy?

>played the game so many times long ago I don't know which event is in which timeline anymore

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> I will let you go. In a moment.
> Oh no.
> Oh, yes.

>asian bitch buddys up to you from the start
>constant communication
>flirting and stuff
>feel like i know where this is going
>it went where i thought it would
>mfw game lets me actually kill her after she tells her story on why she did it
Based game i know it's glitchy sometimes but this game is really underrated

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>killing or KOing people doesn't seem to mean much
>kill some soldiers by mistake in a mission
>it actually has some impact on the story

Gotta admit, the game gave you alot of freedom in choices, which was nice
>some impact
That impact isn't much user. I "killed" some US soldiers on a mission yet it never actually impacted me beyond some dialog.

Thread Theme:

Also if you take the cash from Al-Samad you can meet up with him before the final mission and get some intel from him. I can't find a youtube video, I found it before:
>both walk into secret meeting, just him and me know we're doing it
>"You made me come here just to kill me didn't you? (you always have the option to kill him at any time)
>"Look, if I wanted to kill you I would've done it already"
>"My men have missiles ready for launch" or something
>"Yeah whatever, can you give me that intel that can help me raid Alpha Protocols base?"
>"Here you go. Thank you for sparing my life. This will most likely be the last time we meet"
>both walk away

Man, I remember there was a mission were I had to pick between saving a girl or saving some people from a bomb or something.
I picked the girl and wasn't able to live the consequences

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I deliberately let him go to get intel from him later, conversation went more friendly than that.
I fucked her before the mission then [spolier]Watched her get shot in the back after I stopped the bombs[/spolier]

He didn't like the mountains

How many gay cheetahs gave their lives for this jacket?

Yeah, it was interesting. I wish I could find a youtube video of it. It is there, but you have to really dig for it, unless the author took it down.

One too many


Did you know that a soccer ball thrown at more than 400 kph can decapitate people?

I was the other user.

>Deus Vult
Is Marburg, dare I say it, based and redpilled?

Yes. He was actually a very based rival desu. I got him to I think 10 or at the least, the trusted rank

Makes me wonder how the scene would go if you hated each other. I dropped that thot for CIA chad because she was cramping my style.

How would you like your gelato?

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thats the one thanks

Not hungry, thanks.
Planning on doing some sightseeing? I hear the Adirondacks are lovely this time of year.

I like that this guy is voiced by fucking Darkwing Duck

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You no buy gelato why you in shop?

I... was just here to browse.
About those Adirondacks...

I forget how that scene even went. 8 years dulls the memory. I just remember not really being sure if that was the guy I was supposed to meet and somehow getting my intel with benign conversation.

I didn't even realize how much of a bitch the second-to-last boss fight was until I replayed as an assault-rifle loving commando type.

You can actually Piss off Marburg into staying at the Museum, allowing you to kill him in Rome. I believe you have to have him at a really low reputation for it though.
NP user, it's fun to see other avenues of the game without suffering the game's combat. Finding good videos is actually difficult though.
He really fit Marburg's character. Nice to see that Winne the Pooh makes for a really good corporate spy when he needs to.

He goes on about how he doesn't like mountains.
Then you can either bullshit him some other way or you can kill him.

Yeah, pistols is the boss picker.
>replay fight with Brayko
>one shot him by stopping time and mag dumping him in the skull

I have ascended.

lmao, I did the same thing to Westridge when I went to fight him. I shot at him with the assault rifle, remembered it was shit, pulled out the pistol, and just chain-shot six critical shots into his skull.

Pistols are the harbinger of our perfection

Michael Daaaaarling

I remember there was this one dude that is supposed to ambush you and if you completed the current country by ghosting it he just meets you on the street and instantly gets +1 like because he says he has eyes and ears everywhere and you somehow slipped under their radar.

Steven Heck: The Man, The Myth, The Legend

That would the 1st Marburg encounter in rome.

Also there is one mission you unlock if you act chummy with that Halberch dude and he gives you an option of picking between 2 different intels. If you ghost that mission too he never pulls that shit and you can just nab both of the intels.

The option where you get to jew G22 was hilarious. I like based Albatross, but bugging his server was great.

> Start game
> do russian mission
> get to end of russian mission and discover invincible drugged up teenage mafia boss
> find out on the internet there's an NPC in the china mission who supplies the russian boss his drugs, you can persuade him to doctor the drugs to make the russian boss less invincible
> go back and start china mission instaed of russia, meet NPC, get him on-side
> get to end of china mission, meet end of level boss - teleporting invisible ninja
> delete game.

>Not using chain-shot to oneshot the bosses
You're not playing it right user. Reroll for a pistol build next time and you'll win every time.

Took me 3 playtroughs to know about that

Based Marburg handling the morning after pill duty.

Also, finding out she was Parker's daughter, telling him Marburg killed her and watching him drop his pragmatic ideals and shoot Marburg in the back at the end was kino.

I wanted a situation when you tell both what happened and both try to kill each other

It was pretty kino man, but then based Marburg makes a comeback and stabs Parker in the neck with a pen.
Well, they still end up killing each other anyways, just not exactly like that.

Actually Parker doesn't kill Marburg, he only wounds him.

Time to replay Alpha Protocol
Last time I actually followed guides to get the ending I want. Since it's been so long that I don't even remember what the choices and consequences are any more, I will actually make decisions based on what I want to do. This oughta be interesting

god I love penetrating Mina's tight little asian cunt

It's actually kinda simple man. Here's a guide that has a recommended mission order without spoilers:

Also, just manipulate everyone you meet by telling them what they want to hear.
It is pretty hot, but her face is so strong with Chinese features


Downloading thot begine.webm off the archive. ETA 2 mins.

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Damnit, I kind of want to replay to do a murderhobo playthrough.



Just pick all the top options during conversation and you're solid. Unless the bottom option lets you banish thots.

Don't let the thot stray you from the path of chadhood.

>Not fucking the thots then banishing them

Fucking them leaves less time to banish thots.

There's only five thots to banish and you can fuck four of them. It's not hard man and you have plenty of time to do it. The game even rewards you for fucking all four.

>that Scarlett kill

Ice fucking cold, Thorton.

So there is a third alternative...

You can have your cake and eat it too.

Is there any mods worth playing it with? Does Alpha Protocol even have mods?

Exactly my man.
lolnope. This game is obscure enough that there's next to no mods for it. I do recommend the ini file edits to remove mouse acceleration and improve graphics.


Can you join Halbech, pretend to kill Mina then double cross them? Or do you always have to kill Mina?


>kill a CIA agent
>2 orphans created
>kill a Muslim terrorist
>12 orphans created

If you choose to join Halbech, you are told to kill Mina, but you can choose to let her go, then later you can choose to betray Leland and either kill him or punch him.

Did E3 dicks type this out?

Holy shit, these are like all the bad options to take.

Got this game recently and it was surprisingly good although it felt short. The only thing dampening it was the animations and graphics.

You can tell Obsidian had a small budget to work with and chose to focus on the narrative aspect. It's a shame though. With the right amount of polish it could've been something really special. Would've liked to see a sequel where Obsidian improved upon the first, but that's unlikely given Microsoft has bought them out.

SIE was such a fucking unapologetic trope character and I loved it. The fact that you basically have to get her to rape you without the player initiating is a little disappointing but still genuinely hot.

Thats the aggressive top chad option.

>This is the only game to actually get voiced protagonist choices right
Aren't you forgetting someone?

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Yeah. You only get to meet her if you choose moscow as your first mission. I made sure to hook up with her on the second playthrough.

I recall reading something about the game initially being planned as a traditional RPG but that Obsidian was forced to make it more action focused. Imagine if it had been planned from the beginning as a proper stealth shooter with the social system and branching story on top. Surely someone must recognize that it's failings owed to being a strange blend of shooter and cRPG and being loaded with bugs and that the branching story and dialogue it is known for is worth attempting again.

Yeah, it is a hidden gem if there ever was one.

Reminds me of the days when my dad would come back home with budget games randomly. Good times.

Honestly, this stealth/RPG hybrid deserves a second chance. Alpha protocol overall deserves a second chance.

>Final mission
>Get rescued by G22
>Convince scientist dude to turn on Marburg due to his daughter
>Bit of an idiot so don't hit either of the optional areas for Mina/Scarlet
>Reach the end and it's just Mike on his own chilling on the boat talking to himself
I honestly could hardly believe that that was the ending, after a good laugh I looked it up and realize what I did wrong. Loaded up an earlier save and bailed out both girls after having a chat with Bromen Deng. Felt more climactic that way.

What I hate about this game so far is that all the enemies spin around when I sneak up near them.

The game explicitly discloses that there is a stealth rating. Stop trying to sneak in combat armor.

>Tell deng about scarlet
>Still go with her
Sorry man

Alright lads AP had a lot of big choices I'm curios, for your first playthrough what did you do?
>Middle East: Spare/Kill Al-Samad?
>Taipei: Save the president/stop the riots?
>Rome: Save Madison/disarm the bombs?
>Moscow: G22 or SIE? Turn up the radio on the traitor/Arrest him?
>Orphans created: None/a few/a lot?

>spiritual sequel never ever

>Kill, spared in every other playthrough since, though
>a lot, I think the only missions without deaths besides the ones where you can't kill anyone were the gelato one and bugging the CIA listening post

stop riots
disarm bomb
spare brayko
orphans created: I used martial arts and stealth, so not many. Infact I gave the guard's children interesting stores.

Asceticism through pragmatism.

sometimes being aggressive just works

>This is the only game to actually get voiced protagonist choices right

Also both of the thots died for me on the Moscow mission because they die from torture if you get to her too late.

Few. Medical bills? Through the roof

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shotgun curbstomp is best playthough. pistols more effective but not as fun.

I will never not be mad

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big titty goth girl

I lost my screenshot of her smiling entitled 'WHERES THE ROMANCE OBSIDIAN.jpg.'

One of the writers found the age difference her and Mike too creepy even thought she's stated to be in her 20's.

you've got to keep in mind they're an american company and the age of consent is like 45 there


dropped because movement and shooting was stiff as fuck

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Honestly, this stealth/RPG hybrid deserves a second chance. Alpha protocol overall deserves a second chance.